MCorange 2d7f302d42 Added function features
Added features:
 - Exported functions (very experimental and disabled by default with
   hardcoded toggle)
 - Inline functions
2023-04-13 04:57:28 +03:00

617 lines
26 KiB

use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::ops::Deref;
use std::path::{PathBuf, Path};
use color_eyre::Result;
use eyre::eyre;
use crate::constants::{Loc, OpType, TokenType, KeywordType, InstructionType, Operator};
use crate::lexer::lex;
use crate::precompiler::precompile;
use crate::{lerror, Args, warn, linfo, parser};
use crate::parser::lookup_word;
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct Function {
pub loc: Loc,
pub name: String,
pub inline: bool,
pub tokens: Option<Vec<Operator>>
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct Constant {
pub loc: Loc,
pub name: String
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct Memory {
pub loc: Loc,
pub id: usize
type Functions = HashMap<String, Function>;
type Memories = HashMap<String, Memory>;
type Constants = HashMap<String, Constant>;
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct Preprocessor<'a> {
pub program: Vec<Operator>,
pub functions: Functions,
pub memories: Memories,
pub constants: Constants,
args: &'a Args
impl<'a> Preprocessor<'a> {
pub fn new(prog: Vec<Operator>, args: &'a Args) -> Self {
Self {
program: prog,
functions: HashMap::new(),
memories: HashMap::new(),
constants: HashMap::new(),
pub fn preprocess(&mut self) -> Result<&mut Preprocessor<'a>>{
// println!("pre: has do tokens: {:?}", self.program.iter().map(|t| if t.typ == OpType::Keyword(KeywordType::Do) {Some(t)} else {None} ).collect::<Vec<Option<&Operator>>>());
let mut f_inline = false;
let mut f_extern = false;
let mut program: Vec<Operator> = Vec::new();
let mut rtokens = self.program.clone();
while !rtokens.is_empty() {
let mut op = rtokens.pop().unwrap();
// println!("{token:?}");
let op_type = op.typ.clone();
match op_type {
OpType::Keyword(KeywordType::Include) => {
if rtokens.is_empty() {
lerror!(&op.loc, "Include path not found, expected {} but found nothing", TokenType::String.human());
return Err(eyre!(""));
let include_path = rtokens.pop().unwrap();
if include_path.tok_typ != TokenType::String {
lerror!(&include_path.loc, "Bad include path, expected {} but found {}", TokenType::String.human(), include_path.typ.human());
return Err(eyre!(""));
let mut in_paths = self.args.include.clone();
in_paths.append(&mut crate::DEFAULT_INCLUDES.to_vec().clone().iter().map(|f| (*f).to_string()).collect::<Vec<String>>());
let mut include_code = String::new();
let mut pth = PathBuf::new();
if include_path.text.chars().collect::<Vec<char>>()[0] == '.' {
let p = Path::new(include_path.loc.0.as_str());
let p = p.parent().unwrap();
let p = p.join(&include_path.text);
pth = p.clone();
include_code = std::fs::read_to_string(p)?;
} else {
for path in in_paths {
let p = PathBuf::from(path);
let p = p.join(&include_path.text);
pth = p.clone();
if p.exists() {
include_code = std::fs::read_to_string(p)?;
if include_code.is_empty() {
lerror!(&include_path.loc, "Include file in path '{}' was not found or is empty", include_path.text);
return Err(eyre!(""));
let a = pth.to_str().unwrap().to_string();
let code = lex(&include_code, a.as_str(), self.args);
let mut p = parser::Parser::new(code, self.args, Some(self.clone()));
let mut code = p.parse()?;
rtokens.append(&mut code);
OpType::Keyword(KeywordType::Memory) => {
if rtokens.is_empty() {
lerror!(&op.loc, "Memory name not found, expected {} but found nothing", TokenType::String.human());
return Err(eyre!(""));
let name = rtokens.pop().unwrap();
self.is_word_available(&name, KeywordType::Memory)?;
let mut code: Vec<Operator> = Vec::new();
let mut depth = 0;
