# mclang rev2 This is the second revision of [MCLang](https://github.com/mc-lang/mclang) now written in rust! ## Goals ✅ - relatevely usable by normal programmers ✅ - speed comparable to unoptimised C (sometimes) ✅ - static typing ❌ - self hosted (maybe better if not? Since rust is fast asf) ❌ - multiplatform (~~windows~~, linux and mac) ✅ - interop with other languages ❌ - package manager ❌ - installer ## Documentation The docs are currently are just made in MarkDown. You can find the docs [here](/docs/index.md) ## Cheatsheet Usefull things that i search for a lot in the sourcecode so i added them here add them in reverse order in mclang Syscall arg order: \[rax ,rdi ,rsi ,rdx ,r10 ,r8 ,r9\] ## Credits [MCotange](https://github.com/MCorange99) - The one and only me, the creator and current maintainer or mclang rev1 and rev2