DaneEveritt 59fbd2bcea
Add initial niaeve implementation of SFTP logging
This will end up flooding the activity logs due to the way SFTP works, we'll need to have an intermediate step in Wings that batches events every 10 seconds or so and submits them as a single "event" for activity.
2022-07-09 19:37:42 -04:00

344 lines
11 KiB

package sftp
import (
const (
PermissionFileRead = ""
PermissionFileReadContent = ""
PermissionFileCreate = "file.create"
PermissionFileUpdate = "file.update"
PermissionFileDelete = "file.delete"
type handlerMeta struct {
ra server.RequestActivity
server *server.Server
type Handler struct {
mu sync.Mutex
meta handlerMeta
permissions []string
fs *filesystem.Filesystem
logger *log.Entry
ro bool
// NewHandler returns a new connection handler for the SFTP server. This allows a given user
// to access the underlying filesystem.
func NewHandler(sc *ssh.ServerConn, srv *server.Server) (*Handler, error) {
uuid, ok := sc.Permissions.Extensions["user"]
if !ok {
return nil, errors.New("sftp: mismatched Wings and Panel versions — Panel 1.10 is required for this version of Wings.")
return &Handler{
permissions: strings.Split(sc.Permissions.Extensions["permissions"], ","),
meta: handlerMeta{
server: srv,
ra: srv.NewRequestActivity(uuid, sc.RemoteAddr().String()),
fs: srv.Filesystem(),
ro: config.Get().System.Sftp.ReadOnly,
logger: log.WithFields(log.Fields{"subsystem": "sftp", "user": uuid, "ip": sc.RemoteAddr()}),
}, nil
// Returns the sftp.Handlers for this struct.
func (h *Handler) Handlers() sftp.Handlers {
return sftp.Handlers{
FileGet: h,
FilePut: h,
FileCmd: h,
FileList: h,
// Fileread creates a reader for a file on the system and returns the reader back.
func (h *Handler) Fileread(request *sftp.Request) (io.ReaderAt, error) {
// Check first if the user can actually open and view a file. This permission is named
// really poorly, but it is checking if they can read. There is an addition permission,
// "save-files" which determines if they can write that file.
if !h.can(PermissionFileReadContent) {
return nil, sftp.ErrSSHFxPermissionDenied
f, _, err := h.fs.File(request.Filepath)
if err != nil {
if !errors.Is(err, os.ErrNotExist) {
h.logger.WithField("error", err).Error("error processing readfile request")
return nil, sftp.ErrSSHFxFailure
return nil, sftp.ErrSSHFxNoSuchFile
h.event(server.ActivityFileRead, server.ActivityMeta{"file": filepath.Clean(request.Filepath)})
return f, nil
// Filewrite handles the write actions for a file on the system.
func (h *Handler) Filewrite(request *sftp.Request) (io.WriterAt, error) {
if {
return nil, sftp.ErrSSHFxOpUnsupported
l := h.logger.WithField("source", request.Filepath)
// If the user doesn't have enough space left on the server it should respond with an
// error since we won't be letting them write this file to the disk.
if !h.fs.HasSpaceAvailable(true) {
return nil, ErrSSHQuotaExceeded
// The specific permission required to perform this action. If the file exists on the
// system already it only needs to be an update, otherwise we'll check for a create.
permission := PermissionFileUpdate
_, sterr := h.fs.Stat(request.Filepath)
if sterr != nil {
if !errors.Is(sterr, os.ErrNotExist) {
l.WithField("error", sterr).Error("error while getting file reader")
return nil, sftp.ErrSSHFxFailure
permission = PermissionFileCreate
// Confirm the user has permission to perform this action BEFORE calling Touch, otherwise
// you'll potentially create a file on the system and then fail out because of user
// permission checking after the fact.
if !h.can(permission) {
return nil, sftp.ErrSSHFxPermissionDenied
f, err := h.fs.Touch(request.Filepath, os.O_RDWR|os.O_CREATE|os.O_TRUNC)
if err != nil {
l.WithField("flags", request.Flags).WithField("error", err).Error("failed to open existing file on system")
return nil, sftp.ErrSSHFxFailure
// Chown may or may not have been called in the touch function, so always do
// it at this point to avoid the file being improperly owned.
_ = h.fs.Chown(request.Filepath)
h.event(server.ActivityFileWrite, server.ActivityMeta{"file": filepath.Clean(request.Filepath)})
return f, nil
// Filecmd hander for basic SFTP system calls related to files, but not anything to do with reading
// or writing to those files.
func (h *Handler) Filecmd(request *sftp.Request) error {
if {
return sftp.ErrSSHFxOpUnsupported
l := h.logger.WithField("source", request.Filepath)
if request.Target != "" {
l = l.WithField("target", request.Target)
switch request.Method {
// Allows a user to make changes to the permissions of a given file or directory
// on their server using their SFTP client.
case "Setstat":
if !h.can(PermissionFileUpdate) {
return sftp.ErrSSHFxPermissionDenied
mode := request.Attributes().FileMode().Perm()
// If the client passes an invalid FileMode just use the default 0644.
if mode == 0o000 {
mode = os.FileMode(0o644)
// Force directories to be 0755.
if request.Attributes().FileMode().IsDir() {
mode = 0o755
if err := h.fs.Chmod(request.Filepath, mode); err != nil {
if errors.Is(err, os.ErrNotExist) {
return sftp.ErrSSHFxNoSuchFile
l.WithField("error", err).Error("failed to perform setstat on item")
return sftp.ErrSSHFxFailure
// Support renaming a file (aka Move).
