Michael Parker 49b00fc48a
resolve issues with missing user in containers
This change resolves an issue in container where the user id is not found.

This will create a passwd file with a single line that is for the container user using the uid and gid of the pterodactyl user.

As an added security benefit this would also stop users being able to just use `/bin/bash` as it sets the users terminal to nologin by default and is configurable

example passwd file contents  
2023-08-12 17:26:23 -04:00

694 lines
26 KiB

package config
import (
const DefaultLocation = "/etc/pterodactyl/config.yml"
// DefaultTLSConfig sets sane defaults to use when configuring the internal
// webserver to listen for public connections.
// @see
var DefaultTLSConfig = &tls.Config{
NextProtos: []string{"h2", "http/1.1"},
CipherSuites: []uint16{
PreferServerCipherSuites: true,
MinVersion: tls.VersionTLS12,
MaxVersion: tls.VersionTLS13,
CurvePreferences: []tls.CurveID{tls.X25519, tls.CurveP256},
var (
mu sync.RWMutex
_config *Configuration
_jwtAlgo *jwt.HMACSHA
_debugViaFlag bool
// Locker specific to writing the configuration to the disk, this happens
// in areas that might already be locked, so we don't want to crash the process.
var _writeLock sync.Mutex
// SftpConfiguration defines the configuration of the internal SFTP server.
type SftpConfiguration struct {
// The bind address of the SFTP server.
Address string `default:"" json:"bind_address" yaml:"bind_address"`
// The bind port of the SFTP server.
Port int `default:"2022" json:"bind_port" yaml:"bind_port"`
// If set to true, no write actions will be allowed on the SFTP server.
ReadOnly bool `default:"false" yaml:"read_only"`
// ApiConfiguration defines the configuration for the internal API that is
// exposed by the Wings webserver.
type ApiConfiguration struct {
// The interface that the internal webserver should bind to.
Host string `default:"" yaml:"host"`
// The port that the internal webserver should bind to.
Port int `default:"8080" yaml:"port"`
// SSL configuration for the daemon.
Ssl struct {
Enabled bool `json:"enabled" yaml:"enabled"`
CertificateFile string `json:"cert" yaml:"cert"`
KeyFile string `json:"key" yaml:"key"`
// Determines if functionality for allowing remote download of files into server directories
// is enabled on this instance. If set to "true" remote downloads will not be possible for
// servers.
DisableRemoteDownload bool `json:"disable_remote_download" yaml:"disable_remote_download"`
// The maximum size for files uploaded through the Panel in MB.
UploadLimit int64 `default:"100" json:"upload_limit" yaml:"upload_limit"`
// A list of IP address of proxies that may send a X-Forwarded-For header to set the true clients IP
TrustedProxies []string `json:"trusted_proxies" yaml:"trusted_proxies"`
// RemoteQueryConfiguration defines the configuration settings for remote requests
// from Wings to the Panel.
type RemoteQueryConfiguration struct {
// The amount of time in seconds that Wings should allow for a request to the Panel API
// to complete. If this time passes the request will be marked as failed. If your requests
// are taking longer than 30 seconds to complete it is likely a performance issue that
// should be resolved on the Panel, and not something that should be resolved by upping this
// number.
Timeout int `default:"30" yaml:"timeout"`
// The number of servers to load in a single request to the Panel API when booting the
// Wings instance. A single request is initially made to the Panel to get this number
// of servers, and then the pagination status is checked and additional requests are
// fired off in parallel to request the remaining pages.
// It is not recommended to change this from the default as you will likely encounter
// memory limits on your Panel instance. In the grand scheme of things 4 requests for
// 50 servers is likely just as quick as two for 100 or one for 400, and will certainly
// be less likely to cause performance issues on the Panel.
BootServersPerPage int `default:"50" yaml:"boot_servers_per_page"`
// SystemConfiguration defines basic system configuration settings.
type SystemConfiguration struct {
// The root directory where all of the pterodactyl data is stored at.
