Michael Parker b7555edb6a
Parse start commands in wings
This would replace the need to parse the start commands in the entrypoint so exec could be used instead of eval.

As seen in the gist below I have tested what it would do to the ark start command

2023-08-06 23:19:28 -04:00

383 lines
13 KiB

package server
import (
// Server is the high level definition for a server instance being controlled
// by Wings.
type Server struct {
// Internal mutex used to block actions that need to occur sequentially, such as
// writing the configuration to the disk.
ctx context.Context
ctxCancel *context.CancelFunc
emitterLock sync.Mutex
powerLock *system.Locker
// Maintains the configuration for the server. This is the data that gets returned by the Panel
// such as build settings and container images.
cfg Configuration
client remote.Client
// The crash handler for this server instance.
crasher CrashHandler
resources ResourceUsage
Environment environment.ProcessEnvironment `json:"-"`
fs *filesystem.Filesystem
// Events emitted by the server instance.
emitter *events.Bus
// Defines the process configuration for the server instance. This is dynamically
// fetched from the Pterodactyl Server instance each time the server process is
// started, and then cached here.
procConfig *remote.ProcessConfiguration
// Tracks the installation process for this server and prevents a server from running
// two installer processes at the same time. This also allows us to cancel a running
// installation process, for example when a server is deleted from the panel while the
// installer process is still running.
installing *system.AtomicBool
transferring *system.AtomicBool
restoring *system.AtomicBool
// The console throttler instance used to control outputs.
throttler *ConsoleThrottle
throttleOnce sync.Once
// Tracks open websocket connections for the server.
wsBag *WebsocketBag
wsBagLocker sync.Mutex
sinks map[system.SinkName]*system.SinkPool
logSink *system.SinkPool
installSink *system.SinkPool
// New returns a new server instance with a context and all of the default
// values set on the struct.
func New(client remote.Client) (*Server, error) {
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
s := Server{
ctx: ctx,
ctxCancel: &cancel,
client: client,
installing: system.NewAtomicBool(false),
transferring: system.NewAtomicBool(false),
restoring: system.NewAtomicBool(false),
powerLock: system.NewLocker(),
sinks: map[system.SinkName]*system.SinkPool{
system.LogSink: system.NewSinkPool(),
system.InstallSink: system.NewSinkPool(),
if err := defaults.Set(&s); err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "server: could not set default values for struct")
if err := defaults.Set(&s.cfg); err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "server: could not set defaults for server configuration")
s.resources.State = system.NewAtomicString(environment.ProcessOfflineState)
return &s, nil
// CleanupForDestroy stops all running background tasks for this server that are
// using the context on the server struct. This will cancel any running install
// processes for the server as well.
func (s *Server) CleanupForDestroy() {
// ID returns the UUID for the server instance.
func (s *Server) ID() string {
return s.Config().GetUuid()
// Id returns the UUID for the server instance. This function is deprecated
// in favor of Server.ID().
// Deprecated
func (s *Server) Id() string {
return s.ID()
// Cancels the context assigned to this server instance. Assuming background tasks
// are using this server's context for things, all of the background tasks will be
// stopped as a result.
func (s *Server) CtxCancel() {
if s.ctxCancel != nil {
// Returns a context instance for the server. This should be used to allow background
// tasks to be canceled if the server is removed. It will only be canceled when the
// application is stopped or if the server gets deleted.
func (s *Server) Context() context.Context {
return s.ctx
func parseInvocation(invocation string, envvars map[string]interface{}, memory int64, port int, ip string) (parsed string) {
// replace "{{" and "}}" with "${" and "}" respectively
invocation = strings.Replace(invocation, "{{", "${", -1)
invocation = strings.Replace(invocation, "}}", "}", -1)
// replaces ${varname} with varval
for varname, varval := range envvars {
invocation = strings.Replace(invocation, fmt.Sprintf("${%s}", varname), fmt.Sprint(varval), -1)
invocation = strings.Replace(invocation, "${SERVER_PORT}", strconv.Itoa(port), -1)
invocation = strings.Replace(invocation, "${SERVER_MEMORY}", strconv.Itoa(int(memory)), -1)
invocation = strings.Replace(invocation, "${SERVER_IP}", ip, -1)
return invocation
// Returns all of the environment variables that should be assigned to a running
// server instance.
func (s *Server) GetEnvironmentVariables() []string {
out := []string{
// TODO: allow this to be overridden by the user.
fmt.Sprintf("TZ=%s", config.Get().System.Timezone),
fmt.Sprintf("STARTUP=%s", parseInvocation(s.Config().Invocation, s.Config().EnvVars, s.MemoryLimit(), s.Config().Allocations.DefaultMapping.Port, s.Config().Allocations.DefaultMapping.Ip)),
fmt.Sprintf("SERVER_MEMORY=%d", s.MemoryLimit()),
fmt.Sprintf("SERVER_IP=%s", s.Config().Allocations.DefaultMapping.Ip),
fmt.Sprintf("SERVER_PORT=%d", s.Config().Allocations.DefaultMapping.Port),
for k := range s.Config().EnvVars {
// Don't allow any environment variables that we have already set above.
for _, e := range out {
if strings.HasPrefix(e, strings.ToUpper(k)+"=") {
continue eloop
out = append(out, fmt.Sprintf("%s=%s", strings.ToUpper(k), s.Config().EnvVars.Get(k)))
return out
func (s *Server) Log() *log.Entry {
return log.WithField("server", s.ID())
// Sync syncs the state of the server on the Panel with Wings. This ensures that
// we're always using the state of the server from the Panel and allows us to
// not require successful API calls to Wings to do things.
// This also means mass actions can be performed against servers on the Panel