case "Rename":
if !h.can(PermissionFileUpdate) {
return sftp.ErrSSHFxPermissionDenied
p := filepath.Clean(request.Filepath)
t := filepath.Clean(request.Target)
if err := h.fs.Rename(p, t); err != nil {
if errors.Is(err, os.ErrNotExist) {
return sftp.ErrSSHFxNoSuchFile
l.WithField("error", err).Error("failed to rename file")
return sftp.ErrSSHFxFailure
h.event(server.ActivityFileRename, server.ActivityMeta{
"directory": filepath.Dir(p),
"files": []map[string]string{
{"from": filepath.Base(p), "to": t},
// Handle deletion of a directory. This will properly delete all of the files and
// folders within that directory if it is not already empty (unlike a lot of SFTP
// clients that must delete each file individually).
case "Rmdir":
if !h.can(PermissionFileDelete) {
return sftp.ErrSSHFxPermissionDenied
p := filepath.Clean(request.Filepath)
if err := h.fs.Delete(p); err != nil {
l.WithField("error", err).Error("failed to remove directory")
return sftp.ErrSSHFxFailure
h.event(server.ActivityFileDeleted, server.ActivityMeta{
"directory": filepath.Dir(p),
"files": []string{filepath.Base(p)},
return sftp.ErrSSHFxOk
// Handle requests to create a new Directory.
case "Mkdir":
if !h.can(PermissionFileCreate) {
return sftp.ErrSSHFxPermissionDenied
name := strings.Split(filepath.Clean(request.Filepath), "/")
p := strings.Join(name[0:len(name)-1], "/")
if err := h.fs.CreateDirectory(name[len(name)-1], p); err != nil {
l.WithField("error", err).Error("failed to create directory")
return sftp.ErrSSHFxFailure
h.event(server.ActivityFileCreateDirectory, server.ActivityMeta{
"directory": p,
"name": name[len(name)-1],
// Support creating symlinks between files. The source and target must resolve within
// the server home directory.
case "Symlink":
if !h.can(PermissionFileCreate) {
return sftp.ErrSSHFxPermissionDenied
source, err := h.fs.SafePath(request.Filepath)
if err != nil {
return sftp.ErrSSHFxNoSuchFile
target, err := h.fs.SafePath(request.Target)
if err != nil {
return sftp.ErrSSHFxNoSuchFile
if err := os.Symlink(source, target); err != nil {
l.WithField("target", target).WithField("error", err).Error("failed to create symlink")
return sftp.ErrSSHFxFailure
// Called when deleting a file.
case "Remove":
if !h.can(PermissionFileDelete) {
return sftp.ErrSSHFxPermissionDenied
p := filepath.Clean(request.Filepath)
if err := h.fs.Delete(p); err != nil {
if errors.Is(err, os.ErrNotExist) {
return sftp.ErrSSHFxNoSuchFile
l.WithField("error", err).Error("failed to remove a file")
return sftp.ErrSSHFxFailure
h.event(server.ActivityFileDeleted, server.ActivityMeta{
"directory": filepath.Dir(p),
"files": []string{filepath.Base(p)},
return sftp.ErrSSHFxOk
return sftp.ErrSSHFxOpUnsupported
target := request.Filepath
if request.Target != "" {
target = request.Target
// Not failing here is intentional. We still made the file, it is just owned incorrectly
// and will likely cause some issues. There is no logical check for if the file was removed
// because both of those cases (Rmdir, Remove) have an explicit return rather than break.
if err := h.fs.Chown(target); err != nil {
l.WithField("error", err).Warn("error chowning file")
return sftp.ErrSSHFxOk
// Filelist is the handler for SFTP filesystem list calls. This will handle calls to list the contents of
// a directory as well as perform file/folder stat calls.
func (h *Handler) Filelist(request *sftp.Request) (sftp.ListerAt, error) {
if !h.can(PermissionFileRead) {
return nil, sftp.ErrSSHFxPermissionDenied
switch request.Method {
case "List":
p, err := h.fs.SafePath(request.Filepath)
if err != nil {
return nil, sftp.ErrSSHFxNoSuchFile
files, err := ioutil.ReadDir(p)
if err != nil {
h.logger.WithField("source", request.Filepath).WithField("error", err).Error("error while listing directory")
return nil, sftp.ErrSSHFxFailure
return ListerAt(files), nil
case "Stat":
st, err := h.fs.Stat(request.Filepath)
if err != nil {
if errors.Is(err, os.ErrNotExist) {
return nil, sftp.ErrSSHFxNoSuchFile
h.logger.WithField("source", request.Filepath).WithField("error", err).Error("error performing stat on file")
return nil, sftp.ErrSSHFxFailure
return ListerAt([]os.FileInfo{st.FileInfo}), nil
return nil, sftp.ErrSSHFxOpUnsupported
// Determines if a user has permission to perform a specific action on the SFTP server. These
// permissions are defined and returned by the Panel API.
func (h *Handler) can(permission string) bool {
if h.meta.server.IsSuspended() {
return false
for _, p := range h.permissions {
// If we match the permission specifically, or the user has been granted the "*"
// permission because they're an admin, let them through.
if p == permission || p == "*" {
return true
return false
// event is a wrapper around the server.RequestActivity struct for this handler to
// make logging events a little less noisy for SFTP. This also tags every event logged
// using it with a "{using_sftp: true}" metadata field to make this easier to understand
// in the Panel's activity logs.
func (h *Handler) event(event server.Event, metadata server.ActivityMeta) {
m := metadata
if m == nil {
m = make(map[string]interface{})
m["using_sftp"] = true
_ = h.meta.ra.Save(h.meta.server, event, m)