RootDirectory string `default:"/var/lib/pterodactyl" yaml:"root_directory"`
// Directory where logs for server installations and other wings events are logged.
LogDirectory string `default:"/var/log/pterodactyl" yaml:"log_directory"`
// Directory where the server data is stored at.
Data string `default:"/var/lib/pterodactyl/volumes" yaml:"data"`
// Directory where server archives for transferring will be stored.
ArchiveDirectory string `default:"/var/lib/pterodactyl/archives" yaml:"archive_directory"`
// Directory where local backups will be stored on the machine.
BackupDirectory string `default:"/var/lib/pterodactyl/backups" yaml:"backup_directory"`
// TmpDirectory specifies where temporary files for Pterodactyl installation processes
// should be created. This supports environments running docker-in-docker.
TmpDirectory string `default:"/tmp/pterodactyl" yaml:"tmp_directory"`
// The user that should own all of the server files, and be used for containers.
Username string `default:"pterodactyl" yaml:"username"`
// The timezone for this Wings instance. This is detected by Wings automatically if possible,
// and falls back to UTC if not able to be detected. If you need to set this manually, that
// can also be done.
// This timezone value is passed into all containers created by Wings.
Timezone string `yaml:"timezone"`
// Definitions for the user that gets created to ensure that we can quickly access
// this information without constantly having to do a system lookup.
User struct {
// Rootless controls settings related to rootless container daemons.
Rootless struct {
// Enabled controls whether rootless containers are enabled.
Enabled bool `yaml:"enabled" default:"false"`
// ContainerUID controls the UID of the user inside the container.
// This should likely be set to 0 so the container runs as the user
// running Wings.
ContainerUID int `yaml:"container_uid" default:"0"`
// ContainerGID controls the GID of the user inside the container.
// This should likely be set to 0 so the container runs as the user
// running Wings.
ContainerGID int `yaml:"container_gid" default:"0"`
} `yaml:"rootless"`
Uid int `yaml:"uid"`
Gid int `yaml:"gid"`
Login bool `yaml:"login"`
} `yaml:"user"`
// The amount of time in seconds that can elapse before a server's disk space calculation is
// considered stale and a re-check should occur. DANGER: setting this value too low can seriously
// impact system performance and cause massive I/O bottlenecks and high CPU usage for the Wings
// process.
// Set to 0 to disable disk checking entirely. This will always return 0 for the disk space used
// by a server and should only be set in extreme scenarios where performance is critical and
// disk usage is not a concern.
DiskCheckInterval int64 `default:"150" yaml:"disk_check_interval"`
// ActivitySendInterval is the amount of time that should ellapse between aggregated server activity
// being sent to the Panel. By default this will send activity collected over the last minute. Keep
// in mind that only a fixed number of activity log entries, defined by ActivitySendCount, will be sent
// in each run.
ActivitySendInterval int `default:"60" yaml:"activity_send_interval"`
// ActivitySendCount is the number of activity events to send per batch.
ActivitySendCount int `default:"100" yaml:"activity_send_count"`
// If set to true, file permissions for a server will be checked when the process is
// booted. This can cause boot delays if the server has a large amount of files. In most
// cases disabling this should not have any major impact unless external processes are
// frequently modifying a servers' files.
CheckPermissionsOnBoot bool `default:"true" yaml:"check_permissions_on_boot"`
// If set to false Wings will not attempt to write a log rotate configuration to the disk
// when it boots and one is not detected.
EnableLogRotate bool `default:"true" yaml:"enable_log_rotate"`
// The number of lines to send when a server connects to the websocket.
WebsocketLogCount int `default:"150" yaml:"websocket_log_count"`
Sftp SftpConfiguration `yaml:"sftp"`
CrashDetection CrashDetection `yaml:"crash_detection"`
Backups Backups `yaml:"backups"`
Transfers Transfers `yaml:"transfers"`
type CrashDetection struct {
// CrashDetectionEnabled sets if crash detection is enabled globally for all servers on this node.
