--[[ Generated with https://github.com/TypeScriptToLua/TypeScriptToLua ]] local ____modules = {} local ____moduleCache = {} local ____originalRequire = require local function require(file, ...) if ____moduleCache[file] then return ____moduleCache[file].value end if ____modules[file] then local module = ____modules[file] local value = nil if (select("#", ...) > 0) then value = module(...) else value = module(file) end ____moduleCache[file] = { value = value } return value else if ____originalRequire then return ____originalRequire(file) else error("module '" .. file .. "' not found") end end end ____modules = { ["lualib_bundle"] = function(...) local function __TS__Class(self) local c = {prototype = {}} c.prototype.__index = c.prototype c.prototype.constructor = c return c end return { __TS__Class = __TS__Class } end, ["src.computercraft"] = function(...) local ____lualib = require("lualib_bundle") local __TS__Class = ____lualib.__TS__Class local ____exports = {} --- -- @noSelf * ____exports.Peripheral = __TS__Class() local Peripheral = ____exports.Peripheral Peripheral.name = "Peripheral" function Peripheral.prototype.____constructor(self) end function Peripheral.find(ty, filter) return peripheral.find(ty, filter) end function Peripheral.findOne(ty, filter) local p, _a, _b, _c = table.unpack(____exports.Peripheral.find(ty, filter)) return p end return ____exports end, ["src.index"] = function(...) --[[ Generated with https://github.com/TypeScriptToLua/TypeScriptToLua ]] local ____exports = {} local ____basalt = require("src.basalt") local basalt = ____basalt.default local ____computercraft = require("src.computercraft") local Peripheral = ____computercraft.Peripheral local function main(self) local d = Peripheral.findOne("monitor") local main = basalt.addMonitor() main:setMonitor(d) main:addLabel():setText("uwu") main:addButton():setText("meow") basalt:autoUpdate() end main(nil) return ____exports end, ["src.basalt"] = function(...) local basalt = ____originalRequire("basalt"); return { default = basalt; } end, } return require("src.index", ...)