Compare commits
123 Commits
Author | SHA1 | Date | |
d739948989 | ||
ac260bd5ee | ||
2f4a0d7262 | ||
1d8b383682 | ||
934bf2493d | ||
29e4425e21 | ||
5a15612754 | ||
ad1ae862a9 | ||
3114a3b82e | ||
500f217514 | ||
9ffbcdcdb1 | ||
9b341db2db | ||
71c5338549 | ||
326f115f5b | ||
06614de99d | ||
2b0e35360b | ||
202f2229a9 | ||
baf1f0b5cd | ||
ec54371b86 | ||
1d5090957b | ||
5415f8ae07 | ||
617fbcbf27 | ||
c152e36101 | ||
5b0422d756 | ||
f1c5bbd42d | ||
1c5ddcd20c | ||
a877305202 | ||
1f77d2256b | ||
ac9bd1d95e | ||
979df34392 | ||
8f129931d5 | ||
2931430eb8 | ||
99b9924a4a | ||
d649bb1116 | ||
1477b7034b | ||
d1c0ca5260 | ||
27f3e76c77 | ||
eadbe920fe | ||
3e804b81fe | ||
f68965e7c9 | ||
accc833e87 | ||
d4bfdd4548 | ||
2641080007 | ||
10c58d3dc0 | ||
9496b1f7e5 | ||
2f1b67ed35 | ||
579278b4de | ||
d30ab7b9bd | ||
d1fd0465e4 | ||
79eb8e1365 | ||
2cb201d202 | ||
fc1ffc8cd3 | ||
48c55af373 | ||
7a59d0929c | ||
9b5eaf44df | ||
438e5fdbe9 | ||
a866493d0a | ||
c9d92f7bac | ||
aa8ffdfcf7 | ||
8d7e23f542 | ||
bd26d6eefd | ||
9441d2a523 | ||
4d51de71c2 | ||
4b66a222cd | ||
b665c943a2 | ||
a50e4ce9d1 | ||
c76d68bc96 | ||
02cb64e31b | ||
639ad76be3 | ||
a373bf8eda | ||
74b1c46b7f | ||
5424c6718e | ||
43b3496f00 | ||
38c69ebfda | ||
234e11b28b | ||
ec6d6d83ea | ||
4d9fee383f | ||
429ac62dba | ||
020abec6f2 | ||
dac9685298 | ||
519d38f238 | ||
1d17233d6d | ||
774c0af0b0 | ||
71fbd9271e | ||
2d640209e5 | ||
304fd91283 | ||
18de96d7b8 | ||
a36cab1783 | ||
6e0c095bb8 | ||
14eea3b1e4 | ||
1bc77dc969 | ||
b8715d1d4f | ||
13d3490bcf | ||
e9b8b11fec | ||
43b7aa2536 | ||
9b8b3c90fb | ||
e74d8e3501 | ||
4b3bd2ff47 | ||
e652d2df84 | ||
e4d790ea40 | ||
5641e45059 | ||
9a718b699f | ||
92efdb1981 | ||
43227bf24d | ||
105f0150f6 | ||
aeec51632e | ||
ff50d0e5bd | ||
9226ccae31 | ||
2fd0edbff9 | ||
1457470fff | ||
da94f750ad | ||
51cb6dfa42 | ||
47f94b8358 | ||
57e7eb714c | ||
4781eeaedc | ||
a5a8200eb8 | ||
eb4df39d14 | ||
3337362955 | ||
f577f5521f | ||
5a760a0dcc | ||
058f643e65 | ||
6c7065592d | ||
3f481e9540 |
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1 @@
github: [matthewpi]
@ -1 +0,0 @@
github: [ matthewpi ]
@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
name: Run Tests
- develop
- develop
fail-fast: false
os: [ ubuntu-20.04 ]
go: [ '1.18.7' ]
goos: [ linux ]
goarch: [ amd64, arm64 ]
runs-on: ${{ matrix.os }}
- name: Code Checkout
uses: actions/checkout@v2
- name: Setup Go v${{ matrix.go }}
uses: actions/setup-go@v2
go-version: ${{ matrix.go }}
- name: Print Environment
id: env
run: |
printf "Go Executable Path: $(which go)\n"
printf "Go Version: $(go version)\n"
printf "\n\nGo Environment:\n\n"
go env
printf "\n\nSystem Environment:\n\n"
printf "Git Version: $(git version)\n\n"
echo "::set-output name=version_tag::${GITHUB_REF/refs\/tags\//}"
echo "::set-output name=short_sha::$(git rev-parse --short HEAD)"
echo "::set-output name=go_cache::$(go env GOCACHE)"
echo "::set-output name=go_mod_cache::$(go env GOMODCACHE)"
- name: Build Cache
uses: actions/cache@v2
key: ${{ runner.os }}-go${{ matrix.go }}-${{ hashFiles('**/go.sum') }}
restore-keys: |
${{ runner.os }}-go${{ matrix.go }}-
path: |
${{ steps.env.outputs.go_cache }}
${{ steps.env.outputs.go_mod_cache }}
- name: Get Dependencies
run: |
go get -v -t -d ./...
- name: Build
GOOS: ${{ matrix.goos }}
GOARCH: ${{ matrix.goarch }}
run: |
go build -v -trimpath -ldflags="-s -w -X ${SRC_PATH}/system.Version=dev-${GIT_COMMIT:0:7}" -o build/wings_${GOOS}_${GOARCH} wings.go
go build -v -trimpath -ldflags="-X ${SRC_PATH}/system.Version=dev-${GIT_COMMIT:0:7}" -o build/wings_${GOOS}_${GOARCH}_debug wings.go
upx build/wings_${GOOS}_${{ matrix.goarch }}
chmod +x build/*
- name: Tests
run: go test -race ./...
- name: Upload Release Artifact
uses: actions/upload-artifact@v2
if: ${{ github.ref == 'refs/heads/develop' || github.event_name == 'pull_request' }}
name: wings_linux_${{ matrix.goarch }}
path: build/wings_linux_${{ matrix.goarch }}
- name: Upload Debug Artifact
uses: actions/upload-artifact@v2
if: ${{ github.ref == 'refs/heads/develop' || github.event_name == 'pull_request' }}
name: wings_linux_${{ matrix.goarch }}_debug
path: build/wings_linux_${{ matrix.goarch }}_debug
@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
name: CodeQL
name: CodeQL
@ -7,24 +8,35 @@ on:
- develop
- develop
- cron: '0 9 * * 4'
- cron: "0 9 * * 4"
name: Analyze
name: Analyze
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
runs-on: ubuntu-22.04
actions: read
actions: read
contents: read
contents: read
security-events: write
security-events: write
fail-fast: false
fail-fast: false
language: [ 'go' ]
- go
- uses: actions/checkout@v2
- name: Code Checkout
uses: actions/checkout@v4
- name: Initialize CodeQL
- name: Initialize CodeQL
uses: github/codeql-action/init@v1
uses: github/codeql-action/init@v2
languages: ${{ matrix.language }}
languages: ${{ matrix.language }}
- uses: github/codeql-action/autobuild@v1
- uses: github/codeql-action/analyze@v1
- name: Autobuild
uses: github/codeql-action/autobuild@v2
- name: Perform CodeQL Analysis
uses: github/codeql-action/analyze@v2
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
name: Docker
- develop
- published
name: Build and Push
runs-on: ubuntu-22.04
# Always run against a tag, even if the commit into the tag has [docker skip] within the commit message.
if: "!contains(github.ref, 'develop') || (!contains(github.event.head_commit.message, 'skip docker') && !contains(github.event.head_commit.message, 'docker skip'))"
- name: Code checkout
uses: actions/checkout@v4
- name: Docker metadata
id: docker_meta
uses: docker/metadata-action@v5
flavor: |
tags: |
type=raw,value=latest,enable=${{ github.event_name == 'release' && github.event.action == 'published' && github.event.release.prerelease == false }}
- name: Setup QEMU
uses: docker/setup-qemu-action@v3
- name: Setup Docker buildx
uses: docker/setup-buildx-action@v3
- name: Login to GitHub Container Registry
uses: docker/login-action@v3
username: ${{ github.repository_owner }}
password: ${{ secrets.REGISTRY_TOKEN }}
- name: Get Build Information
id: build_info
run: |
echo "version_tag=${GITHUB_REF/refs\/tags\/v/}" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
echo "short_sha=$(git rev-parse --short HEAD)" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
- name: Build and Push (tag)
uses: docker/build-push-action@v5
if: "github.event_name == 'release' && github.event.action == 'published'"
context: .
file: ./Dockerfile
push: true
platforms: linux/amd64,linux/arm64
build-args: |
VERSION=${{ steps.build_info.outputs.version_tag }}
labels: ${{ steps.docker_meta.outputs.labels }}
tags: ${{ steps.docker_meta.outputs.tags }}
- name: Build and Push (develop)
uses: docker/build-push-action@v5
if: "github.event_name == 'push' && contains(github.ref, 'develop')"
context: .
file: ./Dockerfile
push: ${{ github.event_name != 'pull_request' }}
platforms: linux/amd64,linux/arm64
build-args: |
VERSION=dev-${{ steps.build_info.outputs.short_sha }}
labels: ${{ steps.docker_meta.outputs.labels }}
tags: ${{ steps.docker_meta.outputs.tags }}
cache-from: type=gha
cache-to: type=gha,mode=max
@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
name: Publish Docker Image
- develop
- 'v*'
name: Push
runs-on: ubuntu-20.04
# Always run against a tag, even if the commit into the tag has [docker skip] within the commit message.
if: "!contains(github.ref, 'develop') || (!contains(github.event.head_commit.message, 'skip docker') && !contains(github.event.head_commit.message, 'docker skip'))"
- name: Code Checkout
uses: actions/checkout@v2
- name: Docker Meta
id: docker_meta
uses: crazy-max/ghaction-docker-meta@v1
- name: Set up QEMU
uses: docker/setup-qemu-action@v1
- name: Install buildx
uses: docker/setup-buildx-action@v1
version: v0.5.1
- name: Login to GitHub Container Registry
uses: docker/login-action@v1
username: ${{ github.repository_owner }}
password: ${{ secrets.REGISTRY_TOKEN }}
- name: Get Build Information
id: build_info
run: |
echo "::set-output name=version_tag::${GITHUB_REF/refs\/tags\/v/}"
echo "::set-output name=short_sha::$(git rev-parse --short HEAD)"
- name: Release Production Build
uses: docker/build-push-action@v2
if: "!contains(github.ref, 'develop')"
build-args: |
VERSION=${{ steps.build_info.outputs.version_tag }}
labels: ${{ steps.docker_meta.outputs.labels }}
platforms: linux/amd64,linux/arm64
push: true
tags: ${{ steps.docker_meta.outputs.tags }}
- name: Release Development Build
uses: docker/build-push-action@v2
if: "contains(github.ref, 'develop')"
build-args: |
VERSION=dev-${{ steps.build_info.outputs.short_sha }}
labels: ${{ steps.docker_meta.outputs.labels }}
platforms: linux/amd64,linux/arm64
push: ${{ github.event_name != 'pull_request' }}
tags: ${{ steps.docker_meta.outputs.tags }}
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
name: Push
- develop
- develop
name: Build and Test
runs-on: ${{ matrix.os }}
fail-fast: false
os: [ubuntu-22.04]
go: ["1.22.5"]
goos: [linux]
goarch: [amd64, arm64]
- name: Setup Go
uses: actions/setup-go@v5
go-version: ${{ matrix.go }}
- name: Code checkout
uses: actions/checkout@v4
- name: go mod download
run: |
go mod download
- name: Build
GOOS: ${{ matrix.goos }}
GOARCH: ${{ matrix.goarch }}
run: |
go build -v -trimpath -ldflags="-s -w -X ${SRC_PATH}/system.Version=dev-${GIT_COMMIT:0:7}" -o dist/wings ${SRC_PATH}
go build -v -trimpath -ldflags="-X ${SRC_PATH}/system.Version=dev-${GIT_COMMIT:0:7}" -o dist/wings_debug ${SRC_PATH}
chmod 755 dist/*
- name: go test
if: ${{ matrix.goarch == 'amd64' }}
run: |
go test $(go list ./...)
- name: go test -race
if: ${{ matrix.goarch == 'amd64' }}
run: |
go test -race $(go list ./...)
- name: Upload Release Artifact
uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4
if: ${{ (github.ref == 'refs/heads/develop' || github.event_name == 'pull_request') && matrix.go == '1.22.5' }}
name: wings_linux_${{ matrix.goarch }}
path: dist/wings
- name: Upload Debug Artifact
uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4
if: ${{ (github.ref == 'refs/heads/develop' || github.event_name == 'pull_request') && matrix.go == '1.22.5' }}
name: wings_linux_${{ matrix.goarch }}_debug
path: dist/wings_debug
@ -1,41 +1,47 @@
name: Create Release
name: Release
- 'v*'
- "v*"
runs-on: ubuntu-20.04
name: Release
runs-on: ubuntu-22.04
- name: Code Checkout
- name: Code Checkout
uses: actions/checkout@v2
uses: actions/checkout@v4
- uses: actions/setup-go@v2
- name: Setup Go
uses: actions/setup-go@v5
go-version: '1.18.7'
go-version: "1.22.5"
- name: Build
- name: Build release binaries
REF: ${{ github.ref }}
REF: ${{ github.ref }}
run: |
run: |
CGO_ENABLED=0 GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64 go build -ldflags="-s -w -X${REF:11}" -o build/wings_linux_amd64 -v wings.go
GOARCH=amd64 go build -o dist/wings_linux_amd64 -v -trimpath -ldflags="-s -w -X${REF:11}"
CGO_ENABLED=0 GOOS=linux GOARCH=arm64 go build -ldflags="-s -w -X${REF:11}" -o build/wings_linux_arm64 -v wings.go
chmod 755 dist/wings_linux_amd64
- name: Test
GOARCH=arm64 go build -o dist/wings_linux_arm64 -v -trimpath -ldflags="-s -w -X${REF:11}"
run: go test ./...
chmod 755 dist/wings_linux_arm64
- name: Compress binary and make it executable
run: |
upx build/wings_linux_amd64 && chmod +x build/wings_linux_amd64
upx build/wings_linux_arm64 && chmod +x build/wings_linux_arm64
- name: Extract changelog
- name: Extract changelog
REF: ${{ github.ref }}
REF: ${{ github.ref }}
run: |
run: |
sed -n "/^## ${REF:10}/,/^## /{/^## /b;p}" > ./RELEASE_CHANGELOG
sed -n "/^## ${REF:10}/,/^## /{/^## /b;p}" > ./RELEASE_CHANGELOG
echo ::set-output name=version_name::`sed -nr "s/^## (${REF:10} .*)$/\1/p"`
- name: Create checksum and add to changelog
- name: Create checksum and add to changelog
run: |
run: |
SUM=`cd build && sha256sum wings_linux_amd64`
SUM=`cd dist && sha256sum wings_linux_amd64`
SUM2=`cd build && sha256sum wings_linux_arm64`
SUM2=`cd dist && sha256sum wings_linux_arm64`
echo -e "\n#### SHA256 Checksum\n\`\`\`\n$SUM\n$SUM2\n\`\`\`\n" >> ./RELEASE_CHANGELOG
echo -e "\n#### SHA256 Checksum\n\`\`\`\n$SUM\n$SUM2\n\`\`\`\n" >> ./RELEASE_CHANGELOG
echo -e "$SUM\n$SUM2" > checksums.txt
echo -e "$SUM\n$SUM2" > checksums.txt
- name: Create release branch
- name: Create release branch
REF: ${{ github.ref }}
REF: ${{ github.ref }}
@ -49,35 +55,37 @@ jobs:
git add system/const.go
git add system/const.go
git commit -m "bump version for release"
git commit -m "bump version for release"
git push
git push
- name: Create Release
- name: Create release
id: create_release
id: create_release
uses: actions/create-release@v1
uses: softprops/action-gh-release@v1
tag_name: ${{ github.ref }}
release_name: ${{ steps.extract_changelog.outputs.version_name }}
draft: true
draft: true
prerelease: ${{ contains(github.ref, 'beta') || contains(github.ref, 'alpha') }}
prerelease: ${{ contains(github.ref, 'rc') || contains(github.ref, 'beta') || contains(github.ref, 'alpha') }}
- name: Upload amd64 Binary
- name: Upload amd64 binary
uses: actions/upload-release-asset@v1
uses: actions/upload-release-asset@v1
upload_url: ${{ steps.create_release.outputs.upload_url }}
upload_url: ${{ steps.create_release.outputs.upload_url }}
asset_path: build/wings_linux_amd64
asset_path: dist/wings_linux_amd64
asset_name: wings_linux_amd64
asset_name: wings_linux_amd64
asset_content_type: application/octet-stream
asset_content_type: application/octet-stream
- name: Upload arm64 Binary
- name: Upload arm64 binary
uses: actions/upload-release-asset@v1
uses: actions/upload-release-asset@v1
upload_url: ${{ steps.create_release.outputs.upload_url }}
upload_url: ${{ steps.create_release.outputs.upload_url }}
asset_path: build/wings_linux_arm64
asset_path: dist/wings_linux_arm64
asset_name: wings_linux_arm64
asset_name: wings_linux_arm64
asset_content_type: application/octet-stream
asset_content_type: application/octet-stream
- name: Upload checksum
- name: Upload checksum
uses: actions/upload-release-asset@v1
uses: actions/upload-release-asset@v1
@ -23,6 +23,8 @@
# ignore configuration file
# ignore configuration file
# Ignore Vagrant stuff
# Ignore Vagrant stuff
@ -1,5 +1,143 @@
# Changelog
# Changelog
## v1.11.14
### Added
* Support relative file paths for the Wings config ([#180](
### Fixed
* Folders not being sorted before files properly ([#5078](
## v1.11.13
### Fixed
* Auto-configure not working ([#5087](
* Individual files unable to be decompressed ([#5034](
## v1.11.12
### Fixed
* Arbitrary File Write/Read ([GHSA-gqmf-jqgv-v8fw](
* Server-side Request Forgery (SSRF) during remote file pull ([GHSA-qq22-jj8x-4wwv](
* Invalid `Content-Type` being used with the `wings diagnostics` command ([#186](
## v1.11.11
### Fixed
* Backups missing content when a `.pteroignore` file is used
* Archives originating from a subdirectory not containing any files ([#5030](
## v1.11.10
### Fixed
* Archives randomly ignoring files and directories ([#5027](
* Crash when deleting or transferring a server ([#5028](
## v1.11.9
### Changed
* Release binaries are now built with Go 1.21.8
* Updated Go dependencies
### Fixed
* [CVE-2024-27102](
## v1.11.8
### Changed
* Release binaries are now built with Go 1.20.10 (resolves [CVE-2023-44487](
* Updated Go dependencies
## v1.11.7
### Changed
* Updated Go dependencies (this resolves an issue related to `http: invalid Host header` with Docker)
* Wings is now built with go1.19.11
## v1.11.6
### Fixed
* CVE-2023-32080
## v1.11.5
### Added
* Added a config option to disable Wings config.yml updates from the Panel (
### Changed
* Wings is now built with Go 1.19.7
### Fixed
* Fixed archives containing partially matched file names (
## v1.11.4
### Fixed
* CVE-2023-25168
## v1.11.3
### Fixed
* CVE-2023-25152
## v1.11.2
### Fixed
* Backups being restored from remote storage (s3) erroring out due to a closed stream.
* Fix IP validation logic for activity logs filtering out valid IPs instead of invalid IPs
## v1.11.1
### Changed
* Release binaries are now built with Go 1.18.10
* Timeout when stopping a server before a transfer begins has been reduced to 15 seconds from 1 minute
* Removed insecure SSH protocols for use with the SFTP server
### Fixed
* Unnecessary Docker client connections being left open, causing a slow leak of file descriptors
* Files being left open in parts of the server's filesystem, causing a leak of file descriptors
* IPv6 addresses being corrupted by flawed port stripping logic for activity logs, old entries with malformed IPs will be deleted from the local SQLite database automatically
* A server that times out while being stopped at the beginning of a transfer no longer causes the server to become stuck in a transferring state
## v1.11.0
### Added (since 1.7.2)
* More detailed information returned by the `/api/system` endpoint when using the `?v=2` query parameter.
### Changed (since 1.7.2)
* Send re-installation status separately from installation status.
* Wings release versions will now follow the major and minor version of the Panel.
* Transfers no longer buffer to disk, instead they are fully streamed with only a small amount of memory used for buffering.
* Release binaries are no longer compressed with UPX.
* Use `POST` instead of `GET` for sending the status of a transfer to the Panel.
### Fixed (since 1.7.2)
* Fixed servers outgoing IP not being updated whenever a server's primary allocation is changed when using the Force Outgoing IP option.
* Fixed servers being terminated rather than gracefully stopped when a signal is used to stop the container rather than a command.
* Fixed file not found errors being treated as an internal error, they are now treated as a 404.
* Wings can be run with Podman instead of Docker, this is still experimental and not recommended for production use.
* Archive progress is now reported correctly.
* Labels for containers can now be set by the Panel.
* Fixed servers becoming deadlocked when the target node of a transfer goes offline.
## v1.11.0-rc.2
### Added
* More detailed information returned by the `/api/system` endpoint when using the `?v=2` query parameter.
### Changed
* Send reinstallation status separately from installation status.
### Fixed
* Fixed servers outgoing IP not being updated whenever a server's primary allocation is changed when using the Force Outgoing IP option.
* Fixed servers being terminated rather than gracefully stopped when a signal is used to stop the container rather than a command.
* Fixed file not found errors being treated as an internal error, they are now treated as a 404.
## v1.11.0-rc.1
### Changed
* Wings release versions will now follow the major and minor version of the panel.
* Transfers no longer buffer to disk, instead they are fully streamed with only a small amount of memory used for buffering.
* Release binaries are no longer compressed with UPX.
### Fixed
* Wings can be run with podman instead of Docker, this is still experimental and not recommended for production use.
* Archive progress is now reported correctly.
* Labels for containers can now be set by the Panel.
## v1.7.5
### Fixed
* CVE-2023-32080
## v1.7.4
## v1.7.4
### Fixed
### Fixed
* CVE-2023-25168
* CVE-2023-25168
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
# Stage 1 (Build)
# Stage 1 (Build)
FROM golang:1.18-alpine AS builder
FROM golang:1.22.5-alpine AS builder
RUN apk add --update --no-cache git make
RUN apk add --update --no-cache git make
@ -14,9 +14,6 @@ rmdebug:
go build -gcflags "all=-N -l" -ldflags="-X$(GIT_HEAD)" -race
go build -gcflags "all=-N -l" -ldflags="-X$(GIT_HEAD)" -race
sudo dlv --listen=:2345 --headless=true --api-version=2 --accept-multiclient exec ./wings -- --debug --ignore-certificate-errors --config config.yml
sudo dlv --listen=:2345 --headless=true --api-version=2 --accept-multiclient exec ./wings -- --debug --ignore-certificate-errors --config config.yml
upx --brute build/wings_*
cross-build: clean build compress
cross-build: clean build compress
@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
[](
[](
# Pterodactyl Wings
# Pterodactyl Wings
Wings is Pterodactyl's server control plane, built for the rapidly changing gaming industry and designed to be
Wings is Pterodactyl's server control plane, built for the rapidly changing gaming industry and designed to be
highly performant and secure. Wings provides an HTTP API allowing you to interface directly with running server
highly performant and secure. Wings provides an HTTP API allowing you to interface directly with running server
instances, fetch server logs, generate backups, and control all aspects of the server lifecycle.
instances, fetch server logs, generate backups, and control all aspects of the server lifecycle.
@ -13,31 +14,29 @@ In addition, Wings ships with a built-in SFTP server allowing your system to rem
dependencies, and allowing users to authenticate with the same credentials they would normally use to access the Panel.
dependencies, and allowing users to authenticate with the same credentials they would normally use to access the Panel.
## Sponsors
## Sponsors
I would like to extend my sincere thanks to the following sponsors for helping find Pterodactyl's developement.
I would like to extend my sincere thanks to the following sponsors for helping fund Pterodactyl's development.
[Interested in becoming a sponsor?](
[Interested in becoming a sponsor?](
| Company | About |
| Company | About |
| ------- | ----- |
| [**WISP**]( | Extra features. |
| [**BisectHosting**]( | BisectHosting provides Minecraft, Valheim and other server hosting services with the highest reliability and lightning fast support since 2012. |
| [**Fragnet**]( | Providing low latency, high-end game hosting solutions to gamers, game studios and eSports platforms. |
| [**Tempest**]( | Tempest Hosting is a subsidiary of Path Network, Inc. offering unmetered DDoS protected 10Gbps dedicated servers, starting at just $80/month. Full anycast, tons of filters. |
| [****]( | offers dedicated core VPS and Minecraft hosting with Ryzen 9 processors. With owned-hardware, we offer truly unbeatable prices on high-performance hosting. |
| [**MineStrator**]( | Looking for the most highend French hosting company for your minecraft server? More than 24,000 members on our discord trust us. Give us a try! |
| [**Skynode**]( | Skynode provides blazing fast game servers along with a top-notch user experience. Whatever our clients are looking for, we're able to provide it! |
| [**DeinServerHost**]( | DeinServerHost offers Dedicated, vps and Gameservers for many popular Games like Minecraft and Rust in Germany since 2013. |
| [**Aussie Server Hosts**]( | No frills Australian Owned and operated High Performance Server hosting for some of the most demanding games serving Australia and New Zealand. |
| [**Aussie Server Hosts**]( | No frills Australian Owned and operated High Performance Server hosting for some of the most demanding games serving Australia and New Zealand. |
| [**HostEZ**]( | Providing North America Valheim, Minecraft and other popular games with low latency, high uptime and maximum availability. EZ! |
| [**CodeNode LLC**]( | Looking for simplicity? Well, look no further! CodeNode has got you covered with everything you need at the rock-bottom price of $1.75 per GB, including dedicated IPs in Dallas, Texas, and Amsterdam, Netherlands. We're not just good, we're the best in the game! |
| [**VibeGAMES**]( | VibeGAMES is a game server provider that specializes in DDOS protection for the games we offer. We have multiple locations in the US, Brazil, France, Germany, Singapore, Australia and South Africa.|
| [**BisectHosting**]( | BisectHosting provides Minecraft, Valheim and other server hosting services with the highest reliability and lightning fast support since 2012. |
| [**Gamenodes**]( | Gamenodes love quality. For Minecraft, Discord Bots and other services, among others. With our own programmers, we provide just that little bit of extra service! |
| [**MineStrator**]( | Looking for the most highend French hosting company for your minecraft server? More than 24,000 members on our discord trust us. Give us a try! |
| [**HostEZ**]( | US & EU Rust & Minecraft Hosting. DDoS Protected bare metal, VPS and colocation with low latency, high uptime and maximum availability. EZ! |
| [**Blueprint**]( | Create and install Pterodactyl addons and themes with the growing Blueprint framework - the package-manager for Pterodactyl. Use multiple modifications at once without worrying about conflicts and make use of the large extension ecosystem. |
| [**indifferent broccoli**]( | indifferent broccoli is a game server hosting and rental company. With us, you get top-notch computer power for your gaming sessions. We destroy lag, latency, and complexity--letting you focus on the fun stuff. |
## Documentation
## Documentation
* [Panel Documentation](
* [Panel Documentation](
* [Wings Documentation](
* [Wings Documentation](
* [Community Guides](
* [Community Guides](
* Or, get additional help [via Discord](
* Or, get additional help [via Discord](
## Reporting Issues
## Reporting Issues
Please use the [pterodactyl/panel]( repository to report any issues or make
Please use the [pterodactyl/panel]( repository to report any issues or make
feature requests for Wings. In addition, the [security policy]( listed
feature requests for Wings. In addition, the [security policy]( listed
within that repository also applies to Wings.
within that repository also applies to Wings.
@ -155,6 +155,9 @@ func configureCmdRun(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) {
// Manually specify the Panel URL as it won't be decoded from JSON.
cfg.PanelLocation = configureArgs.PanelURL
if err = config.WriteToDisk(cfg); err != nil {
if err = config.WriteToDisk(cfg); err != nil {
@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ func newDiagnosticsCommand() *cobra.Command {
// - the docker debug output
// - the docker debug output
// - running docker containers
// - running docker containers
// - logs
// - logs
func diagnosticsCmdRun(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) {
func diagnosticsCmdRun(*cobra.Command, []string) {
questions := []*survey.Question{
questions := []*survey.Question{
Name: "IncludeEndpoints",
Name: "IncludeEndpoints",
@ -229,8 +229,8 @@ func uploadToHastebin(hbUrl, content string) (string, error) {
return "", err
return "", err
u.Path = path.Join(u.Path, "documents")
u.Path = path.Join(u.Path, "documents")
res, err := http.Post(u.String(), "plain/text", r)
res, err := http.Post(u.String(), "text/plain", r)
if err != nil || res.StatusCode != 200 {
if err != nil || res.StatusCode < 200 || res.StatusCode >= 300 {
fmt.Println("Failed to upload report to ", u.String(), err)
fmt.Println("Failed to upload report to ", u.String(), err)
return "", err
return "", err
@ -5,8 +5,6 @@ import (
log2 "log"
log2 "log"
_ "net/http/pprof"
_ "net/http/pprof"
@ -15,7 +13,6 @@ import (
@ -30,6 +27,8 @@ import (
@ -110,10 +109,12 @@ func rootCmdRun(cmd *cobra.Command, _ []string) {
log.WithField("error", err).Fatal("failed to configure system directories for pterodactyl")
log.WithField("error", err).Fatal("failed to configure system directories for pterodactyl")
log.WithField("username", config.Get().System.User).Info("checking for pterodactyl system user")
if err := config.EnsurePterodactylUser(); err != nil {
if err := config.EnsurePterodactylUser(); err != nil {
log.WithField("error", err).Fatal("failed to create pterodactyl system user")
log.WithField("error", err).Fatal("failed to create pterodactyl system user")
if err := config.ConfigurePasswd(); err != nil {
log.WithField("error", err).Fatal("failed to configure container passwd file")
"username": config.Get().System.Username,
"username": config.Get().System.Username,
"uid": config.Get().System.User.Uid,
"uid": config.Get().System.User.Uid,
@ -363,7 +364,7 @@ func rootCmdRun(cmd *cobra.Command, _ []string) {
// Check if main http server should run with TLS. Otherwise reset the TLS
// Check if main http server should run with TLS. Otherwise, reset the TLS
// config on the server and then serve it over normal HTTP.
// config on the server and then serve it over normal HTTP.
if api.Ssl.Enabled {
if api.Ssl.Enabled {
if err := s.ListenAndServeTLS(api.Ssl.CertificateFile, api.Ssl.KeyFile); err != nil {
if err := s.ListenAndServeTLS(api.Ssl.CertificateFile, api.Ssl.KeyFile); err != nil {
@ -380,13 +381,14 @@ func rootCmdRun(cmd *cobra.Command, _ []string) {
// Reads the configuration from the disk and then sets up the global singleton
// Reads the configuration from the disk and then sets up the global singleton
// with all the configuration values.
// with all the configuration values.
func initConfig() {
func initConfig() {
if !strings.HasPrefix(configPath, "/") {
if !filepath.IsAbs(configPath) {
d, err := os.Getwd()
d, err := filepath.Abs(configPath)
if err != nil {
if err != nil {
log2.Fatalf("cmd/root: could not determine directory: %s", err)
log2.Fatalf("cmd/root: failed to get path to config file: %s", err)
configPath = path.Clean(path.Join(d, configPath))
configPath = d
err := config.FromFile(configPath)
err := config.FromFile(configPath)
if err != nil {
if err != nil {
if errors.Is(err, os.ErrNotExist) {
if errors.Is(err, os.ErrNotExist) {
@ -441,18 +443,18 @@ in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.%s`), system.Version, time
func exitWithConfigurationNotice() {
func exitWithConfigurationNotice() {
[_red_][white][bold]Error: Configuration File Not Found[reset]
[_red_][white][bold]Error: Configuration File Not Found[reset]
Wings was not able to locate your configuration file, and therefore is not
Wings was not able to locate your configuration file, and therefore is not
able to complete its boot process. Please ensure you have copied your instance
able to complete its boot process. Please ensure you have copied your instance
configuration file into the default location below.
configuration file into the default location below.
Default Location: /etc/pterodactyl/config.yml
Default Location: %s
[yellow]This is not a bug with this software. Please do not make a bug report
[yellow]This is not a bug with this software. Please do not make a bug report
for this issue, it will be closed.[reset]
for this issue, it will be closed.[reset]
`), config.DefaultLocation)
@ -12,14 +12,16 @@ import (
@ -87,7 +89,7 @@ type ApiConfiguration struct {
// Determines if functionality for allowing remote download of files into server directories
// Determines if functionality for allowing remote download of files into server directories
// is enabled on this instance. If set to "true" remote downloads will not be possible for
// is enabled on this instance. If set to "true" remote downloads will not be possible for
// servers.
// servers.
DisableRemoteDownload bool `json:"disable_remote_download" yaml:"disable_remote_download"`
DisableRemoteDownload bool `json:"-" yaml:"disable_remote_download"`
// The maximum size for files uploaded through the Panel in MB.
// The maximum size for files uploaded through the Panel in MB.
UploadLimit int64 `default:"100" json:"upload_limit" yaml:"upload_limit"`
UploadLimit int64 `default:"100" json:"upload_limit" yaml:"upload_limit"`
@ -121,23 +123,23 @@ type RemoteQueryConfiguration struct {
// SystemConfiguration defines basic system configuration settings.
// SystemConfiguration defines basic system configuration settings.
type SystemConfiguration struct {
type SystemConfiguration struct {
// The root directory where all of the pterodactyl data is stored at.
// The root directory where all of the pterodactyl data is stored at.
RootDirectory string `default:"/var/lib/pterodactyl" yaml:"root_directory"`
RootDirectory string `default:"/var/lib/pterodactyl" json:"-" yaml:"root_directory"`
// Directory where logs for server installations and other wings events are logged.
// Directory where logs for server installations and other wings events are logged.
LogDirectory string `default:"/var/log/pterodactyl" yaml:"log_directory"`
LogDirectory string `default:"/var/log/pterodactyl" json:"-" yaml:"log_directory"`
// Directory where the server data is stored at.
// Directory where the server data is stored at.
Data string `default:"/var/lib/pterodactyl/volumes" yaml:"data"`
Data string `default:"/var/lib/pterodactyl/volumes" json:"-" yaml:"data"`
// Directory where server archives for transferring will be stored.
// Directory where server archives for transferring will be stored.
ArchiveDirectory string `default:"/var/lib/pterodactyl/archives" yaml:"archive_directory"`
ArchiveDirectory string `default:"/var/lib/pterodactyl/archives" json:"-" yaml:"archive_directory"`
// Directory where local backups will be stored on the machine.
// Directory where local backups will be stored on the machine.
BackupDirectory string `default:"/var/lib/pterodactyl/backups" yaml:"backup_directory"`
BackupDirectory string `default:"/var/lib/pterodactyl/backups" json:"-" yaml:"backup_directory"`
// TmpDirectory specifies where temporary files for Pterodactyl installation processes
// TmpDirectory specifies where temporary files for Pterodactyl installation processes
// should be created. This supports environments running docker-in-docker.
// should be created. This supports environments running docker-in-docker.
TmpDirectory string `default:"/tmp/pterodactyl" yaml:"tmp_directory"`
TmpDirectory string `default:"/tmp/pterodactyl" json:"-" yaml:"tmp_directory"`
// The user that should own all of the server files, and be used for containers.
// The user that should own all of the server files, and be used for containers.
Username string `default:"pterodactyl" yaml:"username"`
Username string `default:"pterodactyl" yaml:"username"`
@ -152,9 +154,42 @@ type SystemConfiguration struct {
// Definitions for the user that gets created to ensure that we can quickly access
// Definitions for the user that gets created to ensure that we can quickly access
// this information without constantly having to do a system lookup.
// this information without constantly having to do a system lookup.
User struct {
User struct {
Uid int
// Rootless controls settings related to rootless container daemons.
Gid int
Rootless struct {
// Enabled controls whether rootless containers are enabled.
Enabled bool `yaml:"enabled" default:"false"`
// ContainerUID controls the UID of the user inside the container.
// This should likely be set to 0 so the container runs as the user
// running Wings.
ContainerUID int `yaml:"container_uid" default:"0"`
// ContainerGID controls the GID of the user inside the container.
// This should likely be set to 0 so the container runs as the user
// running Wings.
ContainerGID int `yaml:"container_gid" default:"0"`
} `yaml:"rootless"`
Uid int `yaml:"uid"`
Gid int `yaml:"gid"`
} `yaml:"user"`
// Passwd controls the mounting of a generated passwd files into containers started by Wings.
Passwd struct {
// Enable controls whether generated passwd files should be mounted into containers.
// By default this option is disabled and Wings will not mount any additional passwd
// files into containers.
Enable bool `yaml:"enabled" default:"false"`
// Directory is the directory on disk where the generated files will be stored.
// This directory may be temporary as it will be re-created whenever Wings is started.
// This path **WILL** be both written to by Wings and mounted into containers created by
// Wings. If you are running Wings itself in a container, this path will need to be mounted
// into the Wings container as the exact path on the host, which should match the value
// specified here. If you are using SELinux, you will need to make sure this file has the
// correct SELinux context in order for containers to use it.
Directory string `yaml:"directory" default:"/run/wings/etc"`
} `yaml:"passwd"`
// The amount of time in seconds that can elapse before a server's disk space calculation is
// The amount of time in seconds that can elapse before a server's disk space calculation is
// considered stale and a re-check should occur. DANGER: setting this value too low can seriously
// considered stale and a re-check should occur. DANGER: setting this value too low can seriously
@ -195,6 +230,8 @@ type SystemConfiguration struct {
Backups Backups `yaml:"backups"`
Backups Backups `yaml:"backups"`
Transfers Transfers `yaml:"transfers"`
Transfers Transfers `yaml:"transfers"`
OpenatMode string `default:"auto" yaml:"openat_mode"`
type CrashDetection struct {
type CrashDetection struct {
@ -288,7 +325,7 @@ type Configuration struct {
// The location where the panel is running that this daemon should connect to
// The location where the panel is running that this daemon should connect to
// to collect data and send events.
// to collect data and send events.
PanelLocation string `json:"remote" yaml:"remote"`
PanelLocation string `json:"-" yaml:"remote"`
RemoteQuery RemoteQueryConfiguration `json:"remote_query" yaml:"remote_query"`
RemoteQuery RemoteQueryConfiguration `json:"remote_query" yaml:"remote_query"`
// AllowedMounts is a list of allowed host-system mount points.
// AllowedMounts is a list of allowed host-system mount points.
@ -305,6 +342,9 @@ type Configuration struct {
// is only required by users running Wings without SSL certificates and using internal IP
// is only required by users running Wings without SSL certificates and using internal IP
// addresses in order to connect. Most users should NOT enable this setting.
// addresses in order to connect. Most users should NOT enable this setting.
AllowCORSPrivateNetwork bool `json:"allow_cors_private_network" yaml:"allow_cors_private_network"`
AllowCORSPrivateNetwork bool `json:"allow_cors_private_network" yaml:"allow_cors_private_network"`
// IgnorePanelConfigUpdates causes confiuration updates that are sent by the panel to be ignored.
IgnorePanelConfigUpdates bool `json:"ignore_panel_config_updates" yaml:"ignore_panel_config_updates"`
// NewAtPath creates a new struct and set the path where it should be stored.
// NewAtPath creates a new struct and set the path where it should be stored.
@ -425,6 +465,19 @@ func EnsurePterodactylUser() error {
return nil
return nil
if _config.System.User.Rootless.Enabled {
log.Info("rootless mode is enabled, skipping user creation...")
u, err := user.Current()
if err != nil {
return err
_config.System.Username = u.Username
_config.System.User.Uid = system.MustInt(u.Uid)
_config.System.User.Gid = system.MustInt(u.Gid)
return nil
log.WithField("username", _config.System.Username).Info("checking for pterodactyl system user")
u, err := user.Lookup(_config.System.Username)
u, err := user.Lookup(_config.System.Username)
// If an error is returned but it isn't the unknown user error just abort
// If an error is returned but it isn't the unknown user error just abort
// the process entirely. If we did find a user, return it immediately.
// the process entirely. If we did find a user, return it immediately.
@ -463,6 +516,37 @@ func EnsurePterodactylUser() error {
return nil
return nil
// ConfigurePasswd generates required passwd files for use with containers started by Wings.
func ConfigurePasswd() error {
passwd := _config.System.Passwd
if !passwd.Enable {
return nil
v := []byte(fmt.Sprintf(
if err := os.WriteFile(filepath.Join(passwd.Directory, "group"), v, 0o644); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to write file to %s/group: %v", passwd.Directory, err)
v = []byte(fmt.Sprintf(
if err := os.WriteFile(filepath.Join(passwd.Directory, "passwd"), v, 0o644); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to write file to %s/passwd: %v", passwd.Directory, err)
return nil
// FromFile reads the configuration from the provided file and stores it in the
// FromFile reads the configuration from the provided file and stores it in the
// global singleton for this instance.
// global singleton for this instance.
func FromFile(path string) error {
func FromFile(path string) error {
@ -527,6 +611,13 @@ func ConfigureDirectories() error {
return err
return err
if _config.System.Passwd.Enable {
log.WithField("path", _config.System.Passwd.Directory).Debug("ensuring passwd directory exists")
if err := os.MkdirAll(_config.System.Passwd.Directory, 0o755); err != nil {
return err
return nil
return nil
@ -641,3 +732,36 @@ func getSystemName() (string, error) {
return release["ID"], nil
return release["ID"], nil
var (
openat2 atomic.Bool
openat2Set atomic.Bool
func UseOpenat2() bool {
if openat2Set.Load() {
return openat2.Load()
defer openat2Set.Store(true)
c := Get()
openatMode := c.System.OpenatMode
switch openatMode {
case "openat2":
return true
case "openat":
return false
fd, err := unix.Openat2(unix.AT_FDCWD, "/", &unix.OpenHow{})
if err != nil {
log.WithError(err).Warn("error occurred while checking for openat2 support, falling back to openat")
return false
_ = unix.Close(fd)
return true
@ -4,7 +4,8 @@ import (
@ -86,6 +87,22 @@ type DockerConfiguration struct {
// if the value is "host", then the pterodactyl containers are started with user namespace
// if the value is "host", then the pterodactyl containers are started with user namespace
// remapping disabled
// remapping disabled
UsernsMode string `default:"" json:"userns_mode" yaml:"userns_mode"`
UsernsMode string `default:"" json:"userns_mode" yaml:"userns_mode"`
LogConfig struct {
Type string `default:"local" json:"type" yaml:"type"`
Config map[string]string `default:"{\"max-size\":\"5m\",\"max-file\":\"1\",\"compress\":\"false\",\"mode\":\"non-blocking\"}" json:"config" yaml:"config"`
} `json:"log_config" yaml:"log_config"`
func (c DockerConfiguration) ContainerLogConfig() container.LogConfig {
if c.LogConfig.Type == "" {
return container.LogConfig{}
return container.LogConfig{
Type: c.LogConfig.Type,
Config: c.LogConfig.Config,
// RegistryConfiguration defines the authentication credentials for a given
// RegistryConfiguration defines the authentication credentials for a given
@ -98,7 +115,7 @@ type RegistryConfiguration struct {
// Base64 returns the authentication for a given registry as a base64 encoded
// Base64 returns the authentication for a given registry as a base64 encoded
// string value.
// string value.
func (c RegistryConfiguration) Base64() (string, error) {
func (c RegistryConfiguration) Base64() (string, error) {
b, err := json.Marshal(types.AuthConfig{
b, err := json.Marshal(registry.AuthConfig{
Username: c.Username,
Username: c.Username,
Password: c.Password,
Password: c.Password,
@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ type Settings struct {
Mounts []Mount
Mounts []Mount
Allocations Allocations
Allocations Allocations
Limits Limits
Limits Limits
Labels map[string]string
// Defines the actual configuration struct for the environment with all of the settings
// Defines the actual configuration struct for the environment with all of the settings
@ -68,6 +69,14 @@ func (c *Configuration) Mounts() []Mount {
return c.settings.Mounts
return c.settings.Mounts
// Labels returns the container labels associated with this instance.
func (c *Configuration) Labels() map[string]string {
return c.settings.Labels
// Returns the environment variables associated with this instance.
// Returns the environment variables associated with this instance.
func (c *Configuration) EnvironmentVariables() []string {
func (c *Configuration) EnvironmentVariables() []string {
@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ import (
@ -16,7 +16,6 @@ import (
@ -43,17 +42,13 @@ func (nw noopWriter) Write(b []byte) (int, error) {
// Calling this function will poll resources for the container in the background
// Calling this function will poll resources for the container in the background
// until the container is stopped. The context provided to this function is used
// until the container is stopped. The context provided to this function is used
// for the purposes of attaching to the container, a seecond context is created
// for the purposes of attaching to the container, a second context is created
// within the function for managing polling.
// within the function for managing polling.
func (e *Environment) Attach(ctx context.Context) error {
func (e *Environment) Attach(ctx context.Context) error {
if e.IsAttached() {
if e.IsAttached() {
return nil
return nil
if err := e.followOutput(); err != nil {
return err
opts := types.ContainerAttachOptions{
opts := types.ContainerAttachOptions{
Stdin: true,
Stdin: true,
Stdout: true,
Stdout: true,
@ -63,7 +58,7 @@ func (e *Environment) Attach(ctx context.Context) error {
// Set the stream again with the container.
// Set the stream again with the container.
if st, err := e.client.ContainerAttach(ctx, e.Id, opts); err != nil {
if st, err := e.client.ContainerAttach(ctx, e.Id, opts); err != nil {
return err
return errors.WrapIf(err, "environment/docker: error while attaching to container")
} else {
} else {
@ -90,20 +85,13 @@ func (e *Environment) Attach(ctx context.Context) error {
// Block the completion of this routine until the container is no longer running. This allows
if err := system.ScanReader(, func(v []byte) {
// the pollResources function to run until it needs to be stopped. Because the container
// can be polled for resource usage, even when stopped, we need to have this logic present
defer e.logCallbackMx.Unlock()
// in order to cancel the context and therefore stop the routine that is spawned.
}); err != nil && err != io.EOF {
// For now, DO NOT use client#ContainerWait from the Docker package. There is a nasty
log.WithField("error", err).WithField("container_id", e.Id).Warn("error processing scanner line in console output")
// bug causing containers to hang on deletion and cause servers to lock up on the system.
// This weird code isn't intuitive, but it keeps the function from ending until the container
// is stopped and therefore the stream reader ends up closed.
// @see
c := new(noopWriter)
if _, err := io.Copy(c,; err != nil {
e.log().WithField("error", err).Error("could not copy from environment stream to noop writer")
@ -155,7 +143,7 @@ func (e *Environment) Create() error {
if _, err := e.ContainerInspect(ctx); err == nil {
if _, err := e.ContainerInspect(ctx); err == nil {
return nil
return nil
} else if !client.IsErrNotFound(err) {
} else if !client.IsErrNotFound(err) {
return errors.Wrap(err, "environment/docker: failed to inspect container")
return errors.WrapIf(err, "environment/docker: failed to inspect container")
// Try to pull the requested image before creating the container.