CrashDetectionEnabled bool `default:"true" yaml:"enabled"`
// Determines if Wings should detect a server that stops with a normal exit code of
// "0" as being crashed if the process stopped without any Wings interaction. E.g.
// the user did not press the stop button, but the process stopped cleanly.
DetectCleanExitAsCrash bool `default:"true" yaml:"detect_clean_exit_as_crash"`
// Timeout specifies the timeout between crashes that will not cause the server
// to be automatically restarted, this value is used to prevent servers from
// becoming stuck in a boot-loop after multiple consecutive crashes.
Timeout int `default:"60" json:"timeout"`
type Backups struct {
// WriteLimit imposes a Disk I/O write limit on backups to the disk, this affects all
// backup drivers as the archiver must first write the file to the disk in order to
// upload it to any external storage provider.
// If the value is less than 1, the write speed is unlimited,
// if the value is greater than 0, the write speed is the value in MiB/s.
// Defaults to 0 (unlimited)
WriteLimit int `default:"0" yaml:"write_limit"`
// CompressionLevel determines how much backups created by wings should be compressed.
// "none" -> no compression will be applied
// "best_speed" -> uses gzip level 1 for fast speed
// "best_compression" -> uses gzip level 9 for minimal disk space useage
// Defaults to "best_speed" (level 1)
CompressionLevel string `default:"best_speed" yaml:"compression_level"`
type Transfers struct {
// DownloadLimit imposes a Network I/O read limit when downloading a transfer archive.
// If the value is less than 1, the write speed is unlimited,
// if the value is greater than 0, the write speed is the value in MiB/s.
// Defaults to 0 (unlimited)
DownloadLimit int `default:"0" yaml:"download_limit"`
type ConsoleThrottles struct {
// Whether or not the throttler is enabled for this instance.
Enabled bool `json:"enabled" yaml:"enabled" default:"true"`
// The total number of lines that can be output in a given Period period before
// a warning is triggered and counted against the server.
Lines uint64 `json:"lines" yaml:"lines" default:"2000"`
// The amount of time after which the number of lines processed is reset to 0. This runs in
// a constant loop and is not affected by the current console output volumes. By default, this
// will reset the processed line count back to 0 every 100ms.
Period uint64 `json:"line_reset_interval" yaml:"line_reset_interval" default:"100"`
type Configuration struct {
// The location from which this configuration instance was instantiated.
path string
// Determines if wings should be running in debug mode. This value is ignored
// if the debug flag is passed through the command line arguments.
Debug bool
AppName string `default:"Pterodactyl" json:"app_name" yaml:"app_name"`
// A unique identifier for this node in the Panel.
Uuid string
// An identifier for the token which must be included in any requests to the panel
// so that the token can be looked up correctly.
AuthenticationTokenId string `json:"token_id" yaml:"token_id"`
// The token used when performing operations. Requests to this instance must
// validate against it.
AuthenticationToken string `json:"token" yaml:"token"`
Api ApiConfiguration `json:"api" yaml:"api"`
System SystemConfiguration `json:"system" yaml:"system"`
Docker DockerConfiguration `json:"docker" yaml:"docker"`
// Defines internal throttling configurations for server processes to prevent
// someone from running an endless loop that spams data to logs.
Throttles ConsoleThrottles
// The location where the panel is running that this daemon should connect to
// to collect data and send events.
PanelLocation string `json:"remote" yaml:"remote"`
RemoteQuery RemoteQueryConfiguration `json:"remote_query" yaml:"remote_query"`
// AllowedMounts is a list of allowed host-system mount points.
// This is required to have the "Server Mounts" feature work properly.
AllowedMounts []string `json:"-" yaml:"allowed_mounts"`
// AllowedOrigins is a list of allowed request origins.
// The Panel URL is automatically allowed, this is only needed for adding
// additional origins.
