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package middleware
import (
// RequestError is a custom error type returned when something goes wrong with
// any of the HTTP endpoints.
type RequestError struct {
err error
status int
msg string
// NewError returns a new RequestError for the provided error.
func NewError(err error) *RequestError {
return &RequestError{
// Attach a stacktrace to the error if it is missing at this point and mark it
// as originating from the location where NewError was called, rather than this
// specific point in the code.
err: errors.WithStackDepthIf(err, 1),
// SetMessage allows for a custom error message to be set on an existing
// RequestError instance.
func (re *RequestError) SetMessage(m string) {
re.msg = m
// SetStatus sets the HTTP status code for the error response. By default this
// is a HTTP-500 error.
func (re *RequestError) SetStatus(s int) {
re.status = s
// Abort aborts the given HTTP request with the specified status code and then
// logs the event into the logs. The error that is output will include the unique
// request ID if it is present.
func (re *RequestError) Abort(c *gin.Context, status int) {
reqId := c.Writer.Header().Get("X-Request-Id")
// Generate the base logger instance, attaching the unique request ID and
// the URL that was requested.
event := log.WithField("request_id", reqId).WithField("url", c.Request.URL.String())
// If there is a server present in the gin.Context stack go ahead and pull it
// and attach that server UUID to the logs as well so that we can see what specific
// server triggered this error.
if s, ok := c.Get("server"); ok {
if s, ok := s.(*server.Server); ok {
event = event.WithField("server_id", s.ID())
if c.Writer.Status() == 200 {
// Handle context deadlines being exceeded a little differently since we want
// to report a more user-friendly error and a proper error code. The "context
// canceled" error is generally when a request is terminated before all of the
// logic is finished running.
if errors.Is(re.err, context.DeadlineExceeded) {
re.SetMessage("The server could not process this request in time, please try again.")
} else if strings.Contains(re.Cause().Error(), "context canceled") {
re.SetMessage("Request aborted by client.")
// c.Writer.Status() will be a non-200 value if the headers have already been sent
// to the requester but an error is encountered. This can happen if there is an issue
// marshaling a struct placed into a c.JSON() call (or c.AbortWithJSON() call).
if status >= 500 || c.Writer.Status() != 200 {
event.WithField("status", status).WithField("error", re.err).Error("error while handling HTTP request")
} else {
event.WithField("status", status).WithField("error", re.err).Debug("error handling HTTP request (not a server error)")
if re.msg == "" {
re.msg = "An unexpected error was encountered while processing this request"
// Now abort the request with the error message and include the unique request
// ID that was present to make things super easy on people who don't know how
// or cannot view the response headers (where X-Request-Id would be present).
c.AbortWithStatusJSON(status, gin.H{"error": re.msg, "request_id": reqId})
// Cause returns the underlying error.
func (re *RequestError) Cause() error {
return re.err
// Error returns the underlying error message for this request.
func (re *RequestError) Error() string {
return re.err.Error()
// Looks at the given RequestError and determines if it is a specific filesystem
// error that we can process and return differently for the user.
// Some external things end up calling fmt.Errorf() on our filesystem errors
// which ends up just unleashing chaos on the system. For the sake of this,
// fallback to using text checks.
// If the error passed into this call is nil or does not match empty values will
// be returned to the caller.
func (re *RequestError) asFilesystemError() (int, string) {
err := re.Cause()
if err == nil {
return 0, ""
if filesystem.IsErrorCode(err, filesystem.ErrNotExist) ||
filesystem.IsErrorCode(err, filesystem.ErrCodePathResolution) ||
strings.Contains(err.Error(), "resolves to a location outside the server root") {
return http.StatusNotFound, "The requested resources was not found on the system."
if filesystem.IsErrorCode(err, filesystem.ErrCodeDenylistFile) || strings.Contains(err.Error(), "filesystem: file access prohibited") {
return http.StatusForbidden, "This file cannot be modified: present in egg denylist."
if filesystem.IsErrorCode(err, filesystem.ErrCodeIsDirectory) || strings.Contains(err.Error(), "filesystem: is a directory") {
return http.StatusBadRequest, "Cannot perform that action: file is a directory."
if filesystem.IsErrorCode(err, filesystem.ErrCodeDiskSpace) || strings.Contains(err.Error(), "filesystem: not enough disk space") {
return http.StatusBadRequest, "There is not enough disk space available to perform that action."
if strings.HasSuffix(err.Error(), "file name too long") {
return http.StatusBadRequest, "Cannot perform that action: file name is too long."
if e, ok := err.(*os.SyscallError); ok && e.Syscall == "readdirent" {
return http.StatusNotFound, "The requested directory does not exist."
return 0, ""