// Try to pull the requested image before creating the container.
@ -163,21 +151,30 @@ func (e *Environment) Create() error {
return errors.WithStackIf(err)
return errors.WithStackIf(err)
cfg := config.Get()
a := e.Configuration.Allocations()
a := e.Configuration.Allocations()
evs := e.Configuration.EnvironmentVariables()
evs := e.Configuration.EnvironmentVariables()
for i, v := range evs {
for i, v := range evs {
// Convert to the pterodactyl0 network interface if the environment is Docker
// Convert to the pterodactyl0 network interface if the environment is Docker
// so that the server operates as expected.
// so that the server operates as expected.
if v == "SERVER_IP=" {
if v == "SERVER_IP=" {
evs[i] = "SERVER_IP=" + config.Get().Docker.Network.Interface
evs[i] = "SERVER_IP=" + cfg.Docker.Network.Interface
// Merge user-provided labels with system labels
confLabels := e.Configuration.Labels()
labels := make(map[string]string, 2+len(confLabels))
for key := range confLabels {
labels[key] = confLabels[key]
labels["Service"] = "Pterodactyl"
labels["ContainerType"] = "server_process"
conf := &container.Config{
conf := &container.Config{
Hostname: e.Id,
Hostname: e.Id,
Domainname: config.Get().Docker.Domainname,
Domainname: cfg.Docker.Domainname,
User: strconv.Itoa(config.Get().System.User.Uid) + ":" + strconv.Itoa(config.Get().System.User.Gid),
AttachStdin: true,
AttachStdin: true,
AttachStdout: true,
AttachStdout: true,
AttachStderr: true,
AttachStderr: true,
@ -186,16 +183,20 @@ func (e *Environment) Create() error {
ExposedPorts: a.Exposed(),
ExposedPorts: a.Exposed(),
Image: strings.TrimPrefix(e.meta.Image, "~"),
Image: strings.TrimPrefix(e.meta.Image, "~"),
Env: e.Configuration.EnvironmentVariables(),
Env: e.Configuration.EnvironmentVariables(),
Labels: map[string]string{
Labels: labels,
"Service": "Pterodactyl",
"ContainerType": "server_process",
networkMode := container.NetworkMode(config.Get().Docker.Network.Mode)
// Set the user running the container properly depending on what mode we are operating in.
if cfg.System.User.Rootless.Enabled {
conf.User = fmt.Sprintf("%d:%d", cfg.System.User.Rootless.ContainerUID, cfg.System.User.Rootless.ContainerGID)
} else {
conf.User = strconv.Itoa(cfg.System.User.Uid) + ":" + strconv.Itoa(cfg.System.User.Gid)
networkMode := container.NetworkMode(cfg.Docker.Network.Mode)
if a.ForceOutgoingIP {
if a.ForceOutgoingIP {
e.log().Debug("environment/docker: forcing outgoing IP address")
e.log().Debug("environment/docker: forcing outgoing IP address")
networkName := strings.ReplaceAll(e.Id, "-", "")
networkName := "ip-" + strings.ReplaceAll(strings.ReplaceAll(a.DefaultMapping.Ip, ".", "-"), ":", "-")
networkMode = container.NetworkMode(networkName)
networkMode = container.NetworkMode(networkName)
if _, err := e.client.NetworkInspect(ctx, networkName, types.NetworkInspectOptions{}); err != nil {
if _, err := e.client.NetworkInspect(ctx, networkName, types.NetworkInspectOptions{}); err != nil {
@ -231,28 +232,20 @@ func (e *Environment) Create() error {
// Configure the /tmp folder mapping in containers. This is necessary for some
// Configure the /tmp folder mapping in containers. This is necessary for some
// games that need to make use of it for downloads and other installation processes.
// games that need to make use of it for downloads and other installation processes.
Tmpfs: map[string]string{
Tmpfs: map[string]string{
"/tmp": "rw,exec,nosuid,size=" + strconv.Itoa(int(config.Get().Docker.TmpfsSize)) + "M",
"/tmp": "rw,exec,nosuid,size=" + strconv.Itoa(int(cfg.Docker.TmpfsSize)) + "M",
// Define resource limits for the container based on the data passed through
// Define resource limits for the container based on the data passed through
// from the Panel.
// from the Panel.
Resources: e.Configuration.Limits().AsContainerResources(),
Resources: e.Configuration.Limits().AsContainerResources(),
DNS: config.Get().Docker.Network.Dns,
DNS: cfg.Docker.Network.Dns,
// Configure logging for the container to make it easier on the Daemon to grab
// Configure logging for the container to make it easier on the Daemon to grab
// the server output. Ensure that we don't use too much space on the host machine
// the server output. Ensure that we don't use too much space on the host machine
// since we only need it for the last few hundred lines of output and don't care
// since we only need it for the last few hundred lines of output and don't care
// about anything else in it.
// about anything else in it.
LogConfig: container.LogConfig{
LogConfig: cfg.Docker.ContainerLogConfig(),
Type: local.Name,
Config: map[string]string{
"max-size": "5m",
"max-file": "1",
"compress": "false",
"mode": "non-blocking",
SecurityOpt: []string{"no-new-privileges"},
SecurityOpt: []string{"no-new-privileges"},
ReadonlyRootfs: true,
ReadonlyRootfs: true,
@ -261,7 +254,7 @@ func (e *Environment) Create() error {
"fowner", "fsetid", "net_bind_service", "sys_chroot", "setfcap",
"fowner", "fsetid", "net_bind_service", "sys_chroot", "setfcap",
NetworkMode: networkMode,
NetworkMode: networkMode,
UsernsMode: container.UsernsMode(config.Get().Docker.UsernsMode),
UsernsMode: container.UsernsMode(cfg.Docker.UsernsMode),
if _, err := e.client.ContainerCreate(ctx, conf, hostConf, nil, nil, e.Id); err != nil {
if _, err := e.client.ContainerCreate(ctx, conf, hostConf, nil, nil, e.Id); err != nil {
@ -342,59 +335,6 @@ func (e *Environment) Readlog(lines int) ([]string, error) {
return out, nil
return out, nil
// Attaches to the log for the container. This avoids us missing crucial output
// that happens in the split seconds before the code moves from 'Starting' to
// 'Attaching' on the process.
func (e *Environment) followOutput() error {
if exists, err := e.Exists(); !exists {
if err != nil {
return err
return errors.New(fmt.Sprintf("no such container: %s", e.Id))
opts := types.ContainerLogsOptions{
ShowStderr: true,
ShowStdout: true,
Follow: true,
Since: time.Now().Format(time.RFC3339),
reader, err := e.client.ContainerLogs(context.Background(), e.Id, opts)
if err != nil {
return err
go e.scanOutput(reader)
return nil
func (e *Environment) scanOutput(reader io.ReadCloser) {
defer reader.Close()
if err := system.ScanReader(reader, func(v []byte) {
defer e.logCallbackMx.Unlock()
}); err != nil && err != io.EOF {
log.WithField("error", err).WithField("container_id", e.Id).Warn("error processing scanner line in console output")
// Return here if the server is offline or currently stopping.
if e.State() == environment.ProcessStoppingState || e.State() == environment.ProcessOfflineState {
// Close the current reader before starting a new one, the defer will still run,
// but it will do nothing if we already closed the stream.
_ = reader.Close()
// Start following the output of the server again.
go e.followOutput()
// Pulls the image from Docker. If there is an error while pulling the image
// Pulls the image from Docker. If there is an error while pulling the image
// from the source but the image already exists locally, we will report that
// from the source but the image already exists locally, we will report that
// error to the logger but continue with the process.
// error to the logger but continue with the process.
@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ import (
@ -95,7 +96,7 @@ func (e *Environment) SetStream(s *types.HijackedResponse) {
// IsAttached determine if the this process is currently attached to the
// IsAttached determines if this process is currently attached to the
// container instance by checking if the stream is nil or not.
// container instance by checking if the stream is nil or not.
func (e *Environment) IsAttached() bool {
func (e *Environment) IsAttached() bool {
@ -160,7 +161,7 @@ func (e *Environment) ExitState() (uint32, bool, error) {
if client.IsErrNotFound(err) {
if client.IsErrNotFound(err) {
return 1, false, nil
return 1, false, nil
return 0, false, err
return 0, false, errors.WrapIf(err, "environment/docker: failed to inspect container")
return uint32(c.State.ExitCode), c.State.OOMKilled, nil
return uint32(c.State.ExitCode), c.State.OOMKilled, nil
@ -4,7 +4,6 @@ import (
@ -39,7 +38,7 @@ func (e *Environment) OnBeforeStart(ctx context.Context) error {
// This won't actually run an installation process however, it is just here to ensure the
// This won't actually run an installation process however, it is just here to ensure the
// environment gets created properly if it is missing and the server is started. We're making
// environment gets created properly if it is missing and the server is started. We're making
// an assumption that all of the files will still exist at this point.
// an assumption that all the files will still exist at this point.
if err := e.Create(); err != nil {
if err := e.Create(); err != nil {
return err
return err
@ -103,11 +102,11 @@ func (e *Environment) Start(ctx context.Context) error {
// exists on the system, and rebuild the container if that is required for server booting to
// exists on the system, and rebuild the container if that is required for server booting to
// occur.
// occur.
if err := e.OnBeforeStart(ctx); err != nil {
if err := e.OnBeforeStart(ctx); err != nil {
return errors.WithStackIf(err)
return errors.WrapIf(err, "environment/docker: failed to run pre-boot process")
// If we cannot start & attach to the container in 30 seconds something has gone
// If we cannot start & attach to the container in 30 seconds something has gone
// quite sideways and we should stop trying to avoid a hanging situation.
// quite sideways, and we should stop trying to avoid a hanging situation.
actx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(ctx, time.Second*30)
actx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(ctx, time.Second*30)
defer cancel()
defer cancel()
@ -119,7 +118,7 @@ func (e *Environment) Start(ctx context.Context) error {
// By explicitly attaching to the instance before we start it, we can immediately
// By explicitly attaching to the instance before we start it, we can immediately
// react to errors/output stopping/etc. when starting.
// react to errors/output stopping/etc. when starting.
if err := e.Attach(actx); err != nil {
if err := e.Attach(actx); err != nil {
return err
return errors.WrapIf(err, "environment/docker: failed to attach to container")
if err := e.client.ContainerStart(actx, e.Id, types.ContainerStartOptions{}); err != nil {
if err := e.client.ContainerStart(actx, e.Id, types.ContainerStartOptions{}); err != nil {
@ -143,44 +142,55 @@ func (e *Environment) Stop(ctx context.Context) error {
s := e.meta.Stop
s := e.meta.Stop
// A native "stop" as the Type field value will just skip over all of this
// logic and end up only executing the container stop command (which may or
// may not work as expected).
if s.Type == "" || s.Type == remote.ProcessStopSignal {
if s.Type == "" {
log.WithField("container_id", e.Id).Warn("no stop configuration detected for environment, using termination procedure")
signal := os.Kill
// Handle a few common cases, otherwise just fall through and just pass along
// the os.Kill signal to the process.
switch strings.ToUpper(s.Value) {
case "SIGABRT":
signal = syscall.SIGABRT
case "SIGINT":
signal = syscall.SIGINT
case "SIGTERM":
signal = syscall.SIGTERM
return e.Terminate(ctx, signal)
// If the process is already offline don't switch it back to stopping. Just leave it how
// If the process is already offline don't switch it back to stopping. Just leave it how
// it is and continue through to the stop handling for the process.
// it is and continue through to the stop handling for the process.
if != environment.ProcessOfflineState {
if != environment.ProcessOfflineState {
// Handle signal based actions
if s.Type == remote.ProcessStopSignal {
log.WithField("signal_value", s.Value).Debug("stopping server using signal")
// Handle some common signals - Default to SIGKILL
signal := "SIGKILL"
switch strings.ToUpper(s.Value) {
case "SIGABRT":
signal = "SIGABRT"
case "SIGINT", "C":
signal = "SIGINT"
case "SIGTERM":
signal = "SIGTERM"
case "SIGKILL":
signal = "SIGKILL"
log.Info("Unrecognised signal requested, defaulting to SIGKILL")
return e.SignalContainer(ctx, signal)
// Handle command based stops
// Only attempt to send the stop command to the instance if we are actually attached to
// Only attempt to send the stop command to the instance if we are actually attached to
// the instance. If we are not for some reason, just send the container stop event.
// the instance. If we are not for some reason, just send the container stop event.
if e.IsAttached() && s.Type == remote.ProcessStopCommand {
if e.IsAttached() && s.Type == remote.ProcessStopCommand {
return e.SendCommand(s.Value)
return e.SendCommand(s.Value)
// Allow the stop action to run for however long it takes, similar to executing a command
if s.Type == "" {
// and using a different logic pathway to wait for the container to stop successfully.
log.WithField("container_id", e.Id).Warn("no stop configuration detected for environment, using native docker stop")
t := time.Duration(-1)
if err := e.client.ContainerStop(ctx, e.Id, &t); err != nil {
// Fallback to a native docker stop. As we aren't passing a signal to ContainerStop docker will
// attempt to stop the container using the default stop signal, SIGTERM, unless
// another signal was specified in the Dockerfile
// Using a negative timeout here will allow the container to stop gracefully,
// rather than forcefully terminating it. Value is in seconds, but -1 is
// treated as indefinitely.
timeout := -1
if err := e.client.ContainerStop(ctx, e.Id, container.StopOptions{Timeout: &timeout}); err != nil {
// If the container does not exist just mark the process as stopped and return without
// If the container does not exist just mark the process as stopped and return without
// an error.
// an error.
if client.IsErrNotFound(err) {
if client.IsErrNotFound(err) {
@ -220,7 +230,7 @@ func (e *Environment) WaitForStop(ctx context.Context, duration time.Duration, t
doTermination := func(s string) error {
doTermination := func(s string) error {
e.log().WithField("step", s).WithField("duration", duration).Warn("container stop did not complete in time, terminating process...")
e.log().WithField("step", s).WithField("duration", duration).Warn("container stop did not complete in time, terminating process...")
return e.Terminate(ctx, os.Kill)
return e.Terminate(ctx, "SIGKILL")
// We pass through the timed context for this stop action so that if one of the
// We pass through the timed context for this stop action so that if one of the
@ -264,8 +274,8 @@ func (e *Environment) WaitForStop(ctx context.Context, duration time.Duration, t
return nil
return nil
// Terminate forcefully terminates the container using the signal provided.
// Sends the specified signal to the container in an attempt to stop it.
func (e *Environment) Terminate(ctx context.Context, signal os.Signal) error {
func (e *Environment) SignalContainer(ctx context.Context, signal string) error {
c, err := e.ContainerInspect(ctx)
c, err := e.ContainerInspect(ctx)
if err != nil {
if err != nil {
// Treat missing containers as an okay error state, means it is obviously
// Treat missing containers as an okay error state, means it is obviously
@ -290,11 +300,27 @@ func (e *Environment) Terminate(ctx context.Context, signal os.Signal) error {
// We set it to stopping than offline to prevent crash detection from being triggered.
// We set it to stopping than offline to prevent crash detection from being triggered.
sig := strings.TrimSuffix(strings.TrimPrefix(signal.String(), "signal "), "ed")
if err := e.client.ContainerKill(ctx, e.Id, signal); err != nil && !client.IsErrNotFound(err) {
if err := e.client.ContainerKill(ctx, e.Id, sig); err != nil && !client.IsErrNotFound(err) {
return errors.WithStack(err)
return errors.WithStack(err)
return nil
// Terminate forcefully terminates the container using the signal provided.
// then sets its state to stopped.
func (e *Environment) Terminate(ctx context.Context, signal string) error {
// Send the signal to the container to kill it
if err := e.SignalContainer(ctx, signal); err != nil {
return errors.WithStack(err)
// We expect Terminate to instantly kill the container
// so go ahead and mark it as dead and clean up
return nil
return nil
@ -134,7 +134,11 @@ func calculateDockerAbsoluteCpu(pStats types.CPUStats, stats types.CPUStats) flo
percent := 0.0
percent := 0.0
if systemDelta > 0.0 && cpuDelta > 0.0 {
if systemDelta > 0.0 && cpuDelta > 0.0 {
percent = (cpuDelta / systemDelta) * cpus * 100.0
percent = (cpuDelta / systemDelta) * 100.0
if cpus > 0 {
percent *= cpus
return math.Round(percent*1000) / 1000
return math.Round(percent*1000) / 1000
@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ package environment
import (
import (
@ -72,7 +71,7 @@ type ProcessEnvironment interface {
// Terminate stops a running server instance using the provided signal. This function
// Terminate stops a running server instance using the provided signal. This function
// is a no-op if the server is already stopped.
// is a no-op if the server is already stopped.
Terminate(ctx context.Context, signal os.Signal) error
Terminate(ctx context.Context, signal string) error
// Destroys the environment removing any containers that were created (in Docker
// Destroys the environment removing any containers that were created (in Docker
// environments at least).
// environments at least).
@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ type Mount struct {
// Limits is the build settings for a given server that impact docker container
// Limits is the build settings for a given server that impact docker container
// creation and resource limits for a server instance.
// creation and resource limits for a server instance.
type Limits struct {
type Limits struct {
// The total amount of memory in megabytes that this server is allowed to
// The total amount of memory in mebibytes that this server is allowed to
// use on the host system.
// use on the host system.
MemoryLimit int64 `json:"memory_limit"`
MemoryLimit int64 `json:"memory_limit"`
@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ func (l Limits) MemoryOverheadMultiplier() float64 {
func (l Limits) BoundedMemoryLimit() int64 {
func (l Limits) BoundedMemoryLimit() int64 {
return int64(math.Round(float64(l.MemoryLimit) * l.MemoryOverheadMultiplier() * 1_000_000))
return int64(math.Round(float64(l.MemoryLimit) * l.MemoryOverheadMultiplier() * 1024 * 1024))
// ConvertedSwap returns the amount of swap available as a total in bytes. This
// ConvertedSwap returns the amount of swap available as a total in bytes. This
@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ func (l Limits) ConvertedSwap() int64 {
return -1
return -1
return (l.Swap * 1_000_000) + l.BoundedMemoryLimit()
return (l.Swap * 1024 * 1024) + l.BoundedMemoryLimit()
// ProcessLimit returns the process limit for a container. This is currently
// ProcessLimit returns the process limit for a container. This is currently
@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ func (l Limits) AsContainerResources() container.Resources {
pids := l.ProcessLimit()
pids := l.ProcessLimit()
resources := container.Resources{
resources := container.Resources{
Memory: l.BoundedMemoryLimit(),
Memory: l.BoundedMemoryLimit(),
MemoryReservation: l.MemoryLimit * 1_000_000,
MemoryReservation: l.MemoryLimit * 1024 * 1024,
MemorySwap: l.ConvertedSwap(),
MemorySwap: l.ConvertedSwap(),
BlkioWeight: l.IoWeight,
BlkioWeight: l.IoWeight,
OomKillDisable: &l.OOMDisabled,
OomKillDisable: &l.OOMDisabled,
@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ import (
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
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Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
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nixpkgs.url = "github:NixOS/nixpkgs/nixos-unstable";
treefmt-nix = {
url = "github:numtide/treefmt-nix";
inputs.nixpkgs.follows = "nixpkgs";
outputs = {...} @ inputs:
inputs.flake-parts.lib.mkFlake {inherit inputs;} {
systems = ["aarch64-darwin" "aarch64-linux" "x86_64-darwin" "x86_64-linux"];
imports = [
perSystem = {system, ...}: let
pkgs = import inputs.nixpkgs {inherit system;};
in {
devShells.default = pkgs.mkShell {
buildInputs = with pkgs; [
treefmt = {
projectRootFile = "flake.nix";
programs = {
alejandra.enable = true;
deadnix.enable = true;
gofumpt = {
enable = true;
extra = true;
shellcheck.enable = true;
shfmt = {
enable = true;
indent_size = 0; # 0 causes shfmt to use tabs
yamlfmt.enable = true;
@ -1,124 +1,137 @@
go 1.18
go 1.21
require (
require (
|||||| v0.8.1
| v0.8.1
|||||| v2.3.6
| v2.3.7
|||||| v2.6.1
| v2.7.0
|||||| v1.0.0
| v1.0.0
| v0.1.0
|||||| v1.9.0
| v1.9.0
|||||| v0.0.0-20210307081110-f21760c49a8d
| v0.0.0-20230301143203-a9d515a09cc2
|||||| v1.1.0
| v1.3.0
|||||| v1.1.1
| v1.1.1
|||||| v4.1.3
| v4.3.0
|||||| v0.0.0-20181218015638-a93a0a55a249
| v1.7.0
|||||| v1.6.0
| v25.0.4+incompatible
|||||| v20.10.18+incompatible
| v0.5.0
|||||| v0.4.0
| v1.16.0
|||||| v1.13.0
| v0.0.0-20211003143422-0a4f594942bf
|||||| v0.0.0-20200825194134-80c0062ed6cd
| v1.4.3
|||||| v1.4.1
|||||| v1.1.3
| v1.1.3
|||||| v3.0.1
| v3.0.1
|||||| v1.8.1
| v1.9.1
|||||| v1.4.8
| v1.11.0
|||||| v1.17.0
| v1.37.0
|||||| v0.9.11
| v0.10.2
|||||| v1.3.0
| v1.6.0
|||||| v1.5.0
| v1.5.1
|||||| v0.2.0
| v0.3.0
|||||| v0.0.0-20220812133438-f0b6f8a18845
| v0.0.0-20230330125955-09f820a8d9c0
|||||| v1.0.2
| v1.0.2
|||||| v1.17.0
| v1.17.8
|||||| v1.15.11
| v1.2.6
|||||| v1.2.5
| v1.8.7
|||||| v1.8.6
|||||| v0.1.13
| v0.1.13
|||||| v3.5.1
| v4.0.0-alpha.8
|||||| v0.0.0-20190213212951-d06e56a500db
| v0.0.0-20190213212951-d06e56a500db
|||||| v2.1.0+incompatible
| v2.1.0+incompatible
|||||| v1.13.5
| v1.13.6
|||||| v0.0.0-20210923224102-525f6e181f06
| v0.0.0-20210923224102-525f6e181f06
|||||| v1.5.0
| v1.8.0
|||||| v1.8.0
| v1.9.0
|||||| v0.0.0-20220926161630-eccd6366d1be
| v0.22.0
|||||| v0.0.0-20220929204114-8fcdb60fdcc0
| v0.7.0
| v0.19.0
|||||| v1.67.0
| v1.67.0
|||||| v2.4.0
| v2.4.0
|||||| v3.0.1
| v3.0.1
|||||| v1.23.10
| v1.25.9
require (
require (
|||||| v0.0.0-20210617225240-d185dfc1b5a1 // indirect
| v0.6.1 // indirect
|||||| v0.6.0 // indirect
| v0.12.2 // indirect
|||||| v0.9.4 // indirect
| v1.1.0 // indirect
|||||| v1.0.4 // indirect
| v1.3.0 // indirect
|||||| v1.0.1 // indirect
| v1.5.1 // indirect
|||||| v2.1.2 // indirect
| v1.0.1 // indirect
|||||| v1.0.0 // indirect
| v1.11.3 // indirect
| v0.0.0-20230717121745-296ad89f973d // indirect
| v0.9.1 // indirect
| v0.1.0 // indirect
|||||| v1.1.1 // indirect
| v1.1.1 // indirect
|||||| v2.8.1+incompatible // indirect
| v0.6.0 // indirect
|||||| v0.0.1 // indirect
|||||| v0.5.0 // indirect
| v0.5.0 // indirect
|||||| v0.0.2-0.20210315054119-f66993602bf5 // indirect
| v0.0.2-0.20210315054119-f66993602bf5 // indirect
|||||| v1.5.4 // indirect
| v1.0.1 // indirect
|||||| v0.2.0 // indirect
| v1.0.4 // indirect
| v0.2.1 // indirect
|||||| v0.1.0 // indirect
| v0.1.0 // indirect
|||||| v1.19.1 // indirect
| v1.22.0 // indirect
|||||| v0.14.0 // indirect
| v1.4.1 // indirect
|||||| v0.18.0 // indirect
| v1.2.2 // indirect
|||||| v10.11.1 // indirect
| v0.14.1 // indirect
| v0.18.1 // indirect
| v10.19.0 // indirect
|||||| v1.3.2 // indirect
| v1.3.2 // indirect
|||||| v1.5.2 // indirect
|||||| v0.0.4 // indirect
| v0.0.4 // indirect
|||||| v1.0.1 // indirect
| v1.1.0 // indirect
| v1.1.1 // indirect
| v2.0.7 // indirect
| v1.1.0 // indirect
|||||| v1.0.0 // indirect
| v1.0.0 // indirect
|||||| v1.1.5 // indirect
| v1.1.5 // indirect
|||||| v1.1.12 // indirect
| v1.1.12 // indirect
|||||| v0.0.0-20180428030007-95032a82bc51 // indirect
| v0.0.0-20180428030007-95032a82bc51 // indirect
| v2.2.7 // indirect
|||||| v0.1.0 // indirect
| v0.1.0 // indirect
|||||| v1.2.1 // indirect
| v1.4.0 // indirect
|||||| v1.14.0 // indirect
| v1.15.0 // indirect
|||||| v0.0.16 // indirect
| v0.0.20 // indirect
|||||| v1.0.2 // indirect
|||||| v0.0.0-20200706080929-d51e80ef957d // indirect
| v0.0.0-20200706080929-d51e80ef957d // indirect
|||||| v0.0.0-20220808134915-39b0c02b01ae // indirect
| v0.0.0-20220808134915-39b0c02b01ae // indirect
|||||| v0.0.0-20180306012644-bacd9c7ef1dd // indirect
| v0.0.0-20180306012644-bacd9c7ef1dd // indirect
|||||| v1.0.2 // indirect
| v1.0.2 // indirect
|||||| v1.0.0 // indirect
| v1.0.0 // indirect
|||||| v1.1.3 // indirect
| v0.1.9 // indirect
| v2.0.0-beta.2 // indirect
|||||| v1.0.0 // indirect
| v1.0.0 // indirect
|||||| v1.1.0-rc2 // indirect
| v1.1.0 // indirect
|||||| v2.0.5 // indirect
| v2.2.0 // indirect
|||||| v4.1.17 // indirect
| v4.1.21 // indirect
|||||| v0.9.1 // indirect
| v0.9.1 // indirect
|||||| v1.0.0 // indirect
| v1.0.0 // indirect
|||||| v1.13.0 // indirect
| v0.0.0-20230129092748-24d4a6f8daec // indirect
|||||| v0.2.0 // indirect
|||||| v0.37.0 // indirect
|||||| v0.8.0 // indirect
|||||| v0.0.0-20220927061507-ef77025ab5aa // indirect
|||||| v3.0.1 // indirect
| v3.0.1 // indirect
|||||| v1.9.0 // indirect
| v1.9.3 // indirect
|||||| v1.0.5 // indirect
| v1.0.5 // indirect
|||||| v1.2.7 // indirect
| v1.0.1 // indirect
|||||| v0.5.10 // indirect
| v0.15.1 // indirect
|||||| v0.0.0-20171230120015-48954b6210f8 // indirect
| v1.2.12 // indirect
|||||| v1.10.0 // indirect
| v0.5.12 // indirect
|||||| v1.8.0 // indirect
| v0.50.0 // indirect
|||||| v0.6.0-dev.0.20220419223038-86c51ed26bb4 // indirect
| v1.25.0 // indirect
|||||| v0.0.0-20221004154528-8021a29435af // indirect
| v1.24.0 // indirect
|||||| v0.0.0-20220928140112-f11e5e49a4ec // indirect
| v1.25.0 // indirect
|||||| v0.0.0-20220919170432-7a66f970e087 // indirect
| v1.24.0 // indirect
|||||| v0.3.7 // indirect
| v1.25.0 // indirect
| v1.11.0 // indirect
| v1.11.0 // indirect
| v0.0.0-20230225012048-214862532bf5 // indirect
| v0.7.0 // indirect
| v0.17.0 // indirect
| v0.24.0 // indirect
| v0.19.0 // indirect
| v0.14.0 // indirect
|||||| v0.0.0-20220922220347-f3bd1da661af // indirect
| v0.0.0-20220922220347-f3bd1da661af // indirect
|||||| v0.1.12 // indirect
| v0.20.0 // indirect
|||||| v0.0.0-20220907171357-04be3eba64a2 // indirect
| v0.0.0-20231012003039-104605ab7028 // indirect
|||||| v1.28.1 // indirect
| v1.33.0 // indirect
|||||| v1.20.0 // indirect
| v3.0.2 // indirect
|||||| v1.5.0 // indirect
| v1.49.3 // indirect
|||||| v1.4.0 // indirect
| v1.6.0 // indirect
|||||| v1.19.1 // indirect
| v1.8.0 // indirect
| v1.29.6 // indirect
@ -2,7 +2,10 @@ package cron
import (
import (
@ -15,9 +18,9 @@ type activityCron struct {
max int
max int
// Run executes the cronjob and ensures we fetch and send all of the stored activity to the
// Run executes the cronjob and ensures we fetch and send all the stored activity to the
// Panel instance. Once activity is sent it is deleted from the local database instance. Any
// Panel instance. Once activity is sent it is deleted from the local database instance. Any
// SFTP specific events are not handled in this cron, they're handled seperately to account
// SFTP specific events are not handled in this cron, they're handled separately to account
// for de-duplication and event merging.
// for de-duplication and event merging.
func (ac *activityCron) Run(ctx context.Context) error {
func (ac *activityCron) Run(ctx context.Context) error {
// Don't execute this cron if there is currently one running. Once this task is completed
// Don't execute this cron if there is currently one running. Once this task is completed
@ -32,7 +35,6 @@ func (ac *activityCron) Run(ctx context.Context) error {
Where("event NOT LIKE ?", "server:sftp.%").
Where("event NOT LIKE ?", "server:sftp.%").
if tx.Error != nil {
if tx.Error != nil {
return errors.WithStack(tx.Error)
return errors.WithStack(tx.Error)
@ -40,15 +42,42 @@ func (ac *activityCron) Run(ctx context.Context) error {
return nil
return nil
if err := ac.manager.Client().SendActivityLogs(ctx, activity); err != nil {
// ids to delete from the database.
ids := make([]int, 0, len(activity))
// activities to send to the panel.
activities := make([]models.Activity, 0, len(activity))
for _, v := range activity {
// Delete any activity that has an invalid IP address. This is a fix for
// a bug that truncated the last octet of an IPv6 address in the database.
if ip := net.ParseIP(v.IP); ip == nil {
ids = append(ids, v.ID)
activities = append(activities, v)
if len(ids) > 0 {
tx = database.Instance().WithContext(ctx).Where("id IN ?", ids).Delete(&models.Activity{})
if tx.Error != nil {
return errors.WithStack(tx.Error)
if len(activities) == 0 {
return nil
if err := ac.manager.Client().SendActivityLogs(ctx, activities); err != nil {
return errors.WrapIf(err, "cron: failed to send activity events to Panel")
return errors.WrapIf(err, "cron: failed to send activity events to Panel")
var ids []int
// Add all the successful activities to the list of IDs to delete.
for _, v := range activity {
ids = make([]int, len(activities))
ids = append(ids, v.ID)
for i, v := range activities {
ids[i] = v.ID
// Delete all the activities that were sent to the Panel (or that were invalid).
tx = database.Instance().WithContext(ctx).Where("id IN ?", ids).Delete(&models.Activity{})
tx = database.Instance().WithContext(ctx).Where("id IN ?", ids).Delete(&models.Activity{})
if tx.Error != nil {
if tx.Error != nil {
return errors.WithStack(tx.Error)
return errors.WithStack(tx.Error)
@ -2,13 +2,15 @@ package cron
import (
import (
log2 ""
const ErrCronRunning = errors.Sentinel("cron: job already running")
const ErrCronRunning = errors.Sentinel("cron: job already running")
@ -22,7 +24,7 @@ func Scheduler(ctx context.Context, m *server.Manager) (*gocron.Scheduler, error
if !o.SwapIf(true) {
if !o.SwapIf(true) {
return nil, errors.New("cron: cannot call scheduler more than once in application lifecycle")
return nil, errors.New("cron: cannot call scheduler more than once in application lifecycle")
l, err := time.LoadLocation(config.Get().System.Timezone)
location, err := time.LoadLocation(config.Get().System.Timezone)
if err != nil {
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "cron: failed to parse configured system timezone")
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "cron: failed to parse configured system timezone")
@ -39,30 +41,30 @@ func Scheduler(ctx context.Context, m *server.Manager) (*gocron.Scheduler, error
max: config.Get().System.ActivitySendCount,
max: config.Get().System.ActivitySendCount,
s := gocron.NewScheduler(l)
s := gocron.NewScheduler(location)
log := log2.WithField("subsystem", "cron")
l := log.WithField("subsystem", "cron")
interval := time.Duration(config.Get().System.ActivitySendInterval) * time.Second
interval := time.Duration(config.Get().System.ActivitySendInterval) * time.Second
log.WithField("interval", interval).Info("configuring system crons")
l.WithField("interval", interval).Info("configuring system crons")
_, _ = s.Tag("activity").Every(interval).Do(func() {
_, _ = s.Tag("activity").Every(interval).Do(func() {
log.WithField("cron", "activity").Debug("sending internal activity events to Panel")
l.WithField("cron", "activity").Debug("sending internal activity events to Panel")
if err := activity.Run(ctx); err != nil {
if err := activity.Run(ctx); err != nil {
if errors.Is(err, ErrCronRunning) {
if errors.Is(err, ErrCronRunning) {
log.WithField("cron", "activity").Warn("activity process is already running, skipping...")
l.WithField("cron", "activity").Warn("activity process is already running, skipping...")
} else {
} else {
log.WithField("cron", "activity").WithField("error", err).Error("activity process failed to execute")
l.WithField("cron", "activity").WithField("error", err).Error("activity process failed to execute")
_, _ = s.Tag("sftp").Every(interval).Do(func() {
_, _ = s.Tag("sftp").Every(interval).Do(func() {
log.WithField("cron", "sftp").Debug("sending sftp events to Panel")
l.WithField("cron", "sftp").Debug("sending sftp events to Panel")
if err := sftp.Run(ctx); err != nil {
if err := sftp.Run(ctx); err != nil {
if errors.Is(err, ErrCronRunning) {
if errors.Is(err, ErrCronRunning) {
log.WithField("cron", "sftp").Warn("sftp events process already running, skipping...")
l.WithField("cron", "sftp").Warn("sftp events process already running, skipping...")
} else {
} else {
log.WithField("cron", "sftp").WithField("error", err).Error("sftp events process failed to execute")
l.WithField("cron", "sftp").WithField("error", err).Error("sftp events process failed to execute")
@ -2,12 +2,14 @@ package cron
import (
import (
type sftpCron struct {
type sftpCron struct {
@ -1,19 +1,23 @@
package database
package database
import (
import (
var o system.AtomicBool
var (
var db *gorm.DB
o system.AtomicBool
db *gorm.DB
// Initialize configures the local SQLite database for Wings and ensures that the models have
// Initialize configures the local SQLite database for Wings and ensures that the models have
// been fully migrated.
// been fully migrated.
@ -1,9 +1,11 @@
package models
package models
import (
import (
type Event string
type Event string
@ -55,7 +57,9 @@ func (a Activity) SetUser(u string) *Activity {
// is trimmed down to remove any extraneous data, and the timestamp is set to the current
// is trimmed down to remove any extraneous data, and the timestamp is set to the current
// system time and then stored as UTC.
// system time and then stored as UTC.
func (a *Activity) BeforeCreate(_ *gorm.DB) error {
func (a *Activity) BeforeCreate(_ *gorm.DB) error {
a.IP = system.TrimIPSuffix(a.IP)
if ip, _, err := net.SplitHostPort(strings.TrimSpace(a.IP)); err == nil {
a.IP = ip
if a.Timestamp.IsZero() {
if a.Timestamp.IsZero() {
a.Timestamp = time.Now()
a.Timestamp = time.Now()
@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ package models
import (
import (
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
package progress
import (
// Progress is used to track the progress of any I/O operation that are being
// performed.
type Progress struct {
// written is the total size of the files that have been written to the writer.
written uint64
// Total is the total size of the archive in bytes.
total uint64
// Writer .
Writer io.Writer
// NewProgress returns a new progress tracker for the given total size.
func NewProgress(total uint64) *Progress {
return &Progress{total: total}
// Written returns the total number of bytes written.
// This function should be used when the progress is tracking data being written.
func (p *Progress) Written() uint64 {
return atomic.LoadUint64(&p.written)
// Total returns the total size in bytes.
func (p *Progress) Total() uint64 {
return atomic.LoadUint64(&
// SetTotal sets the total size of the archive in bytes. This function is safe
// to call concurrently and can be used to update the total size if it changes,
// such as when the total size is simultaneously being calculated as data is
// being written through the progress writer.
func (p *Progress) SetTotal(total uint64) {
atomic.StoreUint64(&, total)
// Write totals the number of bytes that have been written to the writer.
func (p *Progress) Write(v []byte) (int, error) {
n := len(v)
atomic.AddUint64(&p.written, uint64(n))
if p.Writer != nil {
return p.Writer.Write(v)
return n, nil
// Progress returns a formatted progress string for the current progress.
func (p *Progress) Progress(width int) string {
// current = 100 (Progress, dynamic)
// total = 1000 (Content-Length, dynamic)
// width = 25 (Number of ticks to display, static)
// widthPercentage = 100 / width (What percentage does each tick represent, static)
// percentageDecimal = current / total = 0.1
// percentage = percentageDecimal * 100 = 10%
// ticks = percentage / widthPercentage = 2.5
// ticks is a float64, so we cast it to an int which rounds it down to 2.
// Values are cast to floats to prevent integer division.
current := p.Written()
total := p.Total()
// width := is passed as a parameter
widthPercentage := float64(100) / float64(width)
percentageDecimal := float64(current) / float64(total)
percentage := percentageDecimal * 100
ticks := int(percentage / widthPercentage)
// Ensure that we never get a negative number of ticks, this will prevent strings#Repeat
// from panicking. A negative number of ticks is likely to happen when the total size is
// inaccurate, such as when we are going off of rough disk usage calculation.
if ticks < 0 {
ticks = 0
} else if ticks > width {
ticks = width
bar := strings.Repeat("=", ticks) + strings.Repeat(" ", width-ticks)
return "[" + bar + "] " + system.FormatBytes(current) + " / " + system.FormatBytes(total)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
package progress_test
import (
func TestProgress(t *testing.T) {
g := goblin.Goblin(t)
g.Describe("Progress", func() {
g.It("properly initializes", func() {
total := uint64(1000)
p := progress.NewProgress(total)
g.It("increments written when Write is called", func() {
v := []byte("hello")
p := progress.NewProgress(1000)
_, err := p.Write(v)
g.It("renders a progress bar", func() {
v := bytes.Repeat([]byte{' '}, 100)
p := progress.NewProgress(1000)
_, err := p.Write(v)
g.Assert(p.Progress(25)).Equal("[== ] 100 B / 1000 B")
g.It("renders a progress bar when written exceeds total", func() {
v := bytes.Repeat([]byte{' '}, 1001)
p := progress.NewProgress(1000)
_, err := p.Write(v)
g.Assert(p.Progress(25)).Equal("[=========================] 1001 B / 1000 B")
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
MIT License
Copyright (c) 2024 Matthew Penner
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
copies or substantial portions of the Software.
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
# Filesystem
## Licensing
Most code in this package is licensed under `MIT` with some exceptions.
The following files are licensed under `BSD-3-Clause` due to them being copied
verbatim or derived from [Go]('s source code.
- [`file_posix.go`](./file_posix.go)
- [`mkdir_unix.go`](./mkdir_unix.go)
- [`path_unix.go`](./path_unix.go)
- [`removeall_unix.go`](./removeall_unix.go)
- [`stat_unix.go`](./stat_unix.go)
- [`walk.go`](./walk.go)
These changes are not associated with nor endorsed by The Go Authors.
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright (c) 2024 Matthew Penner
// Package ufs provides an abstraction layer for performing I/O on filesystems.
// This package is designed to be used in-place of standard `os` package I/O
// calls, and is not designed to be used as a generic filesystem abstraction
// like the `io/fs` package.
// The primary use-case of this package was to provide a "chroot-like" `os`
// wrapper, so we can safely sandbox I/O operations within a directory and
// use untrusted arbitrary paths.
package ufs
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright (c) 2024 Matthew Penner
package ufs
import (
iofs "io/fs"
var (
// ErrIsDirectory is an error for when an operation that operates only on
// files is given a path to a directory.
ErrIsDirectory = errors.New("is a directory")
// ErrNotDirectory is an error for when an operation that operates only on
// directories is given a path to a file.
ErrNotDirectory = errors.New("not a directory")
// ErrBadPathResolution is an error for when a sand-boxed filesystem
// resolves a given path to a forbidden location.
ErrBadPathResolution = errors.New("bad path resolution")
// ErrNotRegular is an error for when an operation that operates only on
// regular files is passed something other than a regular file.
ErrNotRegular = errors.New("not a regular file")
// ErrClosed is an error for when an entry was accessed after being closed.
ErrClosed = iofs.ErrClosed
// ErrInvalid is an error for when an invalid argument was used.
ErrInvalid = iofs.ErrInvalid
// ErrExist is an error for when an entry already exists.
ErrExist = iofs.ErrExist
// ErrNotExist is an error for when an entry does not exist.
ErrNotExist = iofs.ErrNotExist
// ErrPermission is an error for when the required permissions to perform an
// operation are missing.
ErrPermission = iofs.ErrPermission
// LinkError records an error during a link or symlink or rename
// system call and the paths that caused it.
type LinkError = os.LinkError
// PathError records an error and the operation and file path that caused it.
type PathError = iofs.PathError
// SyscallError records an error from a specific system call.
type SyscallError = os.SyscallError
// NewSyscallError returns, as an error, a new SyscallError
// with the given system call name and error details.
// As a convenience, if err is nil, NewSyscallError returns nil.
func NewSyscallError(syscall string, err error) error {
return os.NewSyscallError(syscall, err)
// convertErrorType converts errors into our custom errors to ensure consistent
// error values.
func convertErrorType(err error) error {
if err == nil {
return nil
var pErr *PathError
switch {
case errors.As(err, &pErr):
switch {
// File exists
case errors.Is(pErr.Err, unix.EEXIST):
return &PathError{
Op: pErr.Op,
Path: pErr.Path,
Err: ErrExist,
// Is a directory
case errors.Is(pErr.Err, unix.EISDIR):
return &PathError{
Op: pErr.Op,
Path: pErr.Path,
Err: ErrIsDirectory,
// Not a directory
case errors.Is(pErr.Err, unix.ENOTDIR):
return &PathError{
Op: pErr.Op,
Path: pErr.Path,
Err: ErrNotDirectory,
// No such file or directory
case errors.Is(pErr.Err, unix.ENOENT):
return &PathError{
Op: pErr.Op,
Path: pErr.Path,
Err: ErrNotExist,
// Operation not permitted
case errors.Is(pErr.Err, unix.EPERM):
return &PathError{
Op: pErr.Op,
Path: pErr.Path,
Err: ErrPermission,
// Invalid cross-device link
case errors.Is(pErr.Err, unix.EXDEV):
return &PathError{
Op: pErr.Op,
Path: pErr.Path,
Err: ErrBadPathResolution,
// Too many levels of symbolic links
case errors.Is(pErr.Err, unix.ELOOP):
return &PathError{
Op: pErr.Op,
Path: pErr.Path,
Err: ErrBadPathResolution,
return err
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,179 @@
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright (c) 2024 Matthew Penner
package ufs
import (
iofs "io/fs"
// DirEntry is an entry read from a directory.
type DirEntry = iofs.DirEntry
// File describes readable and/or writable file from a Filesystem.
type File interface {
// Name returns the base name of the file.
Name() string
// Stat returns the FileInfo structure describing the file.
// If there is an error, it will be of type *PathError.
Stat() (FileInfo, error)
// ReadDir reads the contents of the directory associated with the file f
// and returns a slice of DirEntry values in directory order.
// Subsequent calls on the same file will yield later DirEntry records in the directory.
// If n > 0, ReadDir returns at most n DirEntry records.
// In this case, if ReadDir returns an empty slice, it will return an error explaining why.
// At the end of a directory, the error is io.EOF.
// If n <= 0, ReadDir returns all the DirEntry records remaining in the directory.
// When it succeeds, it returns a nil error (not io.EOF).
ReadDir(n int) ([]DirEntry, error)
// Readdirnames reads the contents of the directory associated with file
// and returns a slice of up to n names of files in the directory,
// in directory order. Subsequent calls on the same file will yield
// further names.
// If n > 0, Readdirnames returns at most n names. In this case, if
// Readdirnames returns an empty slice, it will return a non-nil error
// explaining why. At the end of a directory, the error is io.EOF.
// If n <= 0, Readdirnames returns all the names from the directory in
// a single slice. In this case, if Readdirnames succeeds (reads all
// the way to the end of the directory), it returns the slice and a
// nil error. If it encounters an error before the end of the
// directory, Readdirnames returns the names read until that point and
// a non-nil error.
Readdirnames(n int) (names []string, err error)
// Fd returns the integer Unix file descriptor referencing the open file.
// If f is closed, the file descriptor becomes invalid.
// If f is garbage collected, a finalizer may close the file descriptor,
// making it invalid; see runtime.SetFinalizer for more information on when
// a finalizer might be run. On Unix systems this will cause the SetDeadline
// methods to stop working.
// Because file descriptors can be reused, the returned file descriptor may
// only be closed through the Close method of f, or by its finalizer during
// garbage collection. Otherwise, during garbage collection the finalizer
// may close an unrelated file descriptor with the same (reused) number.
// As an alternative, see the f.SyscallConn method.
Fd() uintptr
// Truncate changes the size of the file.
// It does not change the I/O offset.
// If there is an error, it will be of type *PathError.
Truncate(size int64) error
// FileInfo describes a file and is returned by Stat and Lstat.
type FileInfo = iofs.FileInfo
// FileMode represents a file's mode and permission bits.
// The bits have the same definition on all systems, so that
// information about files can be moved from one system
// to another portably. Not all bits apply to all systems.
// The only required bit is ModeDir for directories.
type FileMode = iofs.FileMode
// The defined file mode bits are the most significant bits of the FileMode.
// The nine least-significant bits are the standard Unix rwxrwxrwx permissions.
// The values of these bits should be considered part of the public API and
// may be used in wire protocols or disk representations: they must not be
// changed, although new bits might be added.
const (
// ModeDir represents a directory.
// d: is a directory
ModeDir = iofs.ModeDir
// ModeAppend represents an append-only file.
