package middleware import ( "context" "crypto/subtle" "io" "net/http" "os" "strings" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ) // RequestError is a custom error type returned when something goes wrong with // any of the HTTP endpoints. type RequestError struct { err error status int msg string } // NewError returns a new RequestError for the provided error. func NewError(err error) *RequestError { return &RequestError{ // Attach a stacktrace to the error if it is missing at this point and mark it // as originating from the location where NewError was called, rather than this // specific point in the code. err: errors.WithStackDepthIf(err, 1), } } // SetMessage allows for a custom error message to be set on an existing // RequestError instance. func (re *RequestError) SetMessage(m string) { re.msg = m } // SetStatus sets the HTTP status code for the error response. By default this // is a HTTP-500 error. func (re *RequestError) SetStatus(s int) { re.status = s } // Abort aborts the given HTTP request with the specified status code and then // logs the event into the logs. The error that is output will include the unique // request ID if it is present. func (re *RequestError) Abort(c *gin.Context, status int) { reqId := c.Writer.Header().Get("X-Request-Id") // Generate the base logger instance, attaching the unique request ID and // the URL that was requested. event := log.WithField("request_id", reqId).WithField("url", c.Request.URL.String()) // If there is a server present in the gin.Context stack go ahead and pull it // and attach that server UUID to the logs as well so that we can see what specific // server triggered this error. if s, ok := c.Get("server"); ok { if s, ok := s.(*server.Server); ok { event = event.WithField("server_id", s.ID()) } } if c.Writer.Status() == 200 { // Handle context deadlines being exceeded a little differently since we want // to report a more user-friendly error and a proper error code. The "context // canceled" error is generally when a request is terminated before all of the // logic is finished running. if errors.Is(re.err, context.DeadlineExceeded) { re.SetStatus(http.StatusGatewayTimeout) re.SetMessage("The server could not process this request in time, please try again.") } else if strings.Contains(re.Cause().Error(), "context canceled") { re.SetStatus(http.StatusBadRequest) re.SetMessage("Request aborted by client.") } } // c.Writer.Status() will be a non-200 value if the headers have already been sent // to the requester but an error is encountered. This can happen if there is an issue // marshaling a struct placed into a c.JSON() call (or c.AbortWithJSON() call). if status >= 500 || c.Writer.Status() != 200 { event.WithField("status", status).WithField("error", re.err).Error("error while handling HTTP request") } else { event.WithField("status", status).WithField("error", re.err).Debug("error handling HTTP request (not a server error)") } if re.msg == "" { re.msg = "An unexpected error was encountered while processing this request" } // Now abort the request with the error message and include the unique request // ID that was present to make things super easy on people who don't know how // or cannot view the response headers (where X-Request-Id would be present). c.AbortWithStatusJSON(status, gin.H{"error": re.msg, "request_id": reqId}) } // Cause returns the underlying error. func (re *RequestError) Cause() error { return re.err } // Error returns the underlying error message for this request. func (re *RequestError) Error() string { return re.err.Error() } // Looks at the given RequestError and determines if it is a specific filesystem // error that we can process and return differently for the user. // // Some external things end up calling fmt.Errorf() on our filesystem errors // which ends up just unleashing chaos on the system. For the sake of this, // fallback to using text checks. // // If the error passed into this call is nil or does not match empty values will // be returned to the caller. func (re *RequestError) asFilesystemError() (int, string) { err := re.Cause() if err == nil { return 0, "" } if filesystem.IsErrorCode(err, filesystem.ErrCodeDenylistFile) || strings.Contains(err.Error(), "filesystem: file access prohibited") { return http.StatusForbidden, "This file cannot