Prior to this logic not only was the error response incorrect for events, but we registered event listeners before the authentication event; so if auth failed we flooded the socket with tons of output that was never going to be sent anyways. This change now waits to register listeners until the socket is fully authenticated and we're guaranteed to have a token present.
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package websocket
import (
const (
PermissionConnect = "websocket.connect"
PermissionSendCommand = "control.console"
PermissionSendPowerStart = "control.start"
PermissionSendPowerStop = "control.stop"
PermissionSendPowerRestart = "control.restart"
PermissionReceiveErrors = "admin.websocket.errors"
PermissionReceiveInstall = "admin.websocket.install"
PermissionReceiveTransfer = "admin.websocket.transfer"
PermissionReceiveBackups = ""
type Handler struct {
sync.RWMutex `json:"-"`
Connection *websocket.Conn `json:"-"`
jwt *tokens.WebsocketPayload
server *server.Server
uuid uuid.UUID
var (
ErrJwtNotPresent = errors.New("jwt: no jwt present")
ErrJwtNoConnectPerm = errors.New("jwt: missing connect permission")
ErrJwtUuidMismatch = errors.New("jwt: server uuid mismatch")
ErrJwtOnDenylist = errors.New("jwt: created too far in past (denylist)")
func IsJwtError(err error) bool {
return errors.Is(err, ErrJwtNotPresent) ||
errors.Is(err, ErrJwtNoConnectPerm) ||
errors.Is(err, ErrJwtUuidMismatch) ||
errors.Is(err, ErrJwtOnDenylist) ||
errors.Is(err, jwt.ErrExpValidation)
// NewTokenPayload parses a JWT into a websocket token payload.
func NewTokenPayload(token []byte) (*tokens.WebsocketPayload, error) {
var payload tokens.WebsocketPayload
if err := tokens.ParseToken(token, &payload); err != nil {
return nil, err
if payload.Denylisted() {
return nil, ErrJwtOnDenylist
if !payload.HasPermission(PermissionConnect) {
return nil, ErrJwtNoConnectPerm
return &payload, nil
// GetHandler returns a new websocket handler using the context provided.
func GetHandler(s *server.Server, w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) (*Handler, error) {
upgrader := websocket.Upgrader{
// Ensure that the websocket request is originating from the Panel itself,
// and not some other location.
CheckOrigin: func(r *http.Request) bool {
o := r.Header.Get("Origin")
if o == config.Get().PanelLocation {
return true
for _, origin := range config.Get().AllowedOrigins {
if origin == "*" || origin == o {
return true
return false
conn, err := upgrader.Upgrade(w, r, nil)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
u, err := uuid.NewRandom()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &Handler{
Connection: conn,
jwt: nil,
server: s,
uuid: u,
}, nil
func (h *Handler) Uuid() uuid.UUID {
return h.uuid
func (h *Handler) Logger() *log.Entry {
return log.WithField("subsystem", "websocket").
WithField("connection", h.Uuid().String()).
WithField("server", h.server.ID())
func (h *Handler) SendJson(v *Message) error {
// Do not send JSON down the line if the JWT on the connection is not valid!
if err := h.TokenValid(); err != nil {
Event: JwtErrorEvent,
Args: []string{err.Error()},
return nil
j := h.GetJwt()
if j != nil {
// If we're sending installation output but the user does not have the required
// permissions to see the output, don't send it down the line.
if v.Event == server.InstallOutputEvent {
if !j.HasPermission(PermissionReceiveInstall) {
return nil
// If the user does not have permission to see backup events, do not emit
// them over the socket.
if strings.HasPrefix(v.Event, server.BackupCompletedEvent) {
if !j.HasPermission(PermissionReceiveBackups) {
return nil
// If we are sending transfer output, only send it to the user if they have the required permissions.
if v.Event == server.TransferLogsEvent {
if !j.HasPermission(PermissionReceiveTransfer) {
return nil
if err := h.unsafeSendJson(v); err != nil {
// Not entirely sure how this happens (likely just when there is a ton of console spam)
// but I don't care to fix it right now, so just mask the error and throw a warning into
// the logs for us to look into later.
if errors.Is(err, websocket.ErrCloseSent) {
if h.server != nil {
h.server.Log().WithField("subsystem", "websocket").
WithField("event", v.Event).
Warn("failed to send event to websocket: close already sent")
return nil
return err
return nil
// Sends JSON over the websocket connection, ignoring the authentication state of the
// socket user. Do not call this directly unless you are positive a response should be
// sent back to the client!
func (h *Handler) unsafeSendJson(v interface{}) error {
defer h.Unlock()
return h.Connection.WriteJSON(v)
// TokenValid checks if the JWT is still valid.
func (h *Handler) TokenValid() error {
j := h.GetJwt()
if j == nil {
return ErrJwtNotPresent
if err := jwt.ExpirationTimeValidator(time.Now())(&j.Payload); err != nil {
return err
if j.Denylisted() {
return ErrJwtOnDenylist
if !j.HasPermission(PermissionConnect) {
return ErrJwtNoConnectPerm
if h.server.ID() != j.GetServerUuid() {
return ErrJwtUuidMismatch
return nil
// SendErrorJson sends an error back to the connected websocket instance by checking the permissions
// of the token. If the user has the "receive-errors" grant we will send back the actual
// error message, otherwise we just send back a standard error message.