AllowedOrigins []string `json:"allowed_origins" yaml:"allowed_origins"`
// AllowCORSPrivateNetwork sets the `Access-Control-Request-Private-Network` header which
// allows client browsers to make requests to internal IP addresses over HTTP. This setting
// is only required by users running Wings without SSL certificates and using internal IP
// addresses in order to connect. Most users should NOT enable this setting.
AllowCORSPrivateNetwork bool `json:"allow_cors_private_network" yaml:"allow_cors_private_network"`
// IgnorePanelConfigUpdates causes confiuration updates that are sent by the panel to be ignored.
IgnorePanelConfigUpdates bool `json:"ignore_panel_config_updates" yaml:"ignore_panel_config_updates"`
// NewAtPath creates a new struct and set the path where it should be stored.
// This function does not modify the currently stored global configuration.
func NewAtPath(path string) (*Configuration, error) {
var c Configuration
// Configures the default values for many of the configuration options present
// in the structs. Values set in the configuration file take priority over the
// default values.
if err := defaults.Set(&c); err != nil {
return nil, err
// Track the location where we created this configuration.
c.path = path
return &c, nil
// Set the global configuration instance. This is a blocking operation such that
// anything trying to set a different configuration value, or read the configuration
// will be paused until it is complete.
func Set(c *Configuration) {
if _config == nil || _config.AuthenticationToken != c.AuthenticationToken {
_jwtAlgo = jwt.NewHS256([]byte(c.AuthenticationToken))
_config = c
// SetDebugViaFlag tracks if the application is running in debug mode because of
// a command line flag argument. If so we do not want to store that configuration
// change to the disk.
func SetDebugViaFlag(d bool) {
_config.Debug = d
_debugViaFlag = d
// Get returns the global configuration instance. This is a thread-safe operation
// that will block if the configuration is presently being modified.
// Be aware that you CANNOT make modifications to the currently stored configuration
// by modifying the struct returned by this function. The only way to make
// modifications is by using the Update() function and passing data through in
// the callback.
func Get() *Configuration {
// Create a copy of the struct so that all modifications made beyond this
// point are immutable.
//goland:noinspection GoVetCopyLock
c := *_config
return &c
// Update performs an in-situ update of the global configuration object using
// a thread-safe mutex lock. This is the correct way to make modifications to
// the global configuration.
func Update(callback func(c *Configuration)) {
// GetJwtAlgorithm returns the in-memory JWT algorithm.
func GetJwtAlgorithm() *jwt.HMACSHA {
defer mu.RUnlock()
return _jwtAlgo
// WriteToDisk writes the configuration to the disk. This is a thread safe operation
// and will only allow one write at a time. Additional calls while writing are
// queued up.
func WriteToDisk(c *Configuration) error {
defer _writeLock.Unlock()
//goland:noinspection GoVetCopyLock
ccopy := *c
// If debugging is set with the flag, don't save that to the configuration file,
// otherwise you'll always end up in debug mode.
if _debugViaFlag {
ccopy.Debug = false
if c.path == "" {
return errors.New("cannot write configuration, no path defined in struct")
b, err := yaml.Marshal(&ccopy)
if err != nil {
return err
if err := os.WriteFile(c.path, b, 0o600); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// EnsurePterodactylUser ensures that the Pterodactyl core user exists on the
// system. This user will be the owner of all data in the root data directory
// and is used as the user within containers. If files are not owned by this
// user there will be issues with permissions on Docker mount points.
