local __BUNDLER_FILES = {} -- keypadOS_rom -- FILE: src/boot.lua -- keycardOS "bootloader", has no access to basalt -- intended for checking for updates, and automatically updating basalt if it is missing LAST_USED = os.time() local function checkForUpdate() current_time = os.time() difference = math.abs(current_time - LAST_USED) print("Checking for update... difference: " .. tostring(difference)) --its been considerable time since the keypad was interacted with --therefore it's time to force an update down the users throat (microsoft moment) -- if difference > 4 then if difference > .5 then --logic for updating end end function updateChecker() while true do checkForUpdate() sleep(1) end end local function getBasalt() if fs.exists("basalt.lua") then mPrint("Basalt found!") else mPrint("Download basalt...") basalt_code = http.get("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Pyroxenium/Basalt/master/docs/versions/latest.lua").readAll() mPrint("Install basalt...") local file = fs.open("basalt.lua", "w") file.write(basalt_code) file.close() mPrint("Rebooting...") os.reboot() end end KEYPADOS_VERSION = "3.0" MONITOR = peripheral.find("monitor") local function boot() mon_reset(0.5); mPrint("keypadOS v" .. KEYPADOS_VERSION) mon_reset(1); end boot() local files = {} local globalRequire = require -- Store default require reference local require = function(path) -- Will return saved file or attempt default lua require return files[path] or globalRequire(path) end files["boot.lua"] = function(...) local function boot() mon_reset(0.5); mPrint("keypadOS v" .. KEYPADOS_VERSION) mon_reset(1); end return { boot } end -- FILE: src/init.lua local basalt = require("basalt") local monitor = peripheral.find("monitor") local drive = peripheral.find("drive") local main = basalt.addMonitor() main:setMonitor(monitor) btnX = 1 btnY = 3 pin = "" -- FILE: src/config.lua correctPin = "42169" -- FILE: src/unlock_door.lua function unlockDoor() if drive.isDiskPresent() then if drive.getDiskLabel() == correctPin then pin = correctPin drive:ejectDisk() end end basalt.debug("test") if pin == correctPin then enterButton:setBackground(colors.green) pinLabel:setText("Welcome") redstone.setOutput("front", true) if drive.isDiskPresent() then if drive.getDiskLabel() == nil then drive.setDiskLabel(correctPin) pinLabel:setText("Crd set") drive:ejectDisk() end end else pinLabel:setText("Wrong") enterButton:setBackground(colors.red) end local thread = main:addThread() :start(resetEverything) end function resetEverything() sleep(2) pin = "" pinLabel:setText("") redstone.setOutput("front", false) enterButton:setBackground(colors.blue) end function addToPin(i) if #pin >= 5 then return end pin = pin .. tostring(i) pinLabel:setText(pin) end -- FILE: src/utils.lua MONITOR_Y = 1 function mPrint(text) MONITOR.setCursorPos(1,y) MONITOR.write(text) MONITOR_Y = MONITOR_Y + 1 end function mon_reset(scale) MONITOR.clear() MONITOR.setTextScale(scale) end -- FILE: src/main.lua pinLabel = main:addLabel() :setText("") :setFontSize(1) enterButton = main:addButton() :setText(">>>>") :setBackground(colors.blue) :setPosition(6,3) :setSize(1.5,3.2) :onClick(unlockDoor) for i = 1, 9 do local button = main:addButton() :setPosition(btnX,btnY) :setText(tostring(i)) :setSize(2,1) :onClick( function() addToPin(i) end) btnX = btnX + 2 if btnX >= 6 then btnY = btnY + 1 btnX = 1 end end parallel.waitForAll(basalt.autoUpdate, updateChecker)