Matthew Penner ac9bd1d95e
server(filesystem): fix archives in subdirectories
When creating an archive starting from a subdirectory instead of the
root of a server's filesystem, the walker would treat the paths as if
they where relative to the parent of the subdirectory, instead of as
descendants of the subdirectory.

2024-03-14 13:46:36 -06:00

345 lines
9.8 KiB

package filesystem
import (
ignore ""
const memory = 4 * 1024
var pool = sync.Pool{
New: func() interface{} {
b := make([]byte, memory)
return b
// TarProgress .
type TarProgress struct {
p *progress.Progress
// NewTarProgress .
func NewTarProgress(w *tar.Writer, p *progress.Progress) *TarProgress {
if p != nil {
p.Writer = w
return &TarProgress{
Writer: w,
p: p,
// Write .
func (p *TarProgress) Write(v []byte) (int, error) {
if p.p == nil {
return p.Writer.Write(v)
return p.p.Write(v)
type Archive struct {
// Filesystem to create the archive with.
Filesystem *Filesystem
// Ignore is a gitignore string (most likely read from a file) of files to ignore
// from the archive.
Ignore string
// BaseDirectory .
BaseDirectory string
// Files specifies the files to archive, this takes priority over the Ignore
// option, if unspecified, all files in the BaseDirectory will be archived
// unless Ignore is set.
Files []string
// Progress wraps the writer of the archive to pass through the progress tracker.
Progress *progress.Progress
w *TarProgress
// Create creates an archive at dst with all the files defined in the
// included Files array.
func (a *Archive) Create(ctx context.Context, dst string) error {
// Using os.OpenFile here is expected, as long as `dst` is not a user
// provided path.
f, err := os.OpenFile(dst, os.O_WRONLY|os.O_CREATE|os.O_TRUNC, 0o600)
if err != nil {
return err
defer f.Close()
// Select a writer based off of the WriteLimit configuration option. If there is no
// write limit, use the file as the writer.
var writer io.Writer
if writeLimit := int64(config.Get().System.Backups.WriteLimit * 1024 * 1024); writeLimit > 0 {
// Token bucket with a capacity of "writeLimit" MiB, adding "writeLimit" MiB/s
// and then wrap the file writer with the token bucket limiter.
writer = ratelimit.Writer(f, ratelimit.NewBucketWithRate(float64(writeLimit), writeLimit))
} else {
writer = f
return a.Stream(ctx, writer)
type walkFunc func(dirfd int, name, relative string, d ufs.DirEntry) error
// Stream streams the creation of the archive to the given writer.
func (a *Archive) Stream(ctx context.Context, w io.Writer) error {
if a.Filesystem == nil {
return errors.New("filesystem: archive.Filesystem is unset")
// The base directory may come with a prefixed `/`, strip it to prevent
// problems.
a.BaseDirectory = strings.TrimPrefix(a.BaseDirectory, "/")
if filesLen := len(a.Files); filesLen > 0 {
files := make([]string, filesLen)
for i, f := range a.Files {
if !strings.HasPrefix(f, a.Filesystem.Path()) {
files[i] = f
files[i] = strings.TrimPrefix(strings.TrimPrefix(f, a.Filesystem.Path()), "/")
a.Files = files
// Choose which compression level to use based on the compression_level configuration option
var compressionLevel int
switch config.Get().System.Backups.CompressionLevel {
case "none":
compressionLevel = pgzip.NoCompression
case "best_compression":
compressionLevel = pgzip.BestCompression
compressionLevel = pgzip.BestSpeed
// Create a new gzip writer around the file.
gw, _ := pgzip.NewWriterLevel(w, compressionLevel)
_ = gw.SetConcurrency(1<<20, 1)
defer gw.Close()
// Create a new tar writer around the gzip writer.
tw := tar.NewWriter(gw)
defer tw.Close()
a.w = NewTarProgress(tw, a.Progress)
fs := a.Filesystem.unixFS
// If we're specifically looking for only certain files, or have requested
// that certain files be ignored we'll update the callback function to reflect
// that request.
var callback walkFunc
if len(a.Files) == 0 && len(a.Ignore) > 0 {
i := ignore.CompileIgnoreLines(strings.Split(a.Ignore, "\n")...)
callback = a.callback(func(_ int, _, relative string, _ ufs.DirEntry) error {
if i.MatchesPath(relative) {
return SkipThis
return nil
} else if len(a.Files) > 0 {
callback = a.withFilesCallback()
} else {
callback = a.callback()
// Open the base directory we were provided.
dirfd, name, closeFd, err := fs.SafePath(a.BaseDirectory)
defer closeFd()
if err != nil {
return err
// Recursively walk the base directory.
return fs.WalkDirat(dirfd, name, func(dirfd int, name, relative string, d ufs.DirEntry, err error) error {
if err != nil {
return err
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
return ctx.Err()
return callback(dirfd, name, relative, d)
// Callback function used to determine if a given file should be included in the archive