be modified: present in egg denylist." } if filesystem.IsErrorCode(err, filesystem.ErrCodePathResolution) || strings.Contains(err.Error(), "resolves to a location outside the server root") { return http.StatusNotFound, "The requested resource was not found on the system." } if filesystem.IsErrorCode(err, filesystem.ErrCodeIsDirectory) || strings.Contains(err.Error(), "filesystem: is a directory") { return http.StatusBadRequest, "Cannot perform that action: file is a directory." } if filesystem.IsErrorCode(err, filesystem.ErrCodeDiskSpace) || strings.Contains(err.Error(), "filesystem: not enough disk space") { return http.StatusBadRequest, "There is not enough disk space available to perform that action." } if strings.HasSuffix(err.Error(), "file name too long") { return http.StatusBadRequest, "Cannot perform that action: file name is too long." } if e, ok := err.(*os.SyscallError); ok && e.Syscall == "readdirent" { return http.StatusNotFound, "The requested directory does not exist." } return 0, "" } // AttachRequestID attaches a unique ID to the incoming HTTP request so that any // errors that are generated or returned to the client will include this reference // allowing for an easier time identifying the specific request that failed for // the user. // // If you are using a tool such as Sentry or Bugsnag for error reporting this is // a great location to also attach this request ID to your error handling logic // so that you can easily cross-reference the errors. func AttachRequestID() gin.HandlerFunc { return func(c *gin.Context) { id := uuid.New().String() c.Set("request_id", id) c.Set("logger", log.WithField("request_id", id)) c.Header("X-Request-Id", id) c.Next() } } // AttachServerManager attaches the server manager to the request context which // allows routes to access the underlying server collection. func AttachServerManager(m *server.Manager) gin.HandlerFunc { return func(c *gin.Context) { c.Set("manager", m) c.Next() } } // AttachApiClient attaches the application API client which allows routes to // access server resources from the Panel easily. func AttachApiClient(client remote.Client) gin.HandlerFunc { return func(c *gin.Context) { c.Set("api_client", client) c.Next() } } // CaptureAndAbort aborts the request and attaches the provided error to the gin // context so it can be reported properly. If the error is missing a stacktrace // at the time it is called the stack will be attached. func CaptureAndAbort(c *gin.Context, err error) { c.Abort() c.Error(errors.WithStackDepthIf(err, 1)) } // CaptureErrors is custom handler function allowing for errors bubbled up by // c.Error() to be returned in a standardized format with tracking UUIDs on them // for easier log searching. func CaptureErrors() gin.HandlerFunc { return func(c *gin.Context) { c.Next() err := c.Errors.Last() if err == nil || err.Err == nil { return } status := http.StatusInternalServerError if c.Writer.Status() != 200 { status = c.Writer.Status() } if err.Error() == io.EOF.Error() { c.AbortWithStatusJSON(http.StatusBadRequest, gin.H{"error": "The data passed in the request was not in a parsable format. Please try again."}) return } captured := NewError(err.Err) if status, msg := captured.asFilesystemError(); msg != "" { c.AbortWithStatusJSON(status, gin.H{"error": msg, "request_id": c.Writer.Header().Get("X-Request-Id")}) return } captured.Abort(c, status) } } // SetAccessControlHeaders sets the access request control headers on all of // the requests. func SetAccessControlHeaders() gin.HandlerFunc { origins := config.Get().AllowedOrigins location := config.Get().PanelLocation return func(c *gin.Context) { c.Header("Access-Control-Allow-Credentials", "true") c.Header("Access-Control-Allow-Methods", "GET, POST, PATCH, PUT, DELETE, OPTIONS") // Maximum age allowable under Chromium v76 is 2 hours, so just use that since // anything higher will be ignored (even if other browsers do allow higher values). // // @see c.Header("Access-Control-Max-Age", "7200") c.Header("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", location) c.Header("Access-Control-Allow-Headers", "Accept, Accept-Encoding, Authorization, Cache-Control, Content-Type, Content-Length, Origin, X-Real-IP, X-CSRF-Token") // Validate that the request origin is coming from an allowed origin. Because you // cannot set multiple values here we need to see if the origin is one of the ones // that we allow, and if so return it explicitly. Otherwise, just return the default // origin which is the same URL that the Panel is located at. origin := c.GetHeader("Origin") if origin != location { for _, o := range origins { if o != "*" && o != origin { continue } c.Header("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", o) break } } if c.Request.Method == http.MethodOptions { c.AbortWithStatus(http.StatusNoContent) return } c.Next() } } // ServerExists will ensure that the requested server exists in this setup. // Returns a 404 if we cannot locate it. If the server is found it is set into // the request context, and the logger for the context is also updated to include // the server ID in the fields list. func ServerExists() gin.HandlerFunc { return func(c *gin.Context) { var s *server.Server if c.Param("server") != "" { manager := ExtractManager(c) s = manager.Find(func(s *server.Server) bool { return c.Param("server") == s.ID() }) } if s == nil { c.AbortWithStatusJSON(http.StatusNotFound, gin.H{"error": "The requested resource does not exist on this instance."}) return } c.Set("logger", ExtractLogger(c).WithField("server_id", s.ID())) c.Set("server", s) c.Next() } } // RequireAuthorization authenticates the request token against the given // permission string, ensuring that if it is a server permission, the token has // control over that server. If it is a global token, this will ensure that the // request is using a properly signed global token. func RequireAuthorization() gin.HandlerFunc { return func(c *gin.Context) { // We don't put this value outside this function since the node's authentication // token can be changed on the fly and the config.Get() call returns a copy, so // if it is rotated this value will never properly get updated. token := config.Get().AuthenticationToken auth := strings.SplitN(c.GetHeader("Authorization"), " ", 2) if len(auth) != 2 || auth[0] != "Bearer" { c.Header("WWW-Authenticate", "Bearer") c.AbortWithStatusJSON(http.StatusUnauthorized, gin.H{"error": "The required authorization heads were not present in the request."}) return } // All requests to Wings must be authorized with the authentication token present in // the Wings configuration file. Remeber, all requests to Wings come from the Panel // backend, or using a signed JWT for temporary authentication. if subtle.ConstantTimeCompare([]byte(auth[1]), []byte(token)) != 1 { c.AbortWithStatusJSON(http.StatusForbidden, gin.H{"error": "You are not authorized to access this endpoint."}) return } c.Next() } } // RemoteDownloadEnabled checks if remote downloads are enabled for this instance // and if not aborts the request. func RemoteDownloadEnabled() gin.HandlerFunc { disabled := config.Get().Api.DisableRemoteDownload return func(c *gin.Context) { if disabled { c.AbortWithStatusJSON(http.StatusBadRequest, gin.H{"error": "This functionality is not currently enabled on this instance."}) return } c.Next() } } // ExtractLogger pulls the logger out of the request context and returns it. By // default this will include the request ID, but may also include the server ID // if that middleware has been used in the chain by the time it is called. func ExtractLogger(c *gin.Context) *log.Entry { v, ok := c.Get("logger") if !ok { panic("middleware/middleware: cannot extract logger: not present in request context") } return v.(*log.Entry) } // ExtractServer will return the server from the gin.Context or panic if it is // not present. func ExtractServer(c *gin.Context) *server.Server { v, ok := c.Get("server") if !ok { panic("middleware/middleware: cannot extract server: not present in request context") } return v.(*server.Server) } // ExtractApiClient returns the API client defined for the routes. func ExtractApiClient(c *gin.Context) remote.Client { if v, ok := c.Get("api_client"); ok { return v.(remote.Client) } panic("middleware/middlware: cannot extract api clinet: not present in context") } // ExtractManager returns the server manager instance set on the request context. func ExtractManager(c *gin.Context) *server.Manager { if v, ok := c.Get("manager"); ok { return v.(*server.Manager) } panic("middleware/middleware: cannot extract server manager: not present in context") }