// a: append-only
ModeAppend = iofs.ModeAppend
// ModeExclusive represents an exclusive file.
// l: exclusive use
ModeExclusive = iofs.ModeExclusive
// ModeTemporary .
// T: temporary file; Plan 9 only.
ModeTemporary = iofs.ModeTemporary
// ModeSymlink .
// L: symbolic link.
ModeSymlink = iofs.ModeSymlink
// ModeDevice .
// D: device file.
ModeDevice = iofs.ModeDevice
// ModeNamedPipe .
// p: named pipe (FIFO)
ModeNamedPipe = iofs.ModeNamedPipe
// ModeSocket .
// S: Unix domain socket.
ModeSocket = iofs.ModeSocket
// ModeSetuid .
// u: setuid
ModeSetuid = iofs.ModeSetuid
// ModeSetgid .
// g: setgid
ModeSetgid = iofs.ModeSetgid
// ModeCharDevice .
// c: Unix character device, when ModeDevice is set
ModeCharDevice = iofs.ModeCharDevice
// ModeSticky .
// t: sticky
ModeSticky = iofs.ModeSticky
// ModeIrregular .
// ?: non-regular file; nothing else is known about this file.
ModeIrregular = iofs.ModeIrregular
// ModeType .
ModeType = iofs.ModeType
// ModePerm .
// Unix permission bits, 0o777.
ModePerm = iofs.ModePerm
const (
// O_RDONLY opens the file read-only.
// O_WRONLY opens the file write-only.
// O_RDWR opens the file read-write.
O_RDWR = unix.O_RDWR
// O_APPEND appends data to the file when writing.
// O_CREATE creates a new file if it doesn't exist.
// O_EXCL is used with O_CREATE, file must not exist.
O_EXCL = unix.O_EXCL
// O_SYNC open for synchronous I/O.
O_SYNC = unix.O_SYNC
// O_TRUNC truncates regular writable file when opened.
// O_DIRECTORY opens a directory only. If the entry is not a directory an
// error will be returned.
// O_NOFOLLOW opens the exact path given without following symlinks.
const (
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
// Code in this file was copied from `go/src/os/file_posix.go`.
// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the `go.LICENSE` file.
//go:build unix || (js && wasm) || wasip1 || windows
package ufs
import (
// ignoringEINTR makes a function call and repeats it if it returns an
// EINTR error. This appears to be required even though we install all
// signal handlers with SA_RESTART: see,
// Also, and
// are issues in which a signal handler is
// installed without setting SA_RESTART. None of these are the common case,
// but there are enough of them that it seems that we can't avoid
// an EINTR loop.
func ignoringEINTR(fn func() error) error {
for {
err := fn()
if err != unix.EINTR {
return err
// syscallMode returns the syscall-specific mode bits from Go's portable mode bits.
func syscallMode(i FileMode) (o FileMode) {
o |= i.Perm()
if i&ModeSetuid != 0 {
o |= unix.S_ISUID
if i&ModeSetgid != 0 {
o |= unix.S_ISGID
if i&ModeSticky != 0 {
o |= unix.S_ISVTX
// No mapping for Go's ModeTemporary (plan9 only).
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,168 @@
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright (c) 2024 Matthew Penner
package ufs
import (
// Filesystem represents a filesystem capable of performing I/O operations.
type Filesystem interface {
// Chmod changes the mode of the named file to mode.
// If the file is a symbolic link, it changes the mode of the link's target.
// If there is an error, it will be of type *PathError.
// A different subset of the mode bits are used, depending on the
// operating system.
// On Unix, the mode's permission bits, ModeSetuid, ModeSetgid, and
// ModeSticky are used.
// On Windows, only the 0200 bit (owner writable) of mode is used; it
// controls whether the file's read-only attribute is set or cleared.
// The other bits are currently unused. For compatibility with Go 1.12
// and earlier, use a non-zero mode. Use mode 0400 for a read-only
// file and 0600 for a readable+writable file.
// On Plan 9, the mode's permission bits, ModeAppend, ModeExclusive,
// and ModeTemporary are used.
Chmod(name string, mode FileMode) error
// Chown changes the numeric uid and gid of the named file.
// If the file is a symbolic link, it changes the uid and gid of the link's target.
// A uid or gid of -1 means to not change that value.
// If there is an error, it will be of type *PathError.
// On Windows or Plan 9, Chown always returns the syscall.EWINDOWS or
// EPLAN9 error, wrapped in *PathError.
Chown(name string, uid, gid int) error
// Lchown changes the numeric uid and gid of the named file.
// If the file is a symbolic link, it changes the uid and gid of the link itself.
// If there is an error, it will be of type *PathError.
// On Windows, it always returns the syscall.EWINDOWS error, wrapped
// in *PathError.
Lchown(name string, uid, gid int) error
// Chtimes changes the access and modification times of the named
// file, similar to the Unix utime() or utimes() functions.
// The underlying filesystem may truncate or round the values to a
// less precise time unit.
// If there is an error, it will be of type *PathError.
Chtimes(name string, atime, mtime time.Time) error
// Create creates or truncates the named file. If the file already exists,
// it is truncated.
// If the file does not exist, it is created with mode 0666
// (before umask). If successful, methods on the returned File can
// be used for I/O; the associated file descriptor has mode O_RDWR.
// If there is an error, it will be of type *PathError.
Create(name string) (File, error)
// Mkdir creates a new directory with the specified name and permission
// bits (before umask).
// If there is an error, it will be of type *PathError.
Mkdir(name string, perm FileMode) error
// MkdirAll creates a directory named path, along with any necessary
// parents, and returns nil, or else returns an error.
// The permission bits perm (before umask) are used for all
// directories that MkdirAll creates.
// If path is already a directory, MkdirAll does nothing
// and returns nil.
MkdirAll(path string, perm FileMode) error
// Open opens the named file for reading.
// If successful, methods on the returned file can be used for reading; the
// associated file descriptor has mode O_RDONLY.
// If there is an error, it will be of type *PathError.
Open(name string) (File, error)
// OpenFile is the generalized open call; most users will use Open
// or Create instead. It opens the named file with specified flag
// (O_RDONLY etc.).
// If the file does not exist, and the O_CREATE flag
// is passed, it is created with mode perm (before umask). If successful,
// methods on the returned File can be used for I/O.
// If there is an error, it will be of type *PathError.
OpenFile(name string, flag int, perm FileMode) (File, error)
// ReadDir reads the named directory,
// returning all its directory entries sorted by filename.
// If an error occurs reading the directory, ReadDir returns the entries it
// was able to read before the error, along with the error.
ReadDir(name string) ([]DirEntry, error)
// Remove removes the named file or (empty) directory.
// If there is an error, it will be of type *PathError.
Remove(name string) error
// RemoveAll removes path and any children it contains.
// It removes everything it can but returns the first error
// it encounters. If the path does not exist, RemoveAll
// returns nil (no error).
// If there is an error, it will be of type *PathError.
RemoveAll(path string) error
// Rename renames (moves) oldpath to newpath.
// If newpath already exists and is not a directory, Rename replaces it.
// OS-specific restrictions may apply when oldpath and newpath are in different directories.
// Even within the same directory, on non-Unix platforms Rename is not an atomic operation.
// If there is an error, it will be of type *LinkError.
Rename(oldname, newname string) error
// Stat returns a FileInfo describing the named file.
// If there is an error, it will be of type *PathError.
Stat(name string) (FileInfo, error)
// Lstat returns a FileInfo describing the named file.
// If the file is a symbolic link, the returned FileInfo
// describes the symbolic link. Lstat makes no attempt to follow the link.
// If there is an error, it will be of type *PathError.
Lstat(name string) (FileInfo, error)
// Symlink creates newname as a symbolic link to oldname.
// On Windows, a symlink to a non-existent oldname creates a file symlink;
// if oldname is later created as a directory the symlink will not work.
// If there is an error, it will be of type *LinkError.
Symlink(oldname, newname string) error
// WalkDir walks the file tree rooted at root, calling fn for each file or
// directory in the tree, including root.
// All errors that arise visiting files and directories are filtered by fn:
// see the [WalkDirFunc] documentation for details.
// The files are walked in lexical order, which makes the output deterministic
// but requires WalkDir to read an entire directory into memory before proceeding
// to walk that directory.
// WalkDir does not follow symbolic links found in directories,
// but if root itself is a symbolic link, its target will be walked.
WalkDir(root string, fn WalkDirFunc) error
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,159 @@
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright (c) 2024 Matthew Penner
package ufs
import (
type Quota struct {
// fs is the underlying filesystem that runs the actual I/O operations.
// limit is the size limit of the filesystem.
// limit is atomic to allow the limit to be safely changed after the
// filesystem was created.
// A limit of `-1` disables any write operation from being performed.
// A limit of `0` disables any limit checking.
limit atomic.Int64
// usage is the current usage of the filesystem.
// If usage is set to `-1`, it hasn't been calculated yet.
usage atomic.Int64
func NewQuota(fs *UnixFS, limit int64) *Quota {
qfs := Quota{UnixFS: fs}
return &qfs
// Close closes the filesystem.
func (fs *Quota) Close() (err error) {
err = fs.UnixFS.Close()
// Limit returns the limit of the filesystem.
func (fs *Quota) Limit() int64 {
return fs.limit.Load()
// SetLimit returns the limit of the filesystem.
func (fs *Quota) SetLimit(newLimit int64) int64 {
return fs.limit.Swap(newLimit)
// Usage returns the current usage of the filesystem.
func (fs *Quota) Usage() int64 {
return fs.usage.Load()
// SetUsage updates the total usage of the filesystem.
func (fs *Quota) SetUsage(newUsage int64) int64 {
return fs.usage.Swap(newUsage)
// Add adds `i` to the tracked usage total.
func (fs *Quota) Add(i int64) int64 {
usage := fs.Usage()
// If adding `i` to the usage will put us below 0, cap it. (`i` can be negative)
if usage+i < 0 {
return 0
return fs.usage.Add(i)
// CanFit checks if the given size can fit in the filesystem without exceeding
// the limit of the filesystem.
func (fs *Quota) CanFit(size int64) bool {
// Get the size limit of the filesystem.
limit := fs.Limit()
switch limit {
case -1:
// A limit of -1 means no write operations are allowed.
return false
case 0:
// A limit of 0 means unlimited.
return true
// Any other limit is a value we need to check.
usage := fs.Usage()
if usage == -1 {
// We don't know what the current usage is yet.
return true
// If the current usage + the requested size are under the limit of the
// filesystem, allow it.
if usage+size <= limit {
return true
// Welp, the size would exceed the limit of the filesystem, deny it.
return false
func (fs *Quota) Remove(name string) error {
// For information on why this interface is used here, check its
// documentation.
s, err := fs.RemoveStat(name)
if err != nil {
return err
// Don't reduce the quota's usage as `name` is not a regular file.
if !s.Mode().IsRegular() {
return nil
// Remove the size of the deleted file from the quota usage.
return nil
// RemoveAll removes path and any children it contains.
// It removes everything it can but returns the first error
// it encounters. If the path does not exist, RemoveAll
// returns nil (no error).
// If there is an error, it will be of type *PathError.
func (fs *Quota) RemoveAll(name string) error {
name, err := fs.unsafePath(name)
if err != nil {
return err
// While removeAll internally checks this, I want to make sure we check it
// and return the proper error so our tests can ensure that this will never
// be a possibility.
if name == "." {
return &PathError{
Op: "removeall",
Path: name,
Err: ErrBadPathResolution,
return fs.removeAll(name)
func (fs *Quota) removeAll(path string) error {
return removeAll(fs, path)
func (fs *Quota) unlinkat(dirfd int, name string, flags int) error {
if flags == 0 {
s, err := fs.Lstatat(dirfd, name)
if err == nil && s.Mode().IsRegular() {
return fs.UnixFS.unlinkat(dirfd, name, flags)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,825 @@
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright (c) 2024 Matthew Penner
//go:build unix
package ufs
import (
// UnixFS is a filesystem that uses the unix package to make io calls.
// This is used for proper sand-boxing and full control over the exact syscalls
// being performed.
type UnixFS struct {
// basePath is the base path for file operations to take place in.
basePath string
// dirfd holds the file descriptor of BasePath and is used to ensure
// operations are restricted into descendants of BasePath.
dirfd atomic.Int64
// useOpenat2 controls whether the `openat2` syscall is used instead of the
// older `openat` syscall.
useOpenat2 bool
// NewUnixFS creates a new sandboxed unix filesystem. BasePath is used as the
// sandbox path, operations on BasePath itself are not allowed, but any
// operations on its descendants are. Symlinks pointing outside BasePath are
// checked and prevented from enabling an escape in a non-raceable manor.
func NewUnixFS(basePath string, useOpenat2 bool) (*UnixFS, error) {
basePath = strings.TrimSuffix(basePath, "/")
// We don't need Openat2, if we are given a basePath that is already unsafe
// I give up on trying to sandbox it.
dirfd, err := unix.Openat(AT_EMPTY_PATH, basePath, O_DIRECTORY|O_RDONLY, 0)
if err != nil {
return nil, convertErrorType(err)
fs := &UnixFS{
basePath: basePath,
useOpenat2: useOpenat2,
return fs, nil
// BasePath returns the base path of the UnixFS sandbox, file operations
// pointing outside this path are prohibited and will be blocked by all
// operations implemented by UnixFS.
func (fs *UnixFS) BasePath() string {
return fs.basePath
// Close releases the file descriptor used to sandbox operations within the
// base path of the filesystem.
func (fs *UnixFS) Close() error {
// Once closed, change dirfd to something invalid to detect when it has been
// closed.
defer func() {
return unix.Close(int(fs.dirfd.Load()))
// Chmod changes the mode of the named file to mode.
// If the file is a symbolic link, it changes the mode of the link's target.
// If there is an error, it will be of type *PathError.
// A different subset of the mode bits are used, depending on the
// operating system.
// On Unix, the mode's permission bits, ModeSetuid, ModeSetgid, and
// ModeSticky are used.
// On Windows, only the 0200 bit (owner writable) of mode is used; it
// controls whether the file's read-only attribute is set or cleared.
// The other bits are currently unused. For compatibility with Go 1.12
// and earlier, use a non-zero mode. Use mode 0400 for a read-only
// file and 0600 for a readable+writable file.
// On Plan 9, the mode's permission bits, ModeAppend, ModeExclusive,
// and ModeTemporary are used.
func (fs *UnixFS) Chmod(name string, mode FileMode) error {
dirfd, name, closeFd, err := fs.safePath(name)
defer closeFd()
if err != nil {
return err
return convertErrorType(unix.Fchmodat(dirfd, name, uint32(mode), 0))
// Chown changes the numeric uid and gid of the named file.
// If the file is a symbolic link, it changes the uid and gid of the link's target.
// A uid or gid of -1 means to not change that value.
// If there is an error, it will be of type *PathError.
// On Windows or Plan 9, Chown always returns the syscall.EWINDOWS or
// EPLAN9 error, wrapped in *PathError.
func (fs *UnixFS) Chown(name string, uid, gid int) error {
return fs.fchown(name, uid, gid, 0)
// Lchown changes the numeric uid and gid of the named file.
// If the file is a symbolic link, it changes the uid and gid of the link itself.
// If there is an error, it will be of type *PathError.
// On Windows, it always returns the syscall.EWINDOWS error, wrapped
// in *PathError.
func (fs *UnixFS) Lchown(name string, uid, gid int) error {
// With AT_SYMLINK_NOFOLLOW, Fchownat acts like Lchown but allows us to
// pass a dirfd.
return fs.fchown(name, uid, gid, AT_SYMLINK_NOFOLLOW)
// fchown is a re-usable Fchownat syscall used by Chown and Lchown.
func (fs *UnixFS) fchown(name string, uid, gid, flags int) error {
dirfd, name, closeFd, err := fs.safePath(name)
defer closeFd()
if err != nil {
return err
return convertErrorType(unix.Fchownat(dirfd, name, uid, gid, flags))
// Chownat is like Chown but allows passing an existing directory file
// descriptor rather than needing to resolve one.
func (fs *UnixFS) Chownat(dirfd int, name string, uid, gid int) error {
return convertErrorType(unix.Fchownat(dirfd, name, uid, gid, 0))
// Lchownat is like Lchown but allows passing an existing directory file
// descriptor rather than needing to resolve one.
func (fs *UnixFS) Lchownat(dirfd int, name string, uid, gid int) error {
return convertErrorType(unix.Fchownat(dirfd, name, uid, gid, AT_SYMLINK_NOFOLLOW))
// Chtimes changes the access and modification times of the named
// file, similar to the Unix utime() or utimes() functions.
// The underlying filesystem may truncate or round the values to a
// less precise time unit.
// If there is an error, it will be of type *PathError.
func (fs *UnixFS) Chtimes(name string, atime, mtime time.Time) error {
dirfd, name, closeFd, err := fs.safePath(name)
defer closeFd()
if err != nil {
return err
return fs.Chtimesat(dirfd, name, atime, mtime)
// Chtimesat is like Chtimes but allows passing an existing directory file
// descriptor rather than needing to resolve one.
func (fs *UnixFS) Chtimesat(dirfd int, name string, atime, mtime time.Time) error {
var utimes [2]unix.Timespec
set := func(i int, t time.Time) {
if t.IsZero() {
utimes[i] = unix.Timespec{Sec: unix.UTIME_OMIT, Nsec: unix.UTIME_OMIT}
} else {
utimes[i] = unix.NsecToTimespec(t.UnixNano())
set(0, atime)
set(1, mtime)
// This does support `AT_SYMLINK_NOFOLLOW` as well if needed.
if err := unix.UtimesNanoAt(dirfd, name, utimes[0:], 0); err != nil {
return convertErrorType(&PathError{Op: "chtimes", Path: name, Err: err})
return nil
// Create creates or truncates the named file. If the file already exists,
// it is truncated.
// If the file does not exist, it is created with mode 0666
// (before umask). If successful, methods on the returned File can
// be used for I/O; the associated file descriptor has mode O_RDWR.
// If there is an error, it will be of type *PathError.
func (fs *UnixFS) Create(name string) (File, error) {
return fs.OpenFile(name, O_CREATE|O_WRONLY|O_TRUNC, 0o644)
// Mkdir creates a new directory with the specified name and permission
// bits (before umask).
// If there is an error, it will be of type *PathError.
func (fs *UnixFS) Mkdir(name string, mode FileMode) error {
dirfd, name, closeFd, err := fs.safePath(name)
defer closeFd()
if err != nil {
return err
return fs.Mkdirat(dirfd, name, mode)
func (fs *UnixFS) Mkdirat(dirfd int, name string, mode FileMode) error {
return convertErrorType(unix.Mkdirat(dirfd, name, uint32(mode)))
// MkdirAll creates a directory named path, along with any necessary
// parents, and returns nil, or else returns an error.
// The permission bits perm (before umask) are used for all
// directories that MkdirAll creates.
// If path is already a directory, MkdirAll does nothing
// and returns nil.
func (fs *UnixFS) MkdirAll(name string, mode FileMode) error {
// Ensure name is somewhat clean before continuing.
name, err := fs.unsafePath(name)
if err != nil {
return err
return fs.mkdirAll(name, mode)
// Open opens the named file for reading.
// If successful, methods on the returned file can be used for reading; the
// associated file descriptor has mode O_RDONLY.
// If there is an error, it will be of type *PathError.
func (fs *UnixFS) Open(name string) (File, error) {
return fs.OpenFile(name, O_RDONLY, 0)
// OpenFile is the generalized open call; most users will use Open
// or Create instead. It opens the named file with specified flag
// (O_RDONLY etc.).
// If the file does not exist, and the O_CREATE flag
// is passed, it is created with mode perm (before umask). If successful,
// methods on the returned File can be used for I/O.
// If there is an error, it will be of type *PathError.
func (fs *UnixFS) OpenFile(name string, flag int, mode FileMode) (File, error) {
fd, err := fs.openFile(name, flag, mode)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Do not close `fd` here, it is passed to a file that needs the fd, the
// caller of this function is responsible for calling Close() on the File
// to release the file descriptor.
return os.NewFile(uintptr(fd), name), nil
func (fs *UnixFS) openFile(name string, flag int, mode FileMode) (int, error) {
dirfd, name, closeFd, err := fs.safePath(name)
defer closeFd()
if err != nil {
return 0, err
return fs.openat(dirfd, name, flag, mode)
func (fs *UnixFS) OpenFileat(dirfd int, name string, flag int, mode FileMode) (File, error) {
fd, err := fs.openat(dirfd, name, flag, mode)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Do not close `fd` here, it is passed to a file that needs the fd, the
// caller of this function is responsible for calling Close() on the File
// to release the file descriptor.
return os.NewFile(uintptr(fd), name), nil
// ReadDir reads the named directory,
// returning all its directory entries sorted by filename.
// If an error occurs reading the directory, ReadDir returns the entries it
// was able to read before the error, along with the error.
func (fs *UnixFS) ReadDir(path string) ([]DirEntry, error) {
dirfd, name, closeFd, err := fs.safePath(path)
defer closeFd()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
fd, err := fs.openat(dirfd, name, O_DIRECTORY|O_RDONLY, 0)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
defer unix.Close(fd)
return fs.readDir(fd, name, nil)
// RemoveStat is a combination of Stat and Remove, it is used to more
// efficiently remove a file when the caller needs to stat it before
// removing it.
// This optimized function exists for our QuotaFS abstraction, which needs
// to track writes to a filesystem. When removing a file, the QuotaFS needs
// to know if the entry is a file and if so, how large it is. Because we
// need to Stat a file in order to get its mode and size, we will already
// know if the entry needs to be removed by using Unlink or Rmdir. The
// standard `Remove` method just tries both Unlink and Rmdir (in that order)
// as it ends up usually being faster and more efficient than calling Stat +
// the proper operation in the first place.
func (fs *UnixFS) RemoveStat(name string) (FileInfo, error) {
dirfd, name, closeFd, err := fs.safePath(name)
defer closeFd()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Lstat name, we use Lstat as Unlink doesn't care about symlinks.
s, err := fs.Lstatat(dirfd, name)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if s.IsDir() {
err = fs.unlinkat(dirfd, name, AT_REMOVEDIR) // Rmdir
} else {
err = fs.unlinkat(dirfd, name, 0)
if err != nil {
return s, convertErrorType(&PathError{Op: "remove", Path: name, Err: err})
return s, nil
// Remove removes the named file or (empty) directory.
// If there is an error, it will be of type *PathError.
func (fs *UnixFS) Remove(name string) error {
dirfd, name, closeFd, err := fs.safePath(name)
defer closeFd()
if err != nil {
return err
// Prevent trying to Remove the base directory.
if name == "." {
return &PathError{
Op: "remove",
Path: name,
Err: ErrBadPathResolution,
// System call interface forces us to know
// whether name is a file or directory.
// Try both: it is cheaper on average than
// doing a Stat plus the right one.
err = fs.unlinkat(dirfd, name, 0)
if err == nil {
return nil
err1 := fs.unlinkat(dirfd, name, AT_REMOVEDIR) // Rmdir
if err1 == nil {
return nil
// Both failed: figure out which error to return.
// OS X and Linux differ on whether unlink(dir)
// returns EISDIR, so can't use that. However,
// both agree that rmdir(file) returns ENOTDIR,
// so we can use that to decide which error is real.
// Rmdir might also return ENOTDIR if given a bad
// file path, like /etc/passwd/foo, but in that case,
// both errors will be ENOTDIR, so it's okay to
// use the error from unlink.
if err1 != unix.ENOTDIR {
err = err1
return convertErrorType(&PathError{Op: "remove", Path: name, Err: err})
// RemoveAll removes path and any children it contains.
// It removes everything it can but returns the first error
// it encounters. If the path does not exist, RemoveAll
// returns nil (no error).
// If there is an error, it will be of type *PathError.
func (fs *UnixFS) RemoveAll(name string) error {
name, err := fs.unsafePath(name)
if err != nil {
return err
// While removeAll internally checks this, I want to make sure we check it
// and return the proper error so our tests can ensure that this will never
// be a possibility.
if name == "." {
return &PathError{
Op: "removeall",
Path: name,
Err: ErrBadPathResolution,
return fs.removeAll(name)
func (fs *UnixFS) unlinkat(dirfd int, name string, flags int) error {
return ignoringEINTR(func() error {
return unix.Unlinkat(dirfd, name, flags)
// Rename renames (moves) oldpath to newpath.
// If newpath already exists and is not a directory, Rename replaces it.
// OS-specific restrictions may apply when oldpath and newpath are in different directories.
// Even within the same directory, on non-Unix platforms Rename is not an atomic operation.
// If there is an error, it will be of type *LinkError.
func (fs *UnixFS) Rename(oldpath, newpath string) error {
// Simple case: both paths are the same.
if oldpath == newpath {
return nil
olddirfd, oldname, closeFd, err := fs.safePath(oldpath)
defer closeFd()
if err != nil {
return err
// Ensure that we are not trying to rename the base directory itself.
// While unix.Renameat ends up throwing a "device or resource busy" error,
// that doesn't mean we are protecting the system properly.
if oldname == "." {
return convertErrorType(&PathError{
Op: "rename",
Path: oldname,
Err: ErrBadPathResolution,
// Stat the old target to return proper errors.
if _, err := fs.Lstatat(olddirfd, oldname); err != nil {
return err
newdirfd, newname, closeFd2, err := fs.safePath(newpath)
if err != nil {
if !errors.Is(err, ErrNotExist) {
return convertErrorType(err)
var pathErr *PathError
if !errors.As(err, &pathErr) {
return convertErrorType(err)
if err := fs.MkdirAll(pathErr.Path, 0o755); err != nil {
return err
newdirfd, newname, closeFd2, err = fs.safePath(newpath)
defer closeFd2()
if err != nil {
return err
} else {
defer closeFd2()
// Ensure that we are not trying to rename the base directory itself.
// While unix.Renameat ends up throwing a "device or resource busy" error,
// that doesn't mean we are protecting the system properly.
if newname == "." {
return convertErrorType(&PathError{
Op: "rename",
Path: newname,
Err: ErrBadPathResolution,
// Stat the new target to return proper errors.
_, err = fs.Lstatat(newdirfd, newname)
switch {
case err == nil:
return convertErrorType(&PathError{
Op: "rename",
Path: newname,
Err: ErrExist,
case !errors.Is(err, ErrNotExist):
return err
return unix.Renameat(olddirfd, oldname, newdirfd, newname)
// Stat returns a FileInfo describing the named file.
// If there is an error, it will be of type *PathError.
func (fs *UnixFS) Stat(name string) (FileInfo, error) {
return fs.fstat(name, 0)
// Statat is like Stat but allows passing an existing directory file
// descriptor rather than needing to resolve one.
func (fs *UnixFS) Statat(dirfd int, name string) (FileInfo, error) {
return fs.fstatat(dirfd, name, 0)
// Lstat returns a FileInfo describing the named file.
// If the file is a symbolic link, the returned FileInfo
// describes the symbolic link. Lstat makes no attempt to follow the link.
// If there is an error, it will be of type *PathError.
func (fs *UnixFS) Lstat(name string) (FileInfo, error) {
return fs.fstat(name, AT_SYMLINK_NOFOLLOW)
// Lstatat is like Lstat but allows passing an existing directory file
// descriptor rather than needing to resolve one.
func (fs *UnixFS) Lstatat(dirfd int, name string) (FileInfo, error) {
return fs.fstatat(dirfd, name, AT_SYMLINK_NOFOLLOW)
func (fs *UnixFS) fstat(name string, flags int) (FileInfo, error) {
dirfd, name, closeFd, err := fs.safePath(name)
defer closeFd()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return fs.fstatat(dirfd, name, flags)
func (fs *UnixFS) fstatat(dirfd int, name string, flags int) (FileInfo, error) {
var s fileStat
if err := ignoringEINTR(func() error {
return unix.Fstatat(dirfd, name, &s.sys, flags)
}); err != nil {
return nil, &PathError{Op: "stat", Path: name, Err: err}
fillFileStatFromSys(&s, name)
return &s, nil
// Symlink creates newname as a symbolic link to oldname.
// On Windows, a symlink to a non-existent oldname creates a file symlink;
// if oldname is later created as a directory the symlink will not work.
// If there is an error, it will be of type *LinkError.
func (fs *UnixFS) Symlink(oldpath, newpath string) error {
dirfd, newpath, closeFd, err := fs.safePath(newpath)
defer closeFd()
if err != nil {
return err
if err := ignoringEINTR(func() error {
// We aren't concerned with oldpath here as a symlink can point anywhere
// it wants.
return unix.Symlinkat(oldpath, dirfd, newpath)
}); err != nil {
return &LinkError{Op: "symlink", Old: oldpath, New: newpath, Err: err}
return nil
// Touch will attempt to open a file for reading and/or writing. If the file
// does not exist it will be created, and any missing parent directories will
// also be created. The opened file may be truncated, only if `flag` has
// O_TRUNC set.
func (fs *UnixFS) Touch(path string, flag int, mode FileMode) (File, error) {
if flag&O_CREATE == 0 {
flag |= O_CREATE
dirfd, name, closeFd, err := fs.safePath(path)
defer closeFd()
if err == nil {
return fs.OpenFileat(dirfd, name, flag, mode)
if !errors.Is(err, ErrNotExist) {
return nil, err
var pathErr *PathError
if !errors.As(err, &pathErr) {
return nil, err
if err := fs.MkdirAll(pathErr.Path, 0o755); err != nil {
return nil, err
// Try to open the file one more time after creating its parent directories.
return fs.OpenFile(path, flag, mode)
// WalkDir walks the file tree rooted at root, calling fn for each file or
// directory in the tree, including root.
// All errors that arise visiting files and directories are filtered by fn:
// see the [WalkDirFunc] documentation for details.
// The files are walked in lexical order, which makes the output deterministic
// but requires WalkDir to read an entire directory into memory before proceeding
// to walk that directory.
// WalkDir does not follow symbolic links found in directories,
// but if root itself is a symbolic link, its target will be walked.
func (fs *UnixFS) WalkDir(root string, fn WalkDirFunc) error {
return WalkDir(fs, root, fn)
// openat is a wrapper around both unix.Openat and unix.Openat2. If the UnixFS
// was configured to enable openat2 support, unix.Openat2 will be used instead
// of unix.Openat due to having better security properties for our use-case.
func (fs *UnixFS) openat(dirfd int, name string, flag int, mode FileMode) (int, error) {
if flag&O_NOFOLLOW == 0 {
flag |= O_NOFOLLOW
var fd int
for {
var err error
if fs.useOpenat2 {
fd, err = fs._openat2(dirfd, name, uint64(flag), uint64(syscallMode(mode)))
} else {
fd, err = fs._openat(dirfd, name, flag, uint32(syscallMode(mode)))
if err == nil {
// We have to check EINTR here, per issues and
if err == unix.EINTR {
return 0, convertErrorType(err)
// If we are not using openat2, do additional path checking. This assumes
// that openat2 is using `RESOLVE_BENEATH` to avoid the same security
// issue.
if !fs.useOpenat2 {
var finalPath string
finalPath, err := filepath.EvalSymlinks(filepath.Join("/proc/self/fd/", strconv.Itoa(dirfd)))
if err != nil {
return fd, convertErrorType(err)
if err != nil {
if !errors.Is(err, ErrNotExist) {
return fd, fmt.Errorf("failed to evaluate symlink: %w", convertErrorType(err))
// The target of one of the symlinks (EvalSymlinks is recursive)
// does not exist. So get the path that does not exist and use
// that for further validation instead.
var pErr *PathError
if ok := errors.As(err, &pErr); !ok {
return fd, fmt.Errorf("failed to evaluate symlink: %w", convertErrorType(err))
finalPath = pErr.Path
// Check if the path is within our root.
if !fs.unsafeIsPathInsideOfBase(finalPath) {
return fd, convertErrorType(&PathError{
Op: "openat",
Path: name,
Err: ErrBadPathResolution,
return fd, nil
// _openat is a wrapper around unix.Openat. This method should never be directly
// called, use `openat` instead.
func (fs *UnixFS) _openat(dirfd int, name string, flag int, mode uint32) (int, error) {
// Ensure the O_CLOEXEC flag is set.
// Go sets this in the os package, but since we are directly using unix
// we need to set it ourselves.
if flag&O_CLOEXEC == 0 {
flag |= O_CLOEXEC
// O_LARGEFILE is set by Openat for us automatically.
fd, err := unix.Openat(dirfd, name, flag, mode)
switch {
case err == nil:
return fd, nil
case err == unix.EINTR:
return 0, err
case err == unix.EAGAIN:
return 0, err
return 0, &PathError{Op: "openat", Path: name, Err: err}
// _openat2 is a wonderful syscall that supersedes the `openat` syscall. It has
// improved validation and security characteristics that weren't available or
// considered when `openat` was originally implemented. As such, it is only
// present in Kernel 5.6 and above.
// This method should never be directly called, use `openat` instead.
func (fs *UnixFS) _openat2(dirfd int, name string, flag uint64, mode uint64) (int, error) {
// Ensure the O_CLOEXEC flag is set.
// Go sets this when using the os package, but since we are directly using
// the unix package we need to set it ourselves.
if flag&O_CLOEXEC == 0 {
flag |= O_CLOEXEC
// Ensure the O_LARGEFILE flag is set.
// Go sets this for unix.Open, unix.Openat, but not unix.Openat2.
if flag&O_LARGEFILE == 0 {
fd, err := unix.Openat2(dirfd, name, &unix.OpenHow{
Flags: flag,
Mode: mode,
// This is the bread and butter of preventing a symlink escape, without
// this option, we have to handle path validation fully on our own.
// This is why using Openat2 over Openat is preferred if available.
Resolve: unix.RESOLVE_BENEATH,
switch {
case err == nil:
return fd, nil
case err == unix.EINTR:
return 0, err
case err == unix.EAGAIN:
return 0, err
return 0, &PathError{Op: "openat2", Path: name, Err: err}
func (fs *UnixFS) SafePath(path string) (int, string, func(), error) {
return fs.safePath(path)
func (fs *UnixFS) safePath(path string) (dirfd int, file string, closeFd func(), err error) {
// Default closeFd to a NO-OP.
closeFd = func() {}
// Use unsafePath to clean the path and strip BasePath if path is absolute.
var name string
name, err = fs.unsafePath(path)
if err != nil {
// Check if dirfd was closed, this will happen if (*UnixFS).Close()
// was called.
fsDirfd := int(fs.dirfd.Load())
if fsDirfd == -1 {
err = ErrClosed
// Split the parent from the last element in the path, this gives us the
// "file name" and the full path to its parent.
var dir string
dir, file = filepath.Split(name)
// If dir is empty then name is not nested.
if dir == "" {
// We don't need to set closeFd here as it will default to a NO-OP and
// `fs.dirfd` is re-used until the filesystem is no-longer needed.
dirfd = fsDirfd
// Return dirfd, name, an empty closeFd func, and no error
// Dir will usually contain a trailing slash as filepath.Split doesn't
// trim slashes.
dir = strings.TrimSuffix(dir, "/")
dirfd, err = fs.openat(fsDirfd, dir, O_DIRECTORY|O_RDONLY, 0)
if dirfd != 0 {
// Set closeFd to close the newly opened directory file descriptor.
closeFd = func() { _ = unix.Close(dirfd) }
// Return dirfd, name, the closeFd func, and err
// unsafePath prefixes the given path and prefixes it with the filesystem's
// base path, cleaning the result. The path returned by this function may not
// be inside the filesystem's base path, additional checks are required to
// safely use paths returned by this function.
func (fs *UnixFS) unsafePath(path string) (string, error) {
// Calling filepath.Clean on the joined directory will resolve it to the
// absolute path, removing any ../ type of resolution arguments, and leaving
// us with a direct path link.
// This will also trim the existing root path off the beginning of the path
// passed to the function since that can get a bit messy.
r := filepath.Clean(filepath.Join(fs.basePath, strings.TrimPrefix(path, fs.basePath)))
if fs.unsafeIsPathInsideOfBase(r) {
// This is kinda ironic isn't it.
// We do this as we are operating with dirfds and `*at` syscalls which
// behave differently if given an absolute path.
// First trim the BasePath, then trim any leading slashes.
r = strings.TrimPrefix(strings.TrimPrefix(r, fs.basePath), "/")
// If the path is empty then return "." as the path is pointing to the
// root.
if r == "" {
return ".", nil
return r, nil
return "", &PathError{
Op: "safePath",
Path: path,
Err: ErrBadPathResolution,
// unsafeIsPathInsideOfBase checks if the given path is inside the filesystem's
// base path.
func (fs *UnixFS) unsafeIsPathInsideOfBase(path string) bool {
return strings.HasPrefix(
strings.TrimSuffix(path, "/")+"/",
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,255 @@
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright (c) 2024 Matthew Penner
//go:build unix
package ufs_test
import (
type testUnixFS struct {
TmpDir string
Root string
func (fs *testUnixFS) Cleanup() {
_ = fs.Close()
_ = os.RemoveAll(fs.TmpDir)
func newTestUnixFS() (*testUnixFS, error) {
tmpDir, err := os.MkdirTemp(os.TempDir(), "ufs")
if err != nil {
return nil, err
root := filepath.Join(tmpDir, "root")
if err := os.Mkdir(root, 0o755); err != nil {
return nil, err
// TODO: test both disabled and enabled.
fs, err := ufs.NewUnixFS(root, false)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
tfs := &testUnixFS{
UnixFS: fs,
TmpDir: tmpDir,
Root: root,
return tfs, nil
func TestUnixFS_Remove(t *testing.T) {
fs, err := newTestUnixFS()
if err != nil {
defer fs.Cleanup()
t.Run("base directory", func(t *testing.T) {
// Try to remove the base directory.
if err := fs.Remove(""); !errors.Is(err, ufs.ErrBadPathResolution) {
t.Errorf("expected an a bad path resolution error, but got: %v", err)
t.Run("path traversal", func(t *testing.T) {
// Try to remove the base directory.
if err := fs.RemoveAll("../root"); !errors.Is(err, ufs.ErrBadPathResolution) {
t.Errorf("expected an a bad path resolution error, but got: %v", err)
func TestUnixFS_RemoveAll(t *testing.T) {
fs, err := newTestUnixFS()
if err != nil {
defer fs.Cleanup()
t.Run("base directory", func(t *testing.T) {
// Try to remove the base directory.
if err := fs.RemoveAll(""); !errors.Is(err, ufs.ErrBadPathResolution) {
t.Errorf("expected an a bad path resolution error, but got: %v", err)
t.Run("path traversal", func(t *testing.T) {
// Try to remove the base directory.
if err := fs.RemoveAll("../root"); !errors.Is(err, ufs.ErrBadPathResolution) {
t.Errorf("expected an a bad path resolution error, but got: %v", err)
func TestUnixFS_Rename(t *testing.T) {
fs, err := newTestUnixFS()
if err != nil {
defer fs.Cleanup()
t.Run("rename base directory", func(t *testing.T) {
// Try to rename the base directory.
if err := fs.Rename("", "yeet"); !errors.Is(err, ufs.ErrBadPathResolution) {
t.Errorf("expected an a bad path resolution error, but got: %v", err)
t.Run("rename over base directory", func(t *testing.T) {
// Create a directory that we are going to try and move over top of the
// existing base directory.
if err := fs.Mkdir("overwrite_dir", 0o755); err != nil {
// Try to rename over the base directory.
if err := fs.Rename("overwrite_dir", ""); !errors.Is(err, ufs.ErrBadPathResolution) {
t.Errorf("expected an a bad path resolution error, but got: %v", err)
t.Run("directory rename", func(t *testing.T) {
// Create a directory to rename to something else.
if err := fs.Mkdir("test_directory", 0o755); err != nil {
// Try to rename "test_directory" to "directory".
if err := fs.Rename("test_directory", "directory"); err != nil {
t.Errorf("expected no error, but got: %v", err)
// Sanity check
if _, err := os.Lstat(filepath.Join(fs.Root, "directory")); err != nil {
t.Errorf("Lstat errored when performing sanity check: %v", err)
t.Run("file rename", func(t *testing.T) {
// Create a directory to rename to something else.
if f, err := fs.Create("test_file"); err != nil {
} else {
_ = f.Close()
// Try to rename "test_file" to "file".
if err := fs.Rename("test_file", "file"); err != nil {
t.Errorf("expected no error, but got: %v", err)
// Sanity check
if _, err := os.Lstat(filepath.Join(fs.Root, "file")); err != nil {
t.Errorf("Lstat errored when performing sanity check: %v", err)
func TestUnixFS_Touch(t *testing.T) {
fs, err := newTestUnixFS()
if err != nil {
defer fs.Cleanup()
t.Run("base directory", func(t *testing.T) {
path := "i_touched_a_file"
f, err := fs.Touch(path, ufs.O_RDWR, 0o644)
if err != nil {
_ = f.Close()
// Sanity check
if _, err := os.Lstat(filepath.Join(fs.Root, path)); err != nil {
t.Errorf("Lstat errored when performing sanity check: %v", err)
t.Run("existing parent directory", func(t *testing.T) {
dir := "some_parent_directory"
if err := fs.Mkdir(dir, 0o755); err != nil {
t.Errorf("error creating parent directory: %v", err)
path := filepath.Join(dir, "i_touched_a_file")
f, err := fs.Touch(path, ufs.O_RDWR, 0o644)
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("error touching file: %v", err)
_ = f.Close()
// Sanity check
if _, err := os.Lstat(filepath.Join(fs.Root, path)); err != nil {
t.Errorf("Lstat errored when performing sanity check: %v", err)
t.Run("non-existent parent directory", func(t *testing.T) {
path := "some_other_directory/i_touched_a_file"
f, err := fs.Touch(path, ufs.O_RDWR, 0o644)
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("error touching file: %v", err)
_ = f.Close()
// Sanity check
if _, err := os.Lstat(filepath.Join(fs.Root, path)); err != nil {
t.Errorf("Lstat errored when performing sanity check: %v", err)
t.Run("non-existent parent directories", func(t *testing.T) {
path := "some_other_directory/some_directory/i_touched_a_file"
f, err := fs.Touch(path, ufs.O_RDWR, 0o644)
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("error touching file: %v", err)
_ = f.Close()
// Sanity check
if _, err := os.Lstat(filepath.Join(fs.Root, path)); err != nil {
t.Errorf("Lstat errored when performing sanity check: %v", err)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
Copyright (c) 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
* Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
* Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer
in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the
* Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its
contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
this software without specific prior written permission.
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
// Code in this file was derived from `go/src/os/path.go`.
// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the `go.LICENSE` file.
//go:build unix
package ufs
import (
// mkdirAll is a recursive Mkdir implementation that properly handles symlinks.
func (fs *UnixFS) mkdirAll(name string, mode FileMode) error {
// Fast path: if we can tell whether path is a directory or file, stop with success or error.
dir, err := fs.Lstat(name)
if err == nil {
if dir.Mode()&ModeSymlink != 0 {
// If the final path is a symlink, resolve its target and use that
// to check instead.
dir, err = fs.Stat(name)
if err != nil {
return err
if dir.IsDir() {
return nil
return convertErrorType(&PathError{Op: "mkdir", Path: name, Err: unix.ENOTDIR})
// Slow path: make sure parent exists and then call Mkdir for path.
i := len(name)
for i > 0 && name[i-1] == '/' { // Skip trailing path separator.
j := i
for j > 0 && name[j-1] != '/' { // Scan backward over element.
if j > 1 {
// Create parent.
err = fs.mkdirAll(name[:j-1], mode)
if err != nil {
return err
// Parent now exists; invoke Mkdir and use its result.
err = fs.Mkdir(name, mode)
if err != nil {
// Handle arguments like "foo/." by
// double-checking that directory doesn't exist.
dir, err1 := fs.Lstat(name)
if err1 == nil && dir.IsDir() {
return nil
return err
return nil
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
// Code in this file was copied from `go/src/os/path.go`
// and `go/src/os/path_unix.go`.
// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the `go.LICENSE` file.
//go:build unix
package ufs
import (
// basename removes trailing slashes and the leading directory name from path name.
func basename(name string) string {
i := len(name) - 1
// Remove trailing slashes
for ; i > 0 && name[i] == '/'; i-- {
name = name[:i]
// Remove leading directory name
for i--; i >= 0; i-- {
if name[i] == '/' {
name = name[i+1:]
return name
// endsWithDot reports whether the final component of path is ".".
func endsWithDot(path string) bool {
if path == "." {
return true
if len(path) >= 2 && path[len(path)-1] == '.' && os.IsPathSeparator(path[len(path)-2]) {
return true
return false
// splitPath returns the base name and parent directory.
func splitPath(path string) (string, string) {
// if no better parent is found, the path is relative from "here"
dirname := "."
// Remove all but one leading slash.
for len(path) > 1 && path[0] == '/' && path[1] == '/' {
path = path[1:]
i := len(path) - 1
// Remove trailing slashes.
for ; i > 0 && path[i] == '/'; i-- {
path = path[:i]
// if no slashes in path, base is path
basename := path
// Remove leading directory path
for i--; i >= 0; i-- {
if path[i] == '/' {
if i == 0 {
dirname = path[:1]
} else {
dirname = path[:i]
basename = path[i+1:]
return dirname, basename
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright (c) 2024 Matthew Penner
package ufs
import (
// CountedWriter is a writer that counts the amount of data written to the
// underlying writer.
type CountedWriter struct {
counter atomic.Int64
err error
// NewCountedWriter returns a new countedWriter that counts the amount of bytes
// written to the underlying writer.
func NewCountedWriter(f File) *CountedWriter {
return &CountedWriter{File: f}
// BytesWritten returns the amount of bytes that have been written to the
// underlying writer.
func (w *CountedWriter) BytesWritten() int64 {
return w.counter.Load()
// Error returns the error from the writer if any. If the error is an EOF, nil
// will be returned.
func (w *CountedWriter) Error() error {
if errors.Is(w.err, io.EOF) {
return nil
return w.err
// Write writes bytes to the underlying writer while tracking the total amount
// of bytes written.
func (w *CountedWriter) Write(p []byte) (int, error) {
if w.err != nil {
return 0, io.EOF
// Write is a very simple operation for us to handle.
n, err := w.File.Write(p)
w.err = err
// TODO: is this how we actually want to handle errors with this?
if err == io.EOF {
return n, io.EOF
} else {
return n, nil
func (w *CountedWriter) ReadFrom(r io.Reader) (n int64, err error) {
cr := NewCountedReader(r)
n, err = w.File.ReadFrom(cr)
// CountedReader is a reader that counts the amount of data read from the
// underlying reader.
type CountedReader struct {
reader io.Reader
counter atomic.Int64
err error
var _ io.Reader = (*CountedReader)(nil)
// NewCountedReader returns a new countedReader that counts the amount of bytes
// read from the underlying reader.
func NewCountedReader(r io.Reader) *CountedReader {
return &CountedReader{reader: r}
// BytesRead returns the amount of bytes that have been read from the underlying
// reader.
func (r *CountedReader) BytesRead() int64 {
return r.counter.Load()
// Error returns the error from the reader if any. If the error is an EOF, nil
// will be returned.
func (r *CountedReader) Error() error {
if errors.Is(r.err, io.EOF) {
return nil
return r.err
// Read reads bytes from the underlying reader while tracking the total amount
// of bytes read.
func (r *CountedReader) Read(p []byte) (int, error) {
if r.err != nil {
return 0, io.EOF
n, err := r.reader.Read(p)
r.err = err
if err == io.EOF {
return n, io.EOF
} else {
return n, nil
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,207 @@
// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
// Code in this file was derived from `go/src/os/removeall_at.go`.
// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the `go.LICENSE` file.
//go:build unix
package ufs
import (
type unixFS interface {
Open(name string) (File, error)
Remove(name string) error
unlinkat(dirfd int, path string, flags int) error
func (fs *UnixFS) removeAll(path string) error {
return removeAll(fs, path)
func removeAll(fs unixFS, path string) error {
if path == "" {
// fail silently to retain compatibility with previous behavior
// of RemoveAll. See issue
return nil
// The rmdir system call does not permit removing ".",
// so we don't permit it either.
if endsWithDot(path) {
return &PathError{Op: "removeall", Path: path, Err: unix.EINVAL}
// Simple case: if Remove works, we're done.
err := fs.Remove(path)
if err == nil || errors.Is(err, ErrNotExist) {
return nil
// RemoveAll recurses by deleting the path base from
// its parent directory
parentDir, base := splitPath(path)
parent, err := fs.Open(parentDir)
if errors.Is(err, ErrNotExist) {
// If parent does not exist, base cannot exist. Fail silently
return nil
if err != nil {
return err
defer parent.Close()
if err := removeAllFrom(fs, parent, base); err != nil {
if pathErr, ok := err.(*PathError); ok {
pathErr.Path = parentDir + string(os.PathSeparator) + pathErr.Path
err = pathErr
return convertErrorType(err)
return nil
func removeAllFrom(fs unixFS, parent File, base string) error {
parentFd := int(parent.Fd())
// Simple case: if Unlink (aka remove) works, we're done.
err := fs.unlinkat(parentFd, base, 0)
if err == nil || errors.Is(err, ErrNotExist) {
return nil
// EISDIR means that we have a directory, and we need to
// remove its contents.
// EPERM or EACCES means that we don't have write permission on
// the parent directory, but this entry might still be a directory
// whose contents need to be removed.
// Otherwise, just return the error.
if err != unix.EISDIR && err != unix.EPERM && err != unix.EACCES {
return &PathError{Op: "unlinkat", Path: base, Err: err}
// Is this a directory we need to recurse into?
var statInfo unix.Stat_t
statErr := ignoringEINTR(func() error {
return unix.Fstatat(parentFd, base, &statInfo, AT_SYMLINK_NOFOLLOW)
if statErr != nil {
if errors.Is(statErr, ErrNotExist) {
return nil
return &PathError{Op: "fstatat", Path: base, Err: statErr}
if statInfo.Mode&unix.S_IFMT != unix.S_IFDIR {
// Not a directory; return the error from the unix.Unlinkat.
return &PathError{Op: "unlinkat", Path: base, Err: err}
// Remove the directory's entries.
var recurseErr error
for {
const reqSize = 1024
var respSize int
// Open the directory to recurse into
file, err := openFdAt(parentFd, base)
if err != nil {
if errors.Is(err, ErrNotExist) {
return nil
recurseErr = &PathError{Op: "openfdat", Path: base, Err: err}
for {
numErr := 0
names, readErr := file.Readdirnames(reqSize)
// Errors other than EOF should stop us from continuing.
if readErr != nil && readErr != io.EOF {
_ = file.Close()
if errors.Is(readErr, ErrNotExist) {
return nil
return &PathError{Op: "readdirnames", Path: base, Err: readErr}
respSize = len(names)
for _, name := range names {
err := removeAllFrom(fs, file, name)
if err != nil {
if pathErr, ok := err.(*PathError); ok {
pathErr.Path = base + string(os.PathSeparator) + pathErr.Path
if recurseErr == nil {
recurseErr = err
// If we can delete any entry, break to start new iteration.
// Otherwise, we discard current names, get next entries and try deleting them.
if numErr != reqSize {
// Removing files from the directory may have caused
// the OS to reshuffle it. Simply calling Readdirnames
// again may skip some entries. The only reliable way
// to avoid this is to close and re-open the
// directory. See issue
_ = file.Close()
// Finish when the end of the directory is reached
if respSize < reqSize {
// Remove the directory itself.
unlinkErr := fs.unlinkat(parentFd, base, AT_REMOVEDIR)
if unlinkErr == nil || errors.Is(unlinkErr, ErrNotExist) {
return nil
if recurseErr != nil {
return recurseErr
return &PathError{Op: "unlinkat", Path: base, Err: unlinkErr}
// openFdAt opens path relative to the directory in fd.
// Other than that this should act like openFileNolog.
// This acts like openFileNolog rather than OpenFile because
// we are going to (try to) remove the file.
// The contents of this file are not relevant for test caching.
func openFdAt(dirfd int, name string) (File, error) {
var fd int
for {
var err error
fd, err = unix.Openat(dirfd, name, O_RDONLY|O_CLOEXEC|O_NOFOLLOW, 0)
if err == nil {
// See comment in openFileNolog.
if err == unix.EINTR {
return nil, err
// This is stupid, os.NewFile immediately casts `fd` to an `int`, but wants
// it to be passed as a `uintptr`.
return os.NewFile(uintptr(fd), name), nil
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
// Code in this file was copied from `go/src/os/stat_linux.go`
// and `go/src/os/types_unix.go`.
// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the `go.LICENSE` file.
//go:build unix
package ufs
import (
type fileStat struct {
name string
size int64
mode FileMode
modTime time.Time
sys unix.Stat_t
var _ FileInfo = (*fileStat)(nil)
func (fs *fileStat) Size() int64 { return fs.size }
func (fs *fileStat) Mode() FileMode { return fs.mode }
func (fs *fileStat) ModTime() time.Time { return fs.modTime }
func (fs *fileStat) Sys() any { return &fs.sys }
func (fs *fileStat) Name() string { return }
func (fs *fileStat) IsDir() bool { return fs.Mode().IsDir() }
func fillFileStatFromSys(fs *fileStat, name string) {
| = basename(name)
fs.size = fs.sys.Size
fs.modTime = time.Unix(fs.sys.Mtim.Unix())
fs.mode = FileMode(fs.sys.Mode & 0o777)
switch fs.sys.Mode & unix.S_IFMT {
case unix.S_IFBLK:
fs.mode |= ModeDevice
case unix.S_IFCHR:
fs.mode |= ModeDevice | ModeCharDevice
case unix.S_IFDIR:
fs.mode |= ModeDir
case unix.S_IFIFO:
fs.mode |= ModeNamedPipe
case unix.S_IFLNK:
fs.mode |= ModeSymlink
case unix.S_IFREG:
// nothing to do
case unix.S_IFSOCK:
fs.mode |= ModeSocket
if fs.sys.Mode&unix.S_ISGID != 0 {
fs.mode |= ModeSetgid
if fs.sys.Mode&unix.S_ISUID != 0 {
fs.mode |= ModeSetuid
if fs.sys.Mode&unix.S_ISVTX != 0 {
fs.mode |= ModeSticky
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
// Code in this file was derived from `go/src/io/fs/walk.go`.
// Copyright 2020 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the `go.LICENSE` file.
package ufs
import (
iofs "io/fs"
// SkipDir is used as a return value from [WalkDirFunc] to indicate that
// the directory named in the call is to be skipped. It is not returned
// as an error by any function.
var SkipDir = iofs.SkipDir
// SkipAll is used as a return value from [WalkDirFunc] to indicate that
// all remaining files and directories are to be skipped. It is not returned
// as an error by any function.
var SkipAll = iofs.SkipAll
// WalkDirFunc is the type of the function called by [WalkDir] to visit
// each file or directory.
// The path argument contains the argument to [WalkDir] as a prefix.
// That is, if WalkDir is called with root argument "dir" and finds a file
// named "a" in that directory, the walk function will be called with
// argument "dir/a".
// The d argument is the [DirEntry] for the named path.
// The error result returned by the function controls how [WalkDir]
// continues. If the function returns the special value [SkipDir], WalkDir
// skips the current directory (path if d.IsDir() is true, otherwise
// path's parent directory). If the function returns the special value
// [SkipAll], WalkDir skips all remaining files and directories. Otherwise,
// if the function returns a non-nil error, WalkDir stops entirely and
// returns that error.
// The err argument reports an error related to path, signaling that
// [WalkDir] will not walk into that directory. The function can decide how
// to handle that error; as described earlier, returning the error will
// cause WalkDir to stop walking the entire tree.
// [WalkDir] calls the function with a non-nil err argument in two cases.
// First, if the initial [Stat] on the root directory fails, WalkDir
// calls the function with path set to root, d set to nil, and err set to
// the error from [fs.Stat].
// Second, if a directory's ReadDir method (see [ReadDirFile]) fails, WalkDir calls the
// function with path set to the directory's path, d set to an
// [DirEntry] describing the directory, and err set to the error from
// ReadDir. In this second case, the function is called twice with the
// path of the directory: the first call is before the directory read is
// attempted and has err set to nil, giving the function a chance to
// return [SkipDir] or [SkipAll] and avoid the ReadDir entirely. The second call
// is after a failed ReadDir and reports the error from ReadDir.
// (If ReadDir succeeds, there is no second call.)
type WalkDirFunc func(path string, d DirEntry, err error) error
// WalkDir walks the file tree rooted at root, calling fn for each file or
// directory in the tree, including root.
// All errors that arise visiting files and directories are filtered by fn:
// see the [WalkDirFunc] documentation for details.
// The files are walked in lexical order, which makes the output deterministic
// but requires WalkDir to read an entire directory into memory before proceeding
// to walk that directory.
// WalkDir does not follow symbolic links found in directories,
// but if root itself is a symbolic link, its target will be walked.
func WalkDir(fs Filesystem, root string, fn WalkDirFunc) error {
info, err := fs.Stat(root)
if err != nil {
err = fn(root, nil, err)
} else {
err = walkDir(fs, root, iofs.FileInfoToDirEntry(info), fn)
if err == SkipDir || err == SkipAll {
return nil
return err
// walkDir recursively descends path, calling walkDirFn.
func walkDir(fs Filesystem, name string, d DirEntry, walkDirFn WalkDirFunc) error {
if err := walkDirFn(name, d, nil); err != nil || !d.IsDir() {
if err == SkipDir && d.IsDir() {
// Successfully skipped directory.
err = nil
return err
dirs, err := fs.ReadDir(name)
if err != nil {
// Second call, to report ReadDir error.
err = walkDirFn(name, d, err)
if err != nil {
if err == SkipDir && d.IsDir() {
err = nil
return err
for _, d1 := range dirs {
name1 := path.Join(name, d1.Name())
if err := walkDir(fs, name1, d1, walkDirFn); err != nil {
if err == SkipDir {
return err
return nil
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,298 @@
// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
// Some code in this file was derived from
//go:build unix
package ufs
import (
iofs "io/fs"
type WalkDiratFunc func(dirfd int, name, relative string, d DirEntry, err error) error
func (fs *UnixFS) WalkDirat(dirfd int, name string, fn WalkDiratFunc) error {
if dirfd == 0 {
// TODO: proper validation, ideally a dedicated function.
dirfd = int(fs.dirfd.Load())
info, err := fs.Lstatat(dirfd, name)
if err != nil {
err = fn(dirfd, name, name, nil, err)
} else {
b := newScratchBuffer()
err = fs.walkDir(b, dirfd, name, name, iofs.FileInfoToDirEntry(info), fn)
if err == SkipDir || err == SkipAll {
return nil
return err
func (fs *UnixFS) walkDir(b []byte, parentfd int, name, relative string, d DirEntry, walkDirFn WalkDiratFunc) error {
if err := walkDirFn(parentfd, name, relative, d, nil); err != nil || !d.IsDir() {
if err == SkipDir && d.IsDir() {
// Successfully skipped directory.
err = nil
return err
dirfd, err := fs.openat(parentfd, name, O_DIRECTORY|O_RDONLY, 0)
if err != nil {
return err
defer unix.Close(dirfd)
dirs, err := fs.readDir(dirfd, name, b)
if err != nil {
// Second call, to report ReadDir error.
err = walkDirFn(dirfd, name, relative, d, err)
if err != nil {
if err == SkipDir && d.IsDir() {
err = nil
return err
for _, d1 := range dirs {
// TODO: the path.Join on this line may actually be partially incorrect.
// If we are not walking starting at the root, relative will contain the
// name of the directory we are starting the walk from, which will be
// relative to the root of the filesystem instead of from where the walk
// was initiated from.
// ref;
if err := fs.walkDir(b, dirfd, d1.Name(), path.Join(relative, d1.Name()), d1, walkDirFn); err != nil {
if err == SkipDir {
return err
return nil
// ReadDirMap .
// TODO: document
func ReadDirMap[T any](fs *UnixFS, path string, fn func(DirEntry) (T, error)) ([]T, error) {
dirfd, name, closeFd, err := fs.safePath(path)
defer closeFd()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
fd, err := fs.openat(dirfd, name, O_DIRECTORY|O_RDONLY, 0)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
defer unix.Close(fd)
entries, err := fs.readDir(fd, ".", nil)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
out := make([]T, len(entries))
for i, e := range entries {
idx := i
e := e
v, err := fn(e)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
out[idx] = v
return out, nil
// nameOffset is a compile time constant
const nameOffset = int(unsafe.Offsetof(unix.Dirent{}.Name))
func nameFromDirent(de *unix.Dirent) (name []byte) {
// Because this GOOS' syscall.Dirent does not provide a field that specifies
// the name length, this function must first calculate the max possible name
// length, and then search for the NULL byte.
ml := int(de.Reclen) - nameOffset
// Convert syscall.Dirent.Name, which is array of int8, to []byte, by
// overwriting Cap, Len, and Data slice header fields to the max possible
// name length computed above, and finding the terminating NULL byte.
// TODO: is there an alternative to the deprecated SliceHeader?
// SliceHeader was mainly deprecated due to it being misused for avoiding
// allocations when converting a byte slice to a string, ref;
sh := (*reflect.SliceHeader)(unsafe.Pointer(&name))
sh.Cap = ml
sh.Len = ml
sh.Data = uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&de.Name[0]))
if index := bytes.IndexByte(name, 0); index >= 0 {
// Found NULL byte; set slice's cap and len accordingly.
sh.Cap = index
sh.Len = index
// NOTE: This branch is not expected, but included for defensive
// programming, and provides a hard stop on the name based on the structure
// field array size.
sh.Cap = len(de.Name)
sh.Len = sh.Cap
// modeTypeFromDirent converts a syscall defined constant, which is in purview
// of OS, to a constant defined by Go, assumed by this project to be stable.
// When the syscall constant is not recognized, this function falls back to a
// Stat on the file system.
func (fs *UnixFS) modeTypeFromDirent(fd int, de *unix.Dirent, osDirname, osBasename string) (FileMode, error) {
switch de.Type {
case unix.DT_REG:
return 0, nil
case unix.DT_DIR:
return ModeDir, nil
case unix.DT_LNK:
return ModeSymlink, nil
case unix.DT_CHR:
return ModeDevice | ModeCharDevice, nil
case unix.DT_BLK:
return ModeDevice, nil
case unix.DT_FIFO:
return ModeNamedPipe, nil
case unix.DT_SOCK:
return ModeSocket, nil
// If syscall returned unknown type (e.g., DT_UNKNOWN, DT_WHT), then
// resolve actual mode by reading file information.
return fs.modeType(fd, filepath.Join(osDirname, osBasename))
// modeType returns the mode type of the file system entry identified by
// osPathname by calling os.LStat function, to intentionally not follow symbolic
// links.
// Even though os.LStat provides all file mode bits, we want to ensure same
// values returned to caller regardless of whether we obtained file mode bits
// from syscall or stat call. Therefore, mask out the additional file mode bits
// that are provided by stat but not by the syscall, so users can rely on their
// values.
func (fs *UnixFS) modeType(dirfd int, name string) (os.FileMode, error) {
fi, err := fs.Lstatat(dirfd, name)
if err == nil {
return fi.Mode() & ModeType, nil
return 0, err
var minimumScratchBufferSize = os.Getpagesize()
func newScratchBuffer() []byte {
return make([]byte, minimumScratchBufferSize)
func (fs *UnixFS) readDir(fd int, name string, b []byte) ([]DirEntry, error) {
scratchBuffer := b
if scratchBuffer == nil || len(scratchBuffer) < minimumScratchBufferSize {
scratchBuffer = newScratchBuffer()
var entries []DirEntry
var workBuffer []byte
var sde unix.Dirent
for {
if len(workBuffer) == 0 {
n, err := unix.Getdents(fd, scratchBuffer)
if err != nil {
if err == unix.EINTR {
return nil, convertErrorType(err)
if n <= 0 {
// end of directory: normal exit
return entries, nil
workBuffer = scratchBuffer[:n] // trim work buffer to number of bytes read
// "Go is like C, except that you just put `unsafe` all over the place".
copy((*[unsafe.Sizeof(unix.Dirent{})]byte)(unsafe.Pointer(&sde))[:], workBuffer)
workBuffer = workBuffer[sde.Reclen:] // advance buffer for next iteration through loop
if sde.Ino == 0 {
continue // inode set to 0 indicates an entry that was marked as deleted
nameSlice := nameFromDirent(&sde)
nameLength := len(nameSlice)
if nameLength == 0 || (nameSlice[0] == '.' && (nameLength == 1 || (nameLength == 2 && nameSlice[1] == '.'))) {
childName := string(nameSlice)
mt, err := fs.modeTypeFromDirent(fd, &sde, name, childName)
if err != nil {
return nil, convertErrorType(err)
entries = append(entries, &dirent{name: childName, path: name, modeType: mt, dirfd: fd, fs: fs})
// dirent stores the name and file system mode type of discovered file system
// entries.
type dirent struct {
name string
path string
modeType FileMode
dirfd int
fs *UnixFS
func (de dirent) Name() string {
func (de dirent) IsDir() bool {
return de.modeType&ModeDir != 0
func (de dirent) Type() FileMode {
return de.modeType
func (de dirent) Info() (FileInfo, error) {
if de.fs == nil {
return nil, nil
return de.fs.Lstatat(de.dirfd,
func (de dirent) Open() (File, error) {
if de.fs == nil {
return nil, nil
return de.fs.OpenFileat(de.dirfd,, O_RDONLY, 0)
// reset releases memory held by entry err and name, and resets mode type to 0.
func (de *dirent) reset() {
| = ""
de.path = ""
de.modeType = 0
@ -2,8 +2,6 @@ package parser
import (
import (
@ -29,24 +27,14 @@ var configMatchRegex = regexp.MustCompile(`{{\s?config\.([\w.-]+)\s?}}`)
// matching:
// matching:
// <Root>
// <Root>
// <Property value="testing"/>
// <Property value="testing"/>
// </Root>
// </Root>
// noinspection RegExpRedundantEscape
// noinspection RegExpRedundantEscape
var xmlValueMatchRegex = regexp.MustCompile(`^\[([\w]+)='(.*)'\]$`)
var xmlValueMatchRegex = regexp.MustCompile(`^\[([\w]+)='(.*)'\]$`)
// Gets the []byte representation of a configuration file to be passed through to other
// handler functions. If the file does not currently exist, it will be created.
func readFileBytes(path string) ([]byte, error) {
file, err := os.OpenFile(path, os.O_CREATE|os.O_RDWR, 0o644)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
defer file.Close()
return io.ReadAll(file)
// Gets the value of a key based on the value type defined.
// Gets the value of a key based on the value type defined.
func (cfr *ConfigurationFileReplacement) getKeyValue(value string) interface{} {
func (cfr *ConfigurationFileReplacement) getKeyValue(value string) interface{} {
if cfr.ReplaceWith.Type() == jsonparser.Boolean {
if cfr.ReplaceWith.Type() == jsonparser.Boolean {
@ -2,8 +2,8 @@ package parser
import (
import (
@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ import (
// The file parsing options that are available for a server configuration file.
// The file parsing options that are available for a server configuration file.
@ -74,6 +75,26 @@ func (cv *ReplaceValue) String() string {
func (cv *ReplaceValue) Bytes() []byte {
switch cv.Type() {
case jsonparser.String:
var stackbuf [64]byte
bU, err := jsonparser.Unescape(cv.value, stackbuf[:])
if err != nil {
panic(errors.Wrap(err, "parser: could not parse value"))
return bU
case jsonparser.Null:
return []byte("<nil>")
case jsonparser.Boolean:
return cv.value
case jsonparser.Number:
return cv.value
return []byte("<invalid>")
type ConfigurationParser string
type ConfigurationParser string
func (cp ConfigurationParser) String() string {
func (cp ConfigurationParser) String() string {
@ -167,11 +188,12 @@ func (cfr *ConfigurationFileReplacement) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error {
return nil
return nil
// Parses a given configuration file and updates all of the values within as defined
// Parse parses a given configuration file and updates all the values within
// in the API response from the Panel.
// as defined in the API response from the Panel.
func (f *ConfigurationFile) Parse(path string, internal bool) error {
func (f *ConfigurationFile) Parse(file ufs.File) error {
log.WithField("path", path).WithField("parser", f.Parser.String()).Debug("parsing server configuration file")
//log.WithField("path", path).WithField("parser", f.Parser.String()).Debug("parsing server configuration file")
// What the fuck is going on here?
if mb, err := json.Marshal(config.Get()); err != nil {
if mb, err := json.Marshal(config.Get()); err != nil {
return err
return err
} else {
} else {
@ -182,56 +204,24 @@ func (f *ConfigurationFile) Parse(path string, internal bool) error {
switch f.Parser {
switch f.Parser {
case Properties:
case Properties:
err = f.parsePropertiesFile(path)
err = f.parsePropertiesFile(file)
case File:
case File:
err = f.parseTextFile(path)
err = f.parseTextFile(file)
case Yaml, "yml":
case Yaml, "yml":
err = f.parseYamlFile(path)
err = f.parseYamlFile(file)
case Json:
case Json:
err = f.parseJsonFile(path)
err = f.parseJsonFile(file)
case Ini:
case Ini:
err = f.parseIniFile(path)
err = f.parseIniFile(file)
case Xml:
case Xml:
err = f.parseXmlFile(path)
err = f.parseXmlFile(file)
if errors.Is(err, os.ErrNotExist) {
// File doesn't exist, we tried creating it, and same error is returned? Pretty
// sure this pathway is impossible, but if not, abort here.
if internal {
return nil
b := strings.TrimSuffix(path, filepath.Base(path))
if err := os.MkdirAll(b, 0o755); err != nil {
return errors.WithMessage(err, "failed to create base directory for missing configuration file")
} else {
if _, err := os.Create(path); err != nil {
return errors.WithMessage(err, "failed to create missing configuration file")
return f.Parse(path, true)
return err
return err
// Parses an xml file.
// Parses an xml file.
func (f *ConfigurationFile) parseXmlFile(path string) error {
func (f *ConfigurationFile) parseXmlFile(file ufs.File) error {
doc := etree.NewDocument()
doc := etree.NewDocument()
file, err := os.OpenFile(path, os.O_CREATE|os.O_RDWR, 0o644)
if err != nil {
return err
defer file.Close()
if _, err := doc.ReadFrom(file); err != nil {
if _, err := doc.ReadFrom(file); err != nil {
return err
return err
@ -291,41 +281,27 @@ func (f *ConfigurationFile) parseXmlFile(path string) error {
// If you don't truncate the file you'll end up duplicating the data in there (or just appending
if _, err := file.Seek(0, io.SeekStart); err != nil {
// to the end of the file. We don't want to do that.
return err
if err := file.Truncate(0); err != nil {
if err := file.Truncate(0); err != nil {
return err
return err
// Move the cursor to the start of the file to avoid weird spacing issues.
file.Seek(0, 0)
// Ensure the XML is indented properly.
// Ensure the XML is indented properly.
// Truncate the file before attempting to write the changes.
// Write the XML to the file.
if err := os.Truncate(path, 0); err != nil {
if _, err := doc.WriteTo(file); err != nil {
return err
return err
return nil
// Write the XML to the file.
_, err = doc.WriteTo(file)
return err
// Parses an ini file.
// Parses an ini file.
func (f *ConfigurationFile) parseIniFile(path string) error {
func (f *ConfigurationFile) parseIniFile(file ufs.File) error {
// Ini package can't handle a non-existent file, so handle that automatically here
// Wrap the file in a NopCloser so the ini package doesn't close the file.
// by creating it if not exists. Then, immediately close the file since we will use
cfg, err := ini.Load(io.NopCloser(file))
// other methods to write the new contents.
file, err := os.OpenFile(path, os.O_CREATE|os.O_RDWR, 0o644)
if err != nil {
return err
cfg, err := ini.Load(path)
if err != nil {
if err != nil {
return err
return err
@ -388,14 +364,24 @@ func (f *ConfigurationFile) parseIniFile(path string) error {
return cfg.SaveTo(path)
if _, err := file.Seek(0, io.SeekStart); err != nil {
return err
if err := file.Truncate(0); err != nil {
return err
if _, err := cfg.WriteTo(file); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// Parses a json file updating any matching key/value pairs. If a match is not found, the
// Parses a json file updating any matching key/value pairs. If a match is not found, the
// value is set regardless in the file. See the commentary in parseYamlFile for more details
// value is set regardless in the file. See the commentary in parseYamlFile for more details
// about what is happening during this process.
// about what is happening during this process.
func (f *ConfigurationFile) parseJsonFile(path string) error {
func (f *ConfigurationFile) parseJsonFile(file ufs.File) error {
b, err := readFileBytes(path)
b, err := io.ReadAll(file)
if err != nil {
if err != nil {
return err
return err
@ -405,14 +391,24 @@ func (f *ConfigurationFile) parseJsonFile(path string) error {
return err
return err
output := []byte(data.StringIndent("", " "))
if _, err := file.Seek(0, io.SeekStart); err != nil {
return os.WriteFile(path, output, 0o644)
return err
if err := file.Truncate(0); err != nil {
return err
// Write the data to the file.
if _, err := io.Copy(file, bytes.NewReader(data.BytesIndent("", " "))); err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "parser: failed to write properties file to disk")
return nil
// Parses a yaml file and updates any matching key/value pairs before persisting
// Parses a yaml file and updates any matching key/value pairs before persisting
// it back to the disk.
// it back to the disk.
func (f *ConfigurationFile) parseYamlFile(path string) error {
func (f *ConfigurationFile) parseYamlFile(file ufs.File) error {
b, err := readFileBytes(path)
b, err := io.ReadAll(file)
if err != nil {
if err != nil {
return err
return err
@ -443,35 +439,56 @@ func (f *ConfigurationFile) parseYamlFile(path string) error {
return err
return err
return os.WriteFile(path, marshaled, 0o644)
if _, err := file.Seek(0, io.SeekStart); err != nil {
return err
if err := file.Truncate(0); err != nil {
return err
// Write the data to the file.
if _, err := io.Copy(file, bytes.NewReader(marshaled)); err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "parser: failed to write properties file to disk")
return nil
// Parses a text file using basic find and replace. This is a highly inefficient method of
// Parses a text file using basic find and replace. This is a highly inefficient method of
// scanning a file and performing a replacement. You should attempt to use anything other
// scanning a file and performing a replacement. You should attempt to use anything other
// than this function where possible.
// than this function where possible.
func (f *ConfigurationFile) parseTextFile(path string) error {
func (f *ConfigurationFile) parseTextFile(file ufs.File) error {
input, err := os.ReadFile(path)
b := bytes.NewBuffer(nil)
if err != nil {
s := bufio.NewScanner(file)
return err
var replaced bool
for s.Scan() {
line := s.Bytes()
lines := strings.Split(string(input), "\n")
replaced = false
for i, line := range lines {
for _, replace := range f.Replace {
for _, replace := range f.Replace {
// If this line doesn't match what we expect for the replacement, move on to the next
// If this line doesn't match what we expect for the replacement, move on to the next
// line. Otherwise, update the line to have the replacement value.
// line. Otherwise, update the line to have the replacement value.
if !strings.HasPrefix(line, replace.Match) {
if !bytes.HasPrefix(line, []byte(replace.Match)) {
lines[i] = replace.ReplaceWith.String()
replaced = true
if !replaced {
if err := os.WriteFile(path, []byte(strings.Join(lines, "\n")), 0o644); err != nil {
if _, err := file.Seek(0, io.SeekStart); err != nil {
return err
if err := file.Truncate(0); err != nil {
return err
return err
// Write the data to the file.
if _, err := io.Copy(file, b); err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "parser: failed to write properties file to disk")
return nil
return nil
@ -501,31 +518,29 @@ func (f *ConfigurationFile) parseTextFile(path string) error {
// @see (original)
// @see (original)
// @see ("bug" introduced as result)
// @see ("bug" introduced as result)
func (f *ConfigurationFile) parsePropertiesFile(path string) error {
func (f *ConfigurationFile) parsePropertiesFile(file ufs.File) error {
var s strings.Builder
b, err := io.ReadAll(file)
// Open the file and attempt to load any comments that currenty exist at the start
if err != nil {
// of the file. This is kind of a hack, but should work for a majority of users for
return err
// the time being.
if fd, err := os.Open(path); err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "parser: could not open file for reading")
s := bytes.NewBuffer(nil)
} else {
scanner := bufio.NewScanner(bytes.NewReader(b))
scanner := bufio.NewScanner(fd)
// Scan until we hit a line that is not a comment that actually has content
// Scan until we hit a line that is not a comment that actually has content
// on it. Keep appending the comments until that time.
// on it. Keep appending the comments until that time.
for scanner.Scan() {
for scanner.Scan() {
text := scanner.Text()
text := scanner.Bytes()
if len(text) > 0 && text[0] != '#' {
if len(text) > 0 && text[0] != '#' {
s.WriteString(text + "\n")
_ = fd.Close()
if err := scanner.Err(); err != nil {
if err := scanner.Err(); err != nil {
return errors.WithStackIf(err)
return errors.WithStackIf(err)
p, err := properties.LoadFile(path, properties.UTF8)
p, err := properties.Load(b, properties.UTF8)
if err != nil {
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "parser: could not load properties file for configuration update")
return errors.Wrap(err, "parser: could not load properties file for configuration update")
@ -563,17 +578,16 @@ func (f *ConfigurationFile) parsePropertiesFile(path string) error {
s.WriteString(key + "=" + strings.Trim(strconv.QuoteToASCII(value), "\"") + "\n")
s.WriteString(key + "=" + strings.Trim(strconv.QuoteToASCII(value), "\"") + "\n")
// Open the file for writing.
if _, err := file.Seek(0, io.SeekStart); err != nil {
w, err := os.OpenFile(path, os.O_CREATE|os.O_WRONLY|os.O_TRUNC, 0o644)
return err
if err != nil {
if err := file.Truncate(0); err != nil {
return err
return err
defer w.Close()
// Write the data to the file.
// Write the data to the file.
if _, err := w.Write([]byte(s.String())); err != nil {
if _, err := io.Copy(file, s); err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "parser: failed to write properties file to disk")
return errors.Wrap(err, "parser: failed to write properties file to disk")
return nil
return nil
@ -4,13 +4,14 @@ import (
@ -28,7 +29,7 @@ type Client interface {
SetArchiveStatus(ctx context.Context, uuid string, successful bool) error
SetArchiveStatus(ctx context.Context, uuid string, successful bool) error
SetBackupStatus(ctx context.Context, backup string, data BackupRequest) error
SetBackupStatus(ctx context.Context, backup string, data BackupRequest) error
SendRestorationStatus(ctx context.Context, backup string, successful bool) error
SendRestorationStatus(ctx context.Context, backup string, successful bool) error
SetInstallationStatus(ctx context.Context, uuid string, successful bool) error
SetInstallationStatus(ctx context.Context, uuid string, data InstallStatusRequest) error
SetTransferStatus(ctx context.Context, uuid string, successful bool) error
SetTransferStatus(ctx context.Context, uuid string, successful bool) error
ValidateSftpCredentials(ctx context.Context, request SftpAuthRequest) (SftpAuthResponse, error)
ValidateSftpCredentials(ctx context.Context, request SftpAuthRequest) (SftpAuthResponse, error)
SendActivityLogs(ctx context.Context, activity []models.Activity) error
SendActivityLogs(ctx context.Context, activity []models.Activity) error
@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ const (
ProcessStopNativeStop = "stop"
ProcessStopNativeStop = "stop"
// GetServers returns all of the servers that are present on the Panel making
// GetServers returns all the servers that are present on the Panel making
// parallel API calls to the endpoint if more than one page of servers is
// parallel API calls to the endpoint if more than one page of servers is
// returned.
// returned.
func (c *client) GetServers(ctx context.Context, limit int) ([]RawServerData, error) {
func (c *client) GetServers(ctx context.Context, limit int) ([]RawServerData, error) {
@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ func (c *client) GetServers(ctx context.Context, limit int) ([]RawServerData, er
// This handles Wings exiting during either of these processes which will leave
// This handles Wings exiting during either of these processes which will leave
// things in a bad state within the Panel. This API call is executed once Wings
// things in a bad state within the Panel. This API call is executed once Wings
// has fully booted all of the servers.
// has fully booted all the servers.
func (c *client) ResetServersState(ctx context.Context) error {
func (c *client) ResetServersState(ctx context.Context) error {
res, err := c.Post(ctx, "/servers/reset", nil)
res, err := c.Post(ctx, "/servers/reset", nil)
if err != nil {
if err != nil {
@ -92,8 +92,8 @@ func (c *client) GetInstallationScript(ctx context.Context, uuid string) (Instal
return config, err
return config, err
func (c *client) SetInstallationStatus(ctx context.Context, uuid string, successful bool) error {
func (c *client) SetInstallationStatus(ctx context.Context, uuid string, data InstallStatusRequest) error {
resp, err := c.Post(ctx, fmt.Sprintf("/servers/%s/install", uuid), d{"successful": successful})
resp, err := c.Post(ctx, fmt.Sprintf("/servers/%s/install", uuid), data)
if err != nil {
if err != nil {
return err
return err
@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ func (c *client) SetTransferStatus(ctx context.Context, uuid string, successful
if successful {
if successful {
state = "success"
state = "success"
resp, err := c.Get(ctx, fmt.Sprintf("/servers/%s/transfer/%s", uuid, state), nil)
resp, err := c.Post(ctx, fmt.Sprintf("/servers/%s/transfer/%s", uuid, state), nil)
if err != nil {
if err != nil {
return err
return err
@ -127,7 +127,7 @@ func (c *client) SetTransferStatus(ctx context.Context, uuid string, successful
// password combination provided is associated with a valid server on the instance
// password combination provided is associated with a valid server on the instance
// using the Panel's authentication control mechanisms. This will get itself
// using the Panel's authentication control mechanisms. This will get itself
// throttled if too many requests are made, allowing us to completely offload
// throttled if too many requests are made, allowing us to completely offload
// all of the authorization security logic to the Panel.
// all the authorization security logic to the Panel.
func (c *client) ValidateSftpCredentials(ctx context.Context, request SftpAuthRequest) (SftpAuthResponse, error) {
func (c *client) ValidateSftpCredentials(ctx context.Context, request SftpAuthRequest) (SftpAuthResponse, error) {
var auth SftpAuthResponse
var auth SftpAuthResponse
res, err := c.Post(ctx, "/sftp/auth", request)
res, err := c.Post(ctx, "/sftp/auth", request)
@ -92,8 +92,8 @@ type SftpAuthResponse struct {
type OutputLineMatcher struct {
type OutputLineMatcher struct {
// The raw string to match against. This may or may not be prefixed with
// raw string to match against. This may or may not be prefixed with
// regex: which indicates we want to match against the regex expression.
// `regex:` which indicates we want to match against the regex expression.
raw []byte
raw []byte
reg *regexp.Regexp
reg *regexp.Regexp
@ -139,9 +139,9 @@ type ProcessStopConfiguration struct {
// ProcessConfiguration defines the process configuration for a given server
// ProcessConfiguration defines the process configuration for a given server
// instance. This sets what Wings is looking for to mark a server as done starting
// instance. This sets what Wings is looking for to mark a server as done
// what to do when stopping, and what changes to make to the configuration file
// starting what to do when stopping, and what changes to make to the
// for a server.
// configuration file for a server.
type ProcessConfiguration struct {
type ProcessConfiguration struct {
Startup struct {
Startup struct {
Done []*OutputLineMatcher `json:"done"`
Done []*OutputLineMatcher `json:"done"`
@ -169,3 +169,8 @@ type BackupRequest struct {
Successful bool `json:"successful"`
Successful bool `json:"successful"`
Parts []BackupPart `json:"parts"`
Parts []BackupPart `json:"parts"`
type InstallStatusRequest struct {
Successful bool `json:"successful"`
Reinstall bool `json:"reinstall"`
@ -20,8 +20,45 @@ import (
var client = &http.Client{
var client *http.Client
func init() {
dialer := &net.Dialer{
LocalAddr: nil,
trnspt := http.DefaultTransport.(*http.Transport).Clone()
trnspt.DialContext = func(ctx context.Context, network, addr string) (net.Conn, error) {
c, err := dialer.DialContext(ctx, network, addr)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.WithStack(err)
ipStr, _, err := net.SplitHostPort(c.RemoteAddr().String())
if err != nil {
return c, errors.WithStack(err)
ip := net.ParseIP(ipStr)
if ip == nil {
return c, errors.WithStack(ErrInvalidIPAddress)
if ip.IsLoopback() || ip.IsLinkLocalUnicast() || ip.IsLinkLocalMulticast() || ip.IsInterfaceLocalMulticast() {
return c, errors.WithStack(ErrInternalResolution)
for _, block := range internalRanges {
if !block.Contains(ip) {
return c, errors.WithStack(ErrInternalResolution)
return c, nil
client = &http.Client{
Timeout: time.Hour * 12,
Timeout: time.Hour * 12,
Transport: trnspt,
// Disallow any redirect on an HTTP call. This is a security requirement: do not modify
// Disallow any redirect on an HTTP call. This is a security requirement: do not modify
// this logic without first ensuring that the new target location IS NOT within the current
// this logic without first ensuring that the new target location IS NOT within the current
// instance's local network.
// instance's local network.
@ -35,6 +72,7 @@ var client = &http.Client{
return http.ErrUseLastResponse
return http.ErrUseLastResponse
var instance = &Downloader{
var instance = &Downloader{
// Tracks all the active downloads.
// Tracks all the active downloads.
@ -143,12 +181,6 @@ func (dl *Download) Execute() error {
dl.cancelFunc = &cancel
dl.cancelFunc = &cancel
defer dl.Cancel()
defer dl.Cancel()
// Always ensure that we're checking the destination for the download to avoid a malicious
// user from accessing internal network resources.
if err := dl.isExternalNetwork(ctx); err != nil {
return err
// At this point we have verified the destination is not within the local network, so we can
// At this point we have verified the destination is not within the local network, so we can
// now make a request to that URL and pull down the file, saving it to the server's data
// now make a request to that URL and pull down the file, saving it to the server's data
// directory.
// directory.
@ -167,13 +199,8 @@ func (dl *Download) Execute() error {
return errors.New("downloader: got bad response status from endpoint: " + res.Status)
return errors.New("downloader: got bad response status from endpoint: " + res.Status)
// If there is a Content-Length header on this request go ahead and check that we can
if res.ContentLength < 1 {
// even write the whole file before beginning this process. If there is no header present
return errors.New("downloader: request is missing ContentLength")
// we'll just have to give it a spin and see how it goes.
if res.ContentLength > 0 {
if err := dl.server.Filesystem().HasSpaceFor(res.ContentLength); err != nil {
return errors.WrapIf(err, "downloader: failed to write file: not enough space")
if dl.req.UseHeader {
if dl.req.UseHeader {
@ -200,8 +227,10 @@ func (dl *Download) Execute() error {
p := dl.Path()
p := dl.Path()
dl.server.Log().WithField("path", p).Debug("writing remote file to disk")
dl.server.Log().WithField("path", p).Debug("writing remote file to disk")
// Write the file while tracking the progress, Write will check that the
// size of the file won't exceed the disk limit.
r := io.TeeReader(res.Body, dl.counter(res.ContentLength))
r := io.TeeReader(res.Body, dl.counter(res.ContentLength))
if err := dl.server.Filesystem().Writefile(p, r); err != nil {
if err := dl.server.Filesystem().Write(p, r, res.ContentLength, 0o644); err != nil {
return errors.WrapIf(err, "downloader: failed to write file to server directory")
return errors.WrapIf(err, "downloader: failed to write file to server directory")
return nil
return nil
@ -246,59 +275,6 @@ func (dl *Download) counter(contentLength int64) *Counter {
// Verifies that a given download resolves to a location not within the current local
// network for the machine. If the final destination of a resource is within the local
// network an ErrInternalResolution error is returned.
func (dl *Download) isExternalNetwork(ctx context.Context) error {
dialer := &net.Dialer{
LocalAddr: nil,
host := dl.req.URL.Host
// This cluster-fuck of math and integer shit converts an integer IP into a proper IPv4.
// For example: 16843009 would become
//if i, err := strconv.ParseInt(host, 10, 64); err == nil {
// host = strconv.FormatInt((i>>24)&0xFF, 10) + "." + strconv.FormatInt((i>>16)&0xFF, 10) + "." + strconv.FormatInt((i>>8)&0xFF, 10) + "." + strconv.FormatInt(i&0xFF, 10)
if _, _, err := net.SplitHostPort(host); err != nil {
if !strings.Contains(err.Error(), "missing port in address") {
return errors.WithStack(err)
switch dl.req.URL.Scheme {
case "http":
host += ":80"
case "https":
host += ":443"
c, err := dialer.DialContext(ctx, "tcp", host)
if err != nil {
return errors.WithStack(err)
_ = c.Close()
ipStr, _, err := net.SplitHostPort(c.RemoteAddr().String())
if err != nil {
return errors.WithStack(err)
ip := net.ParseIP(ipStr)
if ip == nil {
return errors.WithStack(ErrInvalidIPAddress)
if ip.IsLoopback() || ip.IsLinkLocalUnicast() || ip.IsLinkLocalMulticast() || ip.IsInterfaceLocalMulticast() {
return errors.WithStack(ErrInternalResolution)
for _, block := range internalRanges {
if block.Contains(ip) {
return errors.WithStack(ErrInternalResolution)
return nil
// Downloader represents a global downloader that keeps track of all currently processing downloads
// Downloader represents a global downloader that keeps track of all currently processing downloads
// for the machine.
// for the machine.
type Downloader struct {
type Downloader struct {
@ -1,157 +0,0 @@
package router
import (
type RequestError struct {
err error
uuid string
message string
server *server.Server
// Attaches an error to the gin.Context object for the request and ensures that it
// has a proper stacktrace associated with it when doing so.
// If you just call c.Error(err) without using this function you'll likely end up
// with an error that has no annotated stack on it.
func WithError(c *gin.Context, err error) error {
return c.Error(errors.WithStackDepthIf(err, 1))
// Generates a new tracked error, which simply tracks the specific error that
// is being passed in, and also assigned a UUID to the error so that it can be
// cross referenced in the logs.
func NewTrackedError(err error) *RequestError {
return &RequestError{
err: err,
uuid: uuid.Must(uuid.NewRandom()).String(),
// Same as NewTrackedError, except this will also attach the server instance that
// generated this server for the purposes of logging.
func NewServerError(err error, s *server.Server) *RequestError {
return &RequestError{
err: err,
uuid: uuid.Must(uuid.NewRandom()).String(),
server: s,
func (e *RequestError) logger() *log.Entry {
if e.server != nil {
return e.server.Log().WithField("error_id", e.uuid).WithField("error", e.err)
return log.WithField("error_id", e.uuid).WithField("error", e.err)
// Sets the output message to display to the user in the error.
func (e *RequestError) SetMessage(msg string) *RequestError {
e.message = msg
return e
// Aborts the request with the given status code, and responds with the error. This
// will also include the error UUID in the output so that the user can report that
// and link the response to a specific error in the logs.
func (e *RequestError) AbortWithStatus(status int, c *gin.Context) {
// In instances where the status has already been set just use that existing status
// since we cannot change it at this point, and trying to do so will emit a gin warning
// into the program output.
if c.Writer.Status() != 200 {
status = c.Writer.Status()
// If this error is because the resource does not exist, we likely do not need to log
// the error anywhere, just return a 404 and move on with our lives.
if errors.Is(e.err, os.ErrNotExist) {
c.AbortWithStatusJSON(http.StatusNotFound, gin.H{
"error": "The requested resource was not found on the system.",
if strings.HasPrefix(e.err.Error(), "invalid URL escape") {
c.AbortWithStatusJSON(http.StatusBadRequest, gin.H{
"error": "Some of the data provided in the request appears to be escaped improperly.",
// If this is a Filesystem error just return it without all of the tracking code nonsense
// since we don't need to be logging it into the logs or anything, its just a normal error
// that the user can solve on their end.
if st, msg := e.getAsFilesystemError(); st != 0 {
c.AbortWithStatusJSON(st, gin.H{"error": msg})
// Otherwise, log the error to zap, and then report the error back to the user.
if status >= 500 {
e.logger().Error("unexpected error while handling HTTP request")
} else {
e.logger().Debug("non-server error encountered while handling HTTP request")
if e.message == "" {
e.message = "An unexpected error was encountered while processing this request."
c.AbortWithStatusJSON(status, gin.H{"error": e.message, "error_id": e.uuid})
// Helper function to just abort with an internal server error. This is generally the response
// from most errors encountered by the API.
func (e *RequestError) Abort(c *gin.Context) {
e.AbortWithStatus(http.StatusInternalServerError, c)
// Looks at the given RequestError and determines if it is a specific filesystem error that
// we can process and return differently for the user.
func (e *RequestError) getAsFilesystemError() (int, string) {
// Some external things end up calling fmt.Errorf() on our filesystem errors
// which ends up just unleashing chaos on the system. For the sake of this
// fallback to using text checks...
if filesystem.IsErrorCode(e.err, filesystem.ErrCodeDenylistFile) || strings.Contains(e.err.Error(), "filesystem: file access prohibited") {
return http.StatusForbidden, "This file cannot be modified: present in egg denylist."
if filesystem.IsErrorCode(e.err, filesystem.ErrCodePathResolution) || strings.Contains(e.err.Error(), "resolves to a location outside the server root") {
return http.StatusNotFound, "The requested resource was not found on the system."
if filesystem.IsErrorCode(e.err, filesystem.ErrCodeIsDirectory) || strings.Contains(e.err.Error(), "filesystem: is a directory") {
return http.StatusBadRequest, "Cannot perform that action: file is a directory."
if filesystem.IsErrorCode(e.err, filesystem.ErrCodeDiskSpace) || strings.Contains(e.err.Error(), "filesystem: not enough disk space") {
return http.StatusBadRequest, "Cannot perform that action: not enough disk space available."
if strings.HasSuffix(e.err.Error(), "file name too long") {
return http.StatusBadRequest, "Cannot perform that action: file name is too long."
if e, ok := e.err.(*os.SyscallError); ok && e.Syscall == "readdirent" {
return http.StatusNotFound, "The requested directory does not exist."
return 0, ""
// Handle specific filesystem errors for a server.
func (e *RequestError) AbortFilesystemError(c *gin.Context) {
// Format the error to a string and include the UUID.
func (e *RequestError) Error() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%v (uuid: %s)", e.err, e.uuid)
@ -1,11 +1,9 @@
package middleware
package middleware
import (
import (
@ -16,133 +14,8 @@ import (
// RequestError is a custom error type returned when something goes wrong with
// any of the HTTP endpoints.
type RequestError struct {
err error
status int
msg string
// NewError returns a new RequestError for the provided error.
func NewError(err error) *RequestError {
return &RequestError{
// Attach a stacktrace to the error if it is missing at this point and mark it
// as originating from the location where NewError was called, rather than this
// specific point in the code.
err: errors.WithStackDepthIf(err, 1),
// SetMessage allows for a custom error message to be set on an existing
// RequestError instance.
func (re *RequestError) SetMessage(m string) {
re.msg = m
// SetStatus sets the HTTP status code for the error response. By default this
// is a HTTP-500 error.
func (re *RequestError) SetStatus(s int) {
re.status = s
// Abort aborts the given HTTP request with the specified status code and then
// logs the event into the logs. The error that is output will include the unique
// request ID if it is present.
func (re *RequestError) Abort(c *gin.Context, status int) {
reqId := c.Writer.Header().Get("X-Request-Id")
// Generate the base logger instance, attaching the unique request ID and
// the URL that was requested.
event := log.WithField("request_id", reqId).WithField("url", c.Request.URL.String())
// If there is a server present in the gin.Context stack go ahead and pull it
// and attach that server UUID to the logs as well so that we can see what specific
// server triggered this error.
if s, ok := c.Get("server"); ok {
if s, ok := s.(*server.Server); ok {
event = event.WithField("server_id", s.ID())
if c.Writer.Status() == 200 {
// Handle context deadlines being exceeded a little differently since we want
// to report a more user-friendly error and a proper error code. The "context
// canceled" error is generally when a request is terminated before all of the
// logic is finished running.
if errors.Is(re.err, context.DeadlineExceeded) {
re.SetMessage("The server could not process this request in time, please try again.")
