This change makes the environment handling logic execute independent of the server itself and should make it much easier for people to contribute changes and additional environment handlers down the road without polluting the server object even more. There is still a lot of work to do on this front to make things easier to work with, and there are some questionable design decisions at play I'm sure. Welcome to additional modifications and cleanup to make this code easier to reason about and work with.
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package installer
import (
type Installer struct {
server *server.Server
// Validates the received data to ensure that all of the required fields
// have been passed along in the request. This should be manually run before
// calling Execute().
func New(data []byte) (*Installer, error) {
if !govalidator.IsUUIDv4(getString(data, "uuid")) {
return nil, NewValidationError("uuid provided was not in a valid format")
if !govalidator.IsUUIDv4(getString(data, "service", "egg")) {
return nil, NewValidationError("service egg provided was not in a valid format")
cfg := &server.Configuration{
Uuid: getString(data, "uuid"),
Suspended: false,
Invocation: getString(data, "invocation"),
Build: environment.Limits{
MemoryLimit: getInt(data, "build", "memory"),
Swap: getInt(data, "build", "swap"),
IoWeight: uint16(getInt(data, "build", "io")),
CpuLimit: getInt(data, "build", "cpu"),
DiskSpace: getInt(data, "build", "disk"),
Threads: getString(data, "build", "threads"),
CrashDetectionEnabled: true,
cfg.Allocations.DefaultMapping.Ip = getString(data, "allocations", "default", "ip")
cfg.Allocations.DefaultMapping.Port = int(getInt(data, "allocations", "default", "port"))
// Unmarshal the environment variables from the request into the server struct.
if b, _, _, err := jsonparser.Get(data, "environment"); err != nil {
return nil, errors.WithStack(err)
} else {
cfg.EnvVars = make(environment.Variables)
if err := json.Unmarshal(b, &cfg.EnvVars); err != nil {
return nil, errors.WithStack(err)
// Unmarshal the allocation mappings from the request into the server struct.
if b, _, _, err := jsonparser.Get(data, "allocations", "mappings"); err != nil {
return nil, errors.WithStack(err)
} else {
cfg.Allocations.Mappings = make(map[string][]int)
if err := json.Unmarshal(b, &cfg.Allocations.Mappings); err != nil {
return nil, errors.WithStack(err)
cfg.Container.Image = getString(data, "container", "image")
c, rerr, err := api.NewRequester().GetServerConfiguration(cfg.Uuid)
if err != nil || rerr != nil {
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.WithStack(err)
return nil, errors.New(rerr.String())
// Create a new server instance using the configuration we wrote to the disk
// so that everything gets instantiated correctly on the struct.
s, err := server.FromConfiguration(c)
return &Installer{
server: s,
}, err
// Returns the UUID associated with this installer instance.
func (i *Installer) Uuid() string {
return i.server.Id()
// Return the server instance.
func (i *Installer) Server() *server.Server {
return i.server
// Executes the installer process, creating the server and running through the
// associated installation process based on the parameters passed through for
// the server instance.
func (i *Installer) Execute() {
p := path.Join(config.Get().System.Data, i.Uuid())
l := log.WithFields(log.Fields{"server": i.Uuid(), "process": "installer"})
l.WithField("path", p).Debug("creating required server data directory")
if err := os.MkdirAll(p, 0755); err != nil {
l.WithFields(log.Fields{"path": p, "error": errors.WithStack(err)}).Error("failed to create server data directory")
if err := os.Chown(p, config.Get().System.User.Uid, config.Get().System.User.Gid); err != nil {
l.WithField("error", errors.WithStack(err)).Error("failed to chown server data directory")
l.Debug("creating required environment for server instance")
// TODO: ensure data directory exists.
if err := i.server.Environment.Create(); err != nil {
l.WithField("error", err).Error("failed to create environment for server")
l.Info("successfully created environment for server during install process")
// Returns a string value from the JSON data provided.
func getString(data []byte, key ...string) string {
value, _ := jsonparser.GetString(data, key...)
return value
// Returns an int value from the JSON data provided.
func getInt(data []byte, key ...string) int64 {
value, _ := jsonparser.GetInt(data, key...)
return value