func (h *Handler) SendErrorJson(msg Message, err error, shouldLog ...bool) error {
j := h.GetJwt()
isJWTError := IsJwtError(err)
wsm := Message{
Event: ErrorEvent,
Args: []string{"an unexpected error was encountered while handling this request"},
if isJWTError || (j != nil && j.HasPermission(PermissionReceiveErrors)) {
if isJWTError {
wsm.Event = JwtErrorEvent
wsm.Args = []string{err.Error()}
m, u := h.GetErrorMessage(wsm.Args[0])
wsm.Args = []string{m}
if !isJWTError && (len(shouldLog) == 0 || (len(shouldLog) == 1 && shouldLog[0] == true)) {
h.server.Log().WithFields(log.Fields{"event": msg.Event, "error_identifier": u.String(), "error": err}).
Errorf("error processing websocket event \"%s\"", msg.Event)
return h.unsafeSendJson(wsm)
// GetErrorMessage converts an error message into a more readable representation and returns a UUID
// that can be cross-referenced to find the specific error that triggered.
func (h *Handler) GetErrorMessage(msg string) (string, uuid.UUID) {
u := uuid.Must(uuid.NewRandom())
m := fmt.Sprintf("Error Event [%s]: %s", u.String(), msg)
return m, u
// GetJwt returns the JWT for the websocket in a race-safe manner.
func (h *Handler) GetJwt() *tokens.WebsocketPayload {
defer h.RUnlock()
return h.jwt
// setJwt sets the JWT for the websocket in a race-safe manner.
func (h *Handler) setJwt(token *tokens.WebsocketPayload) {
h.jwt = token
// HandleInbound handles an inbound socket request and route it to the proper action.
func (h *Handler) HandleInbound(ctx context.Context, m Message) error {
if m.Event != AuthenticationEvent {
if err := h.TokenValid(); err != nil {
Event: JwtErrorEvent,
Args: []string{err.Error()},
return nil
switch m.Event {
case AuthenticationEvent:
token, err := NewTokenPayload([]byte(strings.Join(m.Args, "")))
if err != nil {
return err
// Check if the user has previously authenticated successfully.
newConnection := h.GetJwt() == nil
// Previously there was a HasPermission(PermissionConnect) check around this,
// however NewTokenPayload will return an error if it doesn't have the connect
// permission meaning that it was a redundant function call.
// Tell the client they authenticated successfully.
h.unsafeSendJson(Message{Event: AuthenticationSuccessEvent})
// Check if the client was refreshing their authentication token
// instead of authenticating for the first time.
if !newConnection {
// This prevents duplicate status messages as outlined in
return nil
// Now that we've authenticated with the token and confirmed that we're not
// reconnecting to the socket, register the event listeners for the server and
// the token expiration.
// On every authentication event, send the current server status back
// to the client. :)
state := h.server.Environment.State()
Event: server.StatusEvent,
Args: []string{state},
// Only send the current disk usage if the server is offline, if docker container is running,
// Environment#EnableResourcePolling() will send this data to all clients.
if state == environment.ProcessOfflineState {
if !h.server.IsInstalling() && !h.server.IsTransferring() {
_ = h.server.Filesystem().HasSpaceAvailable(false)
b, _ := json.Marshal(h.server.Proc())
Event: server.StatsEvent,
Args: []string{string(b)},
return nil
case SetStateEvent:
action := server.PowerAction(strings.Join(m.Args, ""))
actions := make(map[server.PowerAction]string)
actions[server.PowerActionStart] = PermissionSendPowerStart
actions[server.PowerActionStop] = PermissionSendPowerStop
actions[server.PowerActionRestart] = PermissionSendPowerRestart
actions[server.PowerActionTerminate] = PermissionSendPowerStop
// Check that they have permission to perform this action if it is needed.
if permission, exists := actions[action]; exists {
if !h.GetJwt().HasPermission(permission) {
return nil
err := h.server.HandlePowerAction(action)
if errors.Is(err, context.DeadlineExceeded) {
m, _ := h.GetErrorMessage("another power action is currently being processed for this server, please try again later")
Event: ErrorEvent,
Args: []string{m},
return nil
return err
case SendServerLogsEvent:
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), time.Second * 5)
defer cancel()
if running, _ := h.server.Environment.IsRunning(ctx); !running {
return nil
logs, err := h.server.Environment.Readlog(config.Get().System.WebsocketLogCount)
if err != nil {
return err
for _, line := range logs {
Event: server.ConsoleOutputEvent,
Args: []string{line},
return nil
case SendStatsEvent:
b, _ := json.Marshal(h.server.Proc())
Event: server.StatsEvent,
Args: []string{string(b)},
return nil
case SendCommandEvent:
if !h.GetJwt().HasPermission(PermissionSendCommand) {
return nil
if h.server.Environment.State() == environment.ProcessOfflineState {
return nil
// TODO(dane): should probably add a new process state that is "booting environment" or something
// so that we can better handle this and only set the environment to booted once we're attached.
// Or maybe just an IsBooted function?
if h.server.Environment.State() == environment.ProcessStartingState {
if e, ok := h.server.Environment.(*docker.Environment); ok {
if !e.IsAttached() {
return nil
return h.server.Environment.SendCommand(strings.Join(m.Args, ""))
return nil