// and they will automatically sync with Wings when the server is started.
func (s *Server) Sync() error {
cfg, err := s.client.GetServerConfiguration(s.Context(), s.ID())
if err != nil {
if err := remote.AsRequestError(err); err != nil && err.StatusCode() == http.StatusNotFound {
return &serverDoesNotExist{}
return errors.WithStackIf(err)
if err := s.SyncWithConfiguration(cfg); err != nil {
return errors.WithStackIf(err)
// Update the disk space limits for the server whenever the configuration for
// it changes.
return nil
// SyncWithConfiguration accepts a configuration object for a server and will
// sync all of the values with the existing server state. This only replaces the
// existing configuration and process configuration for the server. The
// underlying environment will not be affected. This is because this function
// can be called from scoped where the server may not be fully initialized,
// therefore other things like the filesystem and environment may not exist yet.
func (s *Server) SyncWithConfiguration(cfg remote.ServerConfigurationResponse) error {
c := Configuration{
CrashDetectionEnabled: config.Get().System.CrashDetection.CrashDetectionEnabled,
if err := json.Unmarshal(cfg.Settings, &c); err != nil {
return errors.WithStackIf(err)
// Lock the new configuration. Since we have the deferred Unlock above we need
// to make sure that the NEW configuration object is already locked since that
// defer is running on the memory address for "" which we're explicitly
// changing on the next line.
//goland:noinspection GoVetCopyLock
s.cfg = c
s.procConfig = cfg.ProcessConfiguration
return nil
// Reads the log file for a server up to a specified number of bytes.
func (s *Server) ReadLogfile(len int) ([]string, error) {
return s.Environment.Readlog(len)
// Initializes a server instance. This will run through and ensure that the environment
// for the server is setup, and that all of the necessary files are created.
func (s *Server) CreateEnvironment() error {
// Ensure the data directory exists before getting too far through this process.
if err := s.EnsureDataDirectoryExists(); err != nil {
return err
return s.Environment.Create()
// Checks if the server is marked as being suspended or not on the system.
func (s *Server) IsSuspended() bool {
return s.Config().Suspended
func (s *Server) ProcessConfiguration() *remote.ProcessConfiguration {
defer s.RUnlock()
return s.procConfig
// Filesystem returns an instance of the filesystem for this server.
func (s *Server) Filesystem() *filesystem.Filesystem {
return s.fs
// EnsureDataDirectoryExists ensures that the data directory for the server
// instance exists.
func (s *Server) EnsureDataDirectoryExists() error {
if _, err := os.Lstat(s.fs.Path()); err != nil {
if os.IsNotExist(err) {
s.Log().Debug("server: creating root directory and setting permissions")
if err := os.MkdirAll(s.fs.Path(), 0o700); err != nil {
return errors.WithStack(err)
if err := s.fs.Chown("/"); err != nil {
s.Log().WithField("error", err).Warn("server: failed to chown server data directory")
} else {
return errors.WrapIf(err, "server: failed to stat server root directory")
return nil
// OnStateChange sets the state of the server internally. This function handles crash detection as
// well as reporting to event listeners for the server.
func (s *Server) OnStateChange() {
prevState := s.resources.State.Load()
st := s.Environment.State()
// Update the currently tracked state for the server.
// Emit the event to any listeners that are currently registered.
if prevState != s.Environment.State() {
s.Log().WithField("status", st).Debug("saw server status change event")
s.Events().Publish(StatusEvent, st)
// Reset the resource usage to 0 when the process fully stops so that all the UI
// views in the Panel correctly display 0.
if st == environment.ProcessOfflineState {
s.Events().Publish(StatsEvent, s.Proc())
// If server was in an online state, and is now in an offline state we should handle
// that as a crash event. In that scenario, check the last crash time, and the crash
// counter.
// In the event that we have passed the thresholds, don't do anything, otherwise
// automatically attempt to start the process back up for the user. This is done in a
// separate thread as to not block any actions currently taking place in the flow
// that called this function.
if (prevState == environment.ProcessStartingState || prevState == environment.ProcessRunningState) && s.Environment.State() == environment.ProcessOfflineState {
s.Log().Info("detected server as entering a crashed state; running crash handler")
go func(server *Server) {
if err := server.handleServerCrash(); err != nil {
if IsTooFrequentCrashError(err) {
server.Log().Info("did not restart server after crash; occurred too soon after the last")
} else {
s.PublishConsoleOutputFromDaemon("Server crash was detected but an error occurred while handling it.")
server.Log().WithField("error", err).Error("failed to handle server crash")
// IsRunning determines if the server state is running or not. This is different
// from the environment state, it is simply the tracked state from this daemon
// instance, and not the response from Docker.
func (s *Server) IsRunning() bool {
st := s.Environment.State()
return st == environment.ProcessRunningState || st == environment.ProcessStartingState
// APIResponse is a type returned when requesting details about a single server
// instance on Wings. This includes the information needed by the Panel in order
// to show resource utilization and the current state on this system.
type APIResponse struct {
State string `json:"state"`
IsSuspended bool `json:"is_suspended"`
Utilization ResourceUsage `json:"utilization"`
Configuration Configuration `json:"configuration"`
// ToAPIResponse returns the server struct as an API object that can be consumed
// by callers.
func (s *Server) ToAPIResponse() APIResponse {
return APIResponse{
State: s.Environment.State(),
IsSuspended: s.IsSuspended(),
Utilization: s.Proc(),
Configuration: *s.Config(),