Refactor confusing & fragile event bus logic to use callbacks and not channels; ref pterodactyl/panel#2298

This commit is contained in:
Dane Everitt 2020-09-12 09:26:17 -07:00
parent 8407ea21da
commit 4ac19bd29d
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG Key ID: EEA66103B3D71F53
4 changed files with 113 additions and 106 deletions

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@ -2,6 +2,8 @@ package events
import (
@ -12,14 +14,13 @@ type Event struct {
type EventBus struct {
subscribers map[string]map[chan Event]struct{}
mu sync.RWMutex
callbacks map[string][]*func(Event)
func New() *EventBus {
return &EventBus{
subscribers: make(map[string]map[chan Event]struct{}),
callbacks: make(map[string][]*func(Event)),
@ -39,29 +40,27 @@ func (e *EventBus) Publish(topic string, data string) {
// Acquire a read lock and loop over all of the channels registered for the topic. This
// avoids a panic crash if the process tries to unregister the channel while this routine
// is running.
go func() {
defer e.RUnlock()
if ch, ok := e.subscribers[t]; ok {
e := Event{Data: data, Topic: topic}
for channel := range ch {
go func(channel chan Event, e Event) {
channel <- e
}(channel, e)
if _, ok := e.callbacks[t]; ok {
evt := Event{Data: data, Topic: topic}
for _, callback := range e.callbacks[t] {
go func(evt Event, callback func(Event)) {
}(evt, *callback)
// Publishes a JSON message to a given topic.
func (e *EventBus) PublishJson(topic string, data interface{}) error {
b, err := json.Marshal(data)
if err != nil {
return err
return errors.WithStack(err)
e.Publish(topic, string(b))
@ -69,45 +68,65 @@ func (e *EventBus) PublishJson(topic string, data interface{}) error {
return nil
// Subscribe to an emitter topic using a channel.
func (e *EventBus) Subscribe(topics []string, ch chan Event) {
defer e.Unlock()
// Register a callback function that will be executed each time one of the events using the topic
// name is called.
func (e *EventBus) On(topic string, callback *func(Event)) {
for _, topic := range topics {
if _, exists := e.subscribers[topic]; !exists {
e.subscribers[topic] = make(map[chan Event]struct{})
// Check if this topic has been registered at least once for the event listener, and if
// not create an empty struct for the topic.
if _, exists := e.callbacks[topic]; !exists {
e.callbacks[topic] = make([]*func(Event), 0)
// Only set the channel if there is not currently a matching one for this topic. This
// avoids registering two identical listeners for the same topic and causing pain in
// the unsubscribe functionality as well.
if _, exists := e.subscribers[topic][ch]; !exists {
e.subscribers[topic][ch] = struct{}{}
// If this callback is not already registered as an event listener, go ahead and append
// it to the array of callbacks for this topic.
if e.index(topic, reflect.ValueOf(callback)) < 0 {
e.callbacks[topic] = append(e.callbacks[topic], callback)
// Removes an event listener from the bus.
func (e *EventBus) Off(topic string, callback *func(Event)) {
i := e.index(topic, reflect.ValueOf(callback))
// If i < 0 it means there was no index found for the given callback, meaning it was
// never registered or was already unregistered from the listeners. Also double check
// that we didn't somehow escape the length of the topic callback (not sure how that
// would happen, but lets avoid a panic condition).
if i < 0 || i >= len(e.callbacks[topic]) {
// We can assume that the topic still exists at this point since we acquire an exclusive
// lock on the process, and the "e.index" function cannot return a value >= 0 if there is
// no topic already existing.
e.callbacks[topic] = append(e.callbacks[topic][:i], e.callbacks[topic][i+1:]...)
// Removes all of the event listeners that have been registered for any topic.
func (e *EventBus) RemoveAll() {
e.callbacks = make(map[string][]*func(Event))
// Finds the index of a given callback in the topic by comparing all of the registered callback
// pointers to the passed function. This function does not aquire a lock as it should only be called
// within the confines of a function that has already acquired a lock for the duration of the lookup.
func (e *EventBus) index(topic string, v reflect.Value) int {
if _, ok := e.callbacks[topic]; ok {
for i, handler := range e.callbacks[topic] {
if reflect.ValueOf(handler).Pointer() == v.Pointer() {
return i
// Unsubscribe a channel from a given topic.
func (e *EventBus) Unsubscribe(topics []string, ch chan Event) {
defer e.Unlock()
for _, topic := range topics {
if _, exists := e.subscribers[topic][ch]; exists {
delete(e.subscribers[topic], ch)
// Removes all of the event listeners for the server. This is used when a server
// is being deleted to avoid a bunch of de-reference errors cropping up. Obviously
// should also check elsewhere and handle a server reference going nil, but this
// won't hurt.
func (e *EventBus) UnsubscribeAll() {
defer e.Unlock()
// Reset the entire struct into an empty map.
e.subscribers = make(map[string]map[chan Event]struct{})
return -1

