package main import ( "flag" "fmt" "" "" "" "" "net/http" ) // Entrypoint for the Wings application. Configures the logger and checks any // flags that were passed through in the boot arguments. func main() { var configPath = *flag.String("config", "config.yml", "set the location for the configuration file") var debug = *flag.Bool("debug", false, "pass in order to run wings in debug mode") flag.Parse() zap.S().Infof("using configuration file: %s", configPath) c, err := config.ReadConfiguration(configPath) if err != nil { panic(err) return } if debug { c.Debug = true } printLogo() if err := configureLogging(c.Debug); err != nil { panic(err) } if c.Debug { zap.S().Debugw("running in debug mode") } zap.S().Infof("checking for pterodactyl system user \"%s\"", c.System.User) if su, err := c.EnsurePterodactylUser(); err != nil { zap.S().Panicw("failed to create pterodactyl system user", zap.Error(err)) return } else { zap.S().Infow("configured system user", zap.String("username", su.Username), zap.String("uid", su.Uid), zap.String("gid", su.Gid)) } zap.S().Infow("beginnning file permission setting on server data directories") if err := c.EnsureFilePermissions(); err != nil { zap.S().Errorw("failed to properly chown data directories", zap.Error(err)) } else { zap.S().Infow("finished ensuring file permissions") } servers, err := server.LoadDirectory("data/servers", c.System) if err != nil { zap.S().Fatalw("failed to load server configurations", zap.Error(err)) return } for _, s := range servers { zap.S().Infow("loaded configuration for server", zap.String("server", s.Uuid)) zap.S().Infow("ensuring envrionment exists", zap.String("server", s.Uuid)) if err := s.CreateEnvironment(); err != nil { zap.S().Errorw("failed to create an environment for server", zap.String("server", s.Uuid), zap.Error(err)) } } r := &Router{ Servers: servers, token: c.AuthenticationToken, upgrader: websocket.Upgrader{ // Ensure that the websocket request is originating from the Panel itself, // and not some other location. CheckOrigin: func(r *http.Request) bool { return r.Header.Get("Origin") == c.PanelLocation }, }, } router := r.ConfigureRouter() zap.S().Infow("configuring webserver", zap.String("host", c.Api.Host), zap.Int("port", c.Api.Port)) if err := http.ListenAndServe(fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", c.Api.Host, c.Api.Port), router); err != nil { zap.S().Fatalw("failed to configure HTTP server", zap.Error(err)) } } // Configures the global logger for Zap so that we can call it from any location // in the code without having to pass around a logger instance. func configureLogging(debug bool) error { cfg := zap.NewProductionConfig() if debug { cfg = zap.NewDevelopmentConfig() } cfg.Encoding = "console" cfg.OutputPaths = []string{ "stdout", } logger, err := cfg.Build() if err != nil { return err } zap.ReplaceGlobals(logger) return nil } // Prints the wings logo, nothing special here! func printLogo() { fmt.Println() fmt.Println(` ____`) fmt.Println(`__ Pterodactyl _____/___/_______ _______ ______`) fmt.Println(`\_____\ \/\/ / / / __ / ___/`) fmt.Println(` \___\ / / / / /_/ /___ /`) fmt.Println(` \___/\___/___/___/___/___ /______/`) fmt.Println(` /_______/ v` + Version) fmt.Println() }