// This function IS NOT thread safe and should only be called in the main thread
// when the application is booting.
func EnsurePterodactylUser() error {
sysName, err := getSystemName()
if err != nil {
return err
// Our way of detecting if wings is running inside of Docker.
if sysName == "distroless" {
_config.System.Username = system.FirstNotEmpty(os.Getenv("WINGS_USERNAME"), "pterodactyl")
_config.System.User.Uid = system.MustInt(system.FirstNotEmpty(os.Getenv("WINGS_UID"), "988"))
_config.System.User.Gid = system.MustInt(system.FirstNotEmpty(os.Getenv("WINGS_GID"), "988"))
return nil
if _config.System.User.Rootless.Enabled {
log.Info("rootless mode is enabled, skipping user creation...")
u, err := user.Current()
if err != nil {
return err
_config.System.Username = u.Username
_config.System.User.Uid = system.MustInt(u.Uid)
_config.System.User.Gid = system.MustInt(u.Gid)
return nil
log.WithField("username", _config.System.Username).Info("checking for pterodactyl system user")
u, err := user.Lookup(_config.System.Username)
// If an error is returned but it isn't the unknown user error just abort
// the process entirely. If we did find a user, return it immediately.
if err != nil {
if _, ok := err.(user.UnknownUserError); !ok {
return err
} else {
_config.System.User.Uid = system.MustInt(u.Uid)
_config.System.User.Gid = system.MustInt(u.Gid)
return nil
command := fmt.Sprintf("useradd --system --no-create-home --shell /usr/sbin/nologin %s", _config.System.Username)
// Alpine Linux is the only OS we currently support that doesn't work with the useradd
// command, so in those cases we just modify the command a bit to work as expected.
if strings.HasPrefix(sysName, "alpine") {
command = fmt.Sprintf("adduser -S -D -H -G %[1]s -s /sbin/nologin %[1]s", _config.System.Username)
// We have to create the group first on Alpine, so do that here before continuing on
// to the user creation process.
if _, err := exec.Command("addgroup", "-S", _config.System.Username).Output(); err != nil {
return err
split := strings.Split(command, " ")
if _, err := exec.Command(split[0], split[1:]...).Output(); err != nil {
return err
u, err = user.Lookup(_config.System.Username)
if err != nil {
return err
_config.System.User.Uid = system.MustInt(u.Uid)
_config.System.User.Gid = system.MustInt(u.Gid)
return nil
// FromFile reads the configuration from the provided file and stores it in the
// global singleton for this instance.
func FromFile(path string) error {
b, err := os.ReadFile(path)
if err != nil {
return err
c, err := NewAtPath(path)
if err != nil {
return err
if err := yaml.Unmarshal(b, c); err != nil {
return err
// Store this configuration in the global state.
return nil
// ConfigureDirectories ensures that all the system directories exist on the
// system. These directories are created so that only the owner can read the data,
// and no other users.
// This function IS NOT thread-safe.
func ConfigureDirectories() error {
root := _config.System.RootDirectory
log.WithField("path", root).Debug("ensuring root data directory exists")
if err := os.MkdirAll(root, 0o700); err != nil {
return err
log.WithField("filepath", "/etc/pterodactyl//passwd").Debug("ensuring passwd file exists")
if passwd, err := os.Create("/etc/pterodactyl/passwd"); err != nil {
return err
} else {
shell := "/usr/sbin/nologin"
if _config.System.User.Login {
shell = "/bin/sh"
// the WriteFile method returns an error if unsuccessful
err := os.WriteFile(passwd.Name(), []byte(fmt.Sprintf("container:x:%d:%d::/home/container:%s", _config.System.User.Uid, _config.System.User.Gid, shell)), 0777)
// handle this error
if err != nil {
// print it out
// There are a non-trivial number of users out there whose data directories are actually a
// symlink to another location on the disk. If we do not resolve that final destination at this
// point things will appear to work, but endless errors will be encountered when we try to
// verify accessed paths since they will all end up resolving outside the expected data directory.
