Also adds the ability for an admin to just completely disable this service if it is not needed on the node.
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package router
import (
// Configures the routing infrastructure for this daemon instance.
func Configure() *gin.Engine {
m := Middleware{}
router := gin.New()
router.Use(gin.Recovery(), m.ErrorHandler(), m.SetAccessControlHeaders())
// @todo log this into a different file so you can setup IP blocking for abusive requests and such.
// This should still dump requests in debug mode since it does help with understanding the request
// lifecycle and quickly seeing what was called leading to the logs. However, it isn't feasible to mix
// this output in production and still get meaningful logs from it since they'll likely just be a huge
// spamfest.
router.Use(gin.LoggerWithFormatter(func(params gin.LogFormatterParams) string {
"client_ip": params.ClientIP,
"status": params.StatusCode,
"latency": params.Latency,
}).Debugf("%s %s", params.MethodColor()+params.Method+params.ResetColor(), params.Path)
return ""
router.OPTIONS("/api/system", func(c *gin.Context) {
// These routes use signed URLs to validate access to the resource being requested.
router.GET("/download/backup", getDownloadBackup)
router.GET("/download/file", getDownloadFile)
router.POST("/upload/file", postServerUploadFiles)
// This route is special it sits above all of the other requests because we are
// using a JWT to authorize access to it, therefore it needs to be publicly
// accessible.
router.GET("/api/servers/:server/ws", m.ServerExists(), getServerWebsocket)
// This request is called by another daemon when a server is going to be transferred out.
// This request does not need the AuthorizationMiddleware as the panel should never call it
// and requests are authenticated through a JWT the panel issues to the other daemon.
router.GET("/api/servers/:server/archive", m.ServerExists(), getServerArchive)
// All of the routes beyond this mount will use an authorization middleware
// and will not be accessible without the correct Authorization header provided.
protected := router.Use(m.RequireAuthorization())
protected.POST("/api/update", postUpdateConfiguration)
protected.GET("/api/system", getSystemInformation)
protected.GET("/api/servers", getAllServers)
protected.POST("/api/servers", postCreateServer)
protected.POST("/api/transfer", postTransfer)
// These are server specific routes, and require that the request be authorized, and
// that the server exist on the Daemon.
server := router.Group("/api/servers/:server")
server.Use(m.RequireAuthorization(), m.ServerExists())
server.GET("", getServer)
server.PATCH("", patchServer)
server.DELETE("", deleteServer)
server.GET("/logs", getServerLogs)
server.POST("/power", postServerPower)
server.POST("/commands", postServerCommands)
server.POST("/install", postServerInstall)
server.POST("/reinstall", postServerReinstall)
server.POST("/ws/deny", postServerDenyWSTokens)
// This archive request causes the archive to start being created
// this should only be triggered by the panel.
server.POST("/archive", postServerArchive)
files := server.Group("/files")
files.GET("/contents", getServerFileContents)
files.GET("/list-directory", getServerListDirectory)
files.PUT("/rename", putServerRenameFiles)
files.POST("/copy", postServerCopyFile)
files.POST("/write", postServerWriteFile)
files.POST("/create-directory", postServerCreateDirectory)
files.POST("/delete", postServerDeleteFiles)
files.POST("/compress", postServerCompressFiles)
files.POST("/decompress", postServerDecompressFiles)
files.POST("/chmod", postServerChmodFile)
files.GET("/pull", m.CheckRemoteDownloadEnabled(), getServerPullingFiles)
files.POST("/pull", m.CheckRemoteDownloadEnabled(), postServerPullRemoteFile)
files.DELETE("/pull/:download", m.CheckRemoteDownloadEnabled(), deleteServerPullRemoteFile)
backup := server.Group("/backup")
backup.POST("", postServerBackup)
backup.DELETE("/:backup", deleteServerBackup)
return router