package server import ( "bufio" "bytes" "context" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "io/ioutil" "os" "path/filepath" "sync" ) func (s *Server) Install() error { script, rerr, err := api.NewRequester().GetInstallationScript(s.Uuid) if err != nil || rerr != nil { if err != nil { return err } return errors.New(rerr.String()) } p, err := NewInstallationProcess(s, &script) if err != nil { return errors.WithStack(err) } go p.Run() return nil } type InstallationProcess struct { Server *Server Script *api.InstallationScript client *client.Client mutex *sync.Mutex } // Generates a new installation process struct that will be used to create containers, // and otherwise perform installation commands for a server. func NewInstallationProcess(s *Server, script *api.InstallationScript) (*InstallationProcess, error) { proc := &InstallationProcess{ Script: script, Server: s, mutex: &sync.Mutex{}, } if c, err := client.NewClientWithOpts(client.FromEnv); err != nil { return nil, errors.WithStack(err) } else { proc.client = c } return proc, nil } // Runs the installation process, this is done as a backgrounded thread. This will configure // the required environment, and then spin up the installation container. // // Once the container finishes installing the results will be stored in an installation // log in the server's configuration directory. func (ip *InstallationProcess) Run() { installPath, err := ip.BeforeExecute() if err != nil { zap.S().Errorw( "failed to complete BeforeExecute step of installation process", zap.String("server", ip.Server.Uuid), zap.Error(errors.WithStack(err)), ) return } if _, err := ip.Execute(installPath); err != nil { zap.S().Errorw( "failed to complete Execute step of installation process", zap.String("server", ip.Server.Uuid), zap.Error(errors.WithStack(err)), ) } zap.S().Infow("completed installation process for server", zap.String("server", ip.Server.Uuid)) } // Writes the installation script to a temporary file on the host machine so that it // can be properly mounted into the installation container and then executed. func (ip *InstallationProcess) writeScriptToDisk() (string, error) { d, err := ioutil.TempDir("", "pterodactyl") if err != nil { return "", errors.WithStack(err) } f, err := os.OpenFile(filepath.Join(d, ""), os.O_RDWR|os.O_CREATE|os.O_TRUNC, 0644) if err != nil { return "", errors.WithStack(err) } defer f.Close() w := bufio.NewWriter(f) scanner := bufio.NewScanner(bytes.NewReader([]byte(ip.Script.Script))) for scanner.Scan() { w.WriteString(scanner.Text() + "\n") } if err := scanner.Err(); err != nil { return "", errors.WithStack(err) } w.Flush() return d, nil } // Pulls the docker image to be used for the installation container. func (ip *InstallationProcess) pullInstallationImage() error { r, err := ip.client.ImagePull(context.Background(), ip.Script.ContainerImage, types.ImagePullOptions{}) if err != nil { return errors.WithStack(err) } // Block continuation until the image has been pulled successfully. scanner := bufio.NewScanner(r) for scanner.Scan() { zap.S().Debugw(scanner.Text()) } if err := scanner.Err(); err != nil { return errors.WithStack(err) } return nil } // Runs before the container is executed. This pulls down the required docker container image // as well as writes the installation script to the disk. This process is executed in an async // manner, if either one fails the error is returned. func (ip *InstallationProcess) BeforeExecute() (string, error) { wg := sync.WaitGroup{} wg.Add(3) var e []error var fileName string go func() { defer wg.Done() name, err := ip.writeScriptToDisk() if err != nil { e = append(e, err) return } fileName = name }() go func() { defer wg.Done() if err := ip.pullInstallationImage(); err != nil { e = append(e, err) } }() go func() { defer wg.Done() opts := types.ContainerRemoveOptions{ RemoveVolumes: true, Force: true, } if err := ip.client.ContainerRemove(context.Background(), ip.Server.Uuid+"_installer", opts); err != nil { if !client.IsErrNotFound(err) { e = append(e, err) } } }() wg.Wait() // Maybe a better way to handle this, but if there is at least one error // just bail out of the process now. if len(e) > 0 { return "", errors.WithStack(e[0]) } return fileName, nil } // Executes the installation process inside a specially created docker container. func (ip *InstallationProcess) Execute(installPath string) (string, error) { ctx := context.Background() zap.S().Debugw( "creating server installer container", zap.String("server", ip.Server.Uuid), zap.String("script_path", installPath+"/"), ) conf := &container.Config{ Hostname: "installer", AttachStdout: true, AttachStderr: true, AttachStdin: true, OpenStdin: true, Tty: true, Cmd: []string{ip.Script.Entrypoint, "./mnt/install/"}, Image: ip.Script.ContainerImage, Env: ip.Server.GetEnvironmentVariables(), Labels: map[string]string{ "Service": "Pterodactyl", "ContainerType": "server_installer", }, } hostConf := &container.HostConfig{ Mounts: []mount.Mount{ { Target: "/mnt/server", Source: ip.Server.Filesystem.Path(), Type: mount.TypeBind, ReadOnly: false, }, { Target: "/mnt/install", Source: installPath, Type: mount.TypeBind, ReadOnly: false, }, }, Tmpfs: map[string]string{ "/tmp": "rw,exec,nosuid,size=50M", }, DNS: []string{"", ""}, LogConfig: container.LogConfig{ Type: "local", Config: map[string]string{ "max-size": "5m", "max-file": "1", "compress": "false", }, }, Privileged: true, NetworkMode: "pterodactyl_nw", } zap.S().Infow("creating installer container for server process", zap.String("server", ip.Server.Uuid)) r, err := ip.client.ContainerCreate(ctx, conf, hostConf, nil, ip.Server.Uuid+"_installer") if err != nil { return "", errors.WithStack(err) } zap.S().Infow( "running installation process for server...", zap.String("server", ip.Server.Uuid), zap.String("container_id", r.ID), ) if err := ip.client.ContainerStart(ctx, r.ID, types.ContainerStartOptions{}); err != nil { return "", err } go func(id string) { ip.Server.Emit(DaemonMessageEvent, "Starting installation process, this could take a few minutes...") if err := ip.StreamOutput(id); err != nil { zap.S().Errorw( "error handling streaming output for server install process", zap.String("container_id", id), zap.Error(err), ) } ip.Server.Emit(DaemonMessageEvent, "Installation process completed.") }(r.ID) sChann, eChann := ip.client.ContainerWait(ctx, r.ID, container.WaitConditionNotRunning) select { case err := <-eChann: if err != nil { return "", errors.WithStack(err) } case <-sChann: } return r.ID, nil } // Streams the output of the installation process to a log file in the server configuration // directory, as well as to a websocket listener so that the process can be viewed in // the panel by administrators. func (ip *InstallationProcess) StreamOutput(id string) error { reader, err := ip.client.ContainerLogs(context.Background(), id, types.ContainerLogsOptions{ ShowStdout: true, ShowStderr: true, Follow: true, }) if err != nil { return errors.WithStack(err) } defer reader.Close() s := bufio.NewScanner(reader) for s.Scan() { ip.Server.Emit(InstallOutputEvent, s.Text()) } if err := s.Err(); err != nil { zap.S().Warnw( "error processing scanner line in installation output for server", zap.String("server", ip.Server.Uuid), zap.String("container_id", id), zap.Error(errors.WithStack(err)), ) } return nil }