local __BUNDLER_FILES = {} local __DEFAULT_IMPORT = require local require = function(path) if __BUNDLER_FILES[path] then return __BUNDLER_FILES[path]() else return __DEFAULT_IMPORT(path) end end rawset(__BUNDLER_FILES, "updater.lua", function () local utils = require("utils.lua") local config = require("config.lua") local LAST_USED = os.time() local mod = {} local function checkForUpdate() local current_time = os.time() local difference = math.abs(current_time - LAST_USED) if difference > .5 then print("INFO: Updating! (diff: " .. tostring(difference) .. ")") local update_code_request = http.get(config.release_url) if update_code_request then local update_code_text = update_code_request.readAll() if update_code_text then if string.find(update_code_text, "^local __BUNDLER_FILES = {}") then fs.copy("startup.lua","backup.lua") local file = fs.open("startup.lua", "w") file.write(update_code_text) file.close() os.reboot() end print("Bad file download (core)") end print("Bad mem read (core)") end print("Bad download (core)") end end function mod.UpdateChecker() while true do checkForUpdate() sleep(1) end end function mod.GetBasalt() if fs.exists("basalt.lua") then utils.MonPrint("Basalt found!") else utils.MonPrint("Downloading basalt...") local basalt_code = http.get(config.release_url).readAll() utils.MonPrint("Installing basalt...") local file = fs.open("basalt.lua", "w") if not file then utils.MonPrint("failed to get basalt") sleep(60) os.reboot() end file.write(utils.Cast(basalt_code)) file.close() utils.MonPrint("Rebooting...") os.reboot() end end return mod end) rawset(__BUNDLER_FILES, "config.lua", function () local config = { correctPin = "42169", release_url = "https://git.mcorangehq.xyz/xomf/keypadOS/raw/branch/main/keypadOS.lua", basalt_url = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Pyroxenium/Basalt/master/docs/versions/latest.lua", config_path = "keypadOS.config.lua" } local DEFAULT_CONFIG = "return {\n" .. " group=\"default\",\n" .. "}\n" function config.ReadConfig() if not fs.exists(config.config_path) then local f = fs.open(config.config_path, "w") f.write(DEFAULT_CONFIG) f.close(); end local cfg = require(config.config_path) return cfg end return config end) rawset(__BUNDLER_FILES, "ui.lua", function () local utils = require("utils.lua") local basalt = require("basalt") local config = require("config.lua") local updater = require("updater.lua") local monitor = utils.Cast(peripheral.find("monitor")) local drive = utils.Cast(peripheral.find("drive")) local mod = {} local function resetEverything(ui) sleep(2) ui.pin = "" ui.pinLabel:setText("") redstone.setOutput("front", false) ui.enterButton:setBackground(colors.blue) end local function unlockDoor(ui) if drive.isDiskPresent() then if drive.getDiskLabel() == config.correctPin then ui.pin = config.correctPin drive:ejectDisk() end end basalt.debug("test") if ui.pin == config.correctPin then ui.enterButton:setBackground(colors.green) ui.pinLabel:setText("Welcome") redstone.setOutput("front", true) if drive.isDiskPresent() then if drive.getDiskLabel() == nil then drive.setDiskLabel(config.correctPin) ui.pinLabel:setText("Crd set") drive:ejectDisk() end end else ui.pinLabel:setText("Wrong") ui.enterButton:setBackground(colors.red) end ui.main:addThread():start(function() resetEverything(ui) end) end local function addToPin(ui, i) if #ui.pin >= 5 then return end ui.pin = ui.pin .. tostring(i) ui.pinLabel:setText(ui.pin) end function mod.InitUi() local ui = { pin = "", main = basalt.addMonitor(), } ui.main:setMonitor(monitor) ui.pinLabel = ui.main:addLabel() :setText("") :setFontSize(1) ui.enterButton = ui.main:addButton() :setText(">>>>") :setBackground(colors.blue) :setPosition(6,3) :setSize(1.5,3.2) :onClick(function() unlockDoor(ui) end) local btnX = 1 local btnY = 3 for i = 1, 9 do ui.main:addButton() :setPosition(btnX, btnY) :setText(tostring(i)) :setSize(2,1) :onClick(function() addToPin(ui, i) end) btnX = btnX + 2 if btnX >= 6 then btnY = btnY + 1 btnX = 1 end end local status, err = pcall(function () parallel.waitForAll(basalt.autoUpdate, updater.UpdateChecker) end) if not status and err ~= "Terminated" then print("Error detected: " .. err) monitor.clear() fs.delete("basalt.lua") fs.delete("startup.lua") fs.copy("backup.lua", "startup.lua") os.exit() end end return mod end) rawset(__BUNDLER_FILES, "utils.lua", function () local utils = {} function utils.Cast(object) return object end local MONITOR = utils.Cast(peripheral.find("monitor")) local MONITOR_Y = 1 function utils.MonPrint(text) MONITOR.setCursorPos(1,MONITOR_Y) MONITOR.write(text) MONITOR_Y = MONITOR_Y + 1 end function utils.MonReset(scale) MONITOR.clear() MONITOR.setTextScale(scale) end return utils; end) rawset(__BUNDLER_FILES, "main.lua", function () local utils = require("utils.lua") local updater = require("updater.lua") local main = {} KEYPADOS_VERSION = "3.0" function main.Main() utils.MonPrint(0.5) updater.GetBasalt() utils.MonPrint("keypadOS v" .. KEYPADOS_VERSION) utils.MonPrint(1) require("ui.lua").InitUi() end return main end) require("main.lua").Main()