while !rtokens.is_empty() {
let t = rtokens.pop().unwrap();
let typ = t.typ.clone();
if typ == OpType::Keyword(KeywordType::End) && depth == 0 {
} else if typ == OpType::Keyword(KeywordType::End) && depth != 0 {
depth -= 1;
} else if typ == OpType::Keyword(KeywordType::If) || typ == OpType::Keyword(KeywordType::Do) {
depth += 1;
} else {
let res = precompile(&code)?;
if res.len() != 1 {
lerror!(&op.loc, "Expected 1 number, got {:?}", res);
return Err(eyre!(""));
op.value = res[0];
op.addr = Some(self.memories.len());
self.memories.insert(name.text, Memory { loc: op.loc, id: self.memories.len() });
OpType::Keyword(KeywordType::Function) => {
if rtokens.is_empty() {
lerror!(&op.loc, "Function name not found, expected {} but found nothing", TokenType::Word.human());
return Err(eyre!(""));
let mut name = rtokens.pop().unwrap();
if let '0'..='9' = name.text.chars().next().unwrap() {
lerror!(&name.loc, "Function name starts with a number which is not allowed");
return Err(eyre!(""));
// let mut should_warn = false;
for c in name.text.clone().chars() {
match c {
'a'..='z' |
'A'..='Z' |
'0'..='9' |
'-' | '_' => (),
'(' | ')' => {
name.text = name.text.clone().replace('(', "__OP_PAREN__").replace(')', "__CL_PAREN__");
_ => {
lerror!(&name.loc, "Function name contains '{c}', which is unsupported");
return Err(eyre!(""));
// if should_warn {
//TODO: add -W option in cli args to enable more warnings
//lwarn!(&function_name.loc, "Function name contains '(' or ')', this character is not supported but will be replaced with '__OP_PAREN__' or '__CL_PAREN__' respectively ");
// }
self.is_word_available(&name, KeywordType::Function)?;
if f_inline {
f_inline = false;
let mut prog: Vec<Operator> = Vec::new();
let mut depth = -1;
while !rtokens.is_empty() {
let op = rtokens.pop().unwrap();
match op.typ.clone() {
OpType::Instruction(i) => {
match i {
InstructionType::TypeAny |
InstructionType::TypeBool |
InstructionType::TypeInt |
InstructionType::TypePtr |
InstructionType::With |
InstructionType::Returns |
InstructionType::TypeVoid => {
if depth >= 0 {
_ => prog.push(op)
OpType::Keyword(k) => {
match k {
KeywordType::Inline |
KeywordType::Include => {
todo!("make error")
KeywordType::FunctionThen => {
if depth >= 0 {
depth += 1;
KeywordType::FunctionDone => {
if depth == 0 {
depth -= 1;
_ => prog.push(op)
let mut pre = self.clone();
pre.program = prog;
prog = pre.get_ops();
self.functions.insert(name.text.clone(), Function{
loc: name.loc.clone(),
name: name.text.clone(),
inline: true,
tokens: Some(prog)
} else if f_extern {
f_extern = false;
self.functions.insert(name.text.clone(), Function{
loc: name.loc.clone(),
name: name.text.clone(),
inline: false,
tokens: None
let mut a: Vec<Operator> = Vec::new();
let mut fn_def = op.clone();
let mut ret = false;
while !rtokens.is_empty() {
let op = rtokens.pop().unwrap();
// println!("{:?}",op);
if op.typ == OpType::Instruction(InstructionType::Returns) {
ret = true;
if op.typ == OpType::Keyword(KeywordType::FunctionThen) {
if op.typ == OpType::Instruction(InstructionType::TypeBool) ||
op.typ == OpType::Instruction(InstructionType::TypeInt) ||
op.typ == OpType::Instruction(InstructionType::TypePtr) {
if ret {
fn_def.types.1 += 1;
} else {
fn_def.types.0 += 1;
fn_def.typ = OpType::Keyword(KeywordType::FunctionDefExported);
fn_def.text = name.text;
// fn_def.set_types(args, rets);
// println!("{:?}", fn_def.types);
program.append(&mut a);
} else {
self.functions.insert(name.text.clone(), Function{
loc: name.loc.clone(),
name: name.text.clone(),
inline: false,
tokens: None
let mut fn_def = op.clone();
fn_def.typ = OpType::Keyword(KeywordType::FunctionDef);
fn_def.text = name.text;
// println!("{:?}", token);
OpType::Keyword(KeywordType::Constant) => {
if rtokens.is_empty() {
