Dane Everitt cc52954a2a
Refactor environment handling logic to separate a server from the environment handler itself
This change makes the environment handling logic execute independent of the server itself and should make it much easier for people to contribute changes and additional environment handlers down the road without polluting the server object even more.

There is still a lot of work to do on this front to make things easier to work with, and there are some questionable design decisions at play I'm sure.

Welcome to additional modifications and cleanup to make this code easier to reason about and work with.
2020-08-10 21:38:42 -07:00

101 lines
3.4 KiB

package server
import (
type PowerAction string
// The power actions that can be performed for a given server. This taps into the given server
// environment and performs them in a way that prevents a race condition from occurring. For
// example, sending two "start" actions back to back will not process the second action until
// the first action has been completed.
// This utilizes a workerpool with a limit of one worker so that all of the actions execute
// in a sync manner.
const (
PowerActionStart = "start"
PowerActionStop = "stop"
PowerActionRestart = "restart"
PowerActionTerminate = "kill"
// Checks if the power action being received is valid.
func (pa PowerAction) IsValid() bool {
return pa == PowerActionStart ||
pa == PowerActionStop ||
pa == PowerActionTerminate ||
pa == PowerActionRestart
func (pa PowerAction) IsStart() bool {
return pa == PowerActionStart || pa == PowerActionRestart
// Helper function that can receive a power action and then process the actions that need
// to occur for it. This guards against someone calling Start() twice at the same time, or
// trying to restart while another restart process is currently running.
// However, the code design for the daemon does depend on the user correctly calling this
// function rather than making direct calls to the start/stop/restart functions on the
// environment struct.
func (s *Server) HandlePowerAction(action PowerAction, waitSeconds error {
// Disallow start & restart if the server is suspended.
if action.IsStart() && s.IsSuspended() {
return new(suspendedError)
if s.powerLock == nil {
s.powerLock = semaphore.NewWeighted(1)
// Determines if we should wait for the lock or not. If a value greater than 0 is passed
// into this function we will wait that long for a lock to be acquired.
if len(waitSeconds) > 0 && waitSeconds[0] != 0 {
ctx, _ := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), time.Second*time.Duration(waitSeconds[0]))
// Attempt to acquire a lock on the power action lock for up to 30 seconds. If more
// time than that passes an error will be propagated back up the chain and this
// request will be aborted.
if err := s.powerLock.Acquire(ctx, 1); err != nil {
return errors.WithMessage(err, "could not acquire lock on power state")
} else {
// If no wait duration was provided we will attempt to immediately acquire the lock
// and bail out with a context deadline error if it is not acquired immediately.
if ok := s.powerLock.TryAcquire(1); !ok {
return errors.WithMessage(context.DeadlineExceeded, "could not acquire lock on power state")
// Release the lock once the process being requested has finished executing.
defer s.powerLock.Release(1)
if action.IsStart() {
s.Log().Info("syncing server configuration with panel")
if err := s.Sync(); err != nil {
return errors.WithStack(err)
if !s.Filesystem.HasSpaceAvailable() {
return errors.New("cannot start server, not enough disk space available")
switch action {
case PowerActionStart:
return s.Environment.Start()
case PowerActionStop:
return s.Environment.Stop()
case PowerActionRestart:
return s.Environment.Restart()
case PowerActionTerminate:
return s.Environment.Terminate(os.Kill)
return errors.New("attempting to handle unknown power action")