// For the sake of automating away as much of this as possible, see if the data directory is a
// symlink, and if so resolve to its final real path, and then update the configuration to use
// that.
if d, err := filepath.EvalSymlinks(_config.System.Data); err != nil {
if !os.IsNotExist(err) {
return err
} else if d != _config.System.Data {
_config.System.Data = d
log.WithField("path", _config.System.Data).Debug("ensuring server data directory exists")
if err := os.MkdirAll(_config.System.Data, 0o700); err != nil {
return err
log.WithField("path", _config.System.ArchiveDirectory).Debug("ensuring archive data directory exists")
if err := os.MkdirAll(_config.System.ArchiveDirectory, 0o700); err != nil {
return err
log.WithField("path", _config.System.BackupDirectory).Debug("ensuring backup data directory exists")
if err := os.MkdirAll(_config.System.BackupDirectory, 0o700); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// EnableLogRotation writes a logrotate file for wings to the system logrotate
// configuration directory if one exists and a logrotate file is not found. This
// allows us to basically automate away the log rotation for most installs, but
// also enable users to make modifications on their own.
// This function IS NOT thread-safe.
func EnableLogRotation() error {
if !_config.System.EnableLogRotate {
log.Info("skipping log rotate configuration, disabled in wings config file")
return nil
if st, err := os.Stat("/etc/logrotate.d"); err != nil && !os.IsNotExist(err) {
return err
} else if (err != nil && os.IsNotExist(err)) || !st.IsDir() {
return nil
if _, err := os.Stat("/etc/logrotate.d/wings"); err == nil || !os.IsNotExist(err) {
return err
log.Info("no log rotation configuration found: adding file now")
// If we've gotten to this point it means the logrotate directory exists on the system
// but there is not a file for wings already. In that case, let us write a new file to
// it so files can be rotated easily.
f, err := os.Create("/etc/logrotate.d/wings")
if err != nil {
return err
defer f.Close()
t, err := template.New("logrotate").Parse(`{{.LogDirectory}}/wings.log {
size 10M
maxage 7
/usr/bin/systemctl kill -s HUP wings.service >/dev/null 2>&1 || true
if err != nil {
return err
return errors.Wrap(t.Execute(f, _config.System), "config: failed to write logrotate to disk")
// GetStatesPath returns the location of the JSON file that tracks server states.
func (sc *SystemConfiguration) GetStatesPath() string {
return path.Join(sc.RootDirectory, "/states.json")
// ConfigureTimezone sets the timezone data for the configuration if it is
// currently missing. If a value has been set, this functionality will only run
// to validate that the timezone being used is valid.
// This function IS NOT thread-safe.
func ConfigureTimezone() error {
tz := os.Getenv("TZ")
if _config.System.Timezone == "" && tz != "" {
_config.System.Timezone = tz
if _config.System.Timezone == "" {
b, err := os.ReadFile("/etc/timezone")
if err != nil {
if !os.IsNotExist(err) {
return errors.WithMessage(err, "config: failed to open timezone file")
_config.System.Timezone = "UTC"
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), time.Second*5)
defer cancel()
// Okay, file isn't found on this OS, we will try using timedatectl to handle this. If this
// command fails, exit, but if it returns a value use that. If no value is returned we will
// fall through to UTC to get Wings booted at least.
out, err := exec.CommandContext(ctx, "timedatectl").Output()
if err != nil {
log.WithField("error", err).Warn("failed to execute \"timedatectl\" to determine system timezone, falling back to UTC")
return nil
r := regexp.MustCompile(`Time zone: ([\w/]+)`)
matches := r.FindSubmatch(out)
if len(matches) != 2 || string(matches[1]) == "" {
log.Warn("failed to parse timezone from \"timedatectl\" output, falling back to UTC")
return nil
_config.System.Timezone = string(matches[1])
} else {
_config.System.Timezone = string(b)
_config.System.Timezone = regexp.MustCompile(`(?i)[^a-z_/]+`).ReplaceAllString(_config.System.Timezone, "")
_, err := time.LoadLocation(_config.System.Timezone)
return errors.WithMessage(err, fmt.Sprintf("the supplied timezone %s is invalid", _config.System.Timezone))
// Gets the system release name.
func getSystemName() (string, error) {
// use osrelease to get release version and ID
release, err := osrelease.Read()
if err != nil {
return "", err
return release["ID"], nil