} else if strings.Contains(re.Cause().Error(), "context canceled") {
re.SetMessage("Request aborted by client.")
// c.Writer.Status() will be a non-200 value if the headers have already been sent
// to the requester but an error is encountered. This can happen if there is an issue
// marshaling a struct placed into a c.JSON() call (or c.AbortWithJSON() call).
if status >= 500 || c.Writer.Status() != 200 {
event.WithField("status", status).WithField("error", re.err).Error("error while handling HTTP request")
} else {
event.WithField("status", status).WithField("error", re.err).Debug("error handling HTTP request (not a server error)")
if re.msg == "" {
re.msg = "An unexpected error was encountered while processing this request"
// Now abort the request with the error message and include the unique request
// ID that was present to make things super easy on people who don't know how
// or cannot view the response headers (where X-Request-Id would be present).
c.AbortWithStatusJSON(status, gin.H{"error": re.msg, "request_id": reqId})
// Cause returns the underlying error.
func (re *RequestError) Cause() error {
return re.err
// Error returns the underlying error message for this request.
func (re *RequestError) Error() string {
return re.err.Error()
// Looks at the given RequestError and determines if it is a specific filesystem
// error that we can process and return differently for the user.
// Some external things end up calling fmt.Errorf() on our filesystem errors
// which ends up just unleashing chaos on the system. For the sake of this,
// fallback to using text checks.
// If the error passed into this call is nil or does not match empty values will
// be returned to the caller.
func (re *RequestError) asFilesystemError() (int, string) {
err := re.Cause()
if err == nil {
return 0, ""
if filesystem.IsErrorCode(err, filesystem.ErrCodeDenylistFile) || strings.Contains(err.Error(), "filesystem: file access prohibited") {
return http.StatusForbidden, "This file cannot be modified: present in egg denylist."
if filesystem.IsErrorCode(err, filesystem.ErrCodePathResolution) || strings.Contains(err.Error(), "resolves to a location outside the server root") {
return http.StatusNotFound, "The requested resource was not found on the system."
if filesystem.IsErrorCode(err, filesystem.ErrCodeIsDirectory) || strings.Contains(err.Error(), "filesystem: is a directory") {
return http.StatusBadRequest, "Cannot perform that action: file is a directory."
if filesystem.IsErrorCode(err, filesystem.ErrCodeDiskSpace) || strings.Contains(err.Error(), "filesystem: not enough disk space") {
return http.StatusBadRequest, "There is not enough disk space available to perform that action."
if strings.HasSuffix(err.Error(), "file name too long") {
return http.StatusBadRequest, "Cannot perform that action: file name is too long."
if e, ok := err.(*os.SyscallError); ok && e.Syscall == "readdirent" {
return http.StatusNotFound, "The requested directory does not exist."
return 0, ""
// AttachRequestID attaches a unique ID to the incoming HTTP request so that any
// AttachRequestID attaches a unique ID to the incoming HTTP request so that any
// errors that are generated or returned to the client will include this reference
// errors that are generated or returned to the client will include this reference
// allowing for an easier time identifying the specific request that failed for
// allowing for an easier time identifying the specific request that failed for
@ -180,7 +53,7 @@ func AttachApiClient(client remote.Client) gin.HandlerFunc {
// CaptureAndAbort aborts the request and attaches the provided error to the gin
// CaptureAndAbort aborts the request and attaches the provided error to the gin
// context so it can be reported properly. If the error is missing a stacktrace
// context, so it can be reported properly. If the error is missing a stacktrace
// at the time it is called the stack will be attached.
// at the time it is called the stack will be attached.
func CaptureAndAbort(c *gin.Context, err error) {
func CaptureAndAbort(c *gin.Context, err error) {
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,141 @@
package middleware
import (
// RequestError is a custom error type returned when something goes wrong with
// any of the HTTP endpoints.
type RequestError struct {
err error
status int
msg string
// NewError returns a new RequestError for the provided error.
func NewError(err error) *RequestError {
return &RequestError{
// Attach a stacktrace to the error if it is missing at this point and mark it
// as originating from the location where NewError was called, rather than this
// specific point in the code.
err: errors.WithStackDepthIf(err, 1),
// SetMessage allows for a custom error message to be set on an existing
// RequestError instance.
func (re *RequestError) SetMessage(m string) {
re.msg = m
// SetStatus sets the HTTP status code for the error response. By default this
// is a HTTP-500 error.
func (re *RequestError) SetStatus(s int) {
re.status = s
// Abort aborts the given HTTP request with the specified status code and then
// logs the event into the logs. The error that is output will include the unique
// request ID if it is present.
func (re *RequestError) Abort(c *gin.Context, status int) {
reqId := c.Writer.Header().Get("X-Request-Id")
// Generate the base logger instance, attaching the unique request ID and
// the URL that was requested.
event := log.WithField("request_id", reqId).WithField("url", c.Request.URL.String())
// If there is a server present in the gin.Context stack go ahead and pull it
// and attach that server UUID to the logs as well so that we can see what specific
// server triggered this error.
if s, ok := c.Get("server"); ok {
if s, ok := s.(*server.Server); ok {
event = event.WithField("server_id", s.ID())
if c.Writer.Status() == 200 {
// Handle context deadlines being exceeded a little differently since we want
// to report a more user-friendly error and a proper error code. The "context
// canceled" error is generally when a request is terminated before all of the
// logic is finished running.
if errors.Is(re.err, context.DeadlineExceeded) {
re.SetMessage("The server could not process this request in time, please try again.")
} else if strings.Contains(re.Cause().Error(), "context canceled") {
re.SetMessage("Request aborted by client.")
// c.Writer.Status() will be a non-200 value if the headers have already been sent
// to the requester but an error is encountered. This can happen if there is an issue
// marshaling a struct placed into a c.JSON() call (or c.AbortWithJSON() call).
if status >= 500 || c.Writer.Status() != 200 {
event.WithField("status", status).WithField("error", re.err).Error("error while handling HTTP request")
} else {
event.WithField("status", status).WithField("error", re.err).Debug("error handling HTTP request (not a server error)")
if re.msg == "" {
re.msg = "An unexpected error was encountered while processing this request"
// Now abort the request with the error message and include the unique request
// ID that was present to make things super easy on people who don't know how
// or cannot view the response headers (where X-Request-Id would be present).
c.AbortWithStatusJSON(status, gin.H{"error": re.msg, "request_id": reqId})
// Cause returns the underlying error.
func (re *RequestError) Cause() error {
return re.err
// Error returns the underlying error message for this request.
func (re *RequestError) Error() string {
return re.err.Error()
// Looks at the given RequestError and determines if it is a specific filesystem
// error that we can process and return differently for the user.
// Some external things end up calling fmt.Errorf() on our filesystem errors
// which ends up just unleashing chaos on the system. For the sake of this,
// fallback to using text checks.
// If the error passed into this call is nil or does not match empty values will
// be returned to the caller.
func (re *RequestError) asFilesystemError() (int, string) {
err := re.Cause()
if err == nil {
return 0, ""
if filesystem.IsErrorCode(err, filesystem.ErrNotExist) ||
filesystem.IsErrorCode(err, filesystem.ErrCodePathResolution) ||
strings.Contains(err.Error(), "resolves to a location outside the server root") {
return http.StatusNotFound, "The requested resources was not found on the system."
if filesystem.IsErrorCode(err, filesystem.ErrCodeDenylistFile) || strings.Contains(err.Error(), "filesystem: file access prohibited") {
return http.StatusForbidden, "This file cannot be modified: present in egg denylist."
if filesystem.IsErrorCode(err, filesystem.ErrCodeIsDirectory) || strings.Contains(err.Error(), "filesystem: is a directory") {
return http.StatusBadRequest, "Cannot perform that action: file is a directory."
if filesystem.IsErrorCode(err, filesystem.ErrCodeDiskSpace) || strings.Contains(err.Error(), "filesystem: not enough disk space") {
return http.StatusBadRequest, "There is not enough disk space available to perform that action."
if strings.HasSuffix(err.Error(), "file name too long") {
return http.StatusBadRequest, "Cannot perform that action: file name is too long."
if e, ok := err.(*os.SyscallError); ok && e.Syscall == "readdirent" {
return http.StatusNotFound, "The requested directory does not exist."
return 0, ""
@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
package router
package router
import (
import (
@ -16,7 +17,10 @@ func Configure(m *wserver.Manager, client remote.Client) *gin.Engine {
router := gin.New()
router := gin.New()
if err := router.SetTrustedProxies(config.Get().Api.TrustedProxies); err != nil {
return nil
router.Use(middleware.AttachRequestID(), middleware.CaptureErrors(), middleware.SetAccessControlHeaders())
router.Use(middleware.AttachRequestID(), middleware.CaptureErrors(), middleware.SetAccessControlHeaders())
router.Use(middleware.AttachServerManager(m), middleware.AttachApiClient(client))
router.Use(middleware.AttachServerManager(m), middleware.AttachApiClient(client))
// @todo log this into a different file so you can setup IP blocking for abusive requests and such.
// @todo log this into a different file so you can setup IP blocking for abusive requests and such.
@ -40,7 +44,7 @@ func Configure(m *wserver.Manager, client remote.Client) *gin.Engine {
router.GET("/download/file", getDownloadFile)
router.GET("/download/file", getDownloadFile)
router.POST("/upload/file", postServerUploadFiles)
router.POST("/upload/file", postServerUploadFiles)
// This route is special it sits above all of the other requests because we are
// This route is special it sits above all the other requests because we are
// using a JWT to authorize access to it, therefore it needs to be publicly
// using a JWT to authorize access to it, therefore it needs to be publicly
// accessible.
// accessible.
router.GET("/api/servers/:server/ws", middleware.ServerExists(), getServerWebsocket)
router.GET("/api/servers/:server/ws", middleware.ServerExists(), getServerWebsocket)
@ -48,16 +52,16 @@ func Configure(m *wserver.Manager, client remote.Client) *gin.Engine {
// This request is called by another daemon when a server is going to be transferred out.
// This request is called by another daemon when a server is going to be transferred out.
// This request does not need the AuthorizationMiddleware as the panel should never call it
// This request does not need the AuthorizationMiddleware as the panel should never call it
// and requests are authenticated through a JWT the panel issues to the other daemon.
// and requests are authenticated through a JWT the panel issues to the other daemon.
router.GET("/api/servers/:server/archive", middleware.ServerExists(), getServerArchive)
router.POST("/api/transfers", postTransfers)
// All of the routes beyond this mount will use an authorization middleware
// All the routes beyond this mount will use an authorization middleware
// and will not be accessible without the correct Authorization header provided.
// and will not be accessible without the correct Authorization header provided.
protected := router.Use(middleware.RequireAuthorization())
protected := router.Use(middleware.RequireAuthorization())
protected.POST("/api/update", postUpdateConfiguration)
protected.POST("/api/update", postUpdateConfiguration)
protected.GET("/api/system", getSystemInformation)
protected.GET("/api/system", getSystemInformation)
protected.GET("/api/servers", getAllServers)
protected.GET("/api/servers", getAllServers)
protected.POST("/api/servers", postCreateServer)
protected.POST("/api/servers", postCreateServer)
protected.POST("/api/transfer", postTransfer)
protected.DELETE("/api/transfers/:server", deleteTransfer)
// These are server specific routes, and require that the request be authorized, and
// These are server specific routes, and require that the request be authorized, and
// that the server exist on the Daemon.
// that the server exist on the Daemon.
@ -77,7 +81,8 @@ func Configure(m *wserver.Manager, client remote.Client) *gin.Engine {
// This archive request causes the archive to start being created
// This archive request causes the archive to start being created
// this should only be triggered by the panel.
// this should only be triggered by the panel.
server.POST("/archive", postServerArchive)
server.POST("/transfer", postServerTransfer)
server.DELETE("/transfer", deleteServerTransfer)
files := server.Group("/files")
files := server.Group("/files")
@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ import (
@ -19,20 +20,29 @@ func getDownloadBackup(c *gin.Context) {
client := middleware.ExtractApiClient(c)
client := middleware.ExtractApiClient(c)
manager := middleware.ExtractManager(c)
manager := middleware.ExtractManager(c)
// Get the payload from the token.
token := tokens.BackupPayload{}
token := tokens.BackupPayload{}
if err := tokens.ParseToken([]byte(c.Query("token")), &token); err != nil {
if err := tokens.ParseToken([]byte(c.Query("token")), &token); err != nil {
middleware.CaptureAndAbort(c, err)
s, ok := manager.Get(token.ServerUuid)
// Get the server using the UUID from the token.
if !ok || !token.IsUniqueRequest() {
if _, ok := manager.Get(token.ServerUuid); !ok || !token.IsUniqueRequest() {
c.AbortWithStatusJSON(http.StatusNotFound, gin.H{
c.AbortWithStatusJSON(http.StatusNotFound, gin.H{
"error": "The requested resource was not found on this server.",
"error": "The requested resource was not found on this server.",
// Validate that the BackupUuid field is actually a UUID and not some random characters or a
// file path.
if _, err := uuid.Parse(token.BackupUuid); err != nil {
middleware.CaptureAndAbort(c, err)
// Locate the backup on the local disk.
b, st, err := backup.LocateLocal(client, token.BackupUuid)
b, st, err := backup.LocateLocal(client, token.BackupUuid)
if err != nil {
if err != nil {
if errors.Is(err, os.ErrNotExist) {
if errors.Is(err, os.ErrNotExist) {
@ -42,13 +52,15 @@ func getDownloadBackup(c *gin.Context) {
NewServerError(err, s).Abort(c)
middleware.CaptureAndAbort(c, err)
// The use of `os` here is safe as backups are not stored within server
// accessible directories.
f, err := os.Open(b.Path())
f, err := os.Open(b.Path())
if err != nil {
if err != nil {
NewServerError(err, s).Abort(c)
middleware.CaptureAndAbort(c, err)
defer f.Close()
defer f.Close()
@ -57,7 +69,7 @@ func getDownloadBackup(c *gin.Context) {
c.Header("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename="+strconv.Quote(st.Name()))
c.Header("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename="+strconv.Quote(st.Name()))
c.Header("Content-Type", "application/octet-stream")
c.Header("Content-Type", "application/octet-stream")
_, _ = bufio.NewReader(f).WriteTo(c.Writer)
// Handles downloading a specific file for a server.
// Handles downloading a specific file for a server.
@ -65,7 +77,7 @@ func getDownloadFile(c *gin.Context) {
manager := middleware.ExtractManager(c)
manager := middleware.ExtractManager(c)
token := tokens.FilePayload{}
token := tokens.FilePayload{}
if err := tokens.ParseToken([]byte(c.Query("token")), &token); err != nil {
if err := tokens.ParseToken([]byte(c.Query("token")), &token); err != nil {
middleware.CaptureAndAbort(c, err)
@ -77,29 +89,22 @@ func getDownloadFile(c *gin.Context) {
p, _ := s.Filesystem().SafePath(token.FilePath)
f, st, err := s.Filesystem().File(token.FilePath)
st, err := os.Stat(p)
// If there is an error or we're somehow trying to download a directory, just
// respond with the appropriate error.
if err != nil {
if err != nil {
NewServerError(err, s).Abort(c)
middleware.CaptureAndAbort(c, err)
} else if st.IsDir() {
defer f.Close()
if st.IsDir() {
c.AbortWithStatusJSON(http.StatusNotFound, gin.H{
c.AbortWithStatusJSON(http.StatusNotFound, gin.H{
"error": "The requested resource was not found on this server.",
"error": "The requested resource was not found on this server.",
f, err := os.Open(p)
if err != nil {
NewServerError(err, s).Abort(c)
c.Header("Content-Length", strconv.Itoa(int(st.Size())))
c.Header("Content-Length", strconv.Itoa(int(st.Size())))
c.Header("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename="+strconv.Quote(st.Name()))
c.Header("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename="+strconv.Quote(st.Name()))
c.Header("Content-Type", "application/octet-stream")
c.Header("Content-Type", "application/octet-stream")
_, _ = bufio.NewReader(f).WriteTo(c.Writer)
@ -9,10 +9,12 @@ import (
// Returns a single server from the collection of servers.
// Returns a single server from the collection of servers.
@ -33,7 +35,7 @@ func getServerLogs(c *gin.Context) {
out, err := s.ReadLogfile(l)
out, err := s.ReadLogfile(l)
if err != nil {
if err != nil {
NewServerError(err, s).Abort(c)
middleware.CaptureAndAbort(c, err)
@ -107,7 +109,7 @@ func postServerCommands(c *gin.Context) {
s := ExtractServer(c)
s := ExtractServer(c)
if running, err := s.Environment.IsRunning(c.Request.Context()); err != nil {
if running, err := s.Environment.IsRunning(c.Request.Context()); err != nil {
NewServerError(err, s).Abort(c)
middleware.CaptureAndAbort(c, err)
} else if !running {
} else if !running {
c.AbortWithStatusJSON(http.StatusBadGateway, gin.H{
c.AbortWithStatusJSON(http.StatusBadGateway, gin.H{
@ -141,7 +143,7 @@ func postServerSync(c *gin.Context) {
s := ExtractServer(c)
s := ExtractServer(c)
if err := s.Sync(); err != nil {
if err := s.Sync(); err != nil {
WithError(c, err)
middleware.CaptureAndAbort(c, err)
} else {
} else {
@ -151,9 +153,15 @@ func postServerSync(c *gin.Context) {
func postServerInstall(c *gin.Context) {
func postServerInstall(c *gin.Context) {
s := ExtractServer(c)
s := ExtractServer(c)
go func(serv *server.Server) {
go func(s *server.Server) {
if err := serv.Install(true); err != nil {
s.Log().Info("syncing server state with remote source before executing installation process")
serv.Log().WithField("error", err).Error("failed to execute server installation process")
if err := s.Sync(); err != nil {
s.Log().WithField("error", err).Error("failed to sync server state with Panel")
if err := s.Install(); err != nil {
s.Log().WithField("error", err).Error("failed to execute server installation process")
@ -187,6 +195,17 @@ func deleteServer(c *gin.Context) {
// Immediately suspend the server to prevent a user from attempting
// Immediately suspend the server to prevent a user from attempting
// to start it while this process is running.
// to start it while this process is running.
// Notify all websocket clients that the server is being deleted.
// This is useful for two reasons, one to tell clients not to bother
// retrying to connect to the websocket. And two, for transfers when
// the server has been successfully transferred to another node, and
// the client needs to switch to the new node.
if s.IsTransferring() {
s.Events().Publish(server.TransferStatusEvent, transfer.StatusCompleted)
s.Events().Publish(server.DeletedEvent, nil)
// Remove any pending remote file downloads for the server.
// Remove any pending remote file downloads for the server.
@ -198,7 +217,7 @@ func deleteServer(c *gin.Context) {
// forcibly terminate it before removing the container, so we do not need to handle
// forcibly terminate it before removing the container, so we do not need to handle
// that here.
// that here.
if err := s.Environment.Destroy(); err != nil {
if err := s.Environment.Destroy(); err != nil {
WithError(c, err)
middleware.CaptureAndAbort(c, err)
@ -206,21 +225,21 @@ func deleteServer(c *gin.Context) {
// done in a separate process since failure is not the end of the world and can be
// done in a separate process since failure is not the end of the world and can be
// manually cleaned up after the fact.
// manually cleaned up after the fact.
// In addition, servers with large amounts of files can take some time to finish deleting
// In addition, servers with large amounts of files can take some time to finish deleting,
// so we don't want to block the HTTP call while waiting on this.
// so we don't want to block the HTTP call while waiting on this.
go func(p string) {
go func(s *server.Server) {
fs := s.Filesystem()
p := fs.Path()
_ = fs.UnixFS().Close()
if err := os.RemoveAll(p); err != nil {
if err := os.RemoveAll(p); err != nil {
log.WithFields(log.Fields{"path": p, "error": err}).Warn("failed to remove server files during deletion process")
log.WithFields(log.Fields{"path": p, "error": err}).Warn("failed to remove server files during deletion process")
middleware.ExtractManager(c).Remove(func(server *server.Server) bool {
middleware.ExtractManager(c).Remove(func(server *server.Server) bool {
return server.ID() == s.ID()
return server.ID() == s.ID()
// Deallocate the reference to this server.
s = nil
@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ package router
import (
import (
@ -14,13 +13,13 @@ import (
@ -31,7 +30,7 @@ import (
// getServerFileContents returns the contents of a file on the server.
// getServerFileContents returns the contents of a file on the server.
func getServerFileContents(c *gin.Context) {
func getServerFileContents(c *gin.Context) {
s := middleware.ExtractServer(c)
s := middleware.ExtractServer(c)
p := "/" + strings.TrimLeft(c.Query("file"), "/")
p := strings.TrimLeft(c.Query("file"), "/")
f, st, err := s.Filesystem().File(p)
f, st, err := s.Filesystem().File(p)
if err != nil {
if err != nil {
middleware.CaptureAndAbort(c, err)
middleware.CaptureAndAbort(c, err)
@ -80,7 +79,7 @@ func getServerListDirectory(c *gin.Context) {
s := ExtractServer(c)
s := ExtractServer(c)
dir := c.Query("directory")
dir := c.Query("directory")
if stats, err := s.Filesystem().ListDirectory(dir); err != nil {
if stats, err := s.Filesystem().ListDirectory(dir); err != nil {
WithError(c, err)
middleware.CaptureAndAbort(c, err)
} else {
} else {
c.JSON(http.StatusOK, stats)
c.JSON(http.StatusOK, stats)
@ -130,7 +129,6 @@ func putServerRenameFiles(c *gin.Context) {
if err := fs.Rename(pf, pt); err != nil {
if err := fs.Rename(pf, pt); err != nil {
// Return nil if the error is an is not exists.
// Return nil if the error is an is not exists.
// NOTE: os.IsNotExist() does not work if the error is wrapped.
if errors.Is(err, os.ErrNotExist) {
if errors.Is(err, os.ErrNotExist) {
s.Log().WithField("error", err).
s.Log().WithField("error", err).
WithField("from_path", pf).
WithField("from_path", pf).
@ -153,7 +151,7 @@ func putServerRenameFiles(c *gin.Context) {
NewServerError(err, s).AbortFilesystemError(c)
middleware.CaptureAndAbort(c, err)
@ -173,11 +171,11 @@ func postServerCopyFile(c *gin.Context) {
if err := s.Filesystem().IsIgnored(data.Location); err != nil {
if err := s.Filesystem().IsIgnored(data.Location); err != nil {
NewServerError(err, s).Abort(c)
middleware.CaptureAndAbort(c, err)
if err := s.Filesystem().Copy(data.Location); err != nil {
if err := s.Filesystem().Copy(data.Location); err != nil {
NewServerError(err, s).AbortFilesystemError(c)
middleware.CaptureAndAbort(c, err)
@ -222,7 +220,7 @@ func postServerDeleteFiles(c *gin.Context) {
if err := g.Wait(); err != nil {
if err := g.Wait(); err != nil {
NewServerError(err, s).Abort(c)
middleware.CaptureAndAbort(c, err)
@ -237,10 +235,19 @@ func postServerWriteFile(c *gin.Context) {
f = "/" + strings.TrimLeft(f, "/")
f = "/" + strings.TrimLeft(f, "/")
if err := s.Filesystem().IsIgnored(f); err != nil {
if err := s.Filesystem().IsIgnored(f); err != nil {
NewServerError(err, s).Abort(c)
middleware.CaptureAndAbort(c, err)
if err := s.Filesystem().Writefile(f, c.Request.Body); err != nil {
// A content length of -1 means the actual length is unknown.
if c.Request.ContentLength == -1 {
c.AbortWithStatusJSON(http.StatusBadRequest, gin.H{
"error": "Missing Content-Length",
if err := s.Filesystem().Write(f, c.Request.Body, c.Request.ContentLength, 0o644); err != nil {
if filesystem.IsErrorCode(err, filesystem.ErrCodeIsDirectory) {
if filesystem.IsErrorCode(err, filesystem.ErrCodeIsDirectory) {
c.AbortWithStatusJSON(http.StatusBadRequest, gin.H{
c.AbortWithStatusJSON(http.StatusBadRequest, gin.H{
"error": "Cannot write file, name conflicts with an existing directory by the same name.",
"error": "Cannot write file, name conflicts with an existing directory by the same name.",
@ -248,7 +255,7 @@ func postServerWriteFile(c *gin.Context) {
NewServerError(err, s).AbortFilesystemError(c)
middleware.CaptureAndAbort(c, err)
@ -295,12 +302,12 @@ func postServerPullRemoteFile(c *gin.Context) {
WithError(c, err)
middleware.CaptureAndAbort(c, err)
if err := s.Filesystem().HasSpaceErr(true); err != nil {
if err := s.Filesystem().HasSpaceErr(true); err != nil {
WithError(c, err)
middleware.CaptureAndAbort(c, err)
// Do not allow more than three simultaneous remote file downloads at one time.
// Do not allow more than three simultaneous remote file downloads at one time.
@ -339,13 +346,13 @@ func postServerPullRemoteFile(c *gin.Context) {
if err := download(); err != nil {
if err := download(); err != nil {
NewServerError(err, s).Abort(c)
middleware.CaptureAndAbort(c, err)
st, err := s.Filesystem().Stat(dl.Path())
st, err := s.Filesystem().Stat(dl.Path())
if err != nil {
if err != nil {
NewServerError(err, s).AbortFilesystemError(c)
middleware.CaptureAndAbort(c, err)
c.JSON(http.StatusOK, &st)
c.JSON(http.StatusOK, &st)
@ -381,7 +388,7 @@ func postServerCreateDirectory(c *gin.Context) {
NewServerError(err, s).Abort(c)
middleware.CaptureAndAbort(c, err)
@ -416,7 +423,7 @@ func postServerCompressFiles(c *gin.Context) {
f, err := s.Filesystem().CompressFiles(data.RootPath, data.Files)
f, err := s.Filesystem().CompressFiles(data.RootPath, data.Files)
if err != nil {
if err != nil {
NewServerError(err, s).AbortFilesystemError(c)
middleware.CaptureAndAbort(c, err)
@ -441,7 +448,7 @@ func postServerDecompressFiles(c *gin.Context) {
s := middleware.ExtractServer(c)
s := middleware.ExtractServer(c)
lg := middleware.ExtractLogger(c).WithFields(log.Fields{"root_path": data.RootPath, "file": data.File})
lg := middleware.ExtractLogger(c).WithFields(log.Fields{"root_path": data.RootPath, "file": data.File})
lg.Debug("checking if space is available for file decompression")
lg.Debug("checking if space is available for file decompression")
err := s.Filesystem().SpaceAvailableForDecompression(data.RootPath, data.File)
err := s.Filesystem().SpaceAvailableForDecompression(context.Background(), data.RootPath, data.File)
if err != nil {
if err != nil {
if filesystem.IsErrorCode(err, filesystem.ErrCodeUnknownArchive) {
if filesystem.IsErrorCode(err, filesystem.ErrCodeUnknownArchive) {
lg.WithField("error", err).Warn("failed to decompress file: unknown archive format")
lg.WithField("error", err).Warn("failed to decompress file: unknown archive format")
@ -453,7 +460,7 @@ func postServerDecompressFiles(c *gin.Context) {
lg.Info("starting file decompression")
lg.Info("starting file decompression")
if err := s.Filesystem().DecompressFile(data.RootPath, data.File); err != nil {
if err := s.Filesystem().DecompressFile(context.Background(), data.RootPath, data.File); err != nil {
// If the file is busy for some reason just return a nicer error to the user since there is not
// If the file is busy for some reason just return a nicer error to the user since there is not
// much we specifically can do. They'll need to stop the running server process in order to overwrite
// much we specifically can do. They'll need to stop the running server process in order to overwrite
// a file like this.
// a file like this.
@ -534,7 +541,7 @@ func postServerChmodFile(c *gin.Context) {
NewServerError(err, s).AbortFilesystemError(c)
middleware.CaptureAndAbort(c, err)
@ -546,7 +553,7 @@ func postServerUploadFiles(c *gin.Context) {
token := tokens.UploadPayload{}
token := tokens.UploadPayload{}
if err := tokens.ParseToken([]byte(c.Query("token")), &token); err != nil {
if err := tokens.ParseToken([]byte(c.Query("token")), &token); err != nil {
middleware.CaptureAndAbort(c, err)
@ -590,16 +597,10 @@ func postServerUploadFiles(c *gin.Context) {
for _, header := range headers {
for _, header := range headers {
p, err := s.Filesystem().SafePath(filepath.Join(directory, header.Filename))
if err != nil {
NewServerError(err, s).Abort(c)
// We run this in a different method so I can use defer without any of
// We run this in a different method so I can use defer without any of
// the consequences caused by calling it in a loop.
// the consequences caused by calling it in a loop.
if err := handleFileUpload(p, s, header); err != nil {
if err := handleFileUpload(filepath.Join(directory, header.Filename), s, header); err != nil {
NewServerError(err, s).Abort(c)
middleware.CaptureAndAbort(c, err)
} else {
} else {
s.SaveActivity(s.NewRequestActivity(token.UserUuid, c.ClientIP()), server.ActivityFileUploaded, models.ActivityMeta{
s.SaveActivity(s.NewRequestActivity(token.UserUuid, c.ClientIP()), server.ActivityFileUploaded, models.ActivityMeta{
@ -620,7 +621,8 @@ func handleFileUpload(p string, s *server.Server, header *multipart.FileHeader)
if err := s.Filesystem().IsIgnored(p); err != nil {
if err := s.Filesystem().IsIgnored(p); err != nil {
return err
return err
if err := s.Filesystem().Writefile(p, file); err != nil {
if err := s.Filesystem().Write(p, file, header.Size, 0o644); err != nil {
return err
return err
return nil
return nil
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
package router
import (
// Data passed over to initiate a server transfer.
type serverTransferRequest struct {
URL string `binding:"required" json:"url"`
Token string `binding:"required" json:"token"`
Server installer.ServerDetails `json:"server"`
// postServerTransfer handles the start of a transfer for a server.
func postServerTransfer(c *gin.Context) {
var data serverTransferRequest
if err := c.BindJSON(&data); err != nil {
s := ExtractServer(c)
// Check if the server is already being transferred.
// There will be another endpoint for resetting this value either by deleting the
// server, or by canceling the transfer.
if s.IsTransferring() {
c.AbortWithStatusJSON(http.StatusConflict, gin.H{
"error": "A transfer is already in progress for this server.",
manager := middleware.ExtractManager(c)
notifyPanelOfFailure := func() {
if err := manager.Client().SetTransferStatus(context.Background(), s.ID(), false); err != nil {
s.Log().WithField("subsystem", "transfer").
WithField("status", false).
Error("failed to set transfer status")
s.Events().Publish(server.TransferStatusEvent, "failure")
// Block the server from starting while we are transferring it.
// Ensure the server is offline. Sometimes a "No such container" error gets through
// which means the server is already stopped. We can ignore that.
if s.Environment.State() != environment.ProcessOfflineState {
if err := s.Environment.WaitForStop(
); err != nil && !strings.Contains(strings.ToLower(err.Error()), "no such container") {
middleware.CaptureAndAbort(c, errors.Wrap(err, "failed to stop server for transfer"))
// Create a new transfer instance for this server.
trnsfr := transfer.New(context.Background(), s)
go func() {
defer transfer.Outgoing().Remove(trnsfr)
if _, err := trnsfr.PushArchiveToTarget(data.URL, data.Token); err != nil {
if err == context.Canceled {
trnsfr.Log().WithError(err).Error("failed to push archive to target")
// DO NOT NOTIFY THE PANEL OF SUCCESS HERE. The only node that should send
// a success status is the destination node. When we send a failure status,
// the panel will automatically cancel the transfer and attempt to reset
// the server state on the destination node, we just need to make sure
// we clean up our statuses for failure.
trnsfr.Log().Debug("transfer complete")
// deleteServerTransfer cancels an outgoing transfer for a server.
func deleteServerTransfer(c *gin.Context) {
s := ExtractServer(c)
if !s.IsTransferring() {
c.AbortWithStatusJSON(http.StatusConflict, gin.H{
"error": "Server is not currently being transferred.",
trnsfr := transfer.Outgoing().Get(s.ID())
if trnsfr == nil {
c.AbortWithStatusJSON(http.StatusConflict, gin.H{
"error": "Server is not currently being transferred.",
@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ func getServerWebsocket(c *gin.Context) {
handler, err := websocket.GetHandler(s, c.Writer, c.Request, c)
handler, err := websocket.GetHandler(s, c.Writer, c.Request, c)
if err != nil {
if err != nil {
NewServerError(err, s).Abort(c)
middleware.CaptureAndAbort(c, err)
defer handler.Connection.Close()
defer handler.Connection.Close()
@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ func getServerWebsocket(c *gin.Context) {
case <-ctx.Done():
case <-ctx.Done():
case <-s.Context().Done():
case <-s.Context().Done():
handler.Connection.WriteControl(ws.CloseMessage, ws.FormatCloseMessage(ws.CloseGoingAway, "server deleted"), time.Now().Add(time.Second*5))
_ = handler.Connection.WriteControl(ws.CloseMessage, ws.FormatCloseMessage(ws.CloseGoingAway, "server deleted"), time.Now().Add(time.Second*5))
@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ func getServerWebsocket(c *gin.Context) {
go func(msg websocket.Message) {
go func(msg websocket.Message) {
if err := handler.HandleInbound(ctx, msg); err != nil {
if err := handler.HandleInbound(ctx, msg); err != nil {
handler.SendErrorJson(msg, err)
_ = handler.SendErrorJson(msg, err)
@ -10,9 +10,9 @@ import (
@ -20,15 +20,31 @@ import (
func getSystemInformation(c *gin.Context) {
func getSystemInformation(c *gin.Context) {
i, err := system.GetSystemInformation()
i, err := system.GetSystemInformation()
if err != nil {
if err != nil {
middleware.CaptureAndAbort(c, err)
if c.Query("v") == "2" {
c.JSON(http.StatusOK, i)
c.JSON(http.StatusOK, i)
// Returns all of the servers that are registered and configured correctly on
c.JSON(http.StatusOK, struct {
Architecture string `json:"architecture"`
CPUCount int `json:"cpu_count"`
KernelVersion string `json:"kernel_version"`
OS string `json:"os"`
Version string `json:"version"`
Architecture: i.System.Architecture,
CPUCount: i.System.CPUThreads,
KernelVersion: i.System.KernelVersion,
OS: i.System.OSType,
Version: i.Version,
// Returns all the servers that are registered and configured correctly on
// this wings instance.
// this wings instance.
func getAllServers(c *gin.Context) {
func getAllServers(c *gin.Context) {
servers := middleware.ExtractManager(c).All()
servers := middleware.ExtractManager(c).All()
@ -75,7 +91,7 @@ func postCreateServer(c *gin.Context) {
if err := i.Server().Install(false); err != nil {
if err := i.Server().Install(); err != nil {
log.WithFields(log.Fields{"server": i.Server().ID(), "error": err}).Error("failed to run install process for server")
log.WithFields(log.Fields{"server": i.Server().ID(), "error": err}).Error("failed to run install process for server")
@ -97,9 +113,21 @@ func postCreateServer(c *gin.Context) {
type postUpdateConfigurationResponse struct {
Applied bool `json:"applied"`
// Updates the running configuration for this Wings instance.
// Updates the running configuration for this Wings instance.
func postUpdateConfiguration(c *gin.Context) {
func postUpdateConfiguration(c *gin.Context) {
cfg := config.Get()
cfg := config.Get()
if cfg.IgnorePanelConfigUpdates {
c.JSON(http.StatusOK, postUpdateConfigurationResponse{
Applied: false,
if err := c.BindJSON(&cfg); err != nil {
if err := c.BindJSON(&cfg); err != nil {
@ -117,11 +145,13 @@ func postUpdateConfiguration(c *gin.Context) {
// Try to write this new configuration to the disk before updating our global
// Try to write this new configuration to the disk before updating our global
// state with it.
// state with it.
if err := config.WriteToDisk(cfg); err != nil {
if err := config.WriteToDisk(cfg); err != nil {
WithError(c, err)
middleware.CaptureAndAbort(c, err)
// Since we wrote it to the disk successfully now update the global configuration
// Since we wrote it to the disk successfully now update the global configuration
// state to use this new configuration struct.
// state to use this new configuration struct.
c.JSON(http.StatusOK, postUpdateConfigurationResponse{
Applied: true,
@ -1,54 +1,33 @@
package router
package router
import (
import (
const progressWidth = 25
// postTransfers .
func postTransfers(c *gin.Context) {
// Data passed over to initiate a server transfer.
type serverTransferRequest struct {
ServerID string `binding:"required" json:"server_id"`
URL string `binding:"required" json:"url"`
Token string `binding:"required" json:"token"`
Server installer.ServerDetails `json:"server"`
func getArchivePath(sID string) string {
return filepath.Join(config.Get().System.ArchiveDirectory, sID+".tar.gz")
// Returns the archive for a server so that it can be transferred to a new node.
func getServerArchive(c *gin.Context) {
auth := strings.SplitN(c.GetHeader("Authorization"), " ", 2)
auth := strings.SplitN(c.GetHeader("Authorization"), " ", 2)
if len(auth) != 2 || auth[0] != "Bearer" {
if len(auth) != 2 || auth[0] != "Bearer" {
c.Header("WWW-Authenticate", "Bearer")
c.Header("WWW-Authenticate", "Bearer")
c.AbortWithStatusJSON(http.StatusUnauthorized, gin.H{
c.AbortWithStatusJSON(http.StatusUnauthorized, gin.H{
@ -59,461 +38,237 @@ func getServerArchive(c *gin.Context) {
token := tokens.TransferPayload{}
token := tokens.TransferPayload{}
if err := tokens.ParseToken([]byte(auth[1]), &token); err != nil {
if err := tokens.ParseToken([]byte(auth[1]), &token); err != nil {
middleware.CaptureAndAbort(c, err)
s := ExtractServer(c)
if token.Subject != s.ID() {
c.AbortWithStatusJSON(http.StatusForbidden, gin.H{
"error": "Missing required token subject, or subject is not valid for the requested server.",
archivePath := getArchivePath(s.ID())
// Stat the archive file.
st, err := os.Lstat(archivePath)
if err != nil {
if !errors.Is(err, os.ErrNotExist) {
_ = WithError(c, err)
// Compute sha256 checksum.
h := sha256.New()
f, err := os.Open(archivePath)
if err != nil {
if _, err := io.Copy(h, bufio.NewReader(f)); err != nil {
_ = f.Close()
_ = WithError(c, err)
if err := f.Close(); err != nil {
_ = WithError(c, err)
checksum := hex.EncodeToString(h.Sum(nil))
// Stream the file to the client.
f, err = os.Open(archivePath)
if err != nil {
_ = WithError(c, err)
defer f.Close()
c.Header("X-Checksum", checksum)
c.Header("X-Mime-Type", "application/tar+gzip")
c.Header("Content-Length", strconv.Itoa(int(st.Size())))
c.Header("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename="+strconv.Quote(s.ID()+".tar.gz"))
c.Header("Content-Type", "application/octet-stream")
_, _ = bufio.NewReader(f).WriteTo(c.Writer)
func postServerArchive(c *gin.Context) {
s := middleware.ExtractServer(c)
manager := middleware.ExtractManager(c)
manager := middleware.ExtractManager(c)
u, err := uuid.Parse(token.Subject)
go func(s *server.Server) {
l := log.WithField("server", s.ID())
// This function automatically adds the Source Node prefix and Timestamp to the log
// output before sending it over the websocket.
sendTransferLog := func(data string) {
output := colorstring.Color(fmt.Sprintf("[yellow][bold]%s [Pterodactyl Transfer System] [Source Node]:[default] %s", time.Now().Format(time.RFC1123), data))
s.Events().Publish(server.TransferLogsEvent, output)
s.Events().Publish(server.TransferStatusEvent, "starting")
sendTransferLog("Attempting to archive server...")
hasError := true
defer func() {
if !hasError {
// Mark the server as not being transferred so it can actually be used.
s.Events().Publish(server.TransferStatusEvent, "failure")
sendTransferLog("Attempting to notify panel of archive failure..")
if err := manager.Client().SetArchiveStatus(s.Context(), s.ID(), false); err != nil {
if !remote.IsRequestError(err) {
sendTransferLog("Failed to notify panel of archive failure: " + err.Error())
l.WithField("error", err).Error("failed to notify panel of failed archive status")
sendTransferLog("Panel returned an error while notifying it of a failed archive: " + err.Error())
l.WithField("error", err.Error()).Error("panel returned an error when notifying it of a failed archive status")
sendTransferLog("Successfully notified panel of failed archive status")
l.Info("successfully notified panel of failed archive status")
// Mark the server as transferring to prevent problems.
// Ensure the server is offline. Sometimes a "No such container" error gets through
// which means the server is already stopped. We can ignore that.
if err := s.Environment.WaitForStop(s.Context(), time.Minute, false); err != nil && !strings.Contains(strings.ToLower(err.Error()), "no such container") {
sendTransferLog("Failed to stop server, aborting transfer..")
l.WithField("error", err).Error("failed to stop server")
// Get the disk usage of the server (used to calculate the progress of the archive process)
rawSize, err := s.Filesystem().DiskUsage(true)
if err != nil {
if err != nil {
sendTransferLog("Failed to get disk usage for server, aborting transfer..")
middleware.CaptureAndAbort(c, err)
l.WithField("error", err).Error("failed to get disk usage for server")
// Create an archive of the entire server's data directory.
// Get or create a new transfer instance for this server.
a := &filesystem.Archive{
var (
BasePath: s.Filesystem().Path(),
ctx context.Context
Progress: filesystem.NewProgress(rawSize),
cancel context.CancelFunc
trnsfr := transfer.Incoming().Get(u.String())
if trnsfr == nil {
// TODO: should this use the request context?
trnsfr = transfer.New(c, nil)
// Send the archive progress to the websocket every 3 seconds.
ctx, cancel = context.WithCancel(trnsfr.Context())
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(s.Context())
defer cancel()
defer cancel()
go func(ctx context.Context, p *filesystem.Progress, t *time.Ticker) {
defer t.Stop()
for {
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
case <-t.C:
sendTransferLog("Archiving " + p.Progress(progressWidth))
}(ctx, a.Progress, time.NewTicker(5*time.Second))
// Attempt to get an archive of the server.
i, err := installer.New(ctx, manager, installer.ServerDetails{
if err := a.Create(getArchivePath(s.ID())); err != nil {
UUID: u.String(),
sendTransferLog("An error occurred while archiving the server: " + err.Error())
StartOnCompletion: false,
l.WithField("error", err).Error("failed to get transfer archive for server")
// Cancel the progress ticker.