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@ -198,7 +198,7 @@ func deleteServer(c *gin.Context) {
// Unsubscribe all of the event listeners.
// Destroy the environment; in Docker this will handle a running container and
// forcibly terminate it before removing the container, so we do not need to handle

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@ -51,22 +51,25 @@ var e = []string{
// to the connected websocket.
func (h *Handler) ListenForServerEvents(ctx context.Context) {
h.server.Log().Debug("listening for server events over websocket")
callback := func(e events.Event) {
if err := h.SendJson(&Message{Event: e.Topic, Args: []string{e.Data}}); err != nil {
h.server.Log().WithField("error", err).Warn("error while sending server data over websocket")
eventChannel := make(chan events.Event)
h.server.Events().Subscribe(e, eventChannel)
// Subscribe to all of the events with the same callback that will push the data out over the
// websocket for the server.
for _, evt := range e {
h.server.Events().On(evt, &callback)
go func(ctx context.Context) {
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
h.server.Events().Unsubscribe(e, eventChannel)
// Once this context is stopped, de-register all of the listeners that have been registered.
for _, evt := range e {
h.server.Events().Off(evt, &callback)
for d := range eventChannel {
if err := h.SendJson(&Message{Event: d.Topic, Args: []string{d.Data}}); err != nil {
h.server.Log().WithField("error", err).Warn("error while sending server data over websocket")

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@ -11,40 +11,28 @@ import (
// Adds all of the internal event listeners we want to use for a server.
// Adds all of the internal event listeners we want to use for a server. These listeners can only be
// removed by deleting the server as they should last for the duration of the process' lifetime.
func (s *Server) StartEventListeners() {
console := make(chan events.Event)
state := make(chan events.Event)
stats := make(chan events.Event)
go func(console chan events.Event) {
for data := range console {
console := func(e events.Event) {
// Immediately emit this event back over the server event stream since it is
// being called from the environment event stream and things probably aren't
// listening to that event.
s.Events().Publish(ConsoleOutputEvent, data.Data)
s.Events().Publish(ConsoleOutputEvent, e.Data)
// Also pass the data along to the console output channel.
s.Log().Fatal("unexpected end-of-range for server console channel")
go func(state chan events.Event) {
for data := range state {
state := func(e events.Event) {
s.Log().Fatal("unexpected end-of-range for server state channel")
go func(stats chan events.Event) {
for data := range stats {
stats := func(e events.Event) {
st := new(environment.Stats)
if err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(data.Data), st); err != nil {
if err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(e.Data), st); err != nil {
s.Log().WithField("error", errors.WithStack(err)).Warn("failed to unmarshal server environment stats")
// Update the server resource tracking object with the resources we got here.
@ -57,13 +45,10 @@ func (s *Server) StartEventListeners() {
s.Log().Fatal("unexpected end-of-range for server stats channel")
s.Log().Info("registering event listeners: console, state, resources...")
s.Environment.Events().Subscribe([]string{environment.ConsoleOutputEvent}, console)
s.Environment.Events().Subscribe([]string{environment.StateChangeEvent}, state)
s.Environment.Events().Subscribe([]string{environment.ResourceEvent}, stats)
s.Environment.Events().On(environment.ConsoleOutputEvent, &console)
s.Environment.Events().On(environment.StateChangeEvent, &state)
s.Environment.Events().On(environment.ResourceEvent, &stats)
var stripAnsiRegex = regexp.MustCompile("[\u001B\u009B][[\\]()#;?]*(?:(?:(?:[a-zA-Z\\d]*(?:;[a-zA-Z\\d]*)*)?\u0007)|(?:(?:\\d{1,4}(?:;\\d{0,4})*)?[\\dA-PRZcf-ntqry=><~]))")