lerror!(&op.loc, "Constant name not found, expected {} but found nothing", TokenType::Word.human());
return Err(eyre!(""));
// println!("{token:?}");
let mut name = rtokens.pop().unwrap();
// let mut should_warn = false;
if let '0'..='9' = name.text.chars().next().unwrap() {
lerror!(&name.loc, "Constant name starts with a number which is not allowed");
return Err(eyre!(""));
for c in name.text.clone().chars() {
match c {
'a'..='z' |
'A'..='Z' |
'0'..='9' |
'-' | '_' => (),
'(' | ')' => {
// should_warn = true;
name.text = name.text.clone().replace('(', "__OP_PAREN__").replace(')', "__CL_PAREN__");
_ => {
lerror!(&name.loc, "Constant name contains '{c}', which is unsupported");
return Err(eyre!(""));
// if should_warn {
//TODO: add -W option in cli args to enable more warnings
//lwarn!(&name.loc, "Constant name contains '(' or ')', this character is not supported but will be replaced with '__OP_PAREN__' or '__CL_PAREN__' respectively ");
// }
self.is_word_available(&name, KeywordType::Constant)?;
self.constants.insert(name.text.clone(), Constant{
loc: name.loc.clone(),
name: name.text.clone(),
// println!("{:?}", self.constants);
let mut const_def = op.clone();
const_def.typ = OpType::Keyword(KeywordType::ConstantDef);
const_def.text = name.text;
let item = rtokens.pop().unwrap();
if item.tok_typ == TokenType::Int {
const_def.value = item.value;
} else {
lerror!(&op.loc, "For now only {:?} is allowed in constants", TokenType::Int);
return Err(eyre!(""));
let posibly_end = rtokens.pop();
// println!("end: {posibly_end:?}");
if posibly_end.is_none() || posibly_end.unwrap().typ != OpType::Keyword(KeywordType::End) {
lerror!(&op.loc, "Constant was not closed with an 'end' instruction, expected 'end' but found nothing");
return Err(eyre!(""));
// token.value =
OpType::Keyword(KeywordType::Inline) => {
if f_extern {
lerror!(&op.loc, "Function is already marked as extern, function cannot be inline and extern at the same time");
return Err(eyre!(""));
} else if f_inline {
lerror!(&op.loc, "Function is already marked as inline, remove this inline Keyword");
return Err(eyre!(""));
} else {
f_inline = true;
OpType::Keyword(KeywordType::Export) => {
if f_inline {
lerror!(&op.loc, "Function is already marked as inline, function cannot be inline and extern at the same time");
return Err(eyre!(""));
} else if f_extern {
lerror!(&op.loc, "Function is already marked as extern, remove this extern Keyword");
return Err(eyre!(""));
} else {
f_extern = true;
_ => {
self.program = program;
// println!("has do tokens: {:?}", self.program.iter().map(|t| if t.typ == OpType::Keyword(KeywordType::Do) {Some(t)} else {None} ).collect::<Vec<Option<&Operator>>>());
//* Feel free to fix this horrifying shit
//* i wanna kms
let mut times = 0;
// dbg!(program.clone());
while self.program.iter().map(|f| {
if f.tok_typ == TokenType::Word &&
f.typ != OpType::Instruction(InstructionType::FnCall) &&
f.typ != OpType::Instruction(InstructionType::MemUse) &&
f.typ != OpType::Keyword(KeywordType::FunctionDef) &&
f.typ != OpType::Keyword(KeywordType::FunctionDefExported) &&
f.typ != OpType::Keyword(KeywordType::ConstantDef) &&
f.typ != OpType::Instruction(InstructionType::ConstUse) {
lookup_word(&f.text, &f.loc)
} else {
OpType::Instruction(InstructionType::PushInt) // i hate myself, this is a randomly picked optype so its happy and works
if times >= 50 {
warn!("File import depth maxed out, if the program crashes try reducing the import depth, good luck youll need it");
times += 1;
pub fn expand(&mut self) -> Result<()> {
let mut program: Vec<Operator> = Vec::new();
// println!("{:?}", self.functions);
let mut rtokens = self.program.clone();
while !rtokens.is_empty() {
let op = rtokens.pop().unwrap();
let op_type = op.typ.clone();