// Show 100% completion.
sendTransferLog("Archiving " + a.Progress.Progress(progressWidth))
sendTransferLog("Successfully created archive, attempting to notify panel..")
l.Info("successfully created server transfer archive, notifying panel..")
if err := manager.Client().SetArchiveStatus(s.Context(), s.ID(), true); err != nil {
if !remote.IsRequestError(err) {
sendTransferLog("Failed to notify panel of archive success: " + err.Error())
l.WithField("error", err).Error("failed to notify panel of successful archive status")
sendTransferLog("Panel returned an error while notifying it of a successful archive: " + err.Error())
l.WithField("error", err.Error()).Error("panel returned an error when notifying it of a successful archive status")
hasError = false
// This log may not be displayed by the client due to the status event being sent before or at the same time.
sendTransferLog("Successfully notified panel of successful archive status")
l.Info("successfully notified panel of successful transfer archive status")
s.Events().Publish(server.TransferStatusEvent, "archived")
// Log helper function to attach all errors and info output to a consistently formatted
// log string for easier querying.
func (str serverTransferRequest) log() *log.Entry {
return log.WithField("subsystem", "transfers").WithField("server_id", str.ServerID)
// Downloads an archive from the machine that the server currently lives on.
func (str serverTransferRequest) downloadArchive() (*http.Response, error) {
client := http.Client{Timeout: 0}
req, err := http.NewRequest(http.MethodGet, str.URL, nil)
if err != nil {
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if err := manager.Client().SetTransferStatus(context.Background(), trnsfr.Server.ID(), false); err != nil {
trnsfr.Log().WithField("status", false).WithError(err).Error("failed to set transfer status")
req.Header.Set("Authorization", str.Token)
middleware.CaptureAndAbort(c, err)
res, err := client.Do(req) // lgtm [go/request-forgery]
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return res, nil
// Returns the path to the local archive on the system.
func (str serverTransferRequest) path() string {
return getArchivePath(str.ServerID)
// Creates the archive location on this machine by first checking that the required file
// does not already exist. If it does exist, the file is deleted and then re-created as
// an empty file.
func (str serverTransferRequest) createArchiveFile() (*os.File, error) {
p := str.path()
if _, err := os.Stat(p); err != nil {
if !os.IsNotExist(err) {
return nil, err
} else if err := os.Remove(p); err != nil {
return nil, err
return os.Create(p)
// Deletes the archive from the local filesystem. This is executed as a deferred function.
func (str serverTransferRequest) removeArchivePath() {
p := str.path()
str.log().Debug("deleting temporary transfer archive")
if err := os.Remove(p); err != nil && !os.IsNotExist(err) {
str.log().WithField("path", p).WithField("error", err).Error("failed to delete temporary transfer archive file")
str.log().Debug("deleted temporary transfer archive successfully")
// Verifies that the SHA-256 checksum of the file on the local filesystem matches the
// expected value from the transfer request. The string value returned is the computed
// checksum on the system.
func (str serverTransferRequest) verifyChecksum(matches string) (bool, string, error) {
f, err := os.Open(str.path())
if err != nil {
return false, "", err
defer f.Close()
h := sha256.New()
if _, err := io.Copy(h, bufio.NewReader(f)); err != nil {
return false, "", err
checksum := hex.EncodeToString(h.Sum(nil))
return checksum == matches, checksum, nil
// Sends a notification to the Panel letting it know what the status of this transfer is.
func (str serverTransferRequest) sendTransferStatus(client remote.Client, successful bool) error {
lg := str.log().WithField("transfer_successful", successful)
lg.Info("notifying Panel of server transfer state")
if err := client.SetTransferStatus(context.Background(), str.ServerID, successful); err != nil {
lg.WithField("error", err).Error("error notifying panel of transfer state")
return err
lg.Debug("notified panel of transfer state")
return nil
// Initiates a transfer between two nodes for a server by downloading an archive from the
// remote node and then applying the server details to this machine.
func postTransfer(c *gin.Context) {
var data serverTransferRequest
if err := c.BindJSON(&data); err != nil {
manager := middleware.ExtractManager(c)
u, err := uuid.Parse(data.ServerID)
if err != nil {
_ = WithError(c, err)
// Force the server ID to be a valid UUID string at this point. If it is not an error
// is returned to the caller. This limits injection vulnerabilities that would cause
// the str.path() function to return a location not within the server archive directory.
data.ServerID = u.String()
data.log().Info("handling incoming server transfer request")
go func(data *serverTransferRequest) {
ctx := context.Background()
hasError := true
// Create a new server installer. This will only configure the environment and not
// run the installer scripts.
i, err := installer.New(ctx, manager, data.Server)
if err != nil {
_ = data.sendTransferStatus(manager.Client(), false)
data.log().WithField("error", err).Error("failed to validate received server data")
// This function automatically adds the Target Node prefix and Timestamp to the log output before sending it
// over the websocket.
sendTransferLog := func(data string) {
output := colorstring.Color(fmt.Sprintf("[yellow][bold]%s [Pterodactyl Transfer System] [Target Node]:[default] %s", time.Now().Format(time.RFC1123), data))
i.Server().Events().Publish(server.TransferLogsEvent, output)
// Mark the server as transferring to prevent problems later on during the process and
// then push the server into the global server collection for this instance.
defer func(s *server.Server) {
// In the event that this transfer call fails, remove the server from the global
// server tracking so that we don't have a dangling instance.
if err := data.sendTransferStatus(manager.Client(), !hasError); hasError || err != nil {
sendTransferLog("Server transfer failed, check Wings logs for additional information.")
s.Events().Publish(server.TransferStatusEvent, "failure")
manager.Remove(func(match *server.Server) bool {
return match.ID() == s.ID()
// If the transfer status was successful but the request failed, act like the transfer failed.
// We add the transfer to the list of transfers once we have a server instance to use.
if !hasError && err != nil {
trnsfr.Server = i.Server()
// Delete all extracted files.
if err := os.RemoveAll(s.Filesystem().Path()); err != nil && !os.IsNotExist(err) {
data.log().WithField("error", err).Warn("failed to delete local server files directory")
} else {
} else {
ctx, cancel = context.WithCancel(trnsfr.Context())
s.Events().Publish(server.TransferStatusEvent, "success")
sendTransferLog("Transfer completed.")
data.log().Info("downloading server archive from current server node")
sendTransferLog("Received incoming transfer from Panel, attempting to download archive from source node...")
res, err := data.downloadArchive()
if err != nil {
sendTransferLog("Failed to retrieve server archive from remote node: " + err.Error())
data.log().WithField("error", err).Error("failed to download archive for server transfer")
defer res.Body.Close()
if res.StatusCode != http.StatusOK {
data.log().WithField("error", err).WithField("status", res.StatusCode).Error("unexpected error response from transfer endpoint")
size := res.ContentLength
if size == 0 {
data.log().WithField("error", err).Error("received an archive response with Content-Length of 0")
sendTransferLog("Got server archive response from remote node. (Content-Length: " + strconv.Itoa(int(size)) + ")")
sendTransferLog("Creating local archive file...")
file, err := data.createArchiveFile()
if err != nil {
data.log().WithField("error", err).Error("failed to create archive file on local filesystem")
sendTransferLog("Writing archive to disk...")
data.log().Info("writing transfer archive to disk...")
progress := filesystem.NewProgress(size)
// Send the archive progress to the websocket every 3 seconds.
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(ctx)
defer cancel()
defer cancel()
go func(ctx context.Context, p *filesystem.Progress, t *time.Ticker) {
defer t.Stop()
// Any errors past this point (until the transfer is complete) will abort
// the transfer.
successful := false
defer func(ctx context.Context, trnsfr *transfer.Transfer) {
// Remove the transfer from the list of incoming transfers.
if !successful {
trnsfr.Server.Events().Publish(server.TransferStatusEvent, "failure")
manager.Remove(func(match *server.Server) bool {
return match.ID() == trnsfr.Server.ID()
if err := manager.Client().SetTransferStatus(context.Background(), trnsfr.Server.ID(), successful); err != nil {
// Only delete the files if the transfer actually failed, otherwise we could have
// unrecoverable data-loss.
if !successful && err != nil {
// Delete all extracted files.
go func(trnsfr *transfer.Transfer) {
_ = trnsfr.Server.Filesystem().UnixFS().Close()
if err := os.RemoveAll(trnsfr.Server.Filesystem().Path()); err != nil && !os.IsNotExist(err) {
trnsfr.Log().WithError(err).Warn("failed to delete local server files")
trnsfr.Log().WithField("status", successful).WithError(err).Error("failed to set transfer status on panel")
trnsfr.Server.Events().Publish(server.TransferStatusEvent, "success")
}(ctx, trnsfr)
mediaType, params, err := mime.ParseMediaType(c.GetHeader("Content-Type"))
if err != nil {
trnsfr.Log().Debug("failed to parse content type header")
middleware.CaptureAndAbort(c, err)
if !strings.HasPrefix(mediaType, "multipart/") {
trnsfr.Log().Debug("invalid content type")
middleware.CaptureAndAbort(c, fmt.Errorf("invalid content type \"%s\", expected \"multipart/form-data\"", mediaType))
// Used to calculate the hash of the file as it is being uploaded.
h := sha256.New()
// Used to read the file and checksum from the request body.
mr := multipart.NewReader(c.Request.Body, params["boundary"])
// Loop through the parts of the request body and process them.
var (
hasArchive bool
hasChecksum bool
checksumVerified bool
for {
for {
select {
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
case <-ctx.Done():
break out
case <-t.C:
sendTransferLog("Downloading " + p.Progress(progressWidth))
p, err := mr.NextPart()
if err == io.EOF {
break out
if err != nil {
}(ctx, progress, time.NewTicker(5*time.Second))
middleware.CaptureAndAbort(c, err)
var reader io.Reader
downloadLimit := float64(config.Get().System.Transfers.DownloadLimit) * 1024 * 1024
if downloadLimit > 0 {
// Wrap the body with a reader that is limited to the defined download limit speed.
reader = ratelimit.Reader(res.Body, ratelimit.NewBucketWithRate(downloadLimit, int64(downloadLimit)))
} else {
reader = res.Body
buf := make([]byte, 1024*4)
if _, err := io.CopyBuffer(file, io.TeeReader(reader, progress), buf); err != nil {
_ = file.Close()
sendTransferLog("Failed while writing archive file to disk: " + err.Error())
data.log().WithField("error", err).Error("failed to copy archive file to disk")
// Show 100% completion.
sendTransferLog("Downloading " + progress.Progress(progressWidth))
if err := file.Close(); err != nil {
data.log().WithField("error", err).Error("unable to close archive file on local filesystem")
data.log().Info("finished writing transfer archive to disk")
sendTransferLog("Successfully wrote archive to disk.")
// Whenever the transfer fails or succeeds, delete the temporary transfer archive that
// was created on the disk.
defer data.removeArchivePath()
sendTransferLog("Verifying checksum of downloaded archive...")
data.log().Info("computing checksum of downloaded archive file")
expected := res.Header.Get("X-Checksum")
if matches, computed, err := data.verifyChecksum(expected); err != nil {
data.log().WithField("error", err).Error("encountered an error while calculating local filesystem archive checksum")
} else if !matches {
sendTransferLog("@@@@@ CHECKSUM VERIFICATION FAILED @@@@@")
sendTransferLog(" - Source Checksum: " + expected)
sendTransferLog(" - Computed Checksum: " + computed)
data.log().WithField("expected_sum", expected).WithField("computed_checksum", computed).Error("checksum mismatch when verifying integrity of local archive")
// Create the server's environment.
name := p.FormName()
sendTransferLog("Creating server environment, this could take a while..")
switch name {
data.log().Info("creating server environment")
case "archive":
if err := i.Server().CreateEnvironment(); err != nil {
trnsfr.Log().Debug("received archive")
data.log().WithField("error", err).Error("failed to create server environment")
if err := trnsfr.Server.EnsureDataDirectoryExists(); err != nil {
middleware.CaptureAndAbort(c, err)
sendTransferLog("Server environment has been created, extracting transfer archive..")
tee := io.TeeReader(p, h)
data.log().Info("server environment configured, extracting transfer archive")
if err := trnsfr.Server.Filesystem().ExtractStreamUnsafe(ctx, "/", tee); err != nil {
if err := archiver.NewTarGz().Unarchive(data.path(), i.Server().Filesystem().Path()); err != nil {
middleware.CaptureAndAbort(c, err)
// Un-archiving failed, delete the server's data directory.
if err := os.RemoveAll(i.Server().Filesystem().Path()); err != nil && !os.IsNotExist(err) {
data.log().WithField("error", err).Warn("failed to delete local server files directory")
data.log().WithField("error", err).Error("failed to extract server archive")
// We mark the process as being successful here as if we fail to send a transfer success,
hasArchive = true
// then a transfer failure won't probably be successful either.
case "checksum":
trnsfr.Log().Debug("received checksum")
// It may be useful to retry sending the transfer success every so often just in case of a small
// hiccup or the fix of whatever error causing the success request to fail.
hasError = false
data.log().Info("archive extracted successfully, notifying Panel of status")
if !hasArchive {
sendTransferLog("Archive extracted successfully.")
middleware.CaptureAndAbort(c, errors.New("archive must be sent before the checksum"))
hasChecksum = true
v, err := io.ReadAll(p)
if err != nil {
middleware.CaptureAndAbort(c, err)
expected := make([]byte, hex.DecodedLen(len(v)))
n, err := hex.Decode(expected, v)
if err != nil {
middleware.CaptureAndAbort(c, err)
actual := h.Sum(nil)
"expected": hex.EncodeToString(expected),
"actual": hex.EncodeToString(actual),
if !bytes.Equal(expected[:n], actual) {
middleware.CaptureAndAbort(c, errors.New("checksums don't match"))
trnsfr.Log().Debug("checksums match")
checksumVerified = true
if !hasArchive || !hasChecksum {
middleware.CaptureAndAbort(c, errors.New("missing archive or checksum"))
if !checksumVerified {
middleware.CaptureAndAbort(c, errors.New("checksums don't match"))
// Transfer is almost complete, we just want to ensure the environment is
// configured correctly. We might want to not fail the transfer at this
// stage, but we will just to be safe.
// Ensure the server environment gets configured.
if err := trnsfr.Server.CreateEnvironment(); err != nil {
middleware.CaptureAndAbort(c, err)
// Changing this causes us to notify the panel about a successful transfer,
// rather than failing the transfer like we do by default.
successful = true
// The rest of the logic for ensuring the server is unlocked and everything
// is handled in the deferred function above.
// deleteTransfer cancels an incoming transfer for a server.
func deleteTransfer(c *gin.Context) {
s := ExtractServer(c)
if !s.IsTransferring() {
c.AbortWithStatusJSON(http.StatusConflict, gin.H{
"error": "Server is not currently being transferred.",
trnsfr := transfer.Incoming().Get(s.ID())
if trnsfr == nil {
c.AbortWithStatusJSON(http.StatusConflict, gin.H{
"error": "Server is not currently being transferred.",
@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ import (
@ -3,12 +3,13 @@ package websocket
import (
import (
@ -16,6 +17,7 @@ import (
@ -1,124 +0,0 @@
Name: ptero-wings
Version: 1.7.0
Release: 1%{?dist}
Summary: The server control plane for Pterodactyl Panel. Written from the ground-up with security, speed, and stability in mind.
BuildArch: x86_64
License: MIT
%if 0%{?rhel} && 0%{?rhel} <= 8
BuildRequires: systemd
BuildRequires: systemd-rpm-macros
Wings is Pterodactyl's server control plane, built for the rapidly
changing gaming industry and designed to be highly performant and
secure. Wings provides an HTTP API allowing you to interface directly
with running server instances, fetch server logs, generate backups,
and control all aspects of the server lifecycle.
In addition, Wings ships with a built-in SFTP server allowing your
system to remain free of Pterodactyl specific dependencies, and
allowing users to authenticate with the same credentials they would
normally use to access the Panel.
#nothing required
mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{_bindir}
mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{_unitdir}
cp %{_sourcedir}/wings_linux_amd64 %{buildroot}%{_bindir}/wings
cat > %{buildroot}%{_unitdir}/wings.service << EOF
Description=Pterodactyl Wings Daemon
ExecReload=/bin/kill -HUP $MAINPID
%attr(0755, root, root) %{_prefix}/bin/wings
%attr(0644, root, root) %{_unitdir}/wings.service
# Reload systemd
systemctl daemon-reload
# Create the required directory structure
mkdir -p /etc/pterodactyl
mkdir -p /var/lib/pterodactyl/{archives,backups,volumes}
mkdir -p /var/log/pterodactyl/install
systemctl is-active %{name} >/dev/null 2>&1
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
systemctl stop %{name}
systemctl is-enabled %{name} >/dev/null 2>&1
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
systemctl disable %{name}
rm -rf /var/log/pterodactyl
wings --version
* Wed Sep 14 2022 Chance Callahan <> - 1.7.0-1
- Updating specfile to match stable release.
* Wed Oct 27 2021 Capitol Hosting Solutions Systems Engineering <> - 1.5.3-1
- specfile by Capitol Hosting Solutions, Upstream by Pterodactyl
- Rebased for
- Fixes improper event registration and error handling during socket authentication that would cause the incorrect error message to be returned to the client, or no error in some scenarios. Event registration is now delayed until the socket is fully authenticated to ensure needless listeners are not registed.
- Fixes dollar signs always being evaluated as environment variables with no way to escape them. They can now be escaped as $$ which will transform into a single dollar sign.
- A websocket connection to a server will be closed by Wings if there is a send error encountered and the client will be left to handle reconnections, rather than simply logging the error and continuing to listen for new events.
* Sun Sep 12 2021 Capitol Hosting Solutions Systems Engineering <> - 1.5.0-1
- specfile by Capitol Hosting Solutions, Upstream by Pterodactyl
- Rebased for
- Fixes a race condition when setting the application name in the console output for a server.
- Fixes a server being reinstalled causing the file_denylist parameter for an Egg to be ignored until Wings is restarted.
- Fixes YAML file parser not correctly setting boolean values.
- Fixes potential issue where the underlying websocket connection is closed but the parent request context is not yet canceled causing a write over a closed connection.
- Fixes race condition when closing all active websocket connections when a server is deleted.
- Fixes logic to determine if a server's context is closed out and send a websocket close message to connected clients. Previously this fired off whenever the request itself was closed, and not when the server context was closed.
- Exposes 8080 in the wings Dockerfile to better support reverse proxy tools.
- Releases are now built using Go 1.17 — the minimum version required to build Wings remains Go 1.16.
- Simplifed the logic powering server updates to only pull information from the Panel rather than trying to accept updated values. All parts of Wings needing the most up-to-date server details should call Server#Sync() to fetch the latest stored build information.
- Installer#New() no longer requires passing all of the server data as a byte slice, rather a new Installer#ServerDetails struct is exposed which can be passed and accepts a UUID and if the server should be started after the installer finishes.
- Removes complicated (and unused) logic during the server installation process that was a hold-over from legacy Wings architectures.
- Removes the PATCH /api/servers/:server endpoint — if you were previously using this API call it should be replaced with POST /api/servers/:server/sync.
* Wed Aug 25 2021 Capitol Hosting Solutions Systems Engineering <> - 1.4.7-1
- specfile by Capitol Hosting Solutions, Upstream by Pterodactyl
- Rebased for
- SFTP access is now properly denied if a server is suspended.
- Correctly uses start_on_completion and crash_detection_enabled for servers.
@ -2,10 +2,12 @@ package server
import (
import (
const ActivityPowerPrefix = "server:power."
const ActivityPowerPrefix = "server:power."
@ -24,7 +24,6 @@ func (s *Server) notifyPanelOfBackup(uuid string, ad *backup.ArchiveDetails, suc
"backup": uuid,
"backup": uuid,
"error": err,
"error": err,
}).Error("failed to notify panel of backup status due to wings error")
}).Error("failed to notify panel of backup status due to wings error")
return err
return err
@ -68,7 +67,7 @@ func (s *Server) Backup(b backup.BackupInterface) error {
ad, err := b.Generate(s.Context(), s.Filesystem().Path(), ignored)
ad, err := b.Generate(s.Context(), s.Filesystem(), ignored)
if err != nil {
if err != nil {
if err := s.notifyPanelOfBackup(b.Identifier(), &backup.ArchiveDetails{}, false); err != nil {
if err := s.notifyPanelOfBackup(b.Identifier(), &backup.ArchiveDetails{}, false); err != nil {
@ -127,7 +126,7 @@ func (s *Server) RestoreBackup(b backup.BackupInterface, reader io.ReadCloser) (
defer func() {
defer func() {
if reader != nil {
if reader != nil {
_ = reader.Close()
// Send an API call to the Panel as soon as this function is done running so that
// Send an API call to the Panel as soon as this function is done running so that
@ -142,7 +141,7 @@ func (s *Server) RestoreBackup(b backup.BackupInterface, reader io.ReadCloser) (
// instance, otherwise you'll likely hit all types of write errors due to the
// instance, otherwise you'll likely hit all types of write errors due to the
// server being suspended.
// server being suspended.
if s.Environment.State() != environment.ProcessOfflineState {
if s.Environment.State() != environment.ProcessOfflineState {
if err = s.Environment.WaitForStop(s.Context(), time.Minute*2, false); err != nil {
if err = s.Environment.WaitForStop(s.Context(), 2*time.Minute, false); err != nil {
if !client.IsErrNotFound(err) {
if !client.IsErrNotFound(err) {
return errors.WrapIf(err, "server/backup: restore: failed to wait for container stop")
return errors.WrapIf(err, "server/backup: restore: failed to wait for container stop")
@ -152,15 +151,17 @@ func (s *Server) RestoreBackup(b backup.BackupInterface, reader io.ReadCloser) (
// Attempt to restore the backup to the server by running through each entry
// Attempt to restore the backup to the server by running through each entry
// in the file one at a time and writing them to the disk.
// in the file one at a time and writing them to the disk.
s.Log().Debug("starting file writing process for backup restoration")
s.Log().Debug("starting file writing process for backup restoration")
err = b.Restore(s.Context(), reader, func(file string, r io.Reader, mode fs.FileMode, atime, mtime time.Time) error {
err = b.Restore(s.Context(), reader, func(file string, info fs.FileInfo, r io.ReadCloser) error {
defer r.Close()
s.Events().Publish(DaemonMessageEvent, "(restoring): "+file)
s.Events().Publish(DaemonMessageEvent, "(restoring): "+file)
if err := s.Filesystem().Writefile(file, r); err != nil {
// TODO: since this will be called a lot, it may be worth adding an optimized
// Write with Chtimes method to the UnixFS that is able to re-use the
// same dirfd and file name.
if err := s.Filesystem().Write(file, r, info.Size(), info.Mode()); err != nil {
return err
return err
if err := s.Filesystem().Chmod(file, mode); err != nil {
atime := info.ModTime()
return err
return s.Filesystem().Chtimes(file, atime, atime)
return s.Filesystem().Chtimes(file, atime, mtime)
return errors.WithStackIf(err)
return errors.WithStackIf(err)
@ -8,16 +8,22 @@ import (
var format = archiver.CompressedArchive{
Compression: archiver.Gz{},
Archival: archiver.Tar{},
type AdapterType string
type AdapterType string
const (
const (
@ -27,7 +33,7 @@ const (
// RestoreCallback is a generic restoration callback that exists for both local
// RestoreCallback is a generic restoration callback that exists for both local
// and remote backups allowing the files to be restored.
// and remote backups allowing the files to be restored.
type RestoreCallback func(file string, r io.Reader, mode fs.FileMode, atime, mtime time.Time) error
type RestoreCallback func(file string, info fs.FileInfo, r io.ReadCloser) error
// noinspection GoNameStartsWithPackageName
// noinspection GoNameStartsWithPackageName
type BackupInterface interface {
type BackupInterface interface {
@ -41,7 +47,7 @@ type BackupInterface interface {
// Generate creates a backup in whatever the configured source for the
// Generate creates a backup in whatever the configured source for the
// specific implementation is.
// specific implementation is.
Generate(context.Context, string, string) (*ArchiveDetails, error)
Generate(context.Context, *filesystem.Filesystem, string) (*ArchiveDetails, error)
// Ignored returns the ignored files for this backup instance.
// Ignored returns the ignored files for this backup instance.
Ignored() string
Ignored() string
// Checksum returns a SHA1 checksum for the generated backup.
// Checksum returns a SHA1 checksum for the generated backup.
@ -6,8 +6,10 @@ import (
@ -57,14 +59,14 @@ func (b *LocalBackup) WithLogContext(c map[string]interface{}) {
// Generate generates a backup of the selected files and pushes it to the
// Generate generates a backup of the selected files and pushes it to the
// defined location for this instance.
// defined location for this instance.
func (b *LocalBackup) Generate(ctx context.Context, basePath, ignore string) (*ArchiveDetails, error) {
func (b *LocalBackup) Generate(ctx context.Context, fsys *filesystem.Filesystem, ignore string) (*ArchiveDetails, error) {
a := &filesystem.Archive{
a := &filesystem.Archive{
BasePath: basePath,
Filesystem: fsys,
Ignore: ignore,
Ignore: ignore,
b.log().WithField("path", b.Path()).Info("creating backup for server")
b.log().WithField("path", b.Path()).Info("creating backup for server")
if err := a.Create(b.Path()); err != nil {
if err := a.Create(ctx, b.Path()); err != nil {
return nil, err
return nil, err
b.log().Info("created backup successfully")
b.log().Info("created backup successfully")
@ -79,16 +81,28 @@ func (b *LocalBackup) Generate(ctx context.Context, basePath, ignore string) (*A
// Restore will walk over the archive and call the callback function for each
// Restore will walk over the archive and call the callback function for each
// file encountered.
// file encountered.
func (b *LocalBackup) Restore(ctx context.Context, _ io.Reader, callback RestoreCallback) error {
func (b *LocalBackup) Restore(ctx context.Context, _ io.Reader, callback RestoreCallback) error {
return archiver.Walk(b.Path(), func(f archiver.File) error {
f, err := os.Open(b.Path())
select {
if err != nil {
case <-ctx.Done():
return err
// Stop walking if the context is canceled.
return archiver.ErrStopWalk
defer f.Close()
if f.IsDir() {
var reader io.Reader = f
// Steal the logic we use for making backups which will be applied when restoring
// this specific backup. This allows us to prevent overloading the disk unintentionally.
if writeLimit := int64(config.Get().System.Backups.WriteLimit * 1024 * 1024); writeLimit > 0 {
reader = ratelimit.Reader(f, ratelimit.NewBucketWithRate(float64(writeLimit), writeLimit))
if err := format.Extract(ctx, reader, nil, func(ctx context.Context, f archiver.File) error {
r, err := f.Open()
if err != nil {
return err
defer r.Close()
return callback(f.NameInArchive, f.FileInfo, r)
}); err != nil {
return err
return nil
return nil
return callback(filesystem.ExtractNameFromArchive(f), f, f.Mode(), f.ModTime(), f.ModTime())
@ -1,8 +1,6 @@
package backup
package backup
import (
import (
@ -13,13 +11,12 @@ import (
type S3Backup struct {
type S3Backup struct {
@ -51,16 +48,16 @@ func (s *S3Backup) WithLogContext(c map[string]interface{}) {
// Generate creates a new backup on the disk, moves it into the S3 bucket via
// Generate creates a new backup on the disk, moves it into the S3 bucket via
// the provided presigned URL, and then deletes the backup from the disk.
// the provided presigned URL, and then deletes the backup from the disk.
func (s *S3Backup) Generate(ctx context.Context, basePath, ignore string) (*ArchiveDetails, error) {
func (s *S3Backup) Generate(ctx context.Context, fsys *filesystem.Filesystem, ignore string) (*ArchiveDetails, error) {
defer s.Remove()
defer s.Remove()
a := &filesystem.Archive{
a := &filesystem.Archive{
BasePath: basePath,
Filesystem: fsys,
Ignore: ignore,
Ignore: ignore,
s.log().WithField("path", s.Path()).Info("creating backup for server")
s.log().WithField("path", s.Path()).Info("creating backup for server")
if err := a.Create(s.Path()); err != nil {
if err := a.Create(ctx, s.Path()); err != nil {
return nil, err
return nil, err
s.log().Info("created backup successfully")
s.log().Info("created backup successfully")
@ -96,32 +93,17 @@ func (s *S3Backup) Restore(ctx context.Context, r io.Reader, callback RestoreCal
if writeLimit := int64(config.Get().System.Backups.WriteLimit * 1024 * 1024); writeLimit > 0 {
if writeLimit := int64(config.Get().System.Backups.WriteLimit * 1024 * 1024); writeLimit > 0 {
reader = ratelimit.Reader(r, ratelimit.NewBucketWithRate(float64(writeLimit), writeLimit))
reader = ratelimit.Reader(r, ratelimit.NewBucketWithRate(float64(writeLimit), writeLimit))
gr, err := gzip.NewReader(reader)
if err := format.Extract(ctx, reader, nil, func(ctx context.Context, f archiver.File) error {
r, err := f.Open()
if err != nil {
if err != nil {
return err
return err
defer gr.Close()
defer r.Close()
tr := tar.NewReader(gr)
for {
return callback(f.NameInArchive, f.FileInfo, r)
select {
}); err != nil {
case <-ctx.Done():
return nil
// Do nothing, fall through to the next block of code in this loop.
header, err := tr.Next()
if err != nil {
if err == io.EOF {
return err
return err
if header.Typeflag == tar.TypeReg {
if err := callback(header.Name, tr, header.FileInfo().Mode(), header.AccessTime, header.ModTime); err != nil {
return err
return nil
return nil
@ -4,9 +4,11 @@ import (
// UpdateConfigurationFiles updates all of the defined configuration files for
// UpdateConfigurationFiles updates all the defined configuration files for
// a server automatically to ensure that they always use the specified values.
// a server automatically to ensure that they always use the specified values.
func (s *Server) UpdateConfigurationFiles() {
func (s *Server) UpdateConfigurationFiles() {
pool := workerpool.New(runtime.NumCPU())
pool := workerpool.New(runtime.NumCPU())
@ -18,18 +20,18 @@ func (s *Server) UpdateConfigurationFiles() {
f := cf
f := cf
pool.Submit(func() {
pool.Submit(func() {
p, err := s.Filesystem().SafePath(f.FileName)
file, err := s.Filesystem().UnixFS().Touch(f.FileName, ufs.O_RDWR|ufs.O_CREATE, 0o644)
if err != nil {
if err != nil {
s.Log().WithField("error", err).Error("failed to generate safe path for configuration file")
s.Log().WithField("file_name", f.FileName).WithField("error", err).Error("failed to open file for configuration")
defer file.Close()
if err := f.Parse(p, false); err != nil {
if err := f.Parse(file); err != nil {
s.Log().WithField("error", err).Error("failed to parse and update server configuration file")
s.Log().WithField("error", err).Error("failed to parse and update server configuration file")
s.Log().WithField("path", f.FileName).Debug("finished processing server configuration file")
s.Log().WithField("file_name", f.FileName).Debug("finished processing server configuration file")
@ -46,6 +46,9 @@ type Configuration struct {
// server process.
// server process.
EnvVars environment.Variables `json:"environment"`
EnvVars environment.Variables `json:"environment"`
// Labels is a map of container labels that should be applied to the running server process.
Labels map[string]string `json:"labels"`
Allocations environment.Allocations `json:"allocations"`
Allocations environment.Allocations `json:"allocations"`
Build environment.Limits `json:"build"`
Build environment.Limits `json:"build"`
CrashDetectionEnabled bool `json:"crash_detection_enabled"`
CrashDetectionEnabled bool `json:"crash_detection_enabled"`
@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ import (
@ -36,7 +37,7 @@ func (s *Server) Throttler() *ConsoleThrottle {
s.throttler = newConsoleThrottle(throttles.Lines, period)
s.throttler = newConsoleThrottle(throttles.Lines, period)
s.throttler.strike = func() {
s.throttler.strike = func() {
s.PublishConsoleOutputFromDaemon(fmt.Sprintf("Server is outputting console data too quickly -- throttling..."))
s.PublishConsoleOutputFromDaemon("Server is outputting console data too quickly -- throttling...")
return s.throttler
return s.throttler
@ -6,6 +6,8 @@ import (
@ -57,7 +59,7 @@ func (s *Server) handleServerCrash() error {
exitCode, oomKilled, err := s.Environment.ExitState()
exitCode, oomKilled, err := s.Environment.ExitState()
if err != nil {
if err != nil {
return err
return errors.Wrap(err, "failed to get exit state for server process")
// If the system is not configured to detect a clean exit code as a crash, and the
// If the system is not configured to detect a clean exit code as a crash, and the
@ -85,5 +87,5 @@ func (s *Server) handleServerCrash() error {
return s.HandlePowerAction(PowerActionStart)
return errors.Wrap(s.HandlePowerAction(PowerActionStart), "failed to start server after crash detection")
@ -5,8 +5,7 @@ import (
// Defines all of the possible output events for a server.
// Defines all the possible output events for a server.
// noinspection GoNameStartsWithPackageName
const (
const (
DaemonMessageEvent = "daemon message"
DaemonMessageEvent = "daemon message"
InstallOutputEvent = "install output"
InstallOutputEvent = "install output"
@ -19,6 +18,7 @@ const (
BackupCompletedEvent = "backup completed"
BackupCompletedEvent = "backup completed"
TransferLogsEvent = "transfer logs"
TransferLogsEvent = "transfer logs"
TransferStatusEvent = "transfer status"
TransferStatusEvent = "transfer status"
DeletedEvent = "deleted"
// Events returns the server's emitter instance.
// Events returns the server's emitter instance.
@ -2,23 +2,23 @@ package filesystem
import (
import (
ignore ""
ignore ""
const memory = 4 * 1024
const memory = 4 * 1024
@ -30,82 +30,61 @@ var pool = sync.Pool{
// Progress is used to track the progress of any I/O operation that are being
// TarProgress .
// performed.
type TarProgress struct {
type Progress struct {
// written is the total size of the files that have been written to the writer.
p *progress.Progress
written int64
// Total is the total size of the archive in bytes.
total int64
// w .
w io.Writer
// NewProgress .
// NewTarProgress .
func NewProgress(total int64) *Progress {
func NewTarProgress(w *tar.Writer, p *progress.Progress) *TarProgress {
return &Progress{total: total}
if p != nil {
p.Writer = w
return &TarProgress{
Writer: w,
p: p,
// Written returns the total number of bytes written.
// Write .
// This function should be used when the progress is tracking data being written.
func (p *TarProgress) Write(v []byte) (int, error) {
func (p *Progress) Written() int64 {
if p.p == nil {
return atomic.LoadInt64(&p.written)
return p.Writer.Write(v)
return p.p.Write(v)
// Total returns the total size in bytes.
func (p *Progress) Total() int64 {
return atomic.LoadInt64(&
// Write totals the number of bytes that have been written to the writer.
func (p *Progress) Write(v []byte) (int, error) {
n := len(v)
atomic.AddInt64(&p.written, int64(n))
if p.w != nil {
return p.w.Write(v)
return n, nil
// Progress returns a formatted progress string for the current progress.
func (p *Progress) Progress(width int) string {
current := p.Written()
total := p.Total()
// v = 100 (Progress)
// size = 1000 (Content-Length)
// p / size = 0.1
// * 100 = 10% (Multiply by 100 to get a percentage of the download)
// 10% / tickPercentage = (10% / (100 / 25)) (Divide by tick percentage to get the number of ticks)
// 2.5 (Number of ticks as a float64)
// 2 (convert to an integer)
// We have to cast these numbers to float in order to get a float result from the division.
ticks := ((float64(current) / float64(total)) * 100) / (float64(100) / float64(width))
bar := strings.Repeat("=", int(ticks)) + strings.Repeat(" ", width-int(ticks))
return "[" + bar + "] " + system.FormatBytes(current) + " / " + system.FormatBytes(total)
type Archive struct {
type Archive struct {
// BasePath is the absolute path to create the archive from where Files and Ignore are
// Filesystem to create the archive with.
// relative to.
Filesystem *Filesystem
BasePath string
// Ignore is a gitignore string (most likely read from a file) of files to ignore
// Ignore is a gitignore string (most likely read from a file) of files to ignore
// from the archive.
// from the archive.
Ignore string
Ignore string
// Files specifies the files to archive, this takes priority over the Ignore option, if
// BaseDirectory .
// unspecified, all files in the BasePath will be archived unless Ignore is set.
BaseDirectory string
// Files specifies the files to archive, this takes priority over the Ignore
// option, if unspecified, all files in the BaseDirectory will be archived
// unless Ignore is set.
Files []string
Files []string
// Progress wraps the writer of the archive to pass through the progress tracker.
// Progress wraps the writer of the archive to pass through the progress tracker.
Progress *Progress
Progress *progress.Progress
w *TarProgress
// Create creates an archive at dst with all the files defined in the
// Create creates an archive at dst with all the files defined in the
// included Files array.
// included Files array.
func (a *Archive) Create(dst string) error {
func (a *Archive) Create(ctx context.Context, dst string) error {
// Using os.OpenFile here is expected, as long as `dst` is not a user
// provided path.
f, err := os.OpenFile(dst, os.O_WRONLY|os.O_CREATE|os.O_TRUNC, 0o600)
f, err := os.OpenFile(dst, os.O_WRONLY|os.O_CREATE|os.O_TRUNC, 0o600)
if err != nil {
if err != nil {
return err
return err
@ -123,6 +102,33 @@ func (a *Archive) Create(dst string) error {
writer = f
writer = f
return a.Stream(ctx, writer)
type walkFunc func(dirfd int, name, relative string, d ufs.DirEntry) error
// Stream streams the creation of the archive to the given writer.
func (a *Archive) Stream(ctx context.Context, w io.Writer) error {
if a.Filesystem == nil {
return errors.New("filesystem: archive.Filesystem is unset")
// The base directory may come with a prefixed `/`, strip it to prevent
// problems.
a.BaseDirectory = strings.TrimPrefix(a.BaseDirectory, "/")
if filesLen := len(a.Files); filesLen > 0 {
files := make([]string, filesLen)
for i, f := range a.Files {
if !strings.HasPrefix(f, a.Filesystem.Path()) {
files[i] = f
files[i] = strings.TrimPrefix(strings.TrimPrefix(f, a.Filesystem.Path()), "/")
a.Files = files
// Choose which compression level to use based on the compression_level configuration option
// Choose which compression level to use based on the compression_level configuration option
var compressionLevel int
var compressionLevel int
switch config.Get().System.Backups.CompressionLevel {
switch config.Get().System.Backups.CompressionLevel {
@ -130,114 +136,137 @@ func (a *Archive) Create(dst string) error {
compressionLevel = pgzip.NoCompression
compressionLevel = pgzip.NoCompression
case "best_compression":
case "best_compression":
compressionLevel = pgzip.BestCompression
compressionLevel = pgzip.BestCompression
case "best_speed":
compressionLevel = pgzip.BestSpeed
compressionLevel = pgzip.BestSpeed
// Create a new gzip writer around the file.
// Create a new gzip writer around the file.
gw, _ := pgzip.NewWriterLevel(writer, compressionLevel)
gw, _ := pgzip.NewWriterLevel(w, compressionLevel)
_ = gw.SetConcurrency(1<<20, 1)
_ = gw.SetConcurrency(1<<20, 1)
defer gw.Close()
defer gw.Close()
var pw io.Writer
if a.Progress != nil {
a.Progress.w = gw
pw = a.Progress
} else {
pw = gw
// Create a new tar writer around the gzip writer.
// Create a new tar writer around the gzip writer.
tw := tar.NewWriter(pw)
tw := tar.NewWriter(gw)
defer tw.Close()
defer tw.Close()
// Configure godirwalk.
a.w = NewTarProgress(tw, a.Progress)
options := &godirwalk.Options{
FollowSymbolicLinks: false,
fs := a.Filesystem.unixFS
Unsorted: true,
Callback: a.callback(tw),
// If we're specifically looking for only certain files, or have requested
// If we're specifically looking for only certain files, or have requested
// that certain files be ignored we'll update the callback function to reflect
// that certain files be ignored we'll update the callback function to reflect
// that request.
// that request.
var callback walkFunc
if len(a.Files) == 0 && len(a.Ignore) > 0 {
if len(a.Files) == 0 && len(a.Ignore) > 0 {
i := ignore.CompileIgnoreLines(strings.Split(a.Ignore, "\n")...)
i := ignore.CompileIgnoreLines(strings.Split(a.Ignore, "\n")...)
callback = a.callback(func(_ int, _, relative string, _ ufs.DirEntry) error {
options.Callback = a.callback(tw, func(_ string, rp string) error {
if i.MatchesPath(relative) {
if i.MatchesPath(rp) {
return SkipThis
return godirwalk.SkipThis
return nil
return nil
} else if len(a.Files) > 0 {
} else if len(a.Files) > 0 {
options.Callback = a.withFilesCallback(tw)
callback = a.withFilesCallback()
} else {
callback = a.callback()
// Recursively walk the path we are archiving.
// Open the base directory we were provided.
return godirwalk.Walk(a.BasePath, options)
dirfd, name, closeFd, err := fs.SafePath(a.BaseDirectory)
defer closeFd()
if err != nil {
return err
// Recursively walk the base directory.
return fs.WalkDirat(dirfd, name, func(dirfd int, name, relative string, d ufs.DirEntry, err error) error {
if err != nil {
return err
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
return ctx.Err()
return callback(dirfd, name, relative, d)
// Callback function used to determine if a given file should be included in the archive
// Callback function used to determine if a given file should be included in the archive
// being generated.
// being generated.
func (a *Archive) callback(tw *tar.Writer, opts ...func(path string, relative string) error) func(path string, de *godirwalk.Dirent) error {
func (a *Archive) callback(opts ...walkFunc) walkFunc {
return func(path string, de *godirwalk.Dirent) error {
// Get the base directory we need to strip when walking.
// This is important as when we are walking, the last part of the base directory
// is present on all the paths we walk.
var base string
if a.BaseDirectory != "" {
base = filepath.Base(a.BaseDirectory) + "/"
return func(dirfd int, name, relative string, d ufs.DirEntry) error {
// Skip directories because we are walking them recursively.
// Skip directories because we are walking them recursively.
if de.IsDir() {
if d.IsDir() {
return nil
return nil
relative := filepath.ToSlash(strings.TrimPrefix(path, a.BasePath+string(filepath.Separator)))
// If base isn't empty, strip it from the relative path. This fixes an
// issue when creating an archive starting from a nested directory.
// See for more details.
if base != "" {
relative = strings.TrimPrefix(relative, base)
// Call the additional options passed to this callback function. If any of them return
// Call the additional options passed to this callback function. If any of them return
// a non-nil error we will exit immediately.
// a non-nil error we will exit immediately.
for _, opt := range opts {
for _, opt := range opts {
if err := opt(path, relative); err != nil {
if err := opt(dirfd, name, relative, d); err != nil {
if err == SkipThis {
return nil
return err
return err
// Add the file to the archive, if it is nested in a directory,
// Add the file to the archive, if it is nested in a directory,
// the directory will be automatically "created" in the archive.
// the directory will be automatically "created" in the archive.
return a.addToArchive(path, relative, tw)
return a.addToArchive(dirfd, name, relative, d)
var SkipThis = errors.New("skip this")
// Pushes only files defined in the Files key to the final archive.
// Pushes only files defined in the Files key to the final archive.
func (a *Archive) withFilesCallback(tw *tar.Writer) func(path string, de *godirwalk.Dirent) error {
func (a *Archive) withFilesCallback() walkFunc {
return a.callback(tw, func(p string, rp string) error {
return a.callback(func(_ int, _, relative string, _ ufs.DirEntry) error {
for _, f := range a.Files {
for _, f := range a.Files {
// If the given doesn't match, or doesn't have the same prefix continue
// Allow exact file matches, otherwise check if file is within a parent directory.
// to the next item in the loop.
if p != f && !strings.HasPrefix(strings.TrimSuffix(p, "/")+"/", f) {
// The slashes are added in the prefix checks to prevent partial name matches from being
// included in the archive.
if f != relative && !strings.HasPrefix(strings.TrimSuffix(relative, "/")+"/", strings.TrimSuffix(f, "/")+"/") {
// Once we have a match return a nil value here so that the loop stops and the
// Once we have a match return a nil value here so that the loop stops and the
// call to this function will correctly include the file in the archive. If there
// call to this function will correctly include the file in the archive. If there
// are no matches we'll never make it to this line, and the final error returned
// are no matches we'll never make it to this line, and the final error returned
// will be the godirwalk.SkipThis error.
// will be the ufs.SkipDir error.
return nil
return nil
return godirwalk.SkipThis
return SkipThis
// Adds a given file path to the final archive being created.
// Adds a given file path to the final archive being created.
func (a *Archive) addToArchive(p string, rp string, w *tar.Writer) error {
func (a *Archive) addToArchive(dirfd int, name, relative string, entry ufs.DirEntry) error {
// Lstat the file, this will give us the same information as Stat except that it will not
s, err := entry.Info()
// follow a symlink to its target automatically. This is important to avoid including
// files that exist outside the server root unintentionally in the backup.
s, err := os.Lstat(p)
if err != nil {
if err != nil {
if os.IsNotExist(err) {
if errors.Is(err, ufs.ErrNotExist) {
return nil
return nil
return errors.WrapIff(err, "failed executing os.Lstat on '%s'", rp)
return errors.WrapIff(err, "failed executing os.Lstat on '%s'", name)
// Skip socket files as they are unsupported by archive/tar.
// Skip socket files as they are unsupported by archive/tar.
@ -255,9 +284,9 @@ func (a *Archive) addToArchive(p string, rp string, w *tar.Writer) error {
// it doesn't work.
// it doesn't work.
target, err = os.Readlink(s.Name())
target, err = os.Readlink(s.Name())
if err != nil {
if err != nil {
// Ignore the not exist errors specifically, since theres nothing important about that.
// Ignore the not exist errors specifically, since there is nothing important about that.
if !os.IsNotExist(err) {
if !os.IsNotExist(err) {
log.WithField("path", rp).WithField("readlink_err", err.Error()).Warn("failed reading symlink for target path; skipping...")
log.WithField("name", name).WithField("readlink_err", err.Error()).Warn("failed reading symlink for target path; skipping...")
return nil
return nil
@ -266,17 +295,17 @@ func (a *Archive) addToArchive(p string, rp string, w *tar.Writer) error {
// Get the tar FileInfoHeader in order to add the file to the archive.
// Get the tar FileInfoHeader in order to add the file to the archive.
header, err := tar.FileInfoHeader(s, filepath.ToSlash(target))
header, err := tar.FileInfoHeader(s, filepath.ToSlash(target))
if err != nil {
if err != nil {
return errors.WrapIff(err, "failed to get tar#FileInfoHeader for '%s'", rp)
return errors.WrapIff(err, "failed to get tar#FileInfoHeader for '%s'", name)
// Fix the header name if the file is not a symlink.
// Fix the header name if the file is not a symlink.
if s.Mode()&fs.ModeSymlink == 0 {
if s.Mode()&fs.ModeSymlink == 0 {
header.Name = rp
header.Name = relative
// Write the tar FileInfoHeader to the archive.
// Write the tar FileInfoHeader to the archive.
if err := w.WriteHeader(header); err != nil {
if err := a.w.WriteHeader(header); err != nil {
return errors.WrapIff(err, "failed to write tar#FileInfoHeader for '%s'", rp)
return errors.WrapIff(err, "failed to write tar#FileInfoHeader for '%s'", name)
// If the size of the file is less than 1 (most likely for symlinks), skip writing the file.
// If the size of the file is less than 1 (most likely for symlinks), skip writing the file.
@ -298,7 +327,7 @@ func (a *Archive) addToArchive(p string, rp string, w *tar.Writer) error {
// Open the file.
// Open the file.
f, err := os.Open(p)
f, err := a.Filesystem.unixFS.OpenFileat(dirfd, name, ufs.O_RDONLY, 0)
if err != nil {
if err != nil {
if os.IsNotExist(err) {
if os.IsNotExist(err) {
return nil
return nil
@ -308,9 +337,8 @@ func (a *Archive) addToArchive(p string, rp string, w *tar.Writer) error {
defer f.Close()
defer f.Close()
// Copy the file's contents to the archive using our buffer.
// Copy the file's contents to the archive using our buffer.
if _, err := io.CopyBuffer(w, io.LimitReader(f, header.Size), buf); err != nil {
if _, err := io.CopyBuffer(a.w, io.LimitReader(f, header.Size), buf); err != nil {
return errors.WrapIff(err, "failed to copy '%s' to archive", header.Name)
return errors.WrapIff(err, "failed to copy '%s' to archive", header.Name)
return nil
return nil
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
package filesystem
import (
iofs "io/fs"
. ""
func TestArchive_Stream(t *testing.T) {
g := Goblin(t)
fs, rfs := NewFs()
g.Describe("Archive", func() {
g.AfterEach(func() {
// Reset the filesystem after each run.