// being generated.
func (a *Archive) callback(opts ...walkFunc) walkFunc {
// Get the base directory we need to strip when walking.
// This is important as when we are walking, the last part of the base directory
// is present on all the paths we walk.
var base string
if a.BaseDirectory != "" {
base = filepath.Base(a.BaseDirectory) + "/"
return func(dirfd int, name, relative string, d ufs.DirEntry) error {
// Skip directories because we are walking them recursively.
if d.IsDir() {
return nil
// If base isn't empty, strip it from the relative path. This fixes an
// issue when creating an archive starting from a nested directory.
// See for more details.
if base != "" {
relative = strings.TrimPrefix(relative, base)
// Call the additional options passed to this callback function. If any of them return
// a non-nil error we will exit immediately.
for _, opt := range opts {
if err := opt(dirfd, name, relative, d); err != nil {
if err == SkipThis {
return nil
return err
// Add the file to the archive, if it is nested in a directory,
// the directory will be automatically "created" in the archive.
return a.addToArchive(dirfd, name, relative, d)
var SkipThis = errors.New("skip this")
// Pushes only files defined in the Files key to the final archive.
func (a *Archive) withFilesCallback() walkFunc {
return a.callback(func(_ int, _, relative string, _ ufs.DirEntry) error {
for _, f := range a.Files {
// Allow exact file matches, otherwise check if file is within a parent directory.
// The slashes are added in the prefix checks to prevent partial name matches from being
// included in the archive.
if f != relative && !strings.HasPrefix(strings.TrimSuffix(relative, "/")+"/", strings.TrimSuffix(f, "/")+"/") {
// Once we have a match return a nil value here so that the loop stops and the
// call to this function will correctly include the file in the archive. If there
// are no matches we'll never make it to this line, and the final error returned
// will be the ufs.SkipDir error.
return nil
return SkipThis
// Adds a given file path to the final archive being created.
func (a *Archive) addToArchive(dirfd int, name, relative string, entry ufs.DirEntry) error {
s, err := entry.Info()
if err != nil {
if errors.Is(err, ufs.ErrNotExist) {
return nil
return errors.WrapIff(err, "failed executing os.Lstat on '%s'", name)
// Skip socket files as they are unsupported by archive/tar.
// Error will come from tar#FileInfoHeader: "archive/tar: sockets not supported"
if s.Mode()&fs.ModeSocket != 0 {
return nil
// Resolve the symlink target if the file is a symlink.
var target string
if s.Mode()&fs.ModeSymlink != 0 {
// Read the target of the symlink. If there are any errors we will dump them out to
// the logs, but we're not going to stop the backup. There are far too many cases of
// symlinks causing all sorts of unnecessary pain in this process. Sucks to suck if
// it doesn't work.
target, err = os.Readlink(s.Name())
if err != nil {
// Ignore the not exist errors specifically, since there is nothing important about that.
if !os.IsNotExist(err) {
log.WithField("name", name).WithField("readlink_err", err.Error()).Warn("failed reading symlink for target path; skipping...")
return nil
// Get the tar FileInfoHeader in order to add the file to the archive.
header, err := tar.FileInfoHeader(s, filepath.ToSlash(target))
if err != nil {
return errors.WrapIff(err, "failed to get tar#FileInfoHeader for '%s'", name)
// Fix the header name if the file is not a symlink.
if s.Mode()&fs.ModeSymlink == 0 {
header.Name = relative
// Write the tar FileInfoHeader to the archive.
if err := a.w.WriteHeader(header); err != nil {
return errors.WrapIff(err, "failed to write tar#FileInfoHeader for '%s'", name)
// If the size of the file is less than 1 (most likely for symlinks), skip writing the file.
if header.Size < 1 {
return nil
// If the buffer size is larger than the file size, create a smaller buffer to hold the file.
var buf []byte
if header.Size < memory {
buf = make([]byte, header.Size)
} else {
// Get a fixed-size buffer from the pool to save on allocations.
buf = pool.Get().([]byte)
defer func() {
buf = make([]byte, memory)
// Open the file.
f, err := a.Filesystem.unixFS.OpenFileat(dirfd, name, ufs.O_RDONLY, 0)
if err != nil {
if os.IsNotExist(err) {
return nil
return errors.WrapIff(err, "failed to open '%s' for copying", header.Name)
defer f.Close()
// Copy the file's contents to the archive using our buffer.
if _, err := io.CopyBuffer(a.w, io.LimitReader(f, header.Size), buf); err != nil {
return errors.WrapIff(err, "failed to copy '%s' to archive", header.Name)
return nil