if op.tok_typ == TokenType::Word {
match op_type {
OpType::Instruction(InstructionType::None) => {
let m = self.functions.get(&op.text.clone().replace('(', "__OP_PAREN__").replace(')', "__CL_PAREN__"));
let mem = self.memories.get(&op.text);
let cons = self.constants.get(&op.text.clone().replace('(', "__OP_PAREN__").replace(')', "__CL_PAREN__"));
if let Some(m) = m {
if m.inline {
program.append(&mut m.tokens.clone().unwrap());
} else {
let mut t = op.clone();
t.typ = OpType::Instruction(InstructionType::FnCall);
t.text =;
// println!("##### {:?}", t);
} else if let Some(mem) = mem {
let mut t = op.clone();
t.addr = Some(mem.deref().id);
t.typ = OpType::Instruction(InstructionType::MemUse);
} else if let Some(cons) = cons {
let mut t = op.clone();
t.text = cons.deref().name.clone();
t.typ = OpType::Instruction(InstructionType::ConstUse);
} else {
lerror!(&op.loc, "Preprocess: Unknown word '{}'", op.text.clone());
return Err(eyre!(""));
_ => {
} else {
// if op.typ == OpType::Keyword(KeywordType::Do) {
// println!("expand: {:?}", op);
// program.push(op.clone());
// }
// println!("expand: has do tokens: {:?}", program.iter().map(|t| if t.typ == OpType::Keyword(KeywordType::Do) {Some(t)} else {None} ).collect::<Vec<Option<&Operator>>>());
self.program = program;
// println!("{:#?}", self.program);
// println!("{:?}", self.program.last().unwrap());
pub fn get_ops(&mut self) -> Vec<Operator> {
pub fn is_word_available(&self, word: &Operator, typ: KeywordType) -> Result<bool> {
match typ {
KeywordType::Memory |
KeywordType::Constant |
KeywordType::Function => (),
_ => panic!()
if word.tok_typ != TokenType::Word {
lerror!(&word.loc, "Bad {typ:?}, expected {} but found {}", TokenType::Word.human(), word.typ.human());
if crate::DEV_MODE {println!("{word:?}")}
return Err(eyre!(""));
let w = lookup_word(&word.text, &word.loc);
if w != OpType::Instruction(InstructionType::None) {
lerror!(&word.loc, "Bad {typ:?}, {typ:?} definition cannot be builtin word, got {:?}", word.text);
if crate::DEV_MODE {println!("{word:?}")}
return Err(eyre!(""));
let m = self.memories.get(&word.text);
if let Some(m) = m {
if typ == KeywordType::Memory {
lerror!(&word.loc, "Memories cannot be redefined, got {}", word.text);
linfo!(&m.loc, "first definition here");
if crate::DEV_MODE {println!("{word:?}")}
return Err(eyre!(""));
lerror!(&word.loc, "{typ:?} cannot replace memory, got {}", word.text);
linfo!(&m.loc, "first definition here");
if crate::DEV_MODE {println!("{word:?}")}
return Err(eyre!(""));
let f = self.functions.get(&word.text);
if let Some(f) = f {
if typ == KeywordType::Function {
lerror!(&word.loc, "Functions cannot be redefined, got {}", word.text);
linfo!(&f.loc, "first definition here");
if crate::DEV_MODE {println!("{word:?}")}
return Err(eyre!(""));
lerror!(&word.loc, "{typ:?} cannot replace function, got {}", word.text);
linfo!(&f.loc, "first definition here");
if crate::DEV_MODE {println!("{word:?}")}
return Err(eyre!(""));
let c = self.constants.get(&word.text);
if let Some(c) = c {
if typ == KeywordType::Constant {
lerror!(&word.loc, "Constants cannot be redefined, got {}", word.text);
linfo!(&c.loc, "first definition here");
if crate::DEV_MODE {println!("{word:?}")}
return Err(eyre!(""));
lerror!(&word.loc, "{typ:?} cannot replace constant, got {}", word.text);
linfo!(&c.loc, "first definition here");
if crate::DEV_MODE {println!("{word:?}")}
return Err(eyre!(""));
pub fn set_functions(&mut self, f: Functions) {
self.functions = f;
pub fn set_constants(&mut self, f: Constants) {
self.constants = f;
pub fn set_memories(&mut self, f: Memories) {
self.memories = f;
pub fn get_functions(&mut self) -> Functions {
pub fn get_constants(&mut self) -> Constants {
pub fn get_memories(&mut self) -> Memories{