_ = fs.TruncateRootDirectory()
g.It("creates archive with intended files", func() {
g.Assert(fs.CreateDirectory("test", "/")).IsNil()
g.Assert(fs.CreateDirectory("test2", "/")).IsNil()
r := strings.NewReader("hello, world!\n")
err := fs.Write("test/file.txt", r, r.Size(), 0o644)
r = strings.NewReader("hello, world!\n")
err = fs.Write("test2/file.txt", r, r.Size(), 0o644)
r = strings.NewReader("hello, world!\n")
err = fs.Write("test_file.txt", r, r.Size(), 0o644)
r = strings.NewReader("hello, world!\n")
err = fs.Write("test_file.txt.old", r, r.Size(), 0o644)
a := &Archive{
Filesystem: fs,
Files: []string{
// Create the archive.
archivePath := filepath.Join(rfs.root, "archive.tar.gz")
g.Assert(a.Create(context.Background(), archivePath)).IsNil()
// Ensure the archive exists.
_, err = os.Stat(archivePath)
// Open the archive.
genericFs, err := archiver.FileSystem(context.Background(), archivePath)
// Assert that we are opening an archive.
afs, ok := genericFs.(archiver.ArchiveFS)
// Get the names of the files recursively from the archive.
files, err := getFiles(afs, ".")
// Ensure the files in the archive match what we are expecting.
expected := []string{
// Sort the slices to ensure the comparison never fails if the
// contents are sorted differently.
func getFiles(f iofs.ReadDirFS, name string) ([]string, error) {
var v []string
entries, err := f.ReadDir(name)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
for _, e := range entries {
entryName := e.Name()
if name != "." {
entryName = filepath.Join(name, entryName)
if e.IsDir() {
files, err := getFiles(f, entryName)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if files == nil {
return nil, nil
v = append(v, files...)
v = append(v, entryName)
return v, nil
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright (c) 2016 Matthew Holt
// Code in this file was derived from
// These modifications were necessary to allow us to use an already open file
// with archiver.FileFS.
package archiverext
import (
// FileFS allows accessing a file on disk using a consistent file system interface.
// The value should be the path to a regular file, not a directory. This file will
// be the only entry in the file system and will be at its root. It can be accessed
// within the file system by the name of "." or the filename.
// If the file is compressed, set the Compression field so that reads from the
// file will be transparently decompressed.
type FileFS struct {
// File is the compressed file backing the FileFS.
File fs.File
// If file is compressed, setting this field will
// transparently decompress reads.
Compression archiver.Decompressor
// Open opens the named file, which must be the file used to create the file system.
func (f FileFS) Open(name string) (fs.File, error) {
if err := f.checkName(name, "open"); err != nil {
return nil, err
if f.Compression == nil {
return f.File, nil
r, err := f.Compression.OpenReader(f.File)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return compressedFile{f.File, r}, nil
// ReadDir returns a directory listing with the file as the singular entry.
func (f FileFS) ReadDir(name string) ([]fs.DirEntry, error) {
if err := f.checkName(name, "stat"); err != nil {
return nil, err
info, err := f.Stat(name)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return []fs.DirEntry{fs.FileInfoToDirEntry(info)}, nil
// Stat stats the named file, which must be the file used to create the file system.
func (f FileFS) Stat(name string) (fs.FileInfo, error) {
if err := f.checkName(name, "stat"); err != nil {
return nil, err
return f.File.Stat()
func (f FileFS) checkName(name, op string) error {
if !fs.ValidPath(name) {
return &fs.PathError{Op: "open", Path: name, Err: fs.ErrInvalid}
// TODO: we may need better name validation.
if name != "." {
return &fs.PathError{Op: op, Path: name, Err: fs.ErrNotExist}
return nil
// compressedFile is an fs.File that specially reads
// from a decompression reader, and which closes both
// that reader and the underlying file.
type compressedFile struct {
decomp io.ReadCloser
func (cf compressedFile) Read(p []byte) (int, error) {
return cf.decomp.Read(p)
func (cf compressedFile) Close() error {
err := cf.File.Close()
err2 := cf.decomp.Close()
if err2 != nil && err == nil {
err = err2
return err
@ -1,25 +1,25 @@
package filesystem
package filesystem
import (
import (
gzip2 ""
zip2 ""
iofs "io/fs"
// CompressFiles compresses all of the files matching the given paths in the
// CompressFiles compresses all the files matching the given paths in the
// specified directory. This function also supports passing nested paths to only
// specified directory. This function also supports passing nested paths to only
// compress certain files and folders when working in a larger directory. This
// compress certain files and folders when working in a larger directory. This
// effectively creates a local backup, but rather than ignoring specific files
// effectively creates a local backup, but rather than ignoring specific files
@ -28,173 +28,258 @@ import (
// All paths are relative to the dir that is passed in as the first argument,
// All paths are relative to the dir that is passed in as the first argument,
// and the compressed file will be placed at that location named
// and the compressed file will be placed at that location named
// `archive-{date}.tar.gz`.
// `archive-{date}.tar.gz`.
func (fs *Filesystem) CompressFiles(dir string, paths []string) (os.FileInfo, error) {
func (fs *Filesystem) CompressFiles(dir string, paths []string) (ufs.FileInfo, error) {
cleanedRootDir, err := fs.SafePath(dir)
a := &Archive{Filesystem: fs, BaseDirectory: dir, Files: paths}
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Take all of the paths passed in and merge them together with the root directory we've gotten.
for i, p := range paths {
paths[i] = filepath.Join(cleanedRootDir, p)
cleaned, err := fs.ParallelSafePath(paths)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
a := &Archive{BasePath: cleanedRootDir, Files: cleaned}
d := path.Join(
d := path.Join(
fmt.Sprintf("archive-%s.tar.gz", strings.ReplaceAll(time.Now().Format(time.RFC3339), ":", "")),
fmt.Sprintf("archive-%s.tar.gz", strings.ReplaceAll(time.Now().Format(time.RFC3339), ":", "")),
f, err := fs.unixFS.OpenFile(d, ufs.O_WRONLY|ufs.O_CREATE, 0o644)
if err := a.Create(d); err != nil {
return nil, err
f, err := os.Stat(d)
if err != nil {
if err != nil {
_ = os.Remove(d)
return nil, err
defer f.Close()
cw := ufs.NewCountedWriter(f)
if err := a.Stream(context.Background(), cw); err != nil {
return nil, err
if !fs.unixFS.CanFit(cw.BytesWritten()) {
_ = fs.unixFS.Remove(d)
return nil, newFilesystemError(ErrCodeDiskSpace, nil)
return f.Stat()
func (fs *Filesystem) archiverFileSystem(ctx context.Context, p string) (iofs.FS, error) {
f, err := fs.unixFS.Open(p)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Do not use defer to close `f`, it will likely be used later.
format, _, err := archiver.Identify(filepath.Base(p), f)
if err != nil && !errors.Is(err, archiver.ErrNoMatch) {
_ = f.Close()
return nil, err
return nil, err
if err := fs.HasSpaceFor(f.Size()); err != nil {
// Reset the file reader.
_ = os.Remove(d)
if _, err := f.Seek(0, io.SeekStart); err != nil {
_ = f.Close()
return nil, err
return nil, err
info, err := f.Stat()
if err != nil {
_ = f.Close()
return nil, err
return f, nil
if format != nil {
switch ff := format.(type) {
case archiver.Zip:
// zip.Reader is more performant than ArchiveFS, because zip.Reader caches content information
// and zip.Reader can open several content files concurrently because of io.ReaderAt requirement
// while ArchiveFS can't.
// zip.Reader doesn't suffer from issue #330 and #310 according to local test (but they should be fixed anyway)
return zip.NewReader(f, info.Size())
case archiver.Archival:
return archiver.ArchiveFS{Stream: io.NewSectionReader(f, 0, info.Size()), Format: ff, Context: ctx}, nil
case archiver.Compression:
return archiverext.FileFS{File: f, Compression: ff}, nil
_ = f.Close()
return nil, archiver.ErrNoMatch
// SpaceAvailableForDecompression looks through a given archive and determines
// SpaceAvailableForDecompression looks through a given archive and determines
// if decompressing it would put the server over its allocated disk space limit.
// if decompressing it would put the server over its allocated disk space limit.
func (fs *Filesystem) SpaceAvailableForDecompression(dir string, file string) error {
func (fs *Filesystem) SpaceAvailableForDecompression(ctx context.Context, dir string, file string) error {
// Don't waste time trying to determine this if we know the server will have the space for
// Don't waste time trying to determine this if we know the server will have the space for
// it since there is no limit.
// it since there is no limit.
if fs.MaxDisk() <= 0 {
if fs.MaxDisk() <= 0 {
return nil
return nil
source, err := fs.SafePath(filepath.Join(dir, file))
fsys, err := fs.archiverFileSystem(ctx, filepath.Join(dir, file))
if err != nil {
if err != nil {
return err
if errors.Is(err, archiver.ErrNoMatch) {
// Get the cached size in a parallel process so that if it is not cached we are not
// waiting an unnecessary amount of time on this call.
dirSize, err := fs.DiskUsage(false)
var size int64
// Walk over the archive and figure out just how large the final output would be from unarchiving it.
err = archiver.Walk(source, func(f archiver.File) error {
if atomic.AddInt64(&size, f.Size())+dirSize > fs.MaxDisk() {
return newFilesystemError(ErrCodeDiskSpace, nil)
return nil
if err != nil {
if IsUnknownArchiveFormatError(err) {
return newFilesystemError(ErrCodeUnknownArchive, err)
return newFilesystemError(ErrCodeUnknownArchive, err)
return err
return err
var size atomic.Int64
return iofs.WalkDir(fsys, ".", func(path string, d iofs.DirEntry, err error) error {
if err != nil {
return err
return err
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
// Stop walking if the context is canceled.
return ctx.Err()
info, err := d.Info()
if err != nil {
return err
if !fs.unixFS.CanFit(size.Add(info.Size())) {
return newFilesystemError(ErrCodeDiskSpace, nil)
return nil
// DecompressFile will decompress a file in a given directory by using the
// DecompressFile will decompress a file in a given directory by using the
// archiver tool to infer the file type and go from there. This will walk over
// archiver tool to infer the file type and go from there. This will walk over
// all of the files within the given archive and ensure that there is not a
// all the files within the given archive and ensure that there is not a
// zip-slip attack being attempted by validating that the final path is within
// zip-slip attack being attempted by validating that the final path is within
// the server data directory.
// the server data directory.
func (fs *Filesystem) DecompressFile(dir string, file string) error {
func (fs *Filesystem) DecompressFile(ctx context.Context, dir string, file string) error {
source, err := fs.SafePath(filepath.Join(dir, file))
f, err := fs.unixFS.Open(filepath.Join(dir, file))
if err != nil {
if err != nil {
return err
return err
// Ensure that the source archive actually exists on the system.
defer f.Close()
if _, err := os.Stat(source); err != nil {
return errors.WithStack(err)
// Walk all of the files in the archiver file and write them to the disk. If any
// Identify the type of archive we are dealing with.
// directory is encountered it will be skipped since we handle creating any missing
format, input, err := archiver.Identify(filepath.Base(file), f)
// directories automatically when writing files.
err = archiver.Walk(source, func(f archiver.File) error {
if f.IsDir() {
return nil
p := filepath.Join(dir, ExtractNameFromArchive(f))
// If it is ignored, just don't do anything with the file and skip over it.
if err := fs.IsIgnored(p); err != nil {
return nil
if err := fs.Writefile(p, f); err != nil {
return wrapError(err, source)
// Update the file permissions to the one set in the archive.
if err := fs.Chmod(p, f.Mode()); err != nil {
return wrapError(err, source)
// Update the file modification time to the one set in the archive.
if err := fs.Chtimes(p, f.ModTime(), f.ModTime()); err != nil {
return wrapError(err, source)
return nil
if err != nil {
if err != nil {
if IsUnknownArchiveFormatError(err) {
if errors.Is(err, archiver.ErrNoMatch) {
return newFilesystemError(ErrCodeUnknownArchive, err)
return newFilesystemError(ErrCodeUnknownArchive, err)
return err
return err
return fs.extractStream(ctx, extractStreamOptions{
FileName: file,
Directory: dir,
Format: format,
Reader: input,
// ExtractStreamUnsafe .
func (fs *Filesystem) ExtractStreamUnsafe(ctx context.Context, dir string, r io.Reader) error {
format, input, err := archiver.Identify("archive.tar.gz", r)
if err != nil {
if errors.Is(err, archiver.ErrNoMatch) {
return newFilesystemError(ErrCodeUnknownArchive, err)
return err
return fs.extractStream(ctx, extractStreamOptions{
Directory: dir,
Format: format,
Reader: input,
type extractStreamOptions struct {
// The directory to extract the archive to.
Directory string
// File name of the archive.
FileName string
// Format of the archive.
Format archiver.Format
// Reader for the archive.
Reader io.Reader
func (fs *Filesystem) extractStream(ctx context.Context, opts extractStreamOptions) error {
// See if it's a compressed archive, such as TAR or a ZIP
ex, ok := opts.Format.(archiver.Extractor)
if !ok {
// If not, check if it's a single-file compression, such as
// .log.gz, .sql.gz, and so on
de, ok := opts.Format.(archiver.Decompressor)
if !ok {
return nil
return nil
// ExtractNameFromArchive looks at an archive file to try and determine the name
// Strip the compression suffix
// for a given element in an archive. Because of... who knows why, each file type
p := filepath.Join(opts.Directory, strings.TrimSuffix(opts.FileName, opts.Format.Name()))
// uses different methods to determine the file name.
// Make sure it's not ignored
// If there is a archiver.File#Sys() value present we will try to use the name
if err := fs.IsIgnored(p); err != nil {
// present in there, otherwise falling back to archiver.File#Name() if all else
return nil
// fails. Without this logic present, some archive types such as zip/tars/etc.
// will write all of the files to the base directory, rather than the nested
// directory that is expected.
// For files like ".rar" types, there is no f.Sys() value present, and the value
// of archiver.File#Name() will be what you need.
func ExtractNameFromArchive(f archiver.File) string {
sys := f.Sys()
// Some archive types won't have a value returned when you call f.Sys() on them,
// such as ".rar" archives for example. In those cases the only thing you can do
// is hope that "f.Name()" is actually correct for them.
if sys == nil {
return f.Name()
switch s := sys.(type) {
case *zip.FileHeader:
reader, err := de.OpenReader(opts.Reader)
return s.Name
if err != nil {
case *zip2.FileHeader:
return err
return s.Name
case *tar.Header:
return s.Name
case *gzip.Header:
return s.Name
case *gzip2.Header:
return s.Name
// At this point we cannot figure out what type of archive this might be so
// just try to find the name field in the struct. If it is found return it.
field := reflect.Indirect(reflect.ValueOf(sys)).FieldByName("Name")
if field.IsValid() {
return field.String()
// Fallback to the basename of the file at this point. There is nothing we can really
defer reader.Close()
// do to try and figure out what the underlying directory of the file is supposed to
// be since it didn't implement a name field.
// Open the file for creation/writing
return f.Name()
f, err := fs.unixFS.OpenFile(p, ufs.O_WRONLY|ufs.O_CREATE, 0o644)
if err != nil {
return err
defer f.Close()
// Read in 4 KB chunks
buf := make([]byte, 4096)
for {
n, err := reader.Read(buf)
if n > 0 {
// Check quota before writing the chunk
if quotaErr := fs.HasSpaceFor(int64(n)); quotaErr != nil {
return quotaErr
// Write the chunk
if _, writeErr := f.Write(buf[:n]); writeErr != nil {
return writeErr
// Add to quota
if err != nil {
// EOF are expected
if err == io.EOF {
// Return any other
return err
return nil
// Decompress and extract archive
return ex.Extract(ctx, opts.Reader, nil, func(ctx context.Context, f archiver.File) error {
if f.IsDir() {
return nil
p := filepath.Join(opts.Directory, f.NameInArchive)
// If it is ignored, just don't do anything with the file and skip over it.
if err := fs.IsIgnored(p); err != nil {
return nil
r, err := f.Open()
if err != nil {
return err
defer r.Close()
if err := fs.Write(p, r, f.Size(), f.Mode()); err != nil {
return wrapError(err, opts.FileName)
// Update the file modification time to the one set in the archive.
if err := fs.Chtimes(p, f.ModTime(), f.ModTime()); err != nil {
return wrapError(err, opts.FileName)
return nil
@ -1,18 +1,20 @@
package filesystem
package filesystem
import (
import (
. ""
. ""
// Given an archive named test.{ext}, with the following file structure:
// Given an archive named test.{ext}, with the following file structure:
// test/
// test/
// |──inside/
// |──inside/
// |────finside.txt
// |────finside.txt
// |──outside.txt
// |──outside.txt
// this test will ensure that it's being decompressed as expected
// this test will ensure that it's being decompressed as expected
func TestFilesystem_DecompressFile(t *testing.T) {
func TestFilesystem_DecompressFile(t *testing.T) {
g := Goblin(t)
g := Goblin(t)
@ -28,7 +30,7 @@ func TestFilesystem_DecompressFile(t *testing.T) {
// decompress
// decompress
err = fs.DecompressFile("/", "test."+ext)
err = fs.DecompressFile(context.Background(), "/", "test."+ext)
// make sure everything is where it is supposed to be
// make sure everything is where it is supposed to be
@ -46,9 +48,7 @@ func TestFilesystem_DecompressFile(t *testing.T) {
g.AfterEach(func() {
g.AfterEach(func() {
_ = fs.TruncateRootDirectory()
atomic.StoreInt64(&fs.diskUsed, 0)
atomic.StoreInt64(&fs.diskLimit, 0)
@ -1,26 +1,29 @@
package filesystem
package filesystem
import (
import (
type SpaceCheckingOpts struct {
type SpaceCheckingOpts struct {
AllowStaleResponse bool
AllowStaleResponse bool
// TODO: can this be replaced with some sort of atomic? Like atomic.Pointer?
type usageLookupTime struct {
type usageLookupTime struct {
value time.Time
value time.Time
// Update the last time that a disk space lookup was performed.
// Set sets the last time that a disk space lookup was performed.
func (ult *usageLookupTime) Set(t time.Time) {
func (ult *usageLookupTime) Set(t time.Time) {
ult.value = t
ult.value = t
@ -35,14 +38,15 @@ func (ult *usageLookupTime) Get() time.Time {
return ult.value
return ult.value
// Returns the maximum amount of disk space that this Filesystem instance is allowed to use.
// MaxDisk returns the maximum amount of disk space that this Filesystem
// instance is allowed to use.
func (fs *Filesystem) MaxDisk() int64 {
func (fs *Filesystem) MaxDisk() int64 {
return atomic.LoadInt64(&fs.diskLimit)
return fs.unixFS.Limit()
// Sets the disk space limit for this Filesystem instance.
// SetDiskLimit sets the disk space limit for this Filesystem instance.
func (fs *Filesystem) SetDiskLimit(i int64) {
func (fs *Filesystem) SetDiskLimit(i int64) {
atomic.SwapInt64(&fs.diskLimit, i)
// The same concept as HasSpaceAvailable however this will return an error if there is
// The same concept as HasSpaceAvailable however this will return an error if there is
@ -65,7 +69,7 @@ func (fs *Filesystem) HasSpaceErr(allowStaleValue bool) error {
func (fs *Filesystem) HasSpaceAvailable(allowStaleValue bool) bool {
func (fs *Filesystem) HasSpaceAvailable(allowStaleValue bool) bool {
size, err := fs.DiskUsage(allowStaleValue)
size, err := fs.DiskUsage(allowStaleValue)
if err != nil {
if err != nil {
log.WithField("root", fs.root).WithField("error", err).Warn("failed to determine root fs directory size")
log.WithField("root", fs.Path()).WithField("error", err).Warn("failed to determine root fs directory size")
// If space is -1 or 0 just return true, means they're allowed unlimited.
// If space is -1 or 0 just return true, means they're allowed unlimited.
@ -84,7 +88,7 @@ func (fs *Filesystem) HasSpaceAvailable(allowStaleValue bool) bool {
// function for critical logical checks. It should only be used in areas where the actual disk usage
// function for critical logical checks. It should only be used in areas where the actual disk usage
// does not need to be perfect, e.g. API responses for server resource usage.
// does not need to be perfect, e.g. API responses for server resource usage.
func (fs *Filesystem) CachedUsage() int64 {
func (fs *Filesystem) CachedUsage() int64 {
return atomic.LoadInt64(&fs.diskUsed)
return fs.unixFS.Usage()
// Internal helper function to allow other parts of the codebase to check the total used disk space
// Internal helper function to allow other parts of the codebase to check the total used disk space
@ -114,14 +118,14 @@ func (fs *Filesystem) DiskUsage(allowStaleValue bool) (int64, error) {
// currently performing a lookup, just do the disk usage calculation in the background.
// currently performing a lookup, just do the disk usage calculation in the background.
go func(fs *Filesystem) {
go func(fs *Filesystem) {
if _, err := fs.updateCachedDiskUsage(); err != nil {
if _, err := fs.updateCachedDiskUsage(); err != nil {
log.WithField("root", fs.root).WithField("error", err).Warn("failed to update fs disk usage from within routine")
log.WithField("root", fs.Path()).WithField("error", err).Warn("failed to update fs disk usage from within routine")
// Return the currently cached value back to the calling function.
// Return the currently cached value back to the calling function.
return atomic.LoadInt64(&fs.diskUsed), nil
return fs.unixFS.Usage(), nil
// Updates the currently used disk space for a server.
// Updates the currently used disk space for a server.
@ -149,63 +153,56 @@ func (fs *Filesystem) updateCachedDiskUsage() (int64, error) {
// error encountered.
// error encountered.
atomic.StoreInt64(&fs.diskUsed, size)
return size, err
return size, err
// Determines the directory size of a given location by running parallel tasks to iterate
// DirectorySize calculates the size of a directory and its descendants.
// through all of the folders. Returns the size in bytes. This can be a fairly taxing operation
func (fs *Filesystem) DirectorySize(root string) (int64, error) {
// on locations with tons of files, so it is recommended that you cache the output.
dirfd, name, closeFd, err := fs.unixFS.SafePath(root)
func (fs *Filesystem) DirectorySize(dir string) (int64, error) {
defer closeFd()
d, err := fs.SafePath(dir)
if err != nil {
if err != nil {
return 0, err
return 0, err
var size int64
var hardLinks []uint64
var st syscall.Stat_t
err = godirwalk.Walk(d, &godirwalk.Options{
var size atomic.Int64
Unsorted: true,
err = fs.unixFS.WalkDirat(dirfd, name, func(dirfd int, name, _ string, d ufs.DirEntry, err error) error {
Callback: func(p string, e *godirwalk.Dirent) error {
// If this is a symlink then resolve the final destination of it before trying to continue walking
// over its contents. If it resolves outside the server data directory just skip everything else for
// it. Otherwise, allow it to continue.
if e.IsSymlink() {
if _, err := fs.SafePath(p); err != nil {
if IsErrorCode(err, ErrCodePathResolution) {
return godirwalk.SkipThis
return err
if !e.IsDir() {
syscall.Lstat(p, &st)
atomic.AddInt64(&size, st.Size)
return nil
return size, errors.WrapIf(err, "server/filesystem: directorysize: failed to walk directory")
// Helper function to determine if a server has space available for a file of a given size.
// If space is available, no error will be returned, otherwise an ErrNotEnoughSpace error
// will be raised.
func (fs *Filesystem) HasSpaceFor(size int64) error {
if fs.MaxDisk() == 0 {
return nil
s, err := fs.DiskUsage(true)
if err != nil {
if err != nil {
return err
return errors.Wrap(err, "walkdirat err")
if (s + size) > fs.MaxDisk() {
// Only calculate the size of regular files.
if !d.Type().IsRegular() {
return nil
info, err := fs.unixFS.Lstatat(dirfd, name)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "lstatat err")
var sysFileInfo = info.Sys().(*unix.Stat_t)
if sysFileInfo.Nlink > 1 {
// Hard links have the same inode number
if slices.Contains(hardLinks, sysFileInfo.Ino) {
// Don't add hard links size twice
return nil
} else {
hardLinks = append(hardLinks, sysFileInfo.Ino)
return nil
return size.Load(), errors.WrapIf(err, "server/filesystem: directorysize: failed to walk directory")
func (fs *Filesystem) HasSpaceFor(size int64) error {
if !fs.unixFS.CanFit(size) {
return newFilesystemError(ErrCodeDiskSpace, nil)
return newFilesystemError(ErrCodeDiskSpace, nil)
return nil
return nil
@ -213,24 +210,5 @@ func (fs *Filesystem) HasSpaceFor(size int64) error {
// Updates the disk usage for the Filesystem instance.
// Updates the disk usage for the Filesystem instance.
func (fs *Filesystem) addDisk(i int64) int64 {
func (fs *Filesystem) addDisk(i int64) int64 {
size := atomic.LoadInt64(&fs.diskUsed)
return fs.unixFS.Add(i)
// Sorry go gods. This is ugly but the best approach I can come up with for right
// now without completely re-evaluating the logic we use for determining disk space.
// Normally I would just be using the atomic load right below, but I'm not sure about
// the scenarios where it is 0 because nothing has run that would trigger a disk size
// calculation?
// Perhaps that isn't even a concern for the sake of this?
if !fs.isTest {
size, _ = fs.DiskUsage(true)
// If we're dropping below 0 somehow just cap it to 0.
if (size + i) < 0 {
return atomic.SwapInt64(&fs.diskUsed, 0)
return atomic.AddInt64(&fs.diskUsed, i)
@ -2,12 +2,12 @@ package filesystem
import (
import (
type ErrorCode string
type ErrorCode string
@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ const (
ErrCodePathResolution ErrorCode = "E_BADPATH"
ErrCodePathResolution ErrorCode = "E_BADPATH"
ErrCodeDenylistFile ErrorCode = "E_DENYLIST"
ErrCodeDenylistFile ErrorCode = "E_DENYLIST"
ErrCodeUnknownError ErrorCode = "E_UNKNOWN"
ErrCodeUnknownError ErrorCode = "E_UNKNOWN"
ErrNotExist ErrorCode = "E_NOTEXIST"
type Error struct {
type Error struct {
@ -69,6 +70,8 @@ func (e *Error) Error() string {
r = "<empty>"
r = "<empty>"
return fmt.Sprintf("filesystem: server path [%s] resolves to a location outside the server root: %s", e.path, r)
return fmt.Sprintf("filesystem: server path [%s] resolves to a location outside the server root: %s", e.path, r)
case ErrNotExist:
return "filesystem: does not exist"
case ErrCodeUnknownError:
case ErrCodeUnknownError:
@ -84,15 +87,15 @@ func (e *Error) Unwrap() error {
// Generates an error logger instance with some basic information.
// Generates an error logger instance with some basic information.
func (fs *Filesystem) error(err error) *log.Entry {
func (fs *Filesystem) error(err error) *log.Entry {
return log.WithField("subsystem", "filesystem").WithField("root", fs.root).WithField("error", err)
return log.WithField("subsystem", "filesystem").WithField("root", fs.Path()).WithField("error", err)
// Handle errors encountered when walking through directories.
// Handle errors encountered when walking through directories.
// If there is a path resolution error just skip the item entirely. Only return this for a
// If there is a path resolution error just skip the item entirely. Only return this for a
// directory, otherwise return nil. Returning this error for a file will stop the walking
// directory, otherwise return nil. Returning this error for a file will stop the walking
// for the remainder of the directory. This is assuming an os.FileInfo struct was even returned.
// for the remainder of the directory. This is assuming an FileInfo struct was even returned.
func (fs *Filesystem) handleWalkerError(err error, f os.FileInfo) error {
func (fs *Filesystem) handleWalkerError(err error, f ufs.FileInfo) error {
if !IsErrorCode(err, ErrCodePathResolution) {
if !IsErrorCode(err, ErrCodePathResolution) {
return err
return err
@ -122,15 +125,6 @@ func IsErrorCode(err error, code ErrorCode) bool {
return false
return false
// IsUnknownArchiveFormatError checks if the error is due to the archive being
// in an unexpected file format.
func IsUnknownArchiveFormatError(err error) bool {
if err != nil && strings.HasPrefix(err.Error(), "format ") {
return true
return false
// NewBadPathResolution returns a new BadPathResolution error.
// NewBadPathResolution returns a new BadPathResolution error.
func NewBadPathResolution(path string, resolved string) error {
func NewBadPathResolution(path string, resolved string) error {
return errors.WithStackDepth(&Error{code: ErrCodePathResolution, path: path, resolved: resolved}, 1)
return errors.WithStackDepth(&Error{code: ErrCodePathResolution, path: path, resolved: resolved}, 1)
@ -1,13 +1,11 @@
package filesystem
package filesystem
import (
import (
@ -15,214 +13,208 @@ import (
ignore ""
ignore ""
type Filesystem struct {
type Filesystem struct {
unixFS *ufs.Quota
mu sync.RWMutex
mu sync.RWMutex
lastLookupTime *usageLookupTime
lastLookupTime *usageLookupTime
lookupInProgress *system.AtomicBool
lookupInProgress atomic.Bool
diskUsed int64
diskCheckInterval time.Duration
diskCheckInterval time.Duration
denylist *ignore.GitIgnore
denylist *ignore.GitIgnore
// The maximum amount of disk space (in bytes) that this Filesystem instance can use.
diskLimit int64
// The root data directory path for this Filesystem instance.
root string
isTest bool
isTest bool
// New creates a new Filesystem instance for a given server.
// New creates a new Filesystem instance for a given server.
func New(root string, size int64, denylist []string) *Filesystem {
func New(root string, size int64, denylist []string) (*Filesystem, error) {
if err := os.MkdirAll(root, 0o755); err != nil {
return nil, err
unixFS, err := ufs.NewUnixFS(root, config.UseOpenat2())
if err != nil {
return nil, err
quota := ufs.NewQuota(unixFS, size)
return &Filesystem{
return &Filesystem{
root: root,
unixFS: quota,
diskLimit: size,
diskCheckInterval: time.Duration(config.Get().System.DiskCheckInterval),
diskCheckInterval: time.Duration(config.Get().System.DiskCheckInterval),
lastLookupTime: &usageLookupTime{},
lastLookupTime: &usageLookupTime{},
lookupInProgress: system.NewAtomicBool(false),
denylist: ignore.CompileIgnoreLines(denylist...),
denylist: ignore.CompileIgnoreLines(denylist...),
}, nil
// Path returns the root path for the Filesystem instance.
// Path returns the root path for the Filesystem instance.
func (fs *Filesystem) Path() string {
func (fs *Filesystem) Path() string {
return fs.root
return fs.unixFS.BasePath()
// ReadDir reads directory entries.
func (fs *Filesystem) ReadDir(path string) ([]ufs.DirEntry, error) {
return fs.unixFS.ReadDir(path)
// ReadDirStat is like ReadDir except that it returns FileInfo for each entry
// instead of just a DirEntry.
func (fs *Filesystem) ReadDirStat(path string) ([]ufs.FileInfo, error) {
return ufs.ReadDirMap(fs.unixFS.UnixFS, path, func(e ufs.DirEntry) (ufs.FileInfo, error) {
return e.Info()
// File returns a reader for a file instance as well as the stat information.
// File returns a reader for a file instance as well as the stat information.
func (fs *Filesystem) File(p string) (*os.File, Stat, error) {
func (fs *Filesystem) File(p string) (ufs.File, Stat, error) {
cleaned, err := fs.SafePath(p)
f, err := fs.unixFS.Open(p)
if err != nil {
if err != nil {
return nil, Stat{}, err
return nil, Stat{}, err
st, err := fs.Stat(cleaned)
st, err := statFromFile(f)
if err != nil {
return nil, Stat{}, err
if st.IsDir() {
return nil, Stat{}, newFilesystemError(ErrCodeIsDirectory, nil)
f, err := os.Open(cleaned)
if err != nil {
if err != nil {
_ = f.Close()
return nil, Stat{}, err
return nil, Stat{}, err
return f, st, nil
return f, st, nil
// Acts by creating the given file and path on the disk if it is not present already. If
func (fs *Filesystem) UnixFS() *ufs.UnixFS {
// it is present, the file is opened using the defaults which will truncate the contents.
return fs.unixFS.UnixFS
// The opened file is then returned to the caller.
func (fs *Filesystem) Touch(p string, flag int) (*os.File, error) {
cleaned, err := fs.SafePath(p)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
f, err := os.OpenFile(cleaned, flag, 0o644)
if err == nil {
// Touch acts by creating the given file and path on the disk if it is not present
return f, nil
// already. If it is present, the file is opened using the defaults which will truncate
// the contents. The opened file is then returned to the caller.
// If the error is not because it doesn't exist then we just need to bail at this point.
func (fs *Filesystem) Touch(p string, flag int) (ufs.File, error) {
if !errors.Is(err, os.ErrNotExist) {
return fs.unixFS.Touch(p, flag, 0o644)
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "server/filesystem: touch: failed to open file handle")
// Only create and chown the directory if it doesn't exist.
if _, err := os.Stat(filepath.Dir(cleaned)); errors.Is(err, os.ErrNotExist) {
// Create the path leading up to the file we're trying to create, setting the final perms
// on it as we go.
if err := os.MkdirAll(filepath.Dir(cleaned), 0o755); err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "server/filesystem: touch: failed to create directory tree")
if err := fs.Chown(filepath.Dir(cleaned)); err != nil {
return nil, err
o := &fileOpener{}
// Try to open the file now that we have created the pathing necessary for it, and then
// Chown that file so that the permissions don't mess with things.
f, err =, flag, 0o644)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "server/filesystem: touch: failed to open file with wait")
_ = fs.Chown(cleaned)
return f, nil
// Writefile writes a file to the system. If the file does not already exist one
// Writefile writes a file to the system. If the file does not already exist one
// will be created. This will also properly recalculate the disk space used by
// will be created. This will also properly recalculate the disk space used by
// the server when writing new files or modifying existing ones.
// the server when writing new files or modifying existing ones.
// DEPRECATED: use `Write` instead.
func (fs *Filesystem) Writefile(p string, r io.Reader) error {
func (fs *Filesystem) Writefile(p string, r io.Reader) error {
cleaned, err := fs.SafePath(p)
var currentSize int64
st, err := fs.unixFS.Stat(p)
if err != nil && !errors.Is(err, ufs.ErrNotExist) {
return errors.Wrap(err, "server/filesystem: writefile: failed to stat file")
} else if err == nil {
if st.IsDir() {
// TODO: resolved
return errors.WithStack(&Error{code: ErrCodeIsDirectory, resolved: ""})
currentSize = st.Size()
// Touch the file and return the handle to it at this point. This will
// create or truncate the file, and create any necessary parent directories
// if they are missing.
file, err := fs.unixFS.Touch(p, ufs.O_RDWR|ufs.O_TRUNC, 0o644)
if err != nil {
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error touching file: %w", err)
defer file.Close()
// Do not use CopyBuffer here, it is wasteful as the file implements
// io.ReaderFrom, which causes it to not use the buffer anyways.
n, err := io.Copy(file, r)
// Adjust the disk usage to account for the old size and the new size of the file.
fs.unixFS.Add(n - currentSize)
if err := fs.chownFile(p); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error chowning file: %w", err)
// Return the error from io.Copy.
return err
return err
func (fs *Filesystem) Write(p string, r io.Reader, newSize int64, mode ufs.FileMode) error {
var currentSize int64
var currentSize int64
// If the file does not exist on the system already go ahead and create the pathway
st, err := fs.unixFS.Stat(p)
// to it and an empty file. We'll then write to it later on after this completes.
if err != nil && !errors.Is(err, ufs.ErrNotExist) {
stat, err := os.Stat(cleaned)
if err != nil && !os.IsNotExist(err) {
return errors.Wrap(err, "server/filesystem: writefile: failed to stat file")
return errors.Wrap(err, "server/filesystem: writefile: failed to stat file")
} else if err == nil {
} else if err == nil {
if stat.IsDir() {
if st.IsDir() {
return errors.WithStack(&Error{code: ErrCodeIsDirectory, resolved: cleaned})
// TODO: resolved
return errors.WithStack(&Error{code: ErrCodeIsDirectory, resolved: ""})
currentSize = stat.Size()
currentSize = st.Size()
br := bufio.NewReader(r)
// Check that the new size we're writing to the disk can fit. If there is currently
// Check that the new size we're writing to the disk can fit. If there is currently
// a file we'll subtract that current file size from the size of the buffer to determine
// a file we'll subtract that current file size from the size of the buffer to determine
// the amount of new data we're writing (or amount we're removing if smaller).
// the amount of new data we're writing (or amount we're removing if smaller).
if err := fs.HasSpaceFor(int64(br.Size()) - currentSize); err != nil {
if err := fs.HasSpaceFor(newSize - currentSize); err != nil {
return err
return err
// Touch the file and return the handle to it at this point. This will create the file,
// Touch the file and return the handle to it at this point. This will
// any necessary directories, and set the proper owner of the file.
// create or truncate the file, and create any necessary parent directories
file, err := fs.Touch(cleaned, os.O_RDWR|os.O_CREATE|os.O_TRUNC)
// if they are missing.
file, err := fs.unixFS.Touch(p, ufs.O_RDWR|ufs.O_TRUNC, mode)
if err != nil {
if err != nil {
return err
return err
defer file.Close()
defer file.Close()
buf := make([]byte, 1024*4)
if newSize == 0 {
sz, err := io.CopyBuffer(file, r, buf)
// Subtract the previous size of the file if the new size is 0.
} else {
// Do not use CopyBuffer here, it is wasteful as the file implements
// io.ReaderFrom, which causes it to not use the buffer anyways.
var n int64
n, err = io.Copy(file, io.LimitReader(r, newSize))
// Adjust the disk usage to account for the old size and the new size of the file.
// Adjust the disk usage to account for the old size and the new size of the file.
fs.addDisk(sz - currentSize)
fs.unixFS.Add(n - currentSize)
return fs.unsafeChown(cleaned)
// Creates a new directory (name) at a specified path (p) for the server.
if err := fs.chownFile(p); err != nil {
func (fs *Filesystem) CreateDirectory(name string, p string) error {
cleaned, err := fs.SafePath(path.Join(p, name))
if err != nil {
return err
return err
return os.MkdirAll(cleaned, 0o755)
// Return any remaining error.
return err
// Rename moves (or renames) a file or directory.
// CreateDirectory creates a new directory (name) at a specified path (p) for
func (fs *Filesystem) Rename(from string, to string) error {
// the server.
cleanedFrom, err := fs.SafePath(from)
func (fs *Filesystem) CreateDirectory(name string, p string) error {
if err != nil {
return fs.unixFS.MkdirAll(filepath.Join(p, name), 0o755)
return errors.WithStack(err)
cleanedTo, err := fs.SafePath(to)
func (fs *Filesystem) Rename(oldpath, newpath string) error {
if err != nil {
return fs.unixFS.Rename(oldpath, newpath)
return errors.WithStack(err)
// If the target file or directory already exists the rename function will fail, so just
func (fs *Filesystem) Symlink(oldpath, newpath string) error {
// bail out now.
return fs.unixFS.Symlink(oldpath, newpath)
if _, err := os.Stat(cleanedTo); err == nil {
return os.ErrExist
if cleanedTo == fs.Path() {
func (fs *Filesystem) chownFile(name string) error {
return errors.New("attempting to rename into an invalid directory space")
if fs.isTest {
d := strings.TrimSuffix(cleanedTo, path.Base(cleanedTo))
// Ensure that the directory we're moving into exists correctly on the system. Only do this if
// we're not at the root directory level.
if d != fs.Path() {
if mkerr := os.MkdirAll(d, 0o755); mkerr != nil {
return errors.WithMessage(mkerr, "failed to create directory structure for file rename")
if err := os.Rename(cleanedFrom, cleanedTo); err != nil {
return errors.WithStack(err)
return nil
return nil
// Recursively iterates over a file or directory and sets the permissions on all of the
uid := config.Get().System.User.Uid
gid := config.Get().System.User.Gid
return fs.unixFS.Lchown(name, uid, gid)
// Chown recursively iterates over a file or directory and sets the permissions on all of the
// underlying files. Iterate over all of the files and directories. If it is a file just
// underlying files. Iterate over all of the files and directories. If it is a file just
// go ahead and perform the chown operation. Otherwise dig deeper into the directory until
// go ahead and perform the chown operation. Otherwise dig deeper into the directory until
// we've run out of directories to dig into.
// we've run out of directories to dig into.
func (fs *Filesystem) Chown(path string) error {
func (fs *Filesystem) Chown(p string) error {
cleaned, err := fs.SafePath(path)
if err != nil {
return err
return fs.unsafeChown(cleaned)
// unsafeChown chowns the given path, without checking if the path is safe. This should only be used
// when the path has already been checked.
func (fs *Filesystem) unsafeChown(path string) error {
if fs.isTest {
if fs.isTest {
return nil
return nil
@ -230,54 +222,44 @@ func (fs *Filesystem) unsafeChown(path string) error {
uid := config.Get().System.User.Uid
uid := config.Get().System.User.Uid
gid := config.Get().System.User.Gid
gid := config.Get().System.User.Gid
dirfd, name, closeFd, err := fs.unixFS.SafePath(p)
defer closeFd()
if err != nil {
return err
// Start by just chowning the initial path that we received.
// Start by just chowning the initial path that we received.
if err := os.Chown(path, uid, gid); err != nil {
if err := fs.unixFS.Lchownat(dirfd, name, uid, gid); err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "server/filesystem: chown: failed to chown path")
return errors.Wrap(err, "server/filesystem: chown: failed to chown path")
// If this is not a directory we can now return from the function, there is nothing
// If this is not a directory we can now return from the function, there is nothing
// left that we need to do.
// left that we need to do.
if st, err := os.Stat(path); err != nil || !st.IsDir() {
if st, err := fs.unixFS.Lstatat(dirfd, name); err != nil || !st.IsDir() {
return nil
return nil
// If this was a directory, begin walking over its contents recursively and ensure that all
// This walker is probably some of the most efficient code in Wings. It has
// of the subfiles and directories get their permissions updated as well.
// an internally re-used buffer for listing directory entries and doesn't
err := godirwalk.Walk(path, &godirwalk.Options{
// need to check if every individual path it touches is safe as the code
Unsorted: true,
// doesn't traverse symlinks, is immune to symlink timing attacks, and
Callback: func(p string, e *godirwalk.Dirent) error {
// gives us a dirfd and file name to make a direct syscall with.
// Do not attempt to chown a symlink. Go's os.Chown function will affect the symlink
if err := fs.unixFS.WalkDirat(dirfd, name, func(dirfd int, name, _ string, info ufs.DirEntry, err error) error {
// so if it points to a location outside the data directory the user would be able to
// (un)intentionally modify that files permissions.
if e.IsSymlink() {
if e.IsDir() {
return godirwalk.SkipThis
return nil
return os.Chown(p, uid, gid)
return errors.Wrap(err, "server/filesystem: chown: failed to chown during walk function")
func (fs *Filesystem) Chmod(path string, mode os.FileMode) error {
cleaned, err := fs.SafePath(path)
if err != nil {
if err != nil {
return err
return err
if err := fs.unixFS.Lchownat(dirfd, name, uid, gid); err != nil {
if fs.isTest {
return nil
if err := os.Chmod(cleaned, mode); err != nil {
return err
return err
return nil
return nil
}); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("server/filesystem: chown: failed to chown during walk function: %w", err)
return nil
func (fs *Filesystem) Chmod(path string, mode ufs.FileMode) error {
return fs.unixFS.Chmod(path, mode)
// Begin looping up to 50 times to try and create a unique copy file name. This will take
// Begin looping up to 50 times to try and create a unique copy file name. This will take
@ -288,7 +270,7 @@ func (fs *Filesystem) Chmod(path string, mode os.FileMode) error {
// Could probably make this more efficient by checking if there are any files matching the copy
// Could probably make this more efficient by checking if there are any files matching the copy
// pattern, and trying to find the highest number and then incrementing it by one rather than
// pattern, and trying to find the highest number and then incrementing it by one rather than
// looping endlessly.
// looping endlessly.
func (fs *Filesystem) findCopySuffix(dir string, name string, extension string) (string, error) {
func (fs *Filesystem) findCopySuffix(dirfd int, name, extension string) (string, error) {
var i int
var i int
suffix := " copy"
suffix := " copy"
@ -300,11 +282,10 @@ func (fs *Filesystem) findCopySuffix(dir string, name string, extension string)
n := name + suffix + extension
n := name + suffix + extension
// If we stat the file and it does not exist that means we're good to create the copy. If it
// If we stat the file and it does not exist that means we're good to create the copy. If it
// does exist, we'll just continue to the next loop and try again.
// does exist, we'll just continue to the next loop and try again.
if _, err := fs.Stat(path.Join(dir, n)); err != nil {
if _, err := fs.unixFS.Lstatat(dirfd, n); err != nil {
if !errors.Is(err, os.ErrNotExist) {
if !errors.Is(err, ufs.ErrNotExist) {
return "", err
return "", err
@ -316,53 +297,68 @@ func (fs *Filesystem) findCopySuffix(dir string, name string, extension string)
return name + suffix + extension, nil
return name + suffix + extension, nil
// Copies a given file to the same location and appends a suffix to the file to indicate that
// Copy copies a given file to the same location and appends a suffix to the
// it has been copied.
// file to indicate that it has been copied.
func (fs *Filesystem) Copy(p string) error {
func (fs *Filesystem) Copy(p string) error {
cleaned, err := fs.SafePath(p)
dirfd, name, closeFd, err := fs.unixFS.SafePath(p)
defer closeFd()
if err != nil {
if err != nil {
return err
return err
source, err := fs.unixFS.OpenFileat(dirfd, name, ufs.O_RDONLY, 0)
s, err := os.Stat(cleaned)
if err != nil {
return err
} else if s.IsDir() || !s.Mode().IsRegular() {
// If this is a directory or not a regular file, just throw a not-exist error
// since anything calling this function should understand what that means.
return os.ErrNotExist
// Check that copying this file wouldn't put the server over its limit.
if err := fs.HasSpaceFor(s.Size()); err != nil {
return err
base := filepath.Base(cleaned)
relative := strings.TrimSuffix(strings.TrimPrefix(cleaned, fs.Path()), base)
extension := filepath.Ext(base)
name := strings.TrimSuffix(base, extension)
// Ensure that ".tar" is also counted as apart of the file extension.
// There might be a better way to handle this for other double file extensions,
// but this is a good workaround for now.
if strings.HasSuffix(name, ".tar") {
extension = ".tar" + extension
name = strings.TrimSuffix(name, ".tar")
source, err := os.Open(cleaned)
if err != nil {
if err != nil {
return err
return err
defer source.Close()
defer source.Close()
info, err := source.Stat()
if err != nil {
return err
if info.IsDir() || !info.Mode().IsRegular() {
// If this is a directory or not a regular file, just throw a not-exist error
// since anything calling this function should understand what that means.
return ufs.ErrNotExist
currentSize := info.Size()
n, err := fs.findCopySuffix(relative, name, extension)
// Check that copying this file wouldn't put the server over its limit.
if err := fs.HasSpaceFor(currentSize); err != nil {
return err
base := info.Name()
extension := filepath.Ext(base)
baseName := strings.TrimSuffix(base, extension)
// Ensure that ".tar" is also counted as apart of the file extension.
