This wonderfully large commit replaces basically everything under the `server/filesystem` package, re-implementing essentially everything. This is related to If any vulnerabilities related to symlinks persist after this commit, I will be very upset. Signed-off-by: Matthew Penner <>
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package server
import (
// Notifies the panel of a backup's state and returns an error if one is encountered
// while performing this action.
func (s *Server) notifyPanelOfBackup(uuid string, ad *backup.ArchiveDetails, successful bool) error {
if err := s.client.SetBackupStatus(s.Context(), uuid, ad.ToRequest(successful)); err != nil {
if !remote.IsRequestError(err) {
"backup": uuid,
"error": err,
}).Error("failed to notify panel of backup status due to wings error")
return err
return errors.New(err.Error())
return nil
// Get all of the ignored files for a server based on its .pteroignore file in the root.
func (s *Server) getServerwideIgnoredFiles() (string, error) {
f, st, err := s.Filesystem().File(".pteroignore")
if err != nil {
if errors.Is(err, os.ErrNotExist) {
return "", nil
return "", err
defer f.Close()
if st.Mode()&os.ModeSymlink != 0 || st.Size() > 32*1024 {
// Don't read a symlinked ignore file, or a file larger than 32KiB in size.
return "", nil
b, err := io.ReadAll(f)
if err != nil {
return "", err
return string(b), nil
// Backup performs a server backup and then emits the event over the server
// websocket. We let the actual backup system handle notifying the panel of the
// status, but that won't emit a websocket event.
func (s *Server) Backup(b backup.BackupInterface) error {
ignored := b.Ignored()
if b.Ignored() == "" {
if i, err := s.getServerwideIgnoredFiles(); err != nil {
log.WithField("server", s.ID()).WithField("error", err).Warn("failed to get server-wide ignored files")
} else {
ignored = i
ad, err := b.Generate(s.Context(), s.Filesystem(), ignored)
if err != nil {
if err := s.notifyPanelOfBackup(b.Identifier(), &backup.ArchiveDetails{}, false); err != nil {
"backup": b.Identifier(),
"error": err,
}).Warn("failed to notify panel of failed backup state")
} else {
s.Log().WithField("backup", b.Identifier()).Info("notified panel of failed backup state")
s.Events().Publish(BackupCompletedEvent+":"+b.Identifier(), map[string]interface{}{
"uuid": b.Identifier(),
"is_successful": false,
"checksum": "",
"checksum_type": "sha1",
"file_size": 0,
return errors.WrapIf(err, "backup: error while generating server backup")
// Try to notify the panel about the status of this backup. If for some reason this request
// fails, delete the archive from the daemon and return that error up the chain to the caller.
if notifyError := s.notifyPanelOfBackup(b.Identifier(), ad, true); notifyError != nil {
_ = b.Remove()
s.Log().WithField("error", notifyError).Info("failed to notify panel of successful backup state")
return err
} else {
s.Log().WithField("backup", b.Identifier()).Info("notified panel of successful backup state")
// Emit an event over the socket so we can update the backup in realtime on
// the frontend for the server.
s.Events().Publish(BackupCompletedEvent+":"+b.Identifier(), map[string]interface{}{
"uuid": b.Identifier(),
"is_successful": true,
"checksum": ad.Checksum,
"checksum_type": "sha1",
"file_size": ad.Size,
return nil
// RestoreBackup calls the Restore function on the provided backup. Once this
// restoration is completed an event is emitted to the websocket to notify the
// Panel that is has been completed.
// In addition to the websocket event an API call is triggered to notify the
// Panel of the new state.
func (s *Server) RestoreBackup(b backup.BackupInterface, reader io.ReadCloser) (err error) {
// Local backups will not pass a reader through to this function, so check first
// to make sure it is a valid reader before trying to close it.
defer func() {
if reader != nil {
_ = reader.Close()
// Send an API call to the Panel as soon as this function is done running so that
// the Panel is informed of the restoration status of this backup.
defer func() {
if rerr := s.client.SendRestorationStatus(s.Context(), b.Identifier(), err == nil); rerr != nil {
s.Log().WithField("error", rerr).WithField("backup", b.Identifier()).Error("failed to notify Panel of backup restoration status")
// Don't try to restore the server until we have completely stopped the running
// instance, otherwise you'll likely hit all types of write errors due to the
// server being suspended.
if s.Environment.State() != environment.ProcessOfflineState {
if err = s.Environment.WaitForStop(s.Context(), 2*time.Minute, false); err != nil {
if !client.IsErrNotFound(err) {
return errors.WrapIf(err, "server/backup: restore: failed to wait for container stop")
// Attempt to restore the backup to the server by running through each entry
// in the file one at a time and writing them to the disk.
s.Log().Debug("starting file writing process for backup restoration")
err = b.Restore(s.Context(), reader, func(file string, info fs.FileInfo, r io.ReadCloser) error {
defer r.Close()
s.Events().Publish(DaemonMessageEvent, "(restoring): "+file)
// TODO: since this will be called a lot, it may be worth adding an optimized
// Write with Chtimes method to the UnixFS that is able to re-use the
// same dirfd and file name.
if err := s.Filesystem().Write(file, r, info.Size(), info.Mode()); err != nil {
return err
atime := info.ModTime()
return s.Filesystem().Chtimes(file, atime, atime)
return errors.WithStackIf(err)