#!/usr/bin/python import hashlib OUTPUT="keypadOS.lua"; FILES= [ "updater.lua", "config.lua", "ui.lua", "utils.lua", "main.lua", ] MINIMISE=True def read_file(p: str) -> str: buf = ""; with open("src/"+p, "r", encoding="utf-8") as f: buf += f"rawset(__BUNDLER_FILES, \"{p}\", function ()\n"; for line in f.readlines(): buf += " " + line; buf += "\nend)"; if not MINIMISE: buf += f"-- FILE END: {p} --\n"; else: buf += "\n"; return buf; def minimise(buf: str) -> str: newbuf = ""; for line in buf.splitlines(): if line.strip().startswith("--"): continue; if line.strip() == "": continue newbuf += line + "\n"; return newbuf; def get_hash(buf: str) -> str: hasher = hashlib.sha1(); hasher.update(bytes(buf, "utf-8")); return hasher.hexdigest(); REQ_HEADER = """ local __BUNDLER_FILES = {} local __DEFAULT_IMPORT = require local require = function(path) if __BUNDLER_FILES[path] then return __BUNDLER_FILES[path]() elseif __BUNDLER_FILES[path .. ".lua"] return __DEFAULT_IMPORT(path .. ".lua") end end local __UPDATE_HASH = __BUNDLER_REPLACE_HASH__ """ def main(): buf = "" buf += REQ_HEADER; for file in FILES: print(f"=== FILE: {file}"); buf += read_file(file); buf += "return require(\"main.lua\")"; if MINIMISE: buf = minimise(buf); update_hash = get_hash(buf); buf = buf.replace("__BUNDLER_REPLACE_HASH__", f"\"{update_hash}\""); print(f"=== UPDATE HASH: {update_hash}") with open(OUTPUT, "w", encoding="utf-8") as f: f.write(buf); print("DONE"); if __name__ == "__main__": main();