// There might be a better way to handle this for other double file extensions,
// but this is a good workaround for now.
if strings.HasSuffix(baseName, ".tar") {
extension = ".tar" + extension
baseName = strings.TrimSuffix(baseName, ".tar")
newName, err := fs.findCopySuffix(dirfd, baseName, extension)
if err != nil {
return err
dst, err := fs.unixFS.OpenFileat(dirfd, newName, ufs.O_WRONLY|ufs.O_CREATE, info.Mode())
if err != nil {
if err != nil {
return err
return err
return fs.Writefile(path.Join(relative, n), source)
// Do not use CopyBuffer here, it is wasteful as the file implements
// io.ReaderFrom, which causes it to not use the buffer anyways.
n, err := io.Copy(dst, io.LimitReader(source, currentSize))
if !fs.isTest {
if err := fs.unixFS.Lchownat(dirfd, newName, config.Get().System.User.Uid, config.Get().System.User.Gid); err != nil {
return err
// Return the error from io.Copy.
return err
// TruncateRootDirectory removes _all_ files and directories from a server's
// TruncateRootDirectory removes _all_ files and directories from a server's
@ -374,211 +370,128 @@ func (fs *Filesystem) TruncateRootDirectory() error {
if err := os.Mkdir(fs.Path(), 0o755); err != nil {
if err := os.Mkdir(fs.Path(), 0o755); err != nil {
return err
return err
atomic.StoreInt64(&fs.diskUsed, 0)
_ = fs.unixFS.Close()
unixFS, err := ufs.NewUnixFS(fs.Path(), config.UseOpenat2())
if err != nil {
return err
var limit int64
if fs.isTest {
limit = 0
} else {
limit = fs.unixFS.Limit()
fs.unixFS = ufs.NewQuota(unixFS, limit)
return nil
return nil
// Delete removes a file or folder from the system. Prevents the user from
// Delete removes a file or folder from the system. Prevents the user from
// accidentally (or maliciously) removing their root server data directory.
// accidentally (or maliciously) removing their root server data directory.
func (fs *Filesystem) Delete(p string) error {
func (fs *Filesystem) Delete(p string) error {
// This is one of the few (only?) places in the codebase where we're explicitly not using
return fs.unixFS.RemoveAll(p)
// the SafePath functionality when working with user provided input. If we did, you would
// not be able to delete a file that is a symlink pointing to a location outside the data
// directory.
//type fileOpener struct {
// fs *Filesystem
// busy uint
// We also want to avoid resolving a symlink that points _within_ the data directory and thus
//// Attempts to open a given file up to "attempts" number of times, using a backoff. If the file
// deleting the actual source file for the symlink rather than the symlink itself. For these
//// cannot be opened because of a "text file busy" error, we will attempt until the number of attempts
// purposes just resolve the actual file path using filepath.Join() and confirm that the path
//// has been exhaused, at which point we will abort with an error.
// exists within the data directory.
//func (fo *fileOpener) open(path string, flags int, perm ufs.FileMode) (ufs.File, error) {
resolved := fs.unsafeFilePath(p)
// for {
if !fs.unsafeIsInDataDirectory(resolved) {
// f, err := fo.fs.unixFS.OpenFile(path, flags, perm)
return NewBadPathResolution(p, resolved)
// Block any whoopsies.
if resolved == fs.Path() {
return errors.New("cannot delete root server directory")
st, err := os.Lstat(resolved)
if err != nil {
if !os.IsNotExist(err) {
fs.error(err).Warn("error while attempting to stat file before deletion")
return err
// The following logic is used to handle a case where a user attempts to
// delete a file that does not exist through a directory symlink.
// We don't want to reveal that the file does not exist, so we validate
// the path of the symlink and return a bad path error if it is invalid.
// The requested file or directory doesn't exist, so at this point we
// need to iterate up the path chain until we hit a directory that
// _does_ exist and can be validated.
parts := strings.Split(filepath.Dir(resolved), "/")
// Range over all the path parts and form directory paths from the end
// moving up until we have a valid resolution, or we run out of paths to
// try.
for k := range parts {
try := strings.Join(parts[:(len(parts)-k)], "/")
if !fs.unsafeIsInDataDirectory(try) {
t, err := filepath.EvalSymlinks(try)
if err == nil {
if !fs.unsafeIsInDataDirectory(t) {
return NewBadPathResolution(p, t)
// Always return early if the file does not exist.
return nil
// If the file is not a symlink, we need to check that it is not within a
// symlinked directory that points outside the data directory.
if st.Mode()&os.ModeSymlink == 0 {
ep, err := filepath.EvalSymlinks(resolved)
if err != nil {
if !os.IsNotExist(err) {
return err
} else if !fs.unsafeIsInDataDirectory(ep) {
return NewBadPathResolution(p, ep)
if st.IsDir() {
if s, err := fs.DirectorySize(resolved); err == nil {
} else {
return os.RemoveAll(resolved)
type fileOpener struct {
busy uint
// Attempts to open a given file up to "attempts" number of times, using a backoff. If the file
// cannot be opened because of a "text file busy" error, we will attempt until the number of attempts
// has been exhaused, at which point we will abort with an error.
func (fo *fileOpener) open(path string, flags int, perm os.FileMode) (*os.File, error) {
for {
f, err := os.OpenFile(path, flags, perm)
// If there is an error because the text file is busy, go ahead and sleep for a few
// hundred milliseconds and then try again up to three times before just returning the
// error back to the caller.
// Based on code from:
// // If there is an error because the text file is busy, go ahead and sleep for a few
if err != nil && fo.busy < 3 && strings.Contains(err.Error(), "text file busy") {
// // hundred milliseconds and then try again up to three times before just returning the
time.Sleep(100 * time.Millisecond << fo.busy)
// // error back to the caller.
// //
// // Based on code from:
// if err != nil && fo.busy < 3 && strings.Contains(err.Error(), "text file busy") {
// time.Sleep(100 * time.Millisecond << fo.busy)
return f, err
// fo.busy++
// continue
// }
// return f, err
// }
// ListDirectory lists the contents of a given directory and returns stat
// ListDirectory lists the contents of a given directory and returns stat
// information about each file and folder within it.
// information about each file and folder within it.
func (fs *Filesystem) ListDirectory(p string) ([]Stat, error) {
func (fs *Filesystem) ListDirectory(p string) ([]Stat, error) {
cleaned, err := fs.SafePath(p)
// Read entries from the path on the filesystem, using the mapped reader, so
// we can map the DirEntry slice into a Stat slice with mimetype information.
out, err := ufs.ReadDirMap(fs.unixFS.UnixFS, p, func(e ufs.DirEntry) (Stat, error) {
info, err := e.Info()
if err != nil {
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return Stat{}, err
files, err := ioutil.ReadDir(cleaned)
var d string
if err != nil {
if e.Type().IsDir() {
return nil, err
d = "inode/directory"
var wg sync.WaitGroup
// You must initialize the output of this directory as a non-nil value otherwise
// when it is marshaled into a JSON object you'll just get 'null' back, which will
// break the panel badly.
out := make([]Stat, len(files))
// Iterate over all of the files and directories returned and perform an async process
// to get the mime-type for them all.
for i, file := range files {
go func(idx int, f os.FileInfo) {
defer wg.Done()
var m *mimetype.MIME
d := "inode/directory"
if !f.IsDir() {
cleanedp := filepath.Join(cleaned, f.Name())
if f.Mode()&os.ModeSymlink != 0 {
cleanedp, _ = fs.SafePath(filepath.Join(cleaned, f.Name()))
// Don't try to detect the type on a pipe — this will just hang the application and
// you'll never get a response back.
// @see
if cleanedp != "" && f.Mode()&os.ModeNamedPipe == 0 {
m, _ = mimetype.DetectFile(filepath.Join(cleaned, f.Name()))
} else {
} else {
// Just pass this for an unknown type because the file could not safely be resolved within
// the server data path.
d = "application/octet-stream"
d = "application/octet-stream"
var m *mimetype.MIME
if e.Type().IsRegular() {
// TODO: I should probably find a better way to do this.
eO := e.(interface {
Open() (ufs.File, error)
f, err := eO.Open()
if err != nil {
return Stat{}, err
m, err = mimetype.DetectReader(f)
if err != nil {
_ = f.Close()
st := Stat{FileInfo: f, Mimetype: d}
st := Stat{FileInfo: info, Mimetype: d}
if m != nil {
if m != nil {
st.Mimetype = m.String()
st.Mimetype = m.String()
out[idx] = st
return st, nil
}(i, file)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Sort entries alphabetically.
slices.SortStableFunc(out, func(a, b Stat) int {
// Sort the output alphabetically to begin with since we've run the output
switch {
// through an asynchronous process and the order is gonna be very random.
case a.Name() == b.Name():
sort.SliceStable(out, func(i, j int) bool {
return 0
if out[i].Name() == out[j].Name() || out[i].Name() > out[j].Name() {
case a.Name() > b.Name():
return true
return 1
return -1
return false
// Then, sort it so that directories are listed first in the output. Everything
// Sort folders before other file types.
// will continue to be alphabetized at this point.
slices.SortStableFunc(out, func(a, b Stat) int {
sort.SliceStable(out, func(i, j int) bool {
switch {
return out[i].IsDir()
case a.IsDir() && b.IsDir():
return 0
case a.IsDir():
return -1
return 1
return out, nil
return out, nil
func (fs *Filesystem) Chtimes(path string, atime, mtime time.Time) error {
func (fs *Filesystem) Chtimes(path string, atime, mtime time.Time) error {
cleaned, err := fs.SafePath(path)
if err != nil {
return err
if fs.isTest {
if fs.isTest {
return nil
return nil
return fs.unixFS.Chtimes(path, atime, mtime)
if err := os.Chtimes(cleaned, atime, mtime); err != nil {
return err
return nil
@ -7,12 +7,13 @@ import (
. ""
. ""
@ -28,15 +29,23 @@ func NewFs() (*Filesystem, *rootFs) {
tmpDir, err := os.MkdirTemp(os.TempDir(), "pterodactyl")
tmpDir, err := os.MkdirTemp(os.TempDir(), "pterodactyl")
if err != nil {
if err != nil {
return nil, nil
// defer os.RemoveAll(tmpDir)
rfs := rootFs{root: tmpDir}
rfs := rootFs{root: tmpDir}
p := filepath.Join(tmpDir, "server")
if err := os.Mkdir(p, 0o755); err != nil {
return nil, nil
fs := New(filepath.Join(tmpDir, "/server"), 0, []string{})
fs, _ := New(p, 0, []string{})
fs.isTest = true
fs.isTest = true
if err := fs.TruncateRootDirectory(); err != nil {
return nil, nil
return fs, &rfs
return fs, &rfs
@ -45,7 +54,7 @@ type rootFs struct {
root string
root string
func getFileContent(file *os.File) string {
func getFileContent(file ufs.File) string {
var w bytes.Buffer
var w bytes.Buffer
if _, err := bufio.NewReader(file).WriteTo(&w); err != nil {
if _, err := bufio.NewReader(file).WriteTo(&w); err != nil {
@ -54,11 +63,11 @@ func getFileContent(file *os.File) string {
func (rfs *rootFs) CreateServerFile(p string, c []byte) error {
func (rfs *rootFs) CreateServerFile(p string, c []byte) error {
f, err := os.Create(filepath.Join(rfs.root, "/server", p))
f, err := os.Create(filepath.Join(rfs.root, "server", p))
if err == nil {
if err == nil {
_, _ = f.Write(c)
_ = f.Close()
return err
return err
@ -69,24 +78,42 @@ func (rfs *rootFs) CreateServerFileFromString(p string, c string) error {
func (rfs *rootFs) StatServerFile(p string) (os.FileInfo, error) {
func (rfs *rootFs) StatServerFile(p string) (os.FileInfo, error) {
return os.Stat(filepath.Join(rfs.root, "/server", p))
return os.Stat(filepath.Join(rfs.root, "server", p))
func (rfs *rootFs) reset() {
func TestFilesystem_Openfile(t *testing.T) {
if err := os.RemoveAll(filepath.Join(rfs.root, "/server")); err != nil {
g := Goblin(t)
if !os.IsNotExist(err) {
fs, rfs := NewFs()
if err := os.Mkdir(filepath.Join(rfs.root, "/server"), 0o755); err != nil {
g.Describe("File", func() {
g.It("returns custom error when file does not exist", func() {
_, _, err := fs.File("foo/bar.txt")
//g.Assert(IsErrorCode(err, ErrNotExist)).IsTrue()
g.It("returns file stat information", func() {
_ = rfs.CreateServerFile("foo.txt", []byte("hello world"))
f, st, err := fs.File("foo.txt")
_ = f.Close()
g.AfterEach(func() {
_ = fs.TruncateRootDirectory()
func TestFilesystem_Writefile(t *testing.T) {
func TestFilesystem_Writefile(t *testing.T) {
g := Goblin(t)
g := Goblin(t)
fs, rfs := NewFs()
fs, _ := NewFs()
g.Describe("Open and WriteFile", func() {
g.Describe("Open and WriteFile", func() {
buf := &bytes.Buffer{}
buf := &bytes.Buffer{}
@ -96,22 +123,22 @@ func TestFilesystem_Writefile(t *testing.T) {
g.It("can create a new file", func() {
g.It("can create a new file", func() {
r := bytes.NewReader([]byte("test file content"))
r := bytes.NewReader([]byte("test file content"))
err := fs.Writefile("test.txt", r)
err := fs.Write("test.txt", r, r.Size(), 0o644)
f, _, err := fs.File("test.txt")
f, _, err := fs.File("test.txt")
defer f.Close()
defer f.Close()
g.Assert(getFileContent(f)).Equal("test file content")
g.Assert(getFileContent(f)).Equal("test file content")
g.It("can create a new file inside a nested directory with leading slash", func() {
g.It("can create a new file inside a nested directory with leading slash", func() {
r := bytes.NewReader([]byte("test file content"))
r := bytes.NewReader([]byte("test file content"))
err := fs.Writefile("/some/nested/test.txt", r)
err := fs.Write("/some/nested/test.txt", r, r.Size(), 0o644)
f, _, err := fs.File("/some/nested/test.txt")
f, _, err := fs.File("/some/nested/test.txt")
@ -123,7 +150,7 @@ func TestFilesystem_Writefile(t *testing.T) {
g.It("can create a new file inside a nested directory without a trailing slash", func() {
g.It("can create a new file inside a nested directory without a trailing slash", func() {
r := bytes.NewReader([]byte("test file content"))
r := bytes.NewReader([]byte("test file content"))
err := fs.Writefile("some/../foo/bar/test.txt", r)
err := fs.Write("some/../foo/bar/test.txt", r, r.Size(), 0o644)
f, _, err := fs.File("foo/bar/test.txt")
f, _, err := fs.File("foo/bar/test.txt")
@ -135,13 +162,13 @@ func TestFilesystem_Writefile(t *testing.T) {
g.It("cannot create a file outside the root directory", func() {
g.It("cannot create a file outside the root directory", func() {
r := bytes.NewReader([]byte("test file content"))
r := bytes.NewReader([]byte("test file content"))
err := fs.Writefile("/some/../foo/../../test.txt", r)
err := fs.Write("/some/../foo/../../test.txt", r, r.Size(), 0o644)
g.Assert(IsErrorCode(err, ErrCodePathResolution)).IsTrue()
g.Assert(errors.Is(err, ufs.ErrBadPathResolution)).IsTrue("err is not ErrBadPathResolution")
g.It("cannot write a file that exceeds the disk limits", func() {
g.It("cannot write a file that exceeds the disk limits", func() {
atomic.StoreInt64(&fs.diskLimit, 1024)
b := make([]byte, 1025)
b := make([]byte, 1025)
_, err := rand.Read(b)
_, err := rand.Read(b)
@ -149,18 +176,18 @@ func TestFilesystem_Writefile(t *testing.T) {
r := bytes.NewReader(b)
r := bytes.NewReader(b)
err = fs.Writefile("test.txt", r)
err = fs.Write("test.txt", r, int64(len(b)), 0o644)
g.Assert(IsErrorCode(err, ErrCodeDiskSpace)).IsTrue()
g.Assert(IsErrorCode(err, ErrCodeDiskSpace)).IsTrue()
g.It("truncates the file when writing new contents", func() {
g.It("truncates the file when writing new contents", func() {
r := bytes.NewReader([]byte("original data"))
r := bytes.NewReader([]byte("original data"))
err := fs.Writefile("test.txt", r)
err := fs.Write("test.txt", r, r.Size(), 0o644)
r = bytes.NewReader([]byte("new data"))
r = bytes.NewReader([]byte("new data"))
err = fs.Writefile("test.txt", r)
err = fs.Write("test.txt", r, r.Size(), 0o644)
f, _, err := fs.File("test.txt")
f, _, err := fs.File("test.txt")
@ -171,10 +198,7 @@ func TestFilesystem_Writefile(t *testing.T) {
g.AfterEach(func() {
g.AfterEach(func() {
_ = fs.TruncateRootDirectory()
atomic.StoreInt64(&fs.diskUsed, 0)
atomic.StoreInt64(&fs.diskLimit, 0)
@ -207,17 +231,17 @@ func TestFilesystem_CreateDirectory(t *testing.T) {
g.It("should not allow the creation of directories outside the root", func() {
g.It("should not allow the creation of directories outside the root", func() {
err := fs.CreateDirectory("test", "e/../../something")
err := fs.CreateDirectory("test", "e/../../something")
g.Assert(IsErrorCode(err, ErrCodePathResolution)).IsTrue()
g.Assert(errors.Is(err, ufs.ErrBadPathResolution)).IsTrue("err is not ErrBadPathResolution")
g.It("should not increment the disk usage", func() {
g.It("should not increment the disk usage", func() {
err := fs.CreateDirectory("test", "/")
err := fs.CreateDirectory("test", "/")
g.AfterEach(func() {
g.AfterEach(func() {
_ = fs.TruncateRootDirectory()
@ -239,25 +263,25 @@ func TestFilesystem_Rename(t *testing.T) {
err = fs.Rename("source.txt", "target.txt")
err = fs.Rename("source.txt", "target.txt")
g.Assert(errors.Is(err, os.ErrExist)).IsTrue()
g.Assert(errors.Is(err, ufs.ErrExist)).IsTrue("err is not ErrExist")
g.It("returns an error if the final destination is the root directory", func() {
g.It("returns an error if the final destination is the root directory", func() {
err := fs.Rename("source.txt", "/")
err := fs.Rename("source.txt", "/")
g.Assert(errors.Is(err, os.ErrExist)).IsTrue()
g.Assert(errors.Is(err, ufs.ErrBadPathResolution)).IsTrue("err is not ErrBadPathResolution")
g.It("returns an error if the source destination is the root directory", func() {
g.It("returns an error if the source destination is the root directory", func() {
err := fs.Rename("source.txt", "/")
err := fs.Rename("/", "target.txt")
g.Assert(errors.Is(err, os.ErrExist)).IsTrue()
g.Assert(errors.Is(err, ufs.ErrBadPathResolution)).IsTrue("err is not ErrBadPathResolution")
g.It("does not allow renaming to a location outside the root", func() {
g.It("does not allow renaming to a location outside the root", func() {
err := fs.Rename("source.txt", "../target.txt")
err := fs.Rename("source.txt", "../target.txt")
g.Assert(IsErrorCode(err, ErrCodePathResolution)).IsTrue()
g.Assert(errors.Is(err, ufs.ErrBadPathResolution)).IsTrue("err is not ErrBadPathResolution")
g.It("does not allow renaming from a location outside the root", func() {
g.It("does not allow renaming from a location outside the root", func() {
@ -265,7 +289,7 @@ func TestFilesystem_Rename(t *testing.T) {
err = fs.Rename("/../ext-source.txt", "target.txt")
err = fs.Rename("/../ext-source.txt", "target.txt")
g.Assert(IsErrorCode(err, ErrCodePathResolution)).IsTrue()
g.Assert(errors.Is(err, ufs.ErrBadPathResolution)).IsTrue("err is not ErrBadPathResolution")
g.It("allows a file to be renamed", func() {
g.It("allows a file to be renamed", func() {
@ -274,7 +298,7 @@ func TestFilesystem_Rename(t *testing.T) {
_, err = rfs.StatServerFile("source.txt")
_, err = rfs.StatServerFile("source.txt")
g.Assert(errors.Is(err, os.ErrNotExist)).IsTrue()
g.Assert(errors.Is(err, ufs.ErrNotExist)).IsTrue("err is not ErrNotExist")
st, err := rfs.StatServerFile("target.txt")
st, err := rfs.StatServerFile("target.txt")
@ -291,7 +315,7 @@ func TestFilesystem_Rename(t *testing.T) {
_, err = rfs.StatServerFile("source_dir")
_, err = rfs.StatServerFile("source_dir")
g.Assert(errors.Is(err, os.ErrNotExist)).IsTrue()
g.Assert(errors.Is(err, ufs.ErrNotExist)).IsTrue("err is not ErrNotExist")
st, err := rfs.StatServerFile("target_dir")
st, err := rfs.StatServerFile("target_dir")
@ -301,7 +325,7 @@ func TestFilesystem_Rename(t *testing.T) {
g.It("returns an error if the source does not exist", func() {
g.It("returns an error if the source does not exist", func() {
err := fs.Rename("missing.txt", "target.txt")
err := fs.Rename("missing.txt", "target.txt")
g.Assert(errors.Is(err, os.ErrNotExist)).IsTrue()
g.Assert(errors.Is(err, ufs.ErrNotExist)).IsTrue("err is not ErrNotExist")
g.It("creates directories if they are missing", func() {
g.It("creates directories if they are missing", func() {
@ -314,7 +338,7 @@ func TestFilesystem_Rename(t *testing.T) {
g.AfterEach(func() {
g.AfterEach(func() {
_ = fs.TruncateRootDirectory()
@ -329,13 +353,13 @@ func TestFilesystem_Copy(t *testing.T) {
atomic.StoreInt64(&fs.diskUsed, int64(utf8.RuneCountInString("test content")))
fs.unixFS.SetUsage(int64(utf8.RuneCountInString("test content")))
g.It("should return an error if the source does not exist", func() {
g.It("should return an error if the source does not exist", func() {
err := fs.Copy("foo.txt")
err := fs.Copy("foo.txt")
g.Assert(errors.Is(err, os.ErrNotExist)).IsTrue()
g.Assert(errors.Is(err, ufs.ErrNotExist)).IsTrue("err is not ErrNotExist")
g.It("should return an error if the source is outside the root", func() {
g.It("should return an error if the source is outside the root", func() {
@ -343,11 +367,11 @@ func TestFilesystem_Copy(t *testing.T) {
err = fs.Copy("../ext-source.txt")
err = fs.Copy("../ext-source.txt")
g.Assert(IsErrorCode(err, ErrCodePathResolution)).IsTrue()
g.Assert(errors.Is(err, ufs.ErrBadPathResolution)).IsTrue("err is not ErrBadPathResolution")
g.It("should return an error if the source directory is outside the root", func() {
g.It("should return an error if the source directory is outside the root", func() {
err := os.MkdirAll(filepath.Join(rfs.root, "/nested/in/dir"), 0o755)
err := os.MkdirAll(filepath.Join(rfs.root, "nested/in/dir"), 0o755)
err = rfs.CreateServerFileFromString("/../nested/in/dir/ext-source.txt", "external content")
err = rfs.CreateServerFileFromString("/../nested/in/dir/ext-source.txt", "external content")
@ -355,28 +379,28 @@ func TestFilesystem_Copy(t *testing.T) {
err = fs.Copy("../nested/in/dir/ext-source.txt")
err = fs.Copy("../nested/in/dir/ext-source.txt")
g.Assert(IsErrorCode(err, ErrCodePathResolution)).IsTrue()
g.Assert(errors.Is(err, ufs.ErrBadPathResolution)).IsTrue("err is not ErrBadPathResolution")
err = fs.Copy("nested/in/../../../nested/in/dir/ext-source.txt")
err = fs.Copy("nested/in/../../../nested/in/dir/ext-source.txt")
g.Assert(IsErrorCode(err, ErrCodePathResolution)).IsTrue()
g.Assert(errors.Is(err, ufs.ErrBadPathResolution)).IsTrue("err is not ErrBadPathResolution")
g.It("should return an error if the source is a directory", func() {
g.It("should return an error if the source is a directory", func() {
err := os.Mkdir(filepath.Join(rfs.root, "/server/dir"), 0o755)
err := os.Mkdir(filepath.Join(rfs.root, "server/dir"), 0o755)
err = fs.Copy("dir")
err = fs.Copy("dir")
g.Assert(errors.Is(err, os.ErrNotExist)).IsTrue()
g.Assert(errors.Is(err, ufs.ErrNotExist)).IsTrue("err is not ErrNotExist")
g.It("should return an error if there is not space to copy the file", func() {
g.It("should return an error if there is not space to copy the file", func() {
atomic.StoreInt64(&fs.diskLimit, 2)
err := fs.Copy("source.txt")
err := fs.Copy("source.txt")
g.Assert(IsErrorCode(err, ErrCodeDiskSpace)).IsTrue()
g.Assert(IsErrorCode(err, ErrCodeDiskSpace)).IsTrue("err is not ErrCodeDiskSpace")
g.It("should create a copy of the file and increment the disk used", func() {
g.It("should create a copy of the file and increment the disk used", func() {
@ -404,7 +428,7 @@ func TestFilesystem_Copy(t *testing.T) {
g.Assert(atomic.LoadInt64(&fs.diskUsed)).Equal(int64(utf8.RuneCountInString("test content")) * 3)
g.Assert(fs.CachedUsage()).Equal(int64(utf8.RuneCountInString("test content")) * 3)
g.It("should create a copy inside of a directory", func() {
g.It("should create a copy inside of a directory", func() {
@ -425,10 +449,7 @@ func TestFilesystem_Copy(t *testing.T) {
g.AfterEach(func() {
g.AfterEach(func() {
_ = fs.TruncateRootDirectory()
atomic.StoreInt64(&fs.diskUsed, 0)
atomic.StoreInt64(&fs.diskLimit, 0)
@ -443,7 +464,7 @@ func TestFilesystem_Delete(t *testing.T) {
atomic.StoreInt64(&fs.diskUsed, int64(utf8.RuneCountInString("test content")))
fs.unixFS.SetUsage(int64(utf8.RuneCountInString("test content")))
g.It("does not delete files outside the root directory", func() {
g.It("does not delete files outside the root directory", func() {
@ -451,13 +472,13 @@ func TestFilesystem_Delete(t *testing.T) {
err = fs.Delete("../ext-source.txt")
err = fs.Delete("../ext-source.txt")
g.Assert(IsErrorCode(err, ErrCodePathResolution)).IsTrue()
g.Assert(errors.Is(err, ufs.ErrBadPathResolution)).IsTrue("err is not ErrBadPathResolution")
g.It("does not allow the deletion of the root directory", func() {
g.It("does not allow the deletion of the root directory", func() {
err := fs.Delete("/")
err := fs.Delete("/")
g.Assert(err.Error()).Equal("cannot delete root server directory")
g.Assert(errors.Is(err, ufs.ErrBadPathResolution)).IsTrue("err is not ErrBadPathResolution")
g.It("does not return an error if the target does not exist", func() {
g.It("does not return an error if the target does not exist", func() {
@ -475,9 +496,9 @@ func TestFilesystem_Delete(t *testing.T) {
_, err = rfs.StatServerFile("source.txt")
_, err = rfs.StatServerFile("source.txt")
g.Assert(errors.Is(err, os.ErrNotExist)).IsTrue()
g.Assert(errors.Is(err, ufs.ErrNotExist)).IsTrue("err is not ErrNotExist")
g.It("deletes all items inside a directory if the directory is deleted", func() {
g.It("deletes all items inside a directory if the directory is deleted", func() {
@ -495,16 +516,16 @@ func TestFilesystem_Delete(t *testing.T) {
atomic.StoreInt64(&fs.diskUsed, int64(utf8.RuneCountInString("test content")*3))
fs.unixFS.SetUsage(int64(utf8.RuneCountInString("test content") * 3))
err = fs.Delete("foo")
err = fs.Delete("foo")
for _, s := range sources {
for _, s := range sources {
_, err = rfs.StatServerFile(s)
_, err = rfs.StatServerFile(s)
g.Assert(errors.Is(err, os.ErrNotExist)).IsTrue()
g.Assert(errors.Is(err, ufs.ErrNotExist)).IsTrue("err is not ErrNotExist")
@ -560,7 +581,7 @@ func TestFilesystem_Delete(t *testing.T) {
// Delete a file inside the symlinked directory.
// Delete a file inside the symlinked directory.
err = fs.Delete("symlink/source.txt")
err = fs.Delete("symlink/source.txt")
g.Assert(IsErrorCode(err, ErrCodePathResolution)).IsTrue()
g.Assert(errors.Is(err, ufs.ErrBadPathResolution)).IsTrue("err is not ErrBadPathResolution")
// Ensure the file outside the root directory still exists.
// Ensure the file outside the root directory still exists.
_, err = os.Lstat(filepath.Join(rfs.root, "foo/source.txt"))
_, err = os.Lstat(filepath.Join(rfs.root, "foo/source.txt"))
@ -579,14 +600,11 @@ func TestFilesystem_Delete(t *testing.T) {
// Delete a file inside the symlinked directory.
// Delete a file inside the symlinked directory.
err = fs.Delete("symlink/source.txt")
err = fs.Delete("symlink/source.txt")
g.Assert(IsErrorCode(err, ErrCodePathResolution)).IsTrue()
g.Assert(errors.Is(err, ufs.ErrBadPathResolution)).IsTrue("err is not ErrBadPathResolution")
g.AfterEach(func() {
g.AfterEach(func() {
_ = fs.TruncateRootDirectory()
atomic.StoreInt64(&fs.diskUsed, 0)
atomic.StoreInt64(&fs.diskLimit, 0)
@ -1,71 +1,28 @@
package filesystem
package filesystem
import (
import (
iofs "io/fs"
// Checks if the given file or path is in the server's file denylist. If so, an Error
// Checks if the given file or path is in the server's file denylist. If so, an Error
// is returned, otherwise nil is returned.
// is returned, otherwise nil is returned.
func (fs *Filesystem) IsIgnored(paths ...string) error {
func (fs *Filesystem) IsIgnored(paths ...string) error {
for _, p := range paths {
for _, p := range paths {
sp, err := fs.SafePath(p)
//sp, err := fs.SafePath(p)
if err != nil {
//if err != nil {
return err
// return err
if fs.denylist.MatchesPath(sp) {
// TODO: update logic to use unixFS
return errors.WithStack(&Error{code: ErrCodeDenylistFile, path: p, resolved: sp})
if fs.denylist.MatchesPath(p) {
return errors.WithStack(&Error{code: ErrCodeDenylistFile, path: p, resolved: p})
return nil
return nil
// Normalizes a directory being passed in to ensure the user is not able to escape
// from their data directory. After normalization if the directory is still within their home
// path it is returned. If they managed to "escape" an error will be returned.
// This logic is actually copied over from the SFTP server code. Ideally that eventually
// either gets ported into this application, or is able to make use of this package.
func (fs *Filesystem) SafePath(p string) (string, error) {
// Start with a cleaned up path before checking the more complex bits.
r := fs.unsafeFilePath(p)
// At the same time, evaluate the symlink status and determine where this file or folder
// is truly pointing to.
ep, err := filepath.EvalSymlinks(r)
if err != nil && !os.IsNotExist(err) {
return "", errors.Wrap(err, "server/filesystem: failed to evaluate symlink")
} else if os.IsNotExist(err) {
// The target of one of the symlinks (EvalSymlinks is recursive) does not exist.
// So we get what target path does not exist and check if it's within the data
// directory. If it is, we return the original path, otherwise we return an error.
pErr, ok := err.(*iofs.PathError)
if !ok {
return "", errors.Wrap(err, "server/filesystem: failed to evaluate symlink")
ep = pErr.Path
// If the requested directory from EvalSymlinks begins with the server root directory go
// ahead and return it. If not we'll return an error which will block any further action
// on the file.
if fs.unsafeIsInDataDirectory(ep) {
// Returning the original path here instead of the resolved path ensures that
// whatever the user is trying to do will work as expected. If we returned the
// resolved path, the user would be unable to know that it is in fact a symlink.
return r, nil
return "", NewBadPathResolution(p, r)
// Generate a path to the file by cleaning it up and appending the root server path to it. This
// Generate a path to the file by cleaning it up and appending the root server path to it. This
// DOES NOT guarantee that the file resolves within the server data directory. You'll want to use
// DOES NOT guarantee that the file resolves within the server data directory. You'll want to use
// the fs.unsafeIsInDataDirectory(p) function to confirm.
// the fs.unsafeIsInDataDirectory(p) function to confirm.
@ -84,51 +41,3 @@ func (fs *Filesystem) unsafeFilePath(p string) string {
func (fs *Filesystem) unsafeIsInDataDirectory(p string) bool {
func (fs *Filesystem) unsafeIsInDataDirectory(p string) bool {
return strings.HasPrefix(strings.TrimSuffix(p, "/")+"/", strings.TrimSuffix(fs.Path(), "/")+"/")
return strings.HasPrefix(strings.TrimSuffix(p, "/")+"/", strings.TrimSuffix(fs.Path(), "/")+"/")
// Executes the fs.SafePath function in parallel against an array of paths. If any of the calls
// fails an error will be returned.
func (fs *Filesystem) ParallelSafePath(paths []string) ([]string, error) {
var cleaned []string
// Simple locker function to avoid racy appends to the array of cleaned paths.
m := new(sync.Mutex)
push := func(c string) {
cleaned = append(cleaned, c)
// Create an error group that we can use to run processes in parallel while retaining
// the ability to cancel the entire process immediately should any of it fail.
g, ctx := errgroup.WithContext(context.Background())
// Iterate over all of the paths and generate a cleaned path, if there is an error for any
// of the files, abort the process.
for _, p := range paths {
// Create copy so we can use it within the goroutine correctly.
pi := p
// Recursively call this function to continue digging through the directory tree within
// a separate goroutine. If the context is canceled abort this process.
g.Go(func() error {
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
return ctx.Err()
// If the callback returns true, go ahead and keep walking deeper. This allows
// us to programmatically continue deeper into directories, or stop digging
// if that pathway knows it needs nothing else.
if c, err := fs.SafePath(pi); err != nil {
return err
} else {
return nil
// Block until all of the routines finish and have returned a value.
return cleaned, g.Wait()
@ -8,6 +8,8 @@ import (
. ""
. ""
func TestFilesystem_Path(t *testing.T) {
func TestFilesystem_Path(t *testing.T) {
@ -21,80 +23,6 @@ func TestFilesystem_Path(t *testing.T) {
func TestFilesystem_SafePath(t *testing.T) {
g := Goblin(t)
fs, rfs := NewFs()
prefix := filepath.Join(rfs.root, "/server")
g.Describe("SafePath", func() {
g.It("returns a cleaned path to a given file", func() {
p, err := fs.SafePath("test.txt")
g.Assert(p).Equal(prefix + "/test.txt")
p, err = fs.SafePath("/test.txt")
g.Assert(p).Equal(prefix + "/test.txt")
p, err = fs.SafePath("./test.txt")
g.Assert(p).Equal(prefix + "/test.txt")
p, err = fs.SafePath("/foo/../test.txt")
g.Assert(p).Equal(prefix + "/test.txt")
p, err = fs.SafePath("/foo/bar")
g.Assert(p).Equal(prefix + "/foo/bar")
g.It("handles root directory access", func() {
p, err := fs.SafePath("/")
p, err = fs.SafePath("")
g.It("removes trailing slashes from paths", func() {
p, err := fs.SafePath("/foo/bar/")
g.Assert(p).Equal(prefix + "/foo/bar")
g.It("handles deeply nested directories that do not exist", func() {
p, err := fs.SafePath("/foo/bar/baz/quaz/../../ducks/testing.txt")
g.Assert(p).Equal(prefix + "/foo/bar/ducks/testing.txt")
g.It("blocks access to files outside the root directory", func() {
p, err := fs.SafePath("../test.txt")
g.Assert(IsErrorCode(err, ErrCodePathResolution)).IsTrue()
p, err = fs.SafePath("/../test.txt")
g.Assert(IsErrorCode(err, ErrCodePathResolution)).IsTrue()
p, err = fs.SafePath("./foo/../../test.txt")
g.Assert(IsErrorCode(err, ErrCodePathResolution)).IsTrue()
p, err = fs.SafePath("..")
g.Assert(IsErrorCode(err, ErrCodePathResolution)).IsTrue()
// We test against accessing files outside the root directory in the tests, however it
// We test against accessing files outside the root directory in the tests, however it
// is still possible for someone to mess up and not properly use this safe path call. In
// is still possible for someone to mess up and not properly use this safe path call. In
// order to truly confirm this, we'll try to pass in a symlinked malicious file to all of
// order to truly confirm this, we'll try to pass in a symlinked malicious file to all of
@ -133,7 +61,7 @@ func TestFilesystem_Blocks_Symlinks(t *testing.T) {
err := fs.Writefile("symlinked.txt", r)
err := fs.Writefile("symlinked.txt", r)
g.Assert(IsErrorCode(err, ErrCodePathResolution)).IsTrue()
g.Assert(errors.Is(err, ufs.ErrBadPathResolution)).IsTrue("err is not ErrBadPathResolution")
g.It("cannot write to a non-existent file symlinked outside the root", func() {
g.It("cannot write to a non-existent file symlinked outside the root", func() {
@ -141,7 +69,7 @@ func TestFilesystem_Blocks_Symlinks(t *testing.T) {
err := fs.Writefile("symlinked_does_not_exist.txt", r)
err := fs.Writefile("symlinked_does_not_exist.txt", r)
g.Assert(IsErrorCode(err, ErrCodePathResolution)).IsTrue()
g.Assert(errors.Is(err, ufs.ErrBadPathResolution)).IsTrue("err is not ErrBadPathResolution")
g.It("cannot write to chained symlinks with target that does not exist outside the root", func() {
g.It("cannot write to chained symlinks with target that does not exist outside the root", func() {
@ -149,7 +77,7 @@ func TestFilesystem_Blocks_Symlinks(t *testing.T) {
err := fs.Writefile("symlinked_does_not_exist2.txt", r)
err := fs.Writefile("symlinked_does_not_exist2.txt", r)
g.Assert(IsErrorCode(err, ErrCodePathResolution)).IsTrue()
g.Assert(errors.Is(err, ufs.ErrBadPathResolution)).IsTrue("err is not ErrBadPathResolution")
g.It("cannot write a file to a directory symlinked outside the root", func() {
g.It("cannot write a file to a directory symlinked outside the root", func() {
@ -157,7 +85,7 @@ func TestFilesystem_Blocks_Symlinks(t *testing.T) {
err := fs.Writefile("external_dir/foo.txt", r)
err := fs.Writefile("external_dir/foo.txt", r)
g.Assert(IsErrorCode(err, ErrCodePathResolution)).IsTrue()
g.Assert(errors.Is(err, ufs.ErrNotDirectory)).IsTrue("err is not ErrNotDirectory")
@ -165,55 +93,54 @@ func TestFilesystem_Blocks_Symlinks(t *testing.T) {
g.It("cannot create a directory outside the root", func() {
g.It("cannot create a directory outside the root", func() {
err := fs.CreateDirectory("my_dir", "external_dir")
err := fs.CreateDirectory("my_dir", "external_dir")
g.Assert(IsErrorCode(err, ErrCodePathResolution)).IsTrue()
g.Assert(errors.Is(err, ufs.ErrNotDirectory)).IsTrue("err is not ErrNotDirectory")
g.It("cannot create a nested directory outside the root", func() {
g.It("cannot create a nested directory outside the root", func() {
err := fs.CreateDirectory("my/nested/dir", "external_dir/foo/bar")
err := fs.CreateDirectory("my/nested/dir", "external_dir/foo/bar")
g.Assert(IsErrorCode(err, ErrCodePathResolution)).IsTrue()
g.Assert(errors.Is(err, ufs.ErrNotDirectory)).IsTrue("err is not ErrNotDirectory")
g.It("cannot create a nested directory outside the root", func() {
g.It("cannot create a nested directory outside the root", func() {
err := fs.CreateDirectory("my/nested/dir", "external_dir/server")
err := fs.CreateDirectory("my/nested/dir", "external_dir/server")
g.Assert(IsErrorCode(err, ErrCodePathResolution)).IsTrue()
g.Assert(errors.Is(err, ufs.ErrNotDirectory)).IsTrue("err is not ErrNotDirectory")
g.Describe("Rename", func() {
g.Describe("Rename", func() {
g.It("cannot rename a file symlinked outside the directory root", func() {
g.It("can rename a file symlinked outside the directory root", func() {
err := fs.Rename("symlinked.txt", "foo.txt")
_, err := os.Lstat(filepath.Join(rfs.root, "server", "symlinked.txt"))
g.Assert(IsErrorCode(err, ErrCodePathResolution)).IsTrue()
err = fs.Rename("symlinked.txt", "foo.txt")
_, err = os.Lstat(filepath.Join(rfs.root, "server", "foo.txt"))
g.It("cannot rename a symlinked directory outside the root", func() {
g.It("can rename a symlinked directory outside the root", func() {
err := fs.Rename("external_dir", "foo")
_, err := os.Lstat(filepath.Join(rfs.root, "server", "external_dir"))
g.Assert(IsErrorCode(err, ErrCodePathResolution)).IsTrue()
err = fs.Rename("external_dir", "foo")
_, err = os.Lstat(filepath.Join(rfs.root, "server", "foo"))
g.It("cannot rename a file to a location outside the directory root", func() {
g.It("cannot rename a file to a location outside the directory root", func() {
rfs.CreateServerFileFromString("my_file.txt", "internal content")
_ = rfs.CreateServerFileFromString("my_file.txt", "internal content")
err := fs.Rename("my_file.txt", "external_dir/my_file.txt")
st, err := os.Lstat(filepath.Join(rfs.root, "server", "foo"))
g.Assert(IsErrorCode(err, ErrCodePathResolution)).IsTrue()
g.Assert(st.Mode()&ufs.ModeSymlink != 0).IsTrue()
g.Describe("Chown", func() {
err = fs.Rename("my_file.txt", "foo/my_file.txt")
g.It("cannot chown a file symlinked outside the directory root", func() {
g.Assert(errors.Is(err, ufs.ErrNotDirectory)).IsTrue()
err := fs.Chown("symlinked.txt")
g.Assert(IsErrorCode(err, ErrCodePathResolution)).IsTrue()
g.It("cannot chown a directory symlinked outside the directory root", func() {
st, err = os.Lstat(filepath.Join(rfs.root, "malicious_dir", "my_file.txt"))
err := fs.Chown("external_dir")
g.Assert(errors.Is(err, ufs.ErrNotExist)).IsTrue()
g.Assert(IsErrorCode(err, ErrCodePathResolution)).IsTrue()
@ -221,7 +148,7 @@ func TestFilesystem_Blocks_Symlinks(t *testing.T) {
g.It("cannot copy a file symlinked outside the directory root", func() {
g.It("cannot copy a file symlinked outside the directory root", func() {
err := fs.Copy("symlinked.txt")
err := fs.Copy("symlinked.txt")
g.Assert(IsErrorCode(err, ErrCodePathResolution)).IsTrue()
g.Assert(errors.Is(err, ufs.ErrNotExist)).IsTrue("err is not ErrNotExist")
@ -235,9 +162,9 @@ func TestFilesystem_Blocks_Symlinks(t *testing.T) {
_, err = rfs.StatServerFile("symlinked.txt")
_, err = rfs.StatServerFile("symlinked.txt")
g.Assert(errors.Is(err, os.ErrNotExist)).IsTrue()
g.Assert(errors.Is(err, ufs.ErrNotExist)).IsTrue("err is not ErrNotExist")
_ = fs.TruncateRootDirectory()
@ -1,16 +1,18 @@
package filesystem
package filesystem
import (
import (
type Stat struct {
type Stat struct {
Mimetype string
Mimetype string
@ -31,40 +33,31 @@ func (s *Stat) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
Created: s.CTime().Format(time.RFC3339),
Created: s.CTime().Format(time.RFC3339),
Modified: s.ModTime().Format(time.RFC3339),
Modified: s.ModTime().Format(time.RFC3339),
Mode: s.Mode().String(),
Mode: s.Mode().String(),
// Using `&os.ModePerm` on the file's mode will cause the mode to only have the permission values, and nothing else.
// Using `&ModePerm` on the file's mode will cause the mode to only have the permission values, and nothing else.
ModeBits: strconv.FormatUint(uint64(s.Mode()&os.ModePerm), 8),
ModeBits: strconv.FormatUint(uint64(s.Mode()&ufs.ModePerm), 8),
Size: s.Size(),
Size: s.Size(),
Directory: s.IsDir(),
Directory: s.IsDir(),
File: !s.IsDir(),
File: !s.IsDir(),
Symlink: s.Mode().Perm()&os.ModeSymlink != 0,
Symlink: s.Mode().Perm()&ufs.ModeSymlink != 0,
Mime: s.Mimetype,
Mime: s.Mimetype,
// Stat stats a file or folder and returns the base stat object from go along
func statFromFile(f ufs.File) (Stat, error) {
// with the MIME data that can be used for editing files.
s, err := f.Stat()
func (fs *Filesystem) Stat(p string) (Stat, error) {
cleaned, err := fs.SafePath(p)
if err != nil {
if err != nil {
return Stat{}, err
return Stat{}, err
return fs.unsafeStat(cleaned)
func (fs *Filesystem) unsafeStat(p string) (Stat, error) {
s, err := os.Stat(p)
if err != nil {
return Stat{}, err
var m *mimetype.MIME
var m *mimetype.MIME
if !s.IsDir() {
if !s.IsDir() {
m, err = mimetype.DetectFile(p)
m, err = mimetype.DetectReader(f)
if err != nil {
if err != nil {
return Stat{}, err
return Stat{}, err
if _, err := f.Seek(0, io.SeekStart); err != nil {
return Stat{}, err
st := Stat{
st := Stat{
FileInfo: s,
FileInfo: s,
Mimetype: "inode/directory",
Mimetype: "inode/directory",
@ -72,6 +65,20 @@ func (fs *Filesystem) unsafeStat(p string) (Stat, error) {
if m != nil {
if m != nil {
st.Mimetype = m.String()
st.Mimetype = m.String()
return st, nil
// Stat stats a file or folder and returns the base stat object from go along
// with the MIME data that can be used for editing files.
func (fs *Filesystem) Stat(p string) (Stat, error) {
f, err := fs.unixFS.Open(p)
if err != nil {
return Stat{}, err
defer f.Close()
st, err := statFromFile(f)
if err != nil {
return Stat{}, err
